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1 Netflix The People vs. O.J.

Episode 3 The Dream Team 3:51-4:28

1 Marcia Clark: Good afternoon.

2 I'm Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark, and what I will outline for you today Commented [MOU1]: Marcia outlining (process coding)
3 are my office's charges against Mr. Orenthal James Simpson in the murders of
4 Nicole Brown Simpson and Mr. Ronald Lyle Goldman on the evening of June 12, 1994.
5 [over TV]: I think the facts speak for themselves. Commented [MOU2]: “the facts speak for themselves”
6 Simpson's blood was found at Bundy.
7 Nicole's blood was found at Rockingham.
8 And both Nicole and Ronald's blood were found in the Bronco.
9 Simpson will be charged with the premeditated deaths of both victims,
10 and that is precisely what we will prove. Commented [MOU3]:
11 Female reporter: What about the Bronco chase? “precisely what we will prove”
12 Male Reporter: Do you think he was escaping to Mexico?
13 Female Reporter: Are there plans to charge anyone else?
14 Marcia Clark: Mr. Simpson is charged alone, because he is the sole murderer. Commented [MOU4]: “is charged alone”
15 Male Reporter: Is death penalty on the table?
16 Marcia Clark: I'd say everything is on the table. Commented [MOU5]: “everything is on the table.”

2 Episode 4 100% Not Guilty 1:56- 3:28

1 Johnnie: Black men obviously are our allies.

2 Mr. Simpson, a hero in the community.
3 And I'm confident that people will assume he couldn't have committed such a
4 ghastly crime.
5 But black women, on the other hand, might be a problem. Commented [MOU6]: Possible problems
6 They don't like their men marrying white girls.
7 Robert Kardashian: Is that true?
8 Christopher: Why are you looking at me?
9 Johnnie: Well, I... But I believe the generalization is accurate. Commented [MOU7]: “generalizations is accurate”
10 Black women resent successful black men marrying outside the community. Commented [MOU8]: “black women resent”
11 We need to limit that group.
12 Robert Shapiro: That analysis is smart.
13 The prosecution thinks they have the upper hand, but they don't. Commented [MOU9]: “prosecution thinks they have the
14 Because we have you. upper hand”
15 And you know how these people think.
16 Johnnie "These people." Commented [MOU10]: “These people."
17 Bob, let me give you a helpful piece of advice.
18 On this case, you need to choose your vernacular very, very carefully. Commented [MOU11]: “you need to choose your
19 Robert Shapiro: Mea culpa. vernacular very, very carefully” **
20 Okay, but the important thing is that we work together.
21 When we face the prelim judge, we want to come out swinging. Commented [MOU12]: “come out swinging”
22 We concede to nothing. If Marcia Clark wants to go to the bathroom, we object. Commented [MOU13]: “concede to nothing”
23 If they say the sky is blue, hearsay.
24 Nothing will be admitted without challenge and provocation. Commented [MOU14]: “Nothing will be admitted without”
3 The People vs. O.J. Simpson Commented [MOU15]: In vivo coding
Episode 7 Conspiracy Theories 35:52-39:55

1 Judge: Opposing counsel hasn't asked for anything of the kind, Mr. Cochran. Commented [MOU16]: “hasn’t asked for anything”
2 Your Honor, they just tried to bring these ringer gloves in here.
3 Chris: And they seem to be overly concerned about what
4 I might or might not want to do before I've even done it.
5 He can ask for whatever he wants to ask for, Mr. Cochran. Commented [MOU17]: “can ask for whatever he wants”
6 You can object if you want to object. Now let's proceed.
7 Chris: Your Honor, at this time, the People would ask that Mr. Simpson
8 step forward and try on the gloves recovered from Bundy and Rockingham. Commented [MOU18]: “try on the gloves”
9 (gallery murmuring)
10 We have no objection, Your Honor. (gallery murmuring)
11 ♪ ♪ (gallery murmuring)
12 Judge: Mr. Simpson, please approach the jury. (O.J. sighs)
13 (O.J. grunting softly) Commented [MOU19]: OJ grunting and struggling to put
14 OJ: (sighs) These gloves are too small. on gloves - process coding
15 (gallery murmuring) Too tight.
16 They won't fit.
17 Can Mr. Simpson please straighten his fingers?
18 Can we ask that he make a fist? With his right hand.
19 Can we ask that he... grasp an object with his hand?
20 A... a marker, perhaps? Commented [MOU20]: In this scene, the prosecutor is
21 Johnnie: Objection, Your Honor. baffled and has embarrassed themselves in front of the jury
22 Judge: Sustained. Have we seen enough, Your Honor? Mr. Darden? asking OJ to try on the glove
23 Thank you.
24 No, your Honor. I have nothing. I have nothing further. Commented [MOU21]: descriptive- this question is asked
25 Chris: He was... making them not fit. and the judge is finding this little moment annoying,
26 I mean, you saw what he was doing. however it is crucial
27 And he had the gloves under the...
28 He kept his fingers stiff. Commented [MOU22]: “I have nothing further”
29 He was acting, he was just…
Commented [MOU23]: “He was acting”

4 OJ Simpson Trial
March 9, 1995, video
Witness answering- Fuhrman

1 Q: All right, sir. Directing your attention to this scene, do you recognize
2 what you're seeing here?
3 A: Yes.
4 Q: Is that the condition in which you saw the scene when you responded on the
5 night of -- early morning hours actually of June the 13th?
6 A: It wasn't that well lit, but yes, that's his position.
7 Q: Okay. So it was even darker than it seems here? Commented [MOU24]: Marcia is trying to bring a detailed
8 A: It appeared to me, yes. night out of this witness based on what he experienced and
9 Q: Were you able to -- please describe for us the evidence that you saw
10 were able to see as Officer Riske pointed it out to you.
11 A: The white envelope.
12 Q: As shown in this photograph?
13 A: Yes. The male victim.
14 Q: Is that the position in which you saw him?
15 A: Yes. The best of my recollection, yes. Officer Riske also used his flashlight
16 in the -- the bush with the long leaves at the feet of the male victim. He pointed
17 his flashlight and said that there was a knit cap and a glove there also.
18 Q: Were you able to see them?
19 A: I was able to see something. It was pretty hard to make out exactly
20 what they were from that angle.
21 Q: Okay. So, he just told you at that point?
22 A: Well, I -- yes. Commented [MOU25]: Stuttering by the witness
23 Q: Did you make some effort to see the knit cap and the glove that he
24 pointed out to you?
25 A: At that time, we asked Officer Riske if there was another way we
26 could come into this crime scene.
27 Q: And why was that, sir? Commented [MOU26]: Inquisitive question to break down
28 A: It was -- we would have to step onto the sidewalk where all the blood what is happening
29 where all the blood was
30 next too and get around that. We didn't know what was on the other side.
31 We preferred to go in another way if we could.
32 Q: Okay. So were you trying to get a better look?
33 A: Yes.
34 Q: Without disturbing anything? Commented [MOU27]: “Without disturbing anything?”
35 A: Yes.
36 Q: So what did you do? Commented [MOU28]: Quick short questions as to not
37 A: We retraced our steps backward. we had a discussion. Officer Riske, said, confuse the witness
38 well, we can go in through the alley through the back of the residence.
39 We were pleased with that. So, we walked back down Bundy South and
40 West on Dorothy and then to the north-south alley, which was taped off,
41 and we approached the rear of 875 South Bundy. Commented [MOU29]: Very specific answer to give as
42 Q: Okay. Now, as you walked up the grassy or shrubbery area which would much details as possible
43 be to the south of the walkway, that's the front walkway leading from the
44 sidewalk up to the front steps --
45 A: Yes.
46 Q: -- Did you observe that walkway and the blood that was on it? Commented [MOU30]: “Did you observe”
47 A: Yes.
48 Q: Did you look to see whether there were any -- whether there were any Commented [MOU31]: “Did you look” similar question as
49 shoeprints on that blood on the front walkway? above just stated slightly differently
50 A: The walkway that's leading from the female victim eastbound?
51 Q: Right?
52 A: I did not see any.
53 Q: Okay. Did you look on the sidewalk -- you said you walked down
54 the sidewalk South on Bundy and then West on Dorothy?
55 A: No. We walked in the street.
56 Q: Okay. Did you see anything -- well, strike that. Why did you
57 walk in the street? Why not on the sidewalk? Commented [MOU32]: The questions keep getting intense
and coming out faster which can lead to confusion
5 OJ Simpson Trial
March 21, 1995, video-
Witness- Kaelin

1 Ms.Clark: Thank you, Your Honor.

2 The Court: I’m sorry. Forgot to ask him to state and spell his name
3 The Witness: Brian Kato Kaelin, B-R-I-A-N K-A-T-O K-A-E-L-I-N
4 The Court: Miss Clark
5 Direct Examination by Ms. Clark Commented [MOU33]: basic questioning is happening
6 Q: Mr. Kaelin, is Kato your middle name? here, Marcia did not get into anything connected to the
7 A: Nickname case besides knowing Nicole
8 Q: Is that what people call you instead of Brian?
9 A: Yes
10 Q: You a little bit nervous today?
11 A: Feel great. Little Nervous Commented [MOU34]: Marcia is getting a feel of the
12 Q: All right. Mr Kaelin, did you know someone by the name of Nicole Brown Simpson back in 1992? witness testifying currently
13 A: Yes
14 Q: Can you tell us, please, how you met her Commented [MOU35]: Going way back to when Nicole
15 A and Brain first met
…. Further questioning
16 Q: Well, how long was that trip in Aspen in December of ‘92?
17 A: I think seven days about. It’s — like a week.
18 Q: And did you all spend that whole week together? Commented [MOU36]: Very repetitive questioning was
19 A: Off and on, yes. happening and not really getting anything important
20 Q: And that--when I say “you all,” who was all —- all of you together?
21 A: I — quite a few people but basically it was myself, Grant Cramer, Faye Resnick was there and
22 Nicole and other people that I — the names I can’t think of them right now. But other people
23 Q: Now, at that time sir, was Nicole Brown already divorced?
24 Mr. Shapiro: Objection. Calls for hearsay.
25 The court: Overruled, you can answer
26 Q: By Ms. Clark: you can answer
27 A: Oh, I Believe so, yes
28 Q: After seeing her and meeting her in Aspen in December of 1992. After that trip,
29 when was the next time you saw Nicole Brown?
30 A: I saw her pretty much in January at her house that was on Gretna Green Commented [MOU37]: Her language to get information
31 Q: January of ‘93 is that? out of the witness is very straightforward
32 A: Yes

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