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I stand at the seashore alone and start to
think. There are rushing waves, mountains of
molecules, each stupidly minding its own
business, trillions apart yet forming white
surf in unison
Out of the cradle onto dry land, here it is
standing, atoms with consciousness, matter
with curiosity, stands at the sea, wonders at
wondering, I, a universe of atoms an atom in
the universe.
Richard Feynman, citat în: Zoltan Torey. The Crucible of
Consciousness. MIT Press. 2009
I was sitting by the ocean one late summer
afternoon, watching the waves rolling in and
feeling the rhythm of my breathing, when I
suddenly became aware of my whole environment
as being engaged in a gigantic cosmic dance.

Fritjof Capra. The Tao of Physics. 1975

More wisdom is latent in things-as-they-are
than in all the words men use.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery citat în: Zen-Brain Reflections

Meditation, enlightenment, and consciousness

are complex topics. The Path of Zen and its
intricate interrelationships with the
neurosciences call out for some temporary
James H. Austin. Zen-Brain Reflections. MIT 2006
Man is as necessary a factor in the development
of universal order as is the mightiest of the
central suns.
Omul este un factor la fel de necesar în dezvoltarea
ordinii universale precum grandoarea unui soare
The mind peers into the world of phenomena
weaving the warp and woof of sense experience.
Mintea privește în lumea feomenologică împletind
urzeala și bătătura sensului experențial.
Walter Winston Kenilworth. Psychic Control.
R.F. Fenno & Company. New York 1910
To-day there is a wide
measure of agreement,
which on the physical
side of science approaches
almost to unanimity:
that the stream of
knowledge is heading
towards a non-
mechanical reality;
the universe begins to
look more like a great
thought than like a
great machine.
The functions of the human brain are the last
major challenge to science. Despite having made
rapid strides in understanding the cosmos,
subatomic particles, molecular biology, and
genetics, we still know very little about the
organ that made these discoveries possible. How
does the activity of 100 billion nerve cells -mere
wisps of protoplasm that constitute the brain-
give rise to the broad spectrum of abilities that
we call consciousness, mind, and human
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain. A P 2001
Clearly, this is a vital dimension of knowledge,
experience, and creativity to which orthodox
science, a science of probabilities, has not and
cannot fully convey.
It is an advancement of the mind, one that in
turn accelerates the advancement of science and,
thus, the evolution of civilization.

Berenson G Bernard and Carkhuff F Robert. The Possibilities Mind.

Conversations With God, Einstein, and Others. Possibilities Publishing, Inc. 2001
"Humans make, their own brain, but they do
not know, that they make it.

Once again, it seems that the neuronal revolution

has revolutionized nothing for us, if it is true that
our new brains serve only to displace ourselves
better, work better, feel better, or obey better.

• CATHERINE MALABOU. What should we do with our

brain?. Fordham University Press.2008
Evoluția și dezvoltarea sistemului nervos
I have hitherto sometimes spoken as if the variations
...had been due to chance. This, of course, is a wholly
incorrect expression, but it serves to acknowledge
plainly our ignorance of the cause of each particular
But the much greater ... leads me to believe that
deviations of structure are in some way due to the
nature of the conditions of life, to which the parents
and their more remote ancestors have been exposed
during several generations.
The male and female sexual elements seem to be
affected before that union takes place which is to form
a new being.
C. DARWIN.On the Origin of Species. OUP 1996.
Am vorbit până acum ca și cum variantele (genetice)
... s-ar fi datorat întâmplării. Aceasta, desigur, este o
expresie total incorectă, dar servește pentru a
recunoaște în mod clar ignoranța noastră asupra
cauzei fiecărei variații particulare.
Dar, mai important ... mă determină să cred că
abaterile de structură sunt într-un fel determinate de
natura condițiilor vieții, la care părinții și strămoșii
lor mai îndepărtați au fost expuși în mai multe
Elementele (celulele) sexuale masculine și feminine
par a fi afectate înainte ca acea unire, care va forma o
ființă nouă, să aibă loc.
C. DARWIN.On the Origin of Species. OUP 1996.
Neural stem cells (NSCs) can be defined as cells
that can generate all the cell types in the brain,
whereas neural progenitors (NPs) have more
restricted potential. During development, NSCs
initially expand through symmetric self-
renewing divisions.
Later, they undergo asymmetric neurogenic
divisions in which one of the daughter cells
remains a proliferating progenitor and the other
daughter cell undergoes differentiation after one
or multiple rounds of transit amplifying
divisions. Homem CC et al. Proliferation control in neural stem and
progenitor cells. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 November ; 16(11)
To provide a vascularized and functional in vivo model of
brain organoids, we established a method for transplan-
ting human brain organoids into the adult mouse brain.
Organoid grafts showed progressive neuronal differentia-
tion and maturation, gliogenesis, integration of micro-
glia, and growth of axons to multiple regions of the host
brain. In vivo two-photon imaging demonstrated functio-
nal neuronal networks and blood vessels in the grafts.

Finally, in vivo extracellular recording combined with

optogenetics revealed intragraft neuronal activity and
suggested graft-to-host functional synaptic connectivity.
Mansour A.A et al. An in vivo model of functional and vascularized
human brain organoids. Nat. Biotchnol. 36(5).2018
Some neuroscientists working
with lab-grown human “mini
brains” worry they could be
experiencing an endless horror,
with a conscious existence with
no body.

While it’s never been

demonstrated that a mini brain
has become conscious or
sentient, the researchers believe
that the risk is too great to
continue using.
Prima etapă în realizarea circuitele creierului -
stabilirea unor regiuni distincte ale creierului,
generația de neuroni, formarea principalelor
tracturi axonice, ghidarea conectării axonilor cu
țintele corespunzătoare și inițierea
sinaptogenezei - se bazează în mare parte pe
mecanismele intrinseci celulare și moleculare,
controlate genetic

Purves Dale. et al. Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004.

In etapa a doua- postnatală, activitatea
neuronală, determinată de experiența
individuală, modelează conexiunile și circuitele
sinaptice în grade diferite în funcție de vârstă și
impactul factorilor experențiali, asigurând un
mecanism prin care mediul poate influența
structura și funcțiile creierului.

Expresia secvențială genică controlează dezvoltarea embrionului în regiuni și segmente la

drosofila și om. Purves al. Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004.
Brain development is characterized by a
convergence of genetic (nature) and
environmental (nurture) influences. The
genome does not contain enough
information to make a brain on its own, so
genes have evolved to exploit information
coming from the environment; information
essential for fine-tuning developing
neuronal networks
Anil Seth. 30-SECOND BRAIN - The 50 most mind-blowing ideas in
neuroscience, each explained in half a minute. Ivy Press Limited. UK.2013
Genetic evidence published in 2005 suggested
that it is. A team at the University of Chicago
identified two versions of genes involved in
brain development that had appeared
relatively recently in human history –
microcephalin and ASPM. The first appeared
around 37,000 years ago, the other
approximately 5,800 years ago. !?

Anil Seth 30-SECOND BRAIN The 50 most mind-blowing ideas in

neuroscience, each explained in half a minute. Ivy Press Limited. UK.2013
The early development of the nervous system is
dominated by events that occur prior to the
formation of synapses and are therefore
These early events include the establishment of
the primordial nervous system in the embryo,
the initial generation of neurons from
undifferentiated precursor cells, the formation
of the major brain regions, and the migration
of neurons from sites of generation to their
final positions. Neurulation in the mammalian embryo. Purves al.
Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004
Neurulation in the mammalian embryo. Purves al.
Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004
This speculation has an intriguing parallel
in Drosophila. In the fly, the
gene for the cell adhesion molecule
DSCAM (the fly ortholog of the
down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, the
gene for which is located
on chromosome 21, the chromosome that is
duplicated in Down syndrome)
has approximately 38,000 isoforms based
upon the numbers of exons in the
gene and predicted splicing

Expresia secvențială genică controlează dezvoltarea embrionului în regiuni și segmente la

drosofila și om. Purves al. Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004.
Structura conului de creștere

Purves al. Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004

Generarea și migrarea neuronilor
Genetic Abnormalities -Brain Development
-hydrocephalus can be traced to mutations of
genes on the X chromosome, especially those
in the L1 cell adhesion molecule
-fragile-X syndrome, the most -common form
of congenital mental retardation, is associated
with triplet repeats in a subset of genes on the
X chromosome,
-aniridia (characterized by loss of the iris in
the eye and mild mental retardation) and
-Waardenburg syndrome (characterized by
craniofacial abnormalities, spina bifida, and
hearing loss) are caused by mutations in the
Pax6 and Pax3 genes.
Genetic Abnormalities -Brain Development
-autism and other severe social or learning
impairments have been linked in some cases
to mutations in specific genes (including some
of the Wnt family),
-Down syndrome or trisomy 21, which is
caused by the duplication of part or all of
chromosome 21
Construction of Neural Circuits
Two central features of neural circuits
must be established after neurons are
generated and have migrated to their final
positions. First, nerve cells in different
regions must be linked together via axon
Second, orderly synaptic connections must
be made among appropriate pre- and
postsynaptic partners.
There is, however,one more issue in generating
the final complement of neurons. A general—
and surprising—strategy in the development of
vertebrates is the production of an initial
surplus of nerve cells (on the order of two- or
threefold); the final population is subsequently
established by the death of those neurons that
fail to interact successfully with their intended
targets (see below). The elimination of super-
numerary neurons is now known to be mediated
- neurotrophic factors.
(A) Limb bud amputation in a chick embryo at the appropriate stage of development
(about 2.5 days of incubation) depletes the pool of motor neurons that would have
innervated the missing extremity.
(B)A cross section of the lumbar spinal cord in an embryo that underwent this
surgery about a week earlier.
(C) Adding an extra limb bud before the normal period of cell death rescues
neurons that normally would have died.
(D) Such augmentation leads to an abnormally large number of limb motor
neurons (dots) on the side related to the extra limb.
... a number of investigators have identified
some of the molecular cues that guide the
formation of neuromuscular junctions
...molecule called agrin is now known to be
responsible for initiating some of the events
that lead to the formation of a fully functional
Agrin was originally identified as a result of
its influence in the reinnervation of frog
neuromuscular junctions following damage to
the motor nerve
Growth cones detect and respond to
signaling molecules that identify correct
pathways, prohibit incorrect trajectories,
and ultimately facilitate functional synaptic
partnerships. These include cell surface
adhesion molecules and diffusible signals
that either attract or repel growing axons. In
addition, secreted growth factors influence
axon growth and synapse formation as well
as regulating appropriate numbers
of connections between axons and their
Once neuronal populations are established by
this winnowing, trophic interactions continue
to modulate the formation of synaptic
connections, beginning in embryonic life and
extending far beyond birth.

Purves al. Neuroscience. Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. 2004

The construction of the brain during embryonic
development was thought to be largely
independent of its electrical activity.
However, recent findings demonstrate that
activity plays essential roles in early
development of the nervous system
The extensive involvement of activity makes it
likely that it is required at all developmental
stages as a necessary partner with genetic
Nicholas C. Spitzer. Electrical activity in early neuronal
development. NATURE. Vol 444/7. 2006
Migration of neurons and differentiation
includes maturation of electrical excitability,
transmitter specification, and outgrowth
of axons and dendrites.

...newly discovered functions of electrical

activity in these events that follow neural
induction and precede synapse formation.

Nicholas C. Spitzer. Electrical activity in early neuronal development.

NATURE. Vol 444/7. 2006
Spontaneous electrical activity can regulate
the level of excitability of cells by controlling
the expression of ion channels generating
Ca currents are expressed before the appearance
of rapidly activated outward and inwardly
rectifying potassium currents, engendering a
period of spontaneous activity.
When Ca-dependent action potentials are
blocked, developmental expression of the rapidly
activated potassium current is specifically
suppressed. Nicholas C. Spitzer. Electrical activity in early neuronal
development. NATURE. Vol 444/7. 2006
These results demonstrate feedback loops by
which early forms of electrical activity regulate
intrinsic excitability and can limit the
embryonic period during which activity triggers
developmental programs
A second feature of neuronal differentiation
is the specification of neurotransmitter phenotype.
This process depends on early electrical activity
in a number of systems, in conjunction with
cell-specific transcription factor expression or
action of trophic factors
Nicholas C. Spitzer. Electrical activity in early
neuronal development. NATURE. Vol 444/7. 2006
A model of growth control system suggests that
the organizers in embryogenesis continue to
exist and partially retain their function after
embryogenesis. The organizers are the
macroscopic singular points of the morphogen
gradient and bioelectric fields. They have higher
metabolic rate, higher density of gap junctions
and stem cells than the surrounding tissue.

Li Z., Shang Ch. Where have the organizers gone? – The growth control system as a
foundation of physiology. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2016
Changes in bioelectric field at organizers precede
the morphological and anatomical changes in
morphogenesis and pathogenesis. Subtle per-
turbations at organizers can cause long lasting
systemic effects. These features of organizers can
be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
such as regenerative medicine. The growth control
system is embedded in various physiological
systems and is part of the foundation of physiology
and pathophysiology.

Li Z., Shang Ch. Where have the organizers gone? – The growth control system as a
foundation of physiology. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2016
It is in this context that we would like to
consider the genomic “darkmatter,” one of
the major mysteries of the post-genome
era. Perhaps no other topic in
contemporary genomics has inspired such
diverse viewpoints as the 95+% of the
genome,previously known as “junk
DNA,” that does not code for proteins.
Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: Focus on soma to germline information
transfer. A. Sharma Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2012)
Biophotons may represent a complex cell-to-cell
communication that relies upon speed of light
transmission. The physics of light seems to fit the
biological observations. Light is the most efficient
and fastest mediator of information in the world

The coherent property of biophotons may have a

profound effect on their ability to influence
information transfer. Frequency coding gives
light a capability of encoding information from
DNA in biophotons.
Charles L. Sanders. Speculations about Bystander and Biophotons.
Dose-Response, 12:515–517, 2014
A theoretical framework is developed based on the
premise that brains evolved into suffciently complex
adaptive systems capable of instantiating genomic
consciousness through self-awareness and complex
interactions that recognize qualitatively the
controlling factors of biological processes.
Specifically the process of radiative relaxation of the
electro-solitons allows for the transfer of energy via
interactions with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
molecules to induce conformational changes in DNA
molecules producing an ultra weak non-thermal
spontaneous emission of coherent biophotons through
a quantum effect. Cacha A L. Genomic instantiation of consciousness
in neurons through a biophoton field theory. Journal
of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2014)
The invention concerns a method, a system and a
device for producing, from a substance, electric
signals characteristic of the biological activity of an
active element contained in the substance.
It is possible to modify the biological and/or chemical
activity or the biological and/or chemical behaviour
of a biological receptor system by submitting it to the
effects of characteristic electric signals.
In fact, the application of characteristic electric
signals, via an appropriate transducer, generates
magnetic fields which penetrate into the bacteria,
viruses or cells and modify their chemical and/or
biological behaviour.
It is possible to store the characteristic electric signals
in data banks, using computer techniques. Then, the
spread of therapeutic resources, from one point to the
other on the planet, is instantaneous according to
“Learning is the process by which
we acquire knowledge about the
". . . memory is the process by which
that knowledge of the world is
encoded, stored, and later retrieved.“
I had progressed from the naive
notion of trying to find the ego id,
and superego in the brain to the
slightly less vague idea that finding
the biological basis of memory might
be an effective approach to under-
standing higher mental processes.

In a large sense, learning and

memory are central to our very
identity. They make us who we are…
Tipuri de memorie
Memorie înnăscută
Memorie dobândită
Memorie de durata scurtă
Memorie de durată lungă
Memoria implică modificări complexe
moleculare, celulare și sitemice având ca
rezultat formarea de circuite și retea de
circuite electrochimice.
Mecanisme moleculare ale
învăţării şi memoriei
-declanşarea reflexului de retracţie a
sifonului şi branhiei (siphon-and gill-
withdrawal) poate fi obţinută prin
stimularea fie a sifonului fie a
mantalei- fiecare având inervaţie
senzitivă diferită
Mecanisme moleculare ale
învăţării şi memeriei

-reflexul de retracţie a sifonului şi

branhiei (siphon-and gill-withdrawal)
poate fi îmbunătăţit prin sensibilizare
şi condiţionare clasică
Habituarea implică neuroni
senzitivi,motori şi interneuroni
Sensibilizarea prin acţiunea unui
stimul nociv
Condiţionarea clasică
-se obţine prin asocierea stimulului
condiţionat (SC) acţionând asupra
oricărei zone cu un stimul
necondiţionat (SN) (nociv) acţionând
asupra cozii
-SC acţionează cu 0,5 s înaintea SN
Mecanisme moleculare ale
condiţionării clasice
-SN activează interneuronii
modulatori (facilitatori)care vor
activa neuronii senzitivi imediat
după stimularea de către SC
-Influxul de Ca2+ indus de SC în
neuronii presinaptici (facilitare)
activează Ca-calmodulina
Facilitarea presinaptică implicată în
senzitizarea de scurtă durată
Memoria înnăscută
Memorie innăscută
In transgenerational epigenetic inheritance,
phenotypic information not encoded in DNA
sequence is transmitted across generations. In
germline-dependent mode, memory of
environmental exposure in parental generation
is transmitted through gametes, leading to
appearance of phenotypes in the unexposed
future generations. The memory is considered
to be encoded in epigenetic factors like DNA
methylation, histone modifications and
regulatory RNAs
Environmental exposure may cause epigenetic
modifications in the germline either directly or
indirectly through primarily affecting the soma.
The latter possibility is most intriguing because
it contradicts the established dogma that
hereditary information flows only from
germline to soma, not in reverse. As such,
identification of the factor(s) mediating soma to
germline information transfer in
transgenerational epigenetic inheritance would
be pathbreaking
Factors such as RNAs and hormones, including
neurohormones and neuropeptides, have
previously been considered to potentially
mediate soma to germline communication in
epigenetic inheritance
In last decade, small non-coding RNAs
(sncRNAs) such as small interfering RNAs
(siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) …have
emerged as master regulators of gene expression
in eukaryotes
Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: Focus on soma to germline information
transfer. A. Sharma Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2012)
Gary Lynch and Richard Granger. Big brain : the origins and future of human
intelligence PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 2008
There are other modulators, such as norepine-
phrine and serotonin, each with their unique and
powerful effects on the cortex. All of these
ancient brain regions and modulatory projecti-
ons, which we inherit directly from the earliest
vertebrates, are activated and deactivated by
basic biological variables such as body
temperature, hormone levels, time of day,
hunger, and so on.
The less cortex in a brain, the more it is
dominated by these lower mechanisms.
Gary Lynch and Richard Granger. Big brain : the origins and future of human intelligence
Boron pag. 313
Higher regions, receiving these messages, are
coerced to change their behavior. The amygdala,
for instance, which we showed generates
emotion-related behaviors, is strongly affected by
inputs from the ancient autonomous
regulatory systems.
As the cortex expands, the disproportionately
increased association areas provide ever-greater
influence over structures like the amygdala.
The bigger the cortex, the more it wrests control
from the whims of the ancient projections.
Gary Lynch and Richard Granger. Big brain : the origins and future of human intelligence
The battle is never completely won. The touch of the
ancient modulators is felt in mood, quality of sleep,
the surreal world of dreams, and the nervousness
triggered by flashing red lights

Antianxiety treatments such as Prozac, Zoloft, and

Paxil are aimed precisely at one of these modulators,
the serotonin system

Gary Lynch and Richard Granger. Big brain : the origins and future of human intelligence
It is even possible that the enormous human
association cortex can be trained to
supernormal levels of control over the
serotonin, dopamine, and other systems.

Perhaps here is an explanation for the lucky or

talented few who carry on in the face of
tremendous stress, or for the inner calm that
certain esoteric practices are said to produce.
Gary Lynch and Richard Granger. Big brain : the origins and future of human intelligence
Stress is a phenomenon being all around us, but
seemingly being too well known and too little
understood at the same time, despite the fact
that the field has advanced enormously
over recent years.
We have learned that stress can shape various
types of behaviour in the individual long after
exposure to the stressor itself has terminated.
Exposure to a stressful stimulus during the
perinatal period, for example, can have long-term
consequences over weeks and months, well into
T. Steckler et al. Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Elsevier. 2005
This is accompanied by a variety of characteristic
neurochemical, endocrine and anatomical changes
in the brain, leading, for example, to changes in
neural plasticity and cognitive function, motivation
and emotionality.

Activity in higher brain areas in turn will shape

the response to acute and chronic stress and there
are intricate interactions with, for example,
immune functions.
T. Steckler et al. Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Elsevier. 2005
Commit yourself to your own magnificence.
Every time you look into a mirror, remind
yourself that what stares back at you is not
an ever-changing body, but an invisibleness
that is truly your highest self.
Affirm: I am love, I am God, I am worthy, I
am infinite, silently and out loud

You will awaken to the incredible miracle that

you are.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. You are what you think : 365 meditations for
purposeful living. Hay House Inc., 2018.
The people who are part of the solution are
going to say: this is the condition of the
world, these are the things that are, and I am
going to process them in such a way that I
can change it.
My intention is to do all that I can to elevate
the collective consciousness to be more closely
in rapport with the Spirit of the originating
supreme power of intention.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. You are what you think : 365 meditations for
purposeful living. Hay House Inc., 2018.
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a
pharmacological method of making people love
their servitude, and producing dictatorship
without tears, so to speak, producing a kind
of painless concentration camp for entire
societies, so that people will in fact have
their liberties taken away from them, but
will rather enjoy it, because they will be
distracted from any desire to rebel by
propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing
enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this
seems to be the final revolution."
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
În următoarea generație va exista o metodă
farmacologică de a face pe oameni să-și iubească
servitutea și să producă dictatură fără lacrimi, ca să zic
așa, să producă un fel de tabără de concentrare fără
dureri pentru întreaga societate, astfel încât oamenii să
nu aibă de fapt libertăți, dar se vor bucura mai degrabă
de această stare, pentru că vor fi distrași de orice dorință
de a se revolta prin propagandă sau spălare a creierului,
eventual, îmbunătățită prin metode farmacologice. Și
aceasta pare a fi ultima revoluție
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

Comentariu: Al. Huxley nu a bănuit posibilitatea ”educației” de a contribui la

diminuarea identității individului prin uniformizare (L.Z)
”Dacă cercetătorii din domeniul
neuroștiințelor și a disciplinelor conexe
s-ar uni în jurul unui mic set de obiective,
oportunitatea pentru avansarea
înțelegerii noastre a creierului și a funcției
mentale ar fi imensă. Întrebările trebuie
să aprindă sufletul și să agite spiritul,
dar, de asemenea, să fie abordabile într-un
mod riguros științific.
From Molecules to Mind- Challenges for the 21st Century. The National Academies
Press. 2008
”Scopul vieții este să fim fericiți. Ca practicant
buddist, am ajuns la concluzia că propria
atitudine mentală reprezintă cel mai important
factor în drumul spre atingerea acestui scop.
Pentru a schimba condițiile din afara propriei
noastre ființe, indiferent că este vorba despre
mediul înconjurător sau despre relațiile noastre
cu ceilalți, trebuie mai întâi să facem schimbări
în lumea din interiorul nostru” !?
Dalai Lama, în Cuvânt înainte la Gânduri fără gânditor. Mark Epstein.
Editura Herald. 2013.
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, the question of consciousness lay
outside the boundaries of normal science. It
was a fuzzy, ill-defined domain whose
subjectivity put it forever beyond the reach
of objective experimentation. For many
years, no serious researcher would touch the
problem: speculating about consciousness
was a tolerated hobby for the aging
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the
Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
The word consciousness, as we use it in every-
day speech, is loaded with fuzzy meanings,
covering a broad range of complex phenomena.
The contemporary science of consciousness
distinguishes a minimum of three concepts:
-vigilance—the state of wakefulness, which
varies when we fall asleep or wake up
-attention—the focusing of our mental
resources onto a specific piece of information
-conscious access—the fact that some of the
attended information eventually enters our
awareness and becomes reportable to others.
Stanislas Dehaene. 2014
Some philosophers still think that none of the
above ideas will suffice to solve the problem. The
heart of the problem, they believe, lies in another
sense of consciousness, which they call
“phenomenal awareness”: the intuitive feeling,
present in all of us, that our internal
experiences possess exclusive qualities, unique
qualia such as the exquisite sharpness of tooth
pain or the inimitable greenness of a fresh leaf.
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the
Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
Conştiinţa –formă de existenţă a Informaţiei
fenomenologice cuprinsă în profunzimile lumii
materiale: informateria şi lumatia care există şi
fiinţează una prin alta, dincolo de nivelul cuatic,
generând şi susţinând universul în toate
dimensiunile sale fundamentale: materie, spaţiu,
timp, mişcare.

M. Drăgănescu in Medias Res. EA. 2004

La început Informația
era este ceea ce dă It from
Cuvântul structură în Bit
Biblia. Evanghelia materiei… J. A.d Wheeler
dupa Ioan, Cap.1 M.Drăgănescu

It is a thought wandering around for some

thinker to lodge itself in.
Chris Mawson. The complete works of W. R. Bion. Karnac Books. 2014 .

Mintea este Informația din Univers cuibărită în

Ființa noastră.
Informația este componenta fundamentală
a existentei. Însăşi conştiinţa este o forma
de informaţie.
Informateria este principiul creativ, care
se exprimă în informaţiile profunde
conţinute în materie, cum ar fi sarcinile
electrice, leptonice, barionice, şarmul,
stranietatea etc.
M. Drăgănescu. Societatea conștiinței. E A 2007
Se pare că unele persoane au o
legătură directă cu informateria la
nivelul minţii lor centrale. In acest
caz acestea pot explora, umbla prin
informaterie, având asfel diferite
posibilităţi. Este o explorare în
nespaţiul informateriei .

M. Drăgănescu, Societatea Conştiinţei 2007

Cunoașterea este expresia cea mai înaltă a
funcției de integrare a creierului

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