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Skull Base Osteomyelitis sible to differentiate infectious from neoplastic entities that
can present in a similar fashion.3 Once access has been
Yadranko Ducic, MD, FRCS(C), FACS achieved, confirmatory biopsy should be sent for pathologic
analysis. If osteomyelitis is confirmed, then aggressive sur-

S kull base osteomyelitis may develop as a complication of

paranasal sinusitis or other regional infectious process or
as an unfortunate sequelae of iatrogenic injury or trauma.
gical debridement of grossly affected bone, preserving neu-
rovascular anatomy whenever possible, followed by culture-
driven systemic antibiotic therapy (generally for 6 weeks) is
Afflicted patients generally have some form of systemic im- the mainstay of treatment. Initial or suspected nonotologic
munocompromise, most often diabetes, or a history of exter- osteomyelitis should be treated empirically to provide cover-
nal beam radiotherapy for a head and neck malignancy with age for Staphylococcus aureus.1 This is in contradistinction
the radiation portal encompassing the area of the skull base.1 again to otologic osteomyelitis where empiric coverage for
Before the era of systemic antimicrobial therapy, skull base Pseudomonas aeruginosa should be provided. Cultures
osteomyelitis was almost universally fatal. Acute osteomy- should always be sent to evaluate for possible fungal and
elitis often results in rapid lytic destruction of the skull base tuberculosis pathologies as well. Serial gallium scans may be
bone commonly associated with cranial nerve palsy/paralysis, useful to follow these patients postoperatively as a marker of
and rarely, with craniovertebral instability and intracranial response to treatment. Serial CT and MRI scanning seems to
abscess formation.2 It may or may not be associated with a be less useful in this regard.
deep fascial, orbital or intracranial soft tissue component. With aggressive surgical debridement facilitated by the
Chronic osteomyelitis, as seen in granulomatous conditions, broad exposure provided by modern craniofacial approaches,
is often much more indolent and slowly progressive. Patients followed by tissue-guided systemic antimicrobial therapy, one
may still exhibit cranial nerve palsies, albeit usually more can anticipate resolution of the progressive radiographic find-
slowly. As such, they are often able to compensate for these ings, and often times, note reversal or improvement of neural
losses over time and hence often delay their clinical presen- deficits (especially those of recent onset). Refractory cases
tation. and those arising in a radiated field may benefit from the
In contradistinction to malignant otitis externa (otologic adjunctive use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (minimum of 30
skull base osteomyelitis), nonotologic skull base osteomyeli- dives).4 The major difficulty encountered by the clinician
tis may pose a significant diagnostic clinical challenge. There treating this patient population remains that of establishing a
are no pathognomic findings on clinical or radiographic ex- sound diagnosis and differentiating this lesion from a neo-
amination which confirm skull base osteomyelitis. Tissue di- plastic process.
agnosis is the key to both diagnosis and management of this
rare entity. Preoperative CT or MRI-guided fine needle aspi- References
ration of accessible lesions is warranted for all skull base 1. Ducic Y. Management of osteomyelitis of the anterior skull base and
lesions. Unfortunately, this is not feasible in many cases due craniovertebral junction. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2003;128:39–42.
to inaccessibility. Thus, advanced open and/or endoscopic 2. Stauffer RN. Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis. Orthop Clin North Am
craniofacial approaches are required to allow for safe expo- 1975;6:1015–1027.
sure of the affected areas. Preoperatively, it may not be pos- 3. Subburaman N, Chaurasia MK. Skull base osteomyelitis interpreted as
malignancy. J Laryngol Otol 1999;13:775–778.
4. Steinhart H, Schulz S, Mutters R. Evaluation of ozonated oxygen in an
From the Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, Fort Worth, TX. experimental animal model of osteomyelitis as a further treatment option
Reprint requests to Yadranko Ducic, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, Director, Oto- for skull-base osteomyelitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1999;256:
laryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, 1500 South Main Street, Suite 153–157.
303, Fort Worth, Texas, 76104. Email:
Accepted March 24, 2006.
Please see “Idiopathic Osteomyelitis at the Base of
Copyright © 2006 by The Southern Medical Association
the Skull” on page 1121 of this issue.

Southern Medical Journal • Volume 99, Number 10, October 2006 1051

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