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Sympathy VS. Empathy VS.

HCAP 1136 - Discussion Post DUE Sep 13th

Growing up as the eldest in my family. I always craved my sibling's tears. My sister

grew up sick and was always in and out of the hospital. She used to have bed skin due
to that and is now able to sleep at night So, every time I had the chance, I would make
sure I put her medical lotion on before bedtime so she feels relaxed enough to pass out
to sleep without having irritation, because she her health condition I did all the house
duties at the time I would do special things to make her feel better. Like, give her my
share of snacks, or toys. I thought I was just being nice but as I have grown and am
now a mother, I was showing my sister kindness the only way a child knew how.
For me it is a sense of comfort knowing that am making meaningful contributions to my
life and the experiences of others when the people around me have a better quality of
life, It creates a ripple effect in my life too, a sense of self-awareness and peace which
makes me enjoy giving my best to the work. As I already Practicing compassion each
day many times in my life is now helping me improve life quality by reducing stress and
anxiety and increasing overall happiness. Which made the bond between me and my
sister stronger. I would not change anything as now she is supporting me in my dreams
to be a nurse by being there for me. She is returning that empathy and compassion
because she remembers how I was sympathetic to her hard times. I learned that if you
give kindness then you will get kindness back. As a mother, I do teach my children and
encourage them to be more to express themselves by being sympathetic, Empathy, and

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