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Green entrepreneurship: the missing link towards a

greener economy
Fulvia Farinelli
Division on Investment and Enterprise Development (UNCTAD)

Marino Bottini
Green Economy Expert

Sule Akkoyunlu
Boğaziçi University and University of Bern

Philipp Aerni
University of Bern and ETH Zurich)

Abstract 2011b). How can we minimize the risk that the term
“green economy” will not just become a new vehicle for
Most international organizations - including the World developed countries governments to re-package their
Bank, UNCTAD, OECD, UNIDO, WTO and FAO - share the economic interests in the guise of the new language of
view that there needs to be a global transformation to- “sustainable economic development”?
wards a greener economy. However, in the aftermath of
the Rio+20 UN Summit, some key issues about the green Secondly, until now the development of green products
economy must be clarified to reach a global consensus for that meet the needs of poor consumers has been lim-
collective action. In this article, it is argued that a Green ited. Do we have to assume that green entrepreneur-
Economy cannot be mandated from above but needs to ship and green innovation are mainly about the produc-
be driven by entrepreneurs that respond to policy incen- tion and trade of environmentally friendly but expensive
tives through innovation in management and technology. products to affluent consumers in developed coun-
These private sector investments in green innovation do tries? Will the large number of green projects currently
not just generate private profits but also (create) large implemented in developing countries continue once the
positive externalities for society and the environment as a funding from international donors is withdrawn?
whole, especially when they do not contribute only to the
creation of a small niche market, but have the potential to Thirdly, even though niche markets for green products
be scaled up to reach the sustainable transformation of a contribute to more sustainable consumption and pro-
entire industry. In this article, it is therefore argued that duction patterns, they will not lead to a global transfor-
the emphasis of the term ‘Green Innovation’ must be on mation towards a green economy until they reach the
‘innovation’ rather than what is generally perceived to be masses. How can we make sure that the models used
‘green’. This would imply that governments focus more on in welfare economics take into account the positive
the creation of an enabling environment for large-scale externalities generated by social and green entrepre-
innovations that contribute to the global green transfor- neurship through private sector activities, and
mation of an entire industry rather than merely subsidizing acknowledge such welfare gains?
green niche markets.
2. Defining Green Entrepreneurship
1. Introduction
In the past few years considerable interest and re-
In this article, we will address the pressing need to pro- search have been devoted to understanding the deter-
mote new generations of entrepreneurs who are able to minants of green growth. However, an important and
identify and take advantage of green business opportuni- relevant issue seems to have escaped the attention of
ties. The perspectives of developed and developing coun- both economists and policy-makers: ultimately, green
tries on this issue are often diverging, due to conflicting products and technologies are to be introduced into the
interests and unanswered questions. marketplace by 'green' entrepreneurs. These are the
economic actors who make it possible to turn ideas
Firstly, there is widespread concern that the need to pro- into a reality, by transforming prototypes into commer-
mote a greener economy will mainly be used by developed cially viable products. However, the majority of policy
countries as a new excuse for protectionism and for im- mechanisms that have tried to enable green growth are
posing conditionalities on developing countries (UNCTAD aimed at identifying the technological innovations capa-
ble of mitigating the human impact on the environment
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and addressing global environmental issues - such as et al. 2002, Shane 2003) either enable or hinder entre-
climate change, land degradation and loss of biodiversi- preneurial activity in a particular region or country. Often
ty. From a policy perspective, less attention has been the supply and demand side analyses of entrepreneurship
paid to technology commercialization and to the need are eventually combined; for example by unearthing the
to subsidize the “public good” component of green en- cultural orientation within personal traits. It then reflects
trepreneurship. From an analytical perspective, a series the embeddedness of the economic environment in social
of key questions still remain, namely: what are the and structural relationships (Granovetter 1985). All these
traits of green entrepreneurs? In what kind of institu- insights were mainly gained from empirical research in
tional environment do they best flourish? Are the driv- developed countries. There is only scarce research on
ers of green entrepreneurship common in both industri- entrepreneurs in emerging economies (Tan 2001) and
alized and developing countries? even less so in least developed countries.

Indeed, there is an essential difference between the The research literature on green entrepreneurship is even
way of looking at green entrepreneurship in developed less widespread and lacks a broad empirical foundation.
countries and developing countries. Developed coun- This may also be related to the difficulty to draw the
tries and international organizations tend to put more boundaries between green and non-green entrepreneur-
emphasis on the term ‘green’ and on market opportuni- ship. It was not until 1990s that the studies on green en-
ties, while developing countries tend to focus more on trepreneurship emerged. Bennett (1991), Berle (1991)
the term ‘entrepreneurship’ and on market needs. Chi- and Blue (1990) first adopted the notions ‘environmental
nese and Indian entrepreneurs, for example, are genu- entrepreneur’, ‘green entrepreneur’, ‘eco-entrepreneur’
inely transforming the emerging economies by develop- and ‘ecopreneur’ in their studies. Based on the review of
ing affordable products that meet the needs of the such literature, the basic characteristics of green entre-
poor, but still need to become more green (Khanna preneurs are:
2011). Developed countries tend to spend large
amounts of money on green innovation projects, but  Green entrepreneurs undertake new business op-
then face the missing link of entrepreneurs who move portunities and ventures, which usually involve a
the product from a prototype to a commercially viable very high risk. The outcome of these business ven-
product (Macilwain 2011). tures is often unpredictable.
Entrepreneurs are business people who envisage new
business opportunities and ventures by taking risks and  Green entrepreneurs are intrinsically motivated.
converting their ideas into commercial reality. Entrepre- Their business activities have an overall positive
neurs introduce innovation, adoption and new ideas to effect on the natural environment and on economic
the economy as well to the society. Entrepreneurial ac- sustainability, and consciously aim at insuring a
tivities are related to Schumpeter’s (1934) notion of more sustainable future.
‘creative destruction’, in that entrepreneurs promote
change in the economic and business environment and Green entrepreneurs often struggle to survive, due to an
overtake the old ways of operating. Yet, there seems to unstable commitment from the public sector, whose sup-
be no clear definition of entrepreneurship in the litera- port is being easily overturned by everyday changes in
ture, especially with regard to the degree of innovation politics and lobbying.
and size of a particular activity that is necessary to
count as entrepreneurial (Ulijn & Brown 2003). There is Just to cite a few examples, the solar and wind energy
a general consensus that an entrepreneur generally business emerged in the 1970s, mainly in the United
acts on a valuable opportunity and is driven by a spe- States due to the government’s response to the oil crisis.
cial motivation (Miller 2003). Thornton (1999) defines The big improvements in solar and wind energy technolo-
entrepreneurship as the creation of new organizations, gy happened in public sector research and policy incen-
which implies a certain degree of innovation and size. tives led the private sector to further invest in the com-
This creation occurs as a context-dependent, social and mercialization of these emerging technologies. However,
economic process. once the oil became cheap again, most government ef-
forts to further strengthen the green economy sector were
The entrepreneurship literature can roughly be divided abandoned and investment in alternative energy technolo-
into a supply side perspective that looks at the availa- gies decreased rapidly (OECD 2011b). The same is true
bility of individuals with traits that make them potential for the promotion of sustainable intensification in agricul-
entrepreneurs, and a demand side perspective, that ture. Large public sector investments in agricultural re-
looks at the number and nature of entrepreneurial roles search and development took place during the Cold War
that need to be filled in a society (Thornton 1999). On period. But once the communist threat disappeared at the
the supply side there is a wide body of literature that end of the 1980s, most governments lacked the will to
tries to capture entrepreneurial orientation (Kreiser et further invest in agriculture and left it to the private sector
al. 2002) and motivational constructs that are linked to to further invest in agriculture. The global food crisis com-
individual value orientation (Schwartz 1992). They rep- bined with the unsustainable agricultural practices is to a
resent individual traits and personal values that apply great extent the result of this neglect of agriculture over
across cultures and time. On the demand side, re- the past two decades (Aerni 2008).
search is mainly focused on how institutions
(Williamson 2000) and culture (Hofstede 1980, Hayton
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3. Stimulating Green Innovation are undertaking innovative new commitments, invest-

ing an increasing amount of their budget to improve
The concept of “green innovation” is often associated with systematically the management of internal processes
renewable energy (e.g. wind power and fuel cells). Howev- along the entire value chain, often involving suppliers
er, the shift to a post-carbon economy depends on much directly. Among many other global companies which
more than technological improvements in energy related have gone green, the giant retailer Wal-Mart, is for in-
technologies: it needs a watershed on several levels, from stance adopting since 2005 more planet-friendly prac-
innovation in lifestyle to innovation in investment and gov- tices to reduce its footprint and the use of natural re-
ernance (Kemp, 2011). Additionally, non-technological sources. As in the case of similar initiatives (Tesco, Mi-
innovations are at least as relevant, considering the case gros, Coop, Woolworth, IKEA, etc), green efforts like
of new business models that develop new organizational more efficient trucking fleet, energy-saving lighting and
approaches. refrigeration, reduced packaging, recycled materials,
renewable energy micro-plants and cogeneration, etc.,
Before Prahalad (2004), most economists believed that have resulted in enormous cost reductions or even
markets always fail to address the needs of the poor. They profits as from the reuse of waste (Humes, 2011).
doubted that there was any growth opportunity at the bot- Equally, leading clothes and sport footwear global re-
tom of the pyramid. Many of the reports on the green tailers (Nike, Puma, Adidas, H&M, etc.) have joined
economy today are similarly sceptical about the ability of forces to detox their supply chains from nine classes of
the market to address environmental concerns and to hazardous chemicals (“Zero Discharge of Hazardous
provide enough stimuli to incentivize green innovations Chemicals by 2020 – Ø ZDHC”). Nevertheless at
(UNEP 2011, FAO 2011, OECD 2011a). Yet, there is evi- Rio+20 Business Day, Carlos Busquets, ICC Deputy
dence that green innovation existed throughout the 20th Director, has particularly highlighted the fact that SMEs
century, even in the absence of government interventions can play a critical role in green growth and environmen-
(Silverthorne 2011). Successful green innovators had an tal responsibility, for being a crucial component of larg-
intrinsic motivation to improve through experimentation er corporations' global supply and value chain, as well
and, at the same time, were able to create successful as a major source of innovation and employment.
businesses. They also invested most of their profits again
in the improvement of their green product or technology. It is important to note that although Western-centric
By doing that, they created large social and environmental approaches might have influenced so far the discus-
welfare gains while ensuring the commercial viability of sions looking at companies combining profits with de-
their business (Aerni 2010). batable green “labels” or arguing that “green” is a rich-
world luxury or rather a conspiracy of industrialized
Today, despite the modest results achieved by large inter- countries, green enterprises are also growing in emerg-
national forums and the retreat of public finances, green ing and developing markets. In BRIICS countries,
business is creating new economic opportunities for both (Brazil, India, China, South Africa, etc.) and rapidly de-
multinational corporations and small and medium-size veloping countries such as the TIIMBs (Turkey, Indone-
enterprises (SMEs). The private sector, stimulating eco- sia, Mexico, etc) business may suffer from weak infra-
nomic growth and development, is increasingly playing an structures, not fully reliable supply-chains, limited ac-
essential role in bringing solutions to global sustainability cess to finance, inefficient institutions or burdensome
challenges (ICC, 2012). Green enterprises are increasingly regulations, but domestic SMEs are increasing called to
successful in proving to shareholders and stakeholders meet the needs of new customers without compromis-
that sustainability is not just a cost but rather an oppor- ing the local environment, and to increase their organi-
tunity to increase revenues and customer loyalty while zational and productive efficiency by reducing con-
protecting the environment. To reinforce the business sumption of natural capital.
core for sustainability and promote a culture of innovation
within all staff divisions, all kinds of companies have been To this regard, an increasing number of highly profita-
looking at sustainability comprehensively, taking steps in ble businesses from the developing world are turning
the direction of water conservation, carbon neutrality, sol- eco-consciousness in a competitive advantage, demon-
id waste reduction, post-consumption recycling, while strating that they can be just as green as their Western
measuring rigorously the costs and benefits of each busi- rivals. They were identified by a new study of the World
ness unit. In same cases, companies have also managed Economic Forum (WEF) and the Boston Consulting
to leverage governments to improve standards, education Group (BCG), which argues that these “new sustainabil-
and labour skills. ity champions” are using unique practices for doing
business in resource-constrained and population-
Large and well-established corporations often associate stressed environments, pro-actively turning constrains
green innovation primarily with ‘green labels’, corporate into opportunity through innovation. The study points
social responsibility and private standards, designed to out that sustainability is often embedded in the compa-
avoid risk and enhance public reputation (Freidberg ny's culture. When benchmarked against their peers
2007). New players in the market, instead, are more often these new green champions are demonstrating superi-
focused on investing in R&D in order to launch innovative or financial performance, and proved that green enter-
and more resource-efficient products that have the poten- prises creating unconventional and profitable ways to
tial for increasing returns (Shellenberger and Nordhaus enhance sustainability and new market solutions may
2007, Lovins 2011). Indeed, international corporations, in achieve higher-than-average margins for economic
particular service-oriented companies and big retailers, growth.
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The WEF-BCG report includes a few interesting cases of of scarcity, which will universally be adopted if a condu-
successful emerging-world companies. The Chinese cive institutional environment is in place.
Zhangzidao Fishery Group has, for example, adopted an
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) farming Recently many countries, in their transition to a low-
method to increase production and economic diversifi- carbon economy, have been adopting strategies and poli-
cation while creating a balanced relation with the ma- cies to develop new opportunities and to attract new
rine ecosystem, reducing waste and raising levels of green investments. To this regard very diverse economic
carbon sink. The Indian cement company, Shree Ce- entities have emphasized the role that the public sector
ment, in introducing an intelligent energy system to can play to influence markets towards sustainable paths
recover heat along with an innovative treatment to re- without increasing pressure on tax-payers or altering com-
duce waste and use of water, has achieved impressive petition among different industries. Although additional
energy efficiency results, enabling the company to per- research is needed to understand how to create a more
form well financially and environmentally. The Brazilian conducive environment for sustainable development and
cosmetics manufacturer, Natura, promoted the re-use, to explore the potential of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs),
refill and recycling of its packaging while using sugar- governments are increasingly encouraging public-private
cane-based plastic to reduce GHG emissions, and is partnerships to attract green investments and creating
promoting resource-efficiency and conservation adopt- competitive locations for green Foreign Direct Investments
ing FSC certificated raw materials. (FDIs). While green special economic zones (SEZs), de-
signed to operate in a sustainable way, usually target spe-
Therefore, while it seems clear that sustainable eco- cific activities in the value chain creating Cleantech Parks
nomic changes need to come from the bottom up, the for research, development and commercialization (WIF,
transition to a green economy requires the simultane- 2012), budget-constrained authorities have been opening
ous integration of top down incentives-regulations and to private investments and new ways of finance to reduce
bottom up solutions. The holistic vision which under- the environmental and economic bill of public infrastruc-
pins the capability of innovation to create new ways ture. For instance, under the Chicago Infrastructure Trust
and combinations, as well as the interdependency be- (CIT), a $1.7b private-public partnership to improve public
tween the economic, social and environmental aspects infrastructure and overcome budget deficit, an initial pri-
of development (“the three strands of sustainable de- vate investment of $225m is aimed at making city build-
velopment”), and the economy itself, characterized by ings more energy-efficient and is expected to be repaid off
globally connected and cross-cutting value chains, re- by an estimated $20m annual saving in energy costs
quire combined efforts from the public and private sec- (Keyser, 2012).
Governments have also provided positive incentives to
As a matter of fact integrated governance and a condu- markets, channelling public expenditure into procedures
cive institutional framework reduces the uncertainties of Green Public Procurement (GPP). In particular, the Eu-
for green entrepreneurs and allows all actors to deliver ropean Commission has set specific green criteria for pub-
on their shared responsibilities and to address the lic tendering procedures. Europe's public procurers, with a
missing links within the marketplace. To this regard collective annual budget of €2 trillion or 17% of the EU’s
governments must shape the context creating a sup- GDP, can contribute significantly to foster the establish-
portive Research and Development (R&D) infrastruc- ment of sustainable production and consumption. Given
ture. The OECD report ‘Fostering Innovation for Green that they encourage consumption by both individuals and
Growth’ contains some important policy recommenda- organizations of environmentally friendly products and
tions. Governments should introduce adequate regula- services owing to scientifically proven sustainability ad-
tory incentives to strengthen markets for green innova- vantages (AEA, 2011).
tion, and a well-functioning Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) system to foster private sector investment and A lesson to be learned from past attempts to promote a
diffusion of green innovation. They should also promote green economy is that not all types of government inter-
more entrepreneurship in the private sector and en- ventions manage to fostering green entrepreneurship and
hance public sector support for R&D to facilitate sus- innovation. For example, Germany decided to promote the
tainable technological change (OECD 2011b). growth of its solar industry through subsidies and price
guarantees for solar electricity rather than investment in
The OECD report also points out that existing produc- R&D. The result is that the German solar industry has not
tion technology and consumer behaviours can only be become more but less competitive. In 2011 it suffered
expected to produce positive outcomes for the econo- from the competition of cheaper solar panels from China
my and the environment if innovation is able to decou- (Wiesmann 2012). The relationship between strict envi-
ple growth from natural capital depletion. This is also ronmental regulation and private sector investment in
the basic conclusion of New Growth Theory and its more environmentally friendly products is also not very
more recent emphasis on the importance of institutions clear (Bernauer 2006). Often big corporations prefer to
(Jones & Romer 2009). The main argument is that pop- invest in green marketing rather than green innovation
ulation growth as such might not necessarily be a prob- (Aerni 2009). Therefore, it is all the more important to
lem, if it also leads to more investment in the education understand and clearly define the patterns of green entre-
of people. This investment is then likely to increase the preneurship and to make essential distinctions about the
number of good ideas on how to address the problem degree of innovativeness, the different types of policy in-
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tervention to promote it, and the potential for growth and organisations. Moreover, the patterns of technology
job creation. development and adaptation are considerably influ-
enced by the evolving nature of innovation and its de-
Multilateral approaches across countries and sectors as terminants. The recent advance of new information
well as integrated governance at all levels to combine eco- technologies and the globalisation of economic pro-
nomic and social advances while protecting the environ- cesses have drastically modified the traditional meth-
ment, are fundamental conditions to drive growth in a ods used by enterprises to innovate. Although impres-
resource-constrained world. In order to avoid the collision sive advances have been made with technological re-
between strong demographic and economic growth, strat- search and implementation as well as with environmen-
egies of short-medium-term profits will have to be bal- tal accounting and reporting, the gap towards sustaina-
anced by longer-term shared values ( ICC, 2012). bility is still significant. It is important to understand the
pre-conditions for the creation of “green innovation”,
So far accounting methods have made a substantive pro- the factors that act as barriers and triggers, and how
gress. Several specific certificate systems and sustainabil- changes in access to information, new technologies,
ity reporting standards are already broadly diffused in op- resources and markets impact on or change the dy-
erational corporate schemes to assist green enterprises namics of innovation and management.
with lifecycle assessments and to provide relevant, veri-
fied and comparable information about the environmental Systemic change is needed to foster progress in eco-
impact from goods and services, e.g. Forest Stewardship nomics, accounting and legal frameworks. Although as
Council (FSC), Totally Chlorine Free (TCF), Environmental pointed out by a survey of Accenture (UN Global Com-
Product Declaration (EPD), Global Reporting Initiative pact-Accenture, 2010), sustainability has become a
(GRI), etc. However further analysis, better disclosure and central worldwide component of corporate business
reporting as well as accounting measures and metrics are plans, acknowledged by executives as being highly rele-
needed to assess costs and benefits beyond the pure eco- vant for the future of their businesses (98% in Asia Pa-
nomic single data, including enlarged review of correlated cific region compared with a 93% average), the global
costs. Entire life-cycle assessment approaches and indica- transition to a green economy is only at the beginning
tors, enabling comparison across nations and sectors, are and the earth can no longer wait. The next decades will
the way forward to provide more analytical information see rapid growth in global population, industrialization
and to turn the green economy fully operational (ICC, and economic development. Resources are limited and
2012). we must meet the needs of people. Green entrepre-
neurs are delivering on their commitments to provide
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