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Evidence: Something I will always treasure

My black tourmaline necklace

About two years ago I went through a difficult time, and I didn't think that an object could make
such important changes in my life, everything in my life was messy, and only one person was aware
of what was happening to me, my best friend. He has always been a superstitious person, while I
have been rather pragmatic, he always told me that emotional stability was brittle and that
happiness was based on small everyday details so he dedicated himself to making different amulets
to keep Your energy always positive. Given the situation I was going through, he gave me a gift, he
made me a necklace with a black tourmaline pendant and brought it to my house, he told me that
tourmaline is used to turn negative energies into positive ones, which was a perfect stone to make
the bad thoughts that go through our mind transform; He knew me and knew that it was very
difficult for me to believe that a simple object could transform something in my life, so he told me
that this necklace was going to be a reminder of our friendship with which he would show me that
together we would overcome every obstacle and that everything would be fine; I happily accepted
my gift and later that necklace became my favorite accessory, every time I used it I remembered my
friend's words, and coincidentally everything in my life began to improve.

I knew that the necklace was designed to improve my energies, and seeing how everything changed,
I decided to believe in its power and I no longer wanted to take it away from me anymore; when I
told my friend how I had overcome the problems I had at the time, he smiled and said “I told you
so”, thanks to that object my perception of life has changed a bit, and I have been able to let
everything flow more naturally; I was very grateful for the gift, not only for the object as such, but
because I knew that with the necklace I was giving an important part of him, his beliefs, his hobby,
his wit, his love, his hope and his good wishes; and although for others it is one more necklace, for
me it is an object valued in an incalculable way, mainly because it was made by an important person
for me, and secondly because that person does things with all the love in the world.

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