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Chapter 1


1.1 Backgroud of tubectomy

Steady contraception in the form of tubectomy is often a scourge for women.

Reportedly, women with tubectomy will experience a risk of sexual dysfunction.
According to a new study from Health24, women who have undergone
sterilization to prevent pregnancy have no risk of sexual dysfunction after that.
The researchers found that female participants who had undergone a tubectomy
procedure showed a low risk of certain sexual problems. In fact, they tend to be
happier with sex life than other woman.

Stericilization is KB which is 99% effective. Only 1 in 200 women are

sterilized but then become pregnant. In very rare cases, the woman's fallopian
tubes connect again after being cut or closed.

The study found that women who underwent tubectomy usually gave higher
values for their sex lives. 36 percent reported "very high sexual satisfaction." This
satisfaction was only felt by 30 percent of women who did not undergo
tubectomy. It is not clear why women tubectomy generally have better sexual
function. But, researchers note that women and their partners enjoy sex more
because they are free of anxiety over the potential for unplanned pregnancy.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

As for the formulation of the problem in this paper is :

1. What is the definition of tubectomy ?

2. How is the description of tubectomy ?
3. What is the function of tubectomy ?
4. How is the strength of tubectomy ?
5. How is the weakness of tubectomy ?
6. How is the procedure of tubectomy ?

1.3 Writing purpose
Special purpose
1. Students are able to explain the definition of tubectomy
2. Students are able to explain the description of tubectomy
3. Students are able to explain the function of tubectomy
4. Students are able to explain the strenght of tubectomy
5. Students are able to weakness the weakness of tubectomy
6. Students are able to explain the procedure of tubectomy

General purpose

1. Students are able to understand and explain the definition of tubectomy

2. Students are able to understand and explain the description of tubectomy
3. Students are able to understand and explain the function of tubectomy
4. Students are able to understand and explain the strenght of tubectomy
5. Students are able to understand and explain the weakness of tubectomy
6. Students are able to understand and explain the procedure of tubectomy

Chapter 2

Reviews The Theory

2.1 Definition of tubectomy

The word tubectomy originates from the tube and ectomy, the tube = the
ectomy of the female canal = removing / lifting. But now this definition has been
extended to the understanding of tubal sterilization. Tubectomy is a permanent
contraceptive method in which the fallopian tubes are blocked so that the egg
cannot enter the uterus.

Tubectomy is an act of cutting or closing the fallopian tubes so that they

break the pathways of the ovum and sperm. Steady contraception (contraception)
is an action to limit the offspring in an unlimited period of time to one of the
married couples at the request of the concerned, in a steady and voluntary manner.
The female reproductive system consists of several main parts. Among them are
the uterus (uterus), intercourse (vagina), oviduct (tubal faloppii) and ovary
(Ovary). From the four main parts, one of them will be related to the tubectomy
process. The part that becomes the object of the tubectomy is the fallopian tube or
oviduct. This tubectomy method is a long-term method, it can last a lifetime, and
is a method of sterilization so that you no longer have children. Sterilization is a
method of contraception that is done by surgery. voluntary / surgical surgical
procedures to stop a woman's fertility permanently.

Tubectomy is a voluntary surgical procedure to stop a woman's fertility

permanently ( Saifuddin, 2003). Tubectomy is any action on both female oviducts
which results in people not getting more offspring (Prawirohadjo, 2002).

2.2 Description of tubectomy


1. Every time during the menstrual cycle if it is believed rationally that the
client is not pregnant.

2. Day 6 to 13 of the menstrual cycle (proliferation phase).

3. Postpartum; Minilapia within 2 days or up to 6 weeks or 12 weeks,

laparoscopy is not appropriate for postpartum clients.

4. Post-miscarriage; First quarter (minilap or laparoscopic), second quarter

(minilap only).

2.3 Function of tubectomy

According to the BKKBN there are 3 goals for contraception, namely:

1. To delay pregnancy for couples of childbearing age

2. To space pregnancy for couples of childbearing age
3. To stop/end pregnancy or fertility

2.4 Strength of tubectomy

Advantages of tubectomy:

1. Protection of pregnancy is very high

2. Does not affect generative libido

3. No Need for a Couple's Life

4. Does not affect breast milk

5. Safer because the failure rate is very small

6. More effective

7. There are no changes in generative functions

8. There are no long-term side effects

2.5 Weakness of tubectomy

Disadvantages of tubectomy:

1. This contraceptive method cannot be restored because it is permanent

2. Fertility does not occur

3. No subsequent pregnancy will occur So women can regret it

4. Short-term pain after medical treatment

5. An infection occurs if the surgical procedure is not performed properly

2.6 Procedure of tubectomy

Tubectomy procedure

Tubectomy can be done under local or general anesthesia. This type of

anesthesia will be determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition as
well as the type of surgery that is being performed.

Tubectomy can be performed together with a Caesarean section. But if you go

outside of a Caesarean section, there are 2 types of tubectomy procedures that can
be chosen, namely laparoscopy and minilaparotomy.

a. Laparoscopy

This method is most commonly chosen because the procedure and recovery
period are relatively fast. The procedure includes:

Make 1 or 2 small incisions near the navel.

Pumping gas into the stomach so that the fallopian tubes and uterus are clearly

Insert a laparoscope (mini camera tube) into the stomach to see the fallopian tube.

Insert a device to close or cut the fallopian tube through a laparoscope or other
small incision.

Burn or block the fallopian tube.

Take out the laparoscope and other tools, then sew the incision.

b. Minilaparotomy

This method is done through a small incision under the navel and is
recommended for patients who are obese, have just had abdominal or pelvic
surgery, and have had a pelvic infection that affects the uterus and fallopian tubes.

In addition to surgery, tubectomy can be performed with a hysteroscopic

procedure. This method is done through the cervix so it does not require surgery
and rarely requires anesthesia.

Chapter 3

3.1 Conclusion

Tubectomy is an act of cutting or closing the fallopian tubes so that they

break the pathways of the ovum and sperm. Steady contraception
(contraception) is an action to limit the offspring in an unlimited period of
time to one of the married couples at the request of the concerned, in a steady
and voluntary manner.

3.2 Suggestion

After we discuss about the family and various types of contraception, from
understanding to loss, it is hoped that the community will be able to choose
safe contraception so that it does not cause long-term effects in the future.


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