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Running head: Stress in a Workplace 1

Stress in a Workplace

Yesenia Gonzalez

South Texas College

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Stress is an emotion due to feeling overwhelmed and pressured to do something, or a

change in your life. Stress has affected millions of people around the world. Stress can cause

serious problems in your health, personal life, and your work. Stress in the workplace is

something that should be taken very serious. Many leaders today fail to notice and address

stressed out employees. Stress can have many consequences in the workplace. It can have many

negative effects. Although, found this to be true also found in some cases stress can be healthy.
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Stress in a Workplace

What is stress? How do people handle stress in a workplace? Do you work better or

worse under stress? Stress can come from anywhere, stress can be caused by not having a good

night’s rest or the word stress means pressure or tension and it is basically the response of body

and mind not eating. Stress can be something that affects people every day at work. Stress can

reveal negative effects in the workplace The word stress is something well known everywhere,

its feeling almost everyone has felt some point in their lives. Stress are emotions and feelings

that are negative feelings that can cause work performance to suffer.

In a workplace stress can be the feeling of being under a lot of pressure to do something

in a time frame. Having a lot of tasks in work and knowing you can’t fulfill them in time. Many

times, in work people tend to not speak out and ask for help. People break their heads trying to

come up with ways to complete what’s expected of them. In many cases people spend more time

worrying then on the actual task.

Often, stress is just a feeling of almost anything. It can be your boss, a task, or a simple

employee messing up your day. Handling stress is crucial because it can cause many problems.

Stress can cause you not to think straight and cause you to mess up. Stress can lead to mistakes at

work, the company’s proficiency, and or hostile work environments. Stress can manifest

depression which can have serious consequences. Stress is a significant causal factor in five out

of the six leading causes of death. Millions of people are burdened by life’s challenges every

single day—from difficult life events and balancing professional and personal responsibilities to

acute pain, illness and chronic health conditions(Schmidt, L. R. 2018).

Stress in a Workplace 4

It’s so important to learn to control stress as stated in the article. Stress can lead to death! Stress

can lead to serious health problems. A lot of companies fail to acknowledge stress and help their

employees cope with it. According to figure 1 in Mindfulness and Stress Management main

causes of stress are workload with 46%, 28% in people issues, 20% in juggling work/ personal

lives, and 6% in lack of job security. Which mean stress does comes mostly from work.

Examining the effects of negative affectivity on self- and supervisor ratings of job

stressors was a study on 260 supervisors. They tested supervisors levels of stress. They seeked to

see the cause of NA and stressors. They also did a pretest on 111 supervisors testing those on job

stressors like time, pressure, social stressors, and job security. ​Debus, M. E., König, C. J.,

Kleinmann, M., & Werner, C. S. proven that stressors did impact their job.

Getting to grips with stress in the workplace was about causes of stress in a workplace

and how to reduce it. Stress at work was explained to be the biggest cause to stress. Also gave

helpful ways to pick up on warning signs and symptoms of stress. Jolynn Carr, Becky Kelley,

Rhett Keaton, & Chad Albrecht suggested reducing stress in the workplace will contribute to the

quality of work life and help you to move your company forward.

Innovative Workplace Behavior, Motivation Level, and Perceived Stress among

Healthcare Employees was an article with a lot of studies and research. In this article it was a

study of stress on health care employees. It was a survey on 100 male and female doctors from

Sheikh Zaid Hospital. They compared their studies to a study conducted by Chew et al., (2013),

which also supports their studies. They found that when stressed was put on them their
Stress in a Workplace 5

motivation to perform better went down. They found stress not to have any positive effects in

their job.

Mindfulness and Stress Management explained the very serious consequences of stress.

The article explained the impacts of stress how it’s one of the main causes of death in America.

It helped explain with figures and charts where stress comes from. It talked about how stress

affects your nervous system and how just a simple three minute exercise could help. It supports

my hypothesis because it shows how serious stress.

Recognizing & Handling the Underlying Causes of Stress at Workplace discussed many

causes of stress, It addressed the impacts of stress in many forms. The article also gave good

techniques on how to deal with stress and find a way to cope and manage stress. This article

stated there were healthy kinds of stress. Quote However, not all stressors are negative and

hampering. Stress in a more constructive form can sometimes act as a positive source to trigger

passion towards work, reduce dysfunctions, promote talent and abilities and ignite inspirations (

Tripathy, M. 2018). Although the article said bad stress can cause a complete breakdown


Stress can reveal negative effects in the workplace was accurate according to the

findings. The sources clearly supported that stress is having negative effects in workplaces and

on people's bodies.. Stress turned out to be far more dangerous than expected.. People have to

remember how stress has caused many illnesses and how harmful it is to the body. Stress can

come from many places. It can come from home or personal reasons but overall the biggest

reason of stress comes from work. Millions of people encounter stress on a daily basis. It’s
Stress in a Workplace 6

important to find ways to control stress and learn to handle it. There are many ways to help deal

with stress.


Overall, stress is growing and becoming an epidemic factor that should be addressed in

workplaces. Companies need to find improvement for better communication between their

workers. Stress is something that is being overlooked and is not being taken seriously. There is

room for improvement, stress needs to be looked at and addressed in companies. In order for

companies to achieve their very best potential they must find ways to reduce stress. Less stress

will create an overall better work environment and happier healthier employees.
Stress in a Workplace 7


Debus, M. E., König, C. J., Kleinmann, M., & Werner, C. S. (2015). Examining the effects of

negative affectivity on self- and supervisor ratings of job stressors: the role of stressor

observability. ​Work & Stress,​ ​29(​ 4), 341–361​.

Jolynn Carr, Becky Kelley, Rhett Keaton, & Chad Albrecht. (2011). Getting to grips with stress

in the workplace : Strategies for promoting a healthier, more productive environment. ​Human

Resource Management International Digest​, (4), 32.

Saleem, M., Tufail, M. W., Atta, A., & Asghar, S. (2015). Innovative Workplace Behavior,

Motivation Level, and Perceived Stress among Healthcare Employees. Pakistan Journal of

Commerce & Social Sciences, 9(2), 438–446. Retrieved from


Schmidt, L. R. . (2018). Mindfulness and Stress Management: Creating Cultures of Optimal

Performance. Benefits Magazine, 55(12), 38–44. Retrieved from

Stress in a Workplace 8


Tripathy, M. (2018). Recognizing & Handling the Underlying Causes of Stress at Workplace: An

Approach through Soft Skills. International Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics,

5(7), 619–632. Retrieved from


Organizational Behavior








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