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Greed and Honesty/Charity


Merchant 1
Merchant 2


Narrator: once upon a time in India, there were two merchants who sold plates, pots,
pans, brooms, mops, soap, jewelry, and clothes. Each day, they took turns to sell.

Merchant 1: (yelling in the street) Everybody come here! Come see our jewelry for
sale, pots, pans. Everything you need, we have it!

Girl: Grandma, look at that beautiful bracelet!

Grandma: How much is it?

Merchant 1: More than what you can pay, old lady.

Grandma: At home we have an old black metal plate. Do you want it for the bracelet?

Merchant 1: I have to see it first.

Grandma: Let´s go home so you can see it.

Merchant 1 : Fine… you lead the way, old lady.

Narrator: When they arrived to the old lady´s house, she showed the plate to the

Grandma: Take a look at the plate.

Merchant 1: (looking at the plate) Mmmm, let´s see.

Narrator: When the merchant saw the plate, it was truly black, but when he scratched it
a little, he could see that it was a silver plate.

Merchant 1: This plate is worthless, old lady. If you want to, I can take the plate with me
and give you a broom.

Grandma: Thank you, but we prefer to keep our plate.

Merchant 1: It´s your decision. I have wasted my time.

Narrator: But the merchant was thinking about going back the next day to try to
convince her to give him the plate. Next day, merchant 2 was selling in the street.

Merchant 2: Pot, pans, brooms, clothes, everything you need, I have it! Just come and
get it!

Girl: Grandma, look! I still want that beautiful bracelet!

Grandma: How much is it?

Merchant 2: More than what you can pay, old lady.

Grandma: At home we have an old black metal plate. Do you want it for the bracelet?

Merchant 2: I have to see it first.

Grandma: Let´s go home so you can see it.

Merchant 2 : I will follow you.

Narrator: When they arrived to the old lady´s house.

Grandma: Take a look at the plate.

Merchant 2: Mmmm,lady, this is a silver plate. It´s all black because it is dirty. The
things I have to sell are not enough to pay you.

Grandma: Oh, we didn´t know. But we don´t have anything in this house! We don´t
have any furniture, we are very poor. Can you give us the bracelet and something

Merchant 2: I will give you everything I have.

Grandma: Oh thank you, kind man.

Narrator: When the merchant left the home he went to see his friend.

Merchant 2: Take a look at this. It´s a silver plate I got it from an old woman. I gave her
everything I had for this plate. What do you think?
Merchant 1: What? I saw that plate yesterday! I lost an opportunity to have it without
giving her anything in return.

Narrator: Then he stopped to think for a while.

Merchant 1: I have thought about it. If we join your honesty and the beautiful things that
I still have, we can do great businesses. Can we work together from now on?

Merchant 2: Sure!

Narrator: Both men cleaned the silver plate until it was sparkling. And both were the
most successful merchants in the region.

The End

Author: Story based on a Buddhist legend

Moral Value: Honesty

- When we say the truth, we are being honest.

- We are being honest when we think and act the same way.
- Honesty is not to make promises that we are not planning to keep.

- An honest person is somebody whom we trust because he or she doesn´t lie.

- Honesty means not to take what we didn´t achieve or that belongs to others.
Envy and Kindness


Old Woman


Narrator: Once upon a time there was a woman widow who had two daughters.
Physically, they looked alike , but in character they were different. Georgie, the oldest,
was very proud of herself.

Georgie: I am so beautiful. I can spend days and days looking in the mirror. Oh… how I
wish to marry a handsome and rich prince.
Narrator: While Eunice, the youngest, was sweet, honest, and grateful just like her

Mother and Georgie: Hurry up Eunice… wash the dishes! Feed the animals!… Cook!

Eunice: Yes, I am coming. I´ll do everything as fast as I can. Don´t worry everything will
be ready soon.

Georgie: Oh mother, tell me how I look in this dress. And my hair,…do I look pretty?

Mother: Yes, my darling, you look wonderful!

Narrator: One day when Eunice was going to the well to get some water she found an
old woman in the road.

Old Woman: I am very thirsty… I need some water. Would you give me some?

Eunice: Sure! Take it.

Narrator: The old woman drank some water and then she said.

Old Woman: Your soul is so beautiful, just like you. Whenever you speak, pearls will
come out from your mouth.

Narrator: Eunice went home where she found her mother and sister angry because she
didn´t return soon.

Eunie: I am sorry, mother. But I found an old woman and she told me that…

Narrator: Suddenly, when she started talking pearls came out from her mouth.
Mother and Sister: This is wonderful! Now your sister has to go there! Come on, hurry
up, lets go find that old woman!

Narrator: Eunice´s sister said.

Georgie: Diamonds will get out from my mouth!

Narrator: Soon she found the old woman.

Old Woman: I am very thirsty, I need some water. Would you give me some?

Georgie: Sure! Take some.

Narrator: But when the old woman was about to drink some water, she spilled some
over the girl´s dress.

Georgie: Hey! What have you done! You just ruined my silk dress! You clumsy old

Old Woman: And you are so arrogant!. Your words are so mean that frogs should come
out from your mouth, because that is what you have in your heart.

Narrator: Then Georgie went home.

Georgie: Mother! Mother! I´m back. I have to tell you what happened.

Mother: Georgie, why are frogs coming out from your mouth?

Georgie: Oh I want to cry, mother. Sniff, sniff..

Narrator: Some days later.

Mother: Eunice, please go look for the old woman and appologize.

Eunice: Yes, mother. I hope I can find her soon.

Narrator: After a long walk trying to find the old woman, Eunice finally found her.

Eunice: Oh.. I finally found you! I have been looking for you, just to tell you to please
forgive my sister for what she told you.

Old Woman: She is an arrogant girl. She must learn to be modest and humble. I will
forgive your sister, if you give me back the gift I gave you.

Eunice: I agree. I give you back my pearls, and thank you for everything.

Narrator: Pearls and Frogs never came out from the two sister´s mouth. And both, the
mother and Georgie learned to respect Eunice and learned to live happy together.

The End

Truth and Lie




Narrator: Once upon a time Truth and Lie were walking down the road.

Truth: Good Afternoon

Lie: Good Afternoon. How have you been lately?

Truth: I am afraid not very good. This has been a difficult time for someone like me.

Lie: Yeah, I can see that. Your clothes are old and dirty. And also, you haven´t eaten
very well.

Truth: To tell you the truth, you are right. Nobody wants to hire me. Wherever I go,
people laugh at me or they ignore me. It´s disappointing. I don´t know how I can stand

Lie: Exactly! Come with me, I will show you how to get along with others. There is no
reason for not eating well, or dress like me, with the best clothes. But you have to
promise me that you won´t say a bad word about me while we are together.

Truth: Very well, I promise you. I am really hungry!

Lie: Let´s go. We will go to the best restaurant there is.

Narrator: When they arrived to the restaurant they sat at the best table.
Lie: Waiter, we want the best meal and the best dessert you have.

Narrator: And they ate until full.

Lie: Manager! Come quickly!

Manager: Yes, Sir.

Lie: What kind of place is this? About an hour ago I paid that waiter over there, and he
still hasn´t brought me the change.

Narrator: The restaurant manager talked to the waiter.

Waiter: It isn´t truth. That gentleman didn´t give me a cent!

Narrator: The manager told Lie what the waiter said.

Lie: What?

Manager: Please, Sir, you don´t have to shout.

Lie: I want everybody to know that this is an incredible place! Decent people like me
come here to eat, and all you do is take my money away. Money that I worked hard to
earn! You steal money and you are liers. Maybe you tricked me once, but I will never
come back to this place again! Here! Take this money, but this time, bring me the

Manager: No, please Sir… I can´t accept more money from you. I will bring you the
change the waiter didn´t give you.
Narrator: The manager gave Lie the money and then went to talk to the waiter.

Manager: You stole his money! Look at all the trouble you caused.

Waiter: But…

Manager: You are fired!

Waiter: But.. that man is lying. He didn’t pay!

Manager: I just don´t believe you.

Waiter: Oh, Truth, where are you hiding? Don´t let me down, please.

Narrator: Then Truth answered.

Truth: I’m here. But I was so hungry! But now, I can´t break the promise I made to Lie.

Lie: Do you see now how the world works? I was a good actor, wasn´t I?

Truth: I prefer not to eat than living like you do.

Narrator: So Truth and Lie went on different ways, and never again traveled together.

The End
Tolerance - Guest of Honor
Narrator – 1
Narrator 3


NARRATOR1: Once upon a time in Turkey there was a man called Sebastián. One
day, the King invited him to a very important dinner party at the palace.

SEBASTIAN: I have been working all day in the field, but I feel good to know that tonight
is the big party at the King’s palace.

NARRATOR1: When it was getting dark he noticed that it was time to go.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, it’s too late go go home to take a shower and change my clothes. I
will just go to the party the way I am dressed.

NARRATOR1: When he arrived to the palace everybody ignored him. Nobody asked
for his opinion, or talked to him. Not even the King.

KING: (talking to a servant) Take Sebastian to the farest place of the room. I don’t want
him to sit with all my other guests.

SERVANT: Yes, my King.

NARRATOR2: Sebastian noticed what his appearance had caused, so he decided to go
home to take a shower and change.

SEBASTIAN: I will wear my best clothes. My golden pants, the silk shirt, and the
embroidered coat with red rubies.

NARRATOR2: Then he went back to the party.

SERVANT: Please sir, come in. You will sit beside the King.

SEBASTIAN: Thank you for your kindness.

NARRATOR2: So he sat at the table beside the King, and this time everybody was
taking to him and asking for his opinion.

SERVANT: Please sir, taste the food, everything is so delicious.

NARRATOR3: but they were surprised to see that he was placing the food in his coat

SEBASTIAN: Eat, my dear coat, eat my dear coat.

KING: Why are you doing that?.

SEBASTIAN: I am feeding the Guest of Honor.

KING: Are you crazy?.

SEBASTIAN: No. A while ago I came wearing my work clothes and nobody paid
attention to me.
KING: So?.

SEBASTIAN: Now, that I am wearing this coat, everybody is being kind to me. I am the
same person, but the way you all treat me depends on the way I am dressed. So, I
think that my coat is the Guest of Honor.

KING: Oh, Sebastian, please forgive us. Now we understand that we shouldn’t have
treated you bad because of the way you were dressed.

Narrator 1 - World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his
neighbor — it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their
disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.

Narrator 2- Well said my friend,

Be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, always offering respect
onto others and never expecting any in return

Narrator 3 - I cant agree more with both of you,

Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible


Moral Value: Tolerance, Respect

We should understand that we are all different. We have different cultures, projects,
and goals. We should respect others for the way they are, and understand that not
everybody is the way we want them to be.

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