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Eric Segovia

Professor Francis

HUM 1010

November 29, 2019

Civic Engagement

My Civic Engagement activity was helping serve food to the homeless in the kitchen.

The place I volunteered was Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, located at 463 400 W, Salt Lake City,

UT. Day I was there 11/27/19, I did around 4 hours of service and got to know more about the

homeless community in Utah. Rescue Mission of Salt Lake is an amazing place for recovery and

a place to help people in any giving situation. My duties were to hand out food plates to the

homeless and make sure the tables were clean for the next party to come, this was all during their

thanksgiving banquet which they do every year. It was an amazing experience; they had a stage

for music etc. Thousands of people came to show love and gratitude for the event!

The event connected well with the theme I chose, in module 4 we went over many types

of religions especially religion in Utah series. During my time in Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, I

noticed a lot of the staff and the place itself is all about giving thanks to Jesus for giving them an

opportunity to open new doors for the homeless. Multiple religions seek with good behavior

good will come, depending on how we live, we can go to heaven. For example, the Qur’an

teaches “god will deliver them from the evil of that day and make their faces shine with joy”

(Fiero 115).
My participation made me feel more of a responsible citizen in terms of promoting my

freedom. I got to experience a life lesson while attending the homeless, made me realize what I

have in my life and that I shouldn’t take it for granted. My freedom is just as important as living

my life in general, for the homeless it’s a battle of when they will get their next meal and where

are they going to sleep tonight. It was hard seeing so many people homeless and makes me want

to start a fund for them and help them in anyway possible.

I enjoyed every second of this experience, just seeing all the beautiful smiling faces and

being able to help felt amazing. Even though I was just a server to them I want to do it again, get

to know more about homeless community and how we can expand and reach others in need!

Here’s a passage Luke 14:13-14 “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the

lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at

the resurrection of the just.”


Fiero, Gloria K. Landmarks in Humanities. McGraw Hill Education, 2017. (Pages 115 )

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