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Station 1: Coin Pass

The players should form a circle while holding each other’s hand. Their index finger must be pointed
upward in order for them to hold their coin. This coin shall be passed around to the next member using
their index finger without dropping the coin. When the group dropped their coin, they would start over
again. The group will be given eight (8) minutes to accomplish this task. If the group did not finish the
task within the allotted time, they will be given a failed sticker for the station.

Station 2: Kissing Card

The group leader must put the card against his lips and pass it to the person next to him until the card
has been passed to everyone. No one is allowed to touch the card except the facilitator. If the card was
dropped, they will start over again from the top. The group has only 7 cards that they can use. Once they
drop the card, they can never use it again. When all of the 7 cards are used but they did not successfully
pass it to all the members, they will be given a failed sticker for the station.

Station 3: Flour Pass

The group will line themselves in a straight line and sit. They will be given one (1) kilo of flour and must
pass it backward using their hands until it reach to the container that was held by the last member in the
line. All of the members should only face forward, they cannot look back to see if the other member is
ready to get the flour. The amount of flour in the container should exceed the target line in that
container in order for them to pass. If the amount did not reach the line, they will be given a failed
sticker for the station.

Station 4: Ping-Pong Ball Relay

Each member will be given a one-half (1/2) index card in which they will use it to bring the Ping-Pong
ball to the other side of the gym (bleachers). If the Ping-Pong ball was dropped, they will go back from
the start. The group will be given ten (10) minutes to accomplish this task. If the group failed to
complete the task within the allotted time, they will be given a failed sticker for the station.

Station 5: Name that thing

Before going inside the room, the player will be blindfolded. The facilitator will give the group five (5)
different thing in which he can examine it through touching, smelling and tasting. During the
examination the players is not allowed to communicate with each other. After everyone got their
chance to touch, smell and taste the things. They will go outside the room to discuss the name of these
things and write it on the paper that will be given by the facilitator. If they named at least three (3)
correctly, they have completed the task. However, if they got less than three (3) correct answers, they
will be given a failed sticker for the station.
Station 6: Marry Go Yarn

Each member should hold one string of yarn that are attached in a ring binder. Each member are
designated a number (e.g. 1-10). The facilitator will place the ball on the ring binder at the center. He or
she has the power to order the members within the allotted time. He may ask the members to change
positions based on their numbers, or move to a certain spot and etc. Moreover, the members should
maintain their balance every time they would be ordered to move so that the ball won’t drop. They are
not allowed to communicate with each other during the allotted time of 3 minutes. If the ball drops they
would start over again, but they are only given 3 chances for that. If they fail to complete the task even
after 3 tries, they will be given a failed sticker for the station.

Station 7: Ball Pass

The member will line themselves and lay down. They are given a ball in which they would pass to the
next member at the back using their feet. The goal of this game is to let the ball reach the other side of
the gym just by passing it using the member’s feet. They should not drop the ball. If the player drops the
ball, they will start over again. The group has only five (5) tries to successfully pass the ball without
dropping it. If after five (5) tries and they still did not accomplish the given task, they will be given a
failed sticker for the station.

Station 8: 4 pics, 1 Word

Just like the game, members are shown four pictures and its their task to guess what is the word asked.
There will be ten (10) prepared set of question in which they have to answer more than seven (7) to
pass. If they did not finish the task, they will be given a failed sticker for the station.

Station 9: Crawl and Brawl

Physically capable members will crawl on the floor to get to the finish line. While crawling, the
facilitators may try to distract and hinder the players. Players must successfully reach the finish line to
pass and they must finish within the allotted time of five (5) minutes to pass.

Station 10: Accounting Quiz

The facilitator will ask an accounting question in which they should have at least six (6) correct answers
out of ten (10) questions in order to pass.

Station 11: Water Balloon Volleyball

In this game, the balloon is filled with water and it will serve as the ball and a large fabric will be used in
order to catch the ball and throw it back to the opposing team. The goal is to throw the ball to the
opposing team by using the fabric held by the members, and the opposing team should be able to catch
the ball successfully, otherwise, they will lose and the other team will gain 1 point. Teams must earn 5
points to win the game.

Before the game starts, players will be given the following object that they will use in the whole game

1. Nameplate Stickers
2. Map that indicates the location and the name of the station
3. A report card in which the stickers of the pointing system of the activities will attach

After finishing each task, the facilitator will give an envelope that contain the clues of your next
target station.

After finishing the ten (10) station, the group should immediately head to the 11th station to get
their corresponding score in the race. After which, they will have to complete the task of station
eleven (11) which is a battle between the groups. Group of the winning team will get the full 1
point while the losing team will not get any point from that station.

Pointing System in the Race

Place in Race Corresponding Score

1st to finish the race 100%
2nd 95%
3rd 90%
4th & 5th 85%
6th-10th 80%

Pointing System in the Activities

Pass 1 point
Failed 0.5 point
Advance Plus 2 points to the percentage score of the
(Applies to all of station except the 11th station)

There will be eleven (11) station in which if they successfully did the given task, they will be given a pass
sticker that correspond into 1 point. If they failed to do the given task, the team will only earn half of the
point. In case in which the group will have to wait for their turn in order to complete the task in that
station (except for station 11), they will be given an Advance sticker if their waiting time exceed three
(3) minutes. The advance sticker will give an additional 2 points to the percentage score of the activities.
The score in the activities will add to the corresponding score of their place in the race after which, find
the average score in order to obtain the final score.
Sample Computation

Group A Report Card Summary

Place in their race: 4th

Corresponding Score: 85%

They pass 7 station, failed 3 station and lose in the 11th station. They also have 2 advance stickers

Pass = 7

11th Station score: 0

Add: Failed= 1.5 (3 failed station multiply to .05)

Total: 8.5

Divide by: 11 (Number of station)

Percentage: 77%

Add Bonus: 4% (From 2 Advance Sticker)

Total Score in activities: 81% Overall Score: (85% + 81%)/2 = 83%

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