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Philosophy of Education
Arizona State University
Denis Alvarez

The purpose of education is to give individuals the tools necessary to advocate for

themselves and their community. I want to create a space in my classroom where students feel

safe to ask questions, make mistakes, get out of their comfort zone; I truly believe that by doing

these things they will not only grow as a student, but as someone preparing to create their own

path in the world. In order for me to do this, I need to be conscious of the communities and

identities that my students belong to. I need to know my students as individuals and not as a

statistic or grade average. As a teacher, I hope to facilitate learning rather than spew out

knowledge. I have much to learn from them, as they do from me. So, as I begin my career as an

educator, I want to stress that I will not always have the answer. Sometimes it will be something

we figure out together. My role is to become a part of their community, to empathize,

understand, and advocate alongside them. While what they bring to the classroom is just as

important as what they leave with, sometimes I may take their attention away from whatever is

going on outside of the environment we have created just long enough to make them curious, to

wonder why, then brainstorm a way to solve whatever issue is at hand. I believe that students

learn best through experience. I will work towards creating experiences in my classroom that

promote teamwork and problem-solving. The work we ask students to do should be meaningful

and logical. They should know why we are learning this particular topic and what skills will they

gain from this lesson.

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