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Alyanna Angelina M.



US- Houthis- Saudi Arabia-

Houthi insurgency Houthi Rebellion Sa’dah War
Issues and cause Struggle over territory Yemeni government is a Sectarian conflict
and power in Yemen puppet in the hands of between Yemen's new
between Houthis and US, which are Shiite tribal rulers,
the Al Qaeda indifferent to the known as Houthis, and
rightful and sincere the disenfranchised
demands of Houthis Sunni majority
Identity US as Houthi’s partner Houthis as marginalized Saudi Arabia as against
against Al Qaeda minority in Yemen Iran
Opportunity Persuade the Houthi To end marginalization Establish regional
government of Yemen by gaining the lead role power in Persian Gulf
to join the in shaping government
counterterrorism policy
against Al Qaeda

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