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18 November 2019

Tammy Davis
Northern Oklahoma College
615 N. Monroe
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074

Dear Mrs. Davis,

Today I will share with you an assortment of writings I have compiled over time. I hold these
pieces I have selected near and dear to myself as I have been able to track my progress through
them. My goal while selecting these was to pick out both the strongest and the weakest papers I
have written in order to reveal my writing capability and improvement overtime that comes with
each piece.
In my first writing sample, I will share with you a paper titled, “The Power of Conversation”. I
wrote this for my Composition II class here at Northern Oklahoma College. I chose to share this
with you because it was truthfully one of the weakest and most rushed papers I have written
throughout my time in college. The topic of this paper was the different ways that people
conversate from day to day. I personally enjoyed writing this paper as the topic of discussion
intrigued me, however; I do wish I managed my time better when it came to composing this
paper. This was an eye-opening experience that helped me to better prepare for upcoming papers.
My second piece was an annotated bibliography that I also completed for my Composition II
class at NOC. This paper analyzed an article titled “Is the Food Industry Responsible for
Obesity?” I chose to include this in my portfolio because I properly and effectively delivered the
information, though I failed to accurately follow the prompt. I enjoyed writing the annotated
bibliography because I was interested by the topic, but for this reason, I was caught up in my
own thoughts and ended up steering away from the prompt. After completing this paper, I
quickly realized that my time-management had improved, though I still had to work on other
issues before receiving the grade I was aiming for. My third selection for the portfolio was my
final paper in my Composition I class at Tulsa Community College titled “The True Value of
Colligate Success.” In this piece, I discussed the benefits of college in the real world. This topic
was relevant to my life, and it helped me gain insight on my own decisions. While composing
this paper, I had a realization that my future depends on how I carry myself through college. This
topic strengthened me as a writer as it ultimately made me realize the reality of my future. My
fourth and final piece that I will share with you was a business format letter I have recently
written for my Composition II course. This letter helps demonstrate how far I have come as a
writer. While preparing for this assignment, I jotted down notes and outlined my entire paper. I
spent a lot of time preparing, writing, revising, and finalizing this paper in order for it to be
perfect. This topic was also very engaging for me as it debated the outrageous college tuition
Throughout college, my writing skills have improved exponentially. Through sweat and tears, I
have concluded that a good essay is possible through preparation, organization, hard work, and
time management. I have learned to experiment with different methods of organizing my
thoughts before jumping straight into the final draft in order to create an ideal paper. As I am
writing my papers, I refer to the prompt and rubric quite often to ensure that I am staying on
topic and delivering my points effectively. I feel that the content development and overall quality
of my writing has improved as a result of spending more time familiarizing myself with the
If I had a writing toolbox, my number one tool inside would be an organization system with
which I can outline my thoughts. This would be useful for me because it helps provide an idea of
what my paper will look like before I begin to place everything into complete sentences and form
paragraphs. I would also include a thesaurus in my toolbox. This helps me expand from vague,
unprofessional vocabulary to more meaningful, effective words. Lastly, I would include a prompt
and grading rubric to ensure that I am staying relevant to my topic as well as doing everything I
can in order to receive the highest possible grade.
Coming into this class, I still had a lot to learn before I was anywhere near a good writer. I lacked
basic skills such as time management and creativity. When it came to writing a paper, I dealt
with severe writers block as a result of my inadequate methods of preparation and organization.
This weakened my ability to move forward in my work and produce engaging pieces, and it also
made me second guess the competency of my writing. Although I feel my writing could always
improve further, I believe my skills have improved significantly, and I now possess many
strengths when it comes to writing a paper. Some of my strengths consist of professionalism,
love of words, proper grammar and punctuation, and ambition. These strengths carry me and
motivate me to become a better writer in each paper I construct.
In conclusion, I now feel adequately prepared for my future writing experiences. My past
experiences have shaped me into a great writer and given me opportunities to express myself
with words. I never fully understood the importance of writing until I wrote a paper that I was
extremely proud of, and I first-handedly saw the impact it could make. I am impacted by writing
everyday as I am constantly surrounded by all different sorts of it. I can foresee that in the future,
I will hold more confidence in the writing and work that I produce due to the lessons that I have
learned and the improvements I have made from this course. I hope that anyone else who
struggles with writing will read this and be inspired to find ways to be the best writer they can
Ramein Daqiq

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