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Every day I get up and look at the bracelet that my girlfriend

gave, she gave it to me 7 months ago and she bought the exact
companion, my girlfriend gave it to me with the meaning of a
sincere union, full of trust, love, security, trust , understanding,
strength, direction among other qualities that characterize a
good relationship, with my girlfriend we have this meaning in
order to be a representative of the two, every time I see this
handle I get a security, a strength difficult to describe , I feel that
my soul is renewed, that I have company, that I know that she
will be for me and may sound cheesy, but she is a person who in
a short time has filled my life with good things, lessons, good
grades in college and With every word we cross I feel that woman
is increasingly unique.

I received it when we met our first month, I didn't know exactly what was going to happen that day,
I just wanted to see it and give it a detail that I had bought a few days earlier, it gave me the bracelet
in her house when I passed after going to work, a Long and stressful day, it is special because it is an
amulet that gives me good luck and very good energy, as I mentioned earlier this amulet brings out
the best qualities that inhabit my being, since I use it, many good things have happened to me, I plan
and things go well for me, each time our relationship is strengthened, we hope to grow and we can
also build a life together or whatever destiny allows us to be, but not only has it given me fortune,
just like it, She tells me that she has done better in college, gets better grades and every time she
sees her, she remembers that she still has me for her support, this bracelet is made of silver.

I always wear this bracelet and I never go out without it, when I go to work, when I exercise, when I
travel, I take a shower with her, I sleep with her, and I have never lost it, I have a love and special
care, always I am attentive to this bracelet I have never been asked to sell it, although most of my
acquaintances who have seen it tell me that it is beautiful, besides I have it very well maintained, the
brightness and I always have it insured.

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