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Scope and Limitation

The proposed security access control system will focused on the design and development of the
process of unlocking the door and attendance monitoring system using fingerprint scanner and
identification card for handicapped user that will be save in a specific database. This system can
recognize card identification using RFID reader and biometric data for comparison fingerprints and will
give access to unlock the door automatically if the software that converts the scanned information into
digital form and compares match points. And to ensure the security, as the system verified and give
access to enter the classroom the system will also input the name of the professor and will monitor the
time of arrival and departure of the professor that will eventually save in database as history log.

The proposed system also has its limitations like other programs. The system only covers the monitoring
of attendance of the user/s and only the faculty admin is allowed to generate the history log report of
the professors that used the room. They are also the only one capable of updating and accessing the
system’s database. The students do not have an access to the classroom so they cannot use the room if
they do not have classes or if their professor is absent. Computer hardware damage and problem
caused by power interruption are not controlled by the said system.

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