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This chapter presents the analysis, presentation and interpretation of data gathered from the

It shows the detailed presentation of the qualities of banana paper in terms of durability
and water resistance in accompanying tables and graphs. It shows the average measures of the
paper in terms of durability and water resistance. Moreover, it shows the comparison of the
qualities of paper for each treatment and the comparison of the handmade paper to the
commercialize paper.

Table 1. The values of experimental group in terms of durability and water resistance

Durability Water Resistance

(Weights carried in grams) (Time in seconds)
Trial T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
1 938.8 786.1 1232.7 2.5 5.85 5.81
2 731 506.2 1234.2 2.72 2.96 1.3
3 938.5 284.4 1233.8 3.38 6.3 2.26
4 927.4 492.6 1148.9 4.02 5.48 2.93
5 935.7 995.8 1148.9 2.52 3.3 24.59
The table represents the data for the treatment 1 to 3 of Durability and Water resistance. In every
treatment, there’s 5 trials. For the durability, the researchers test the paper by putting pressures to
the paper. For the water resistance, they put the paper to the water and list the time of it after it

Table 2. The values of Control and Experimental group in terms of Durability and Water

Control Experimental

Trial Durability Water Durability Water

resistance Resistance
1 938.8g 2.5s 1232.7g 34.51s
2 731g 2.72s 1234.2g 23.24s
3 938.5g 3.38s 1233.8g 41.21s
4 927.4g 4.02s 1726.8g 30.69s
5 935.7g 2.52s 1545.7g 38.68s

The table shows the values of the experimental and control group in terms of water
resistance and durability for five trials. Treatment 3 in experimental group was used for the to
compare to the values of the commercialized paper.

Table 3. Comparison of the Experimental and Control group in terms of Durability and
Water Resistance

Mean T-test
Control Experimental t- Critical Interpretation
Durability 894.28 1315.28 3.76 2.306 Significant

Water 3.028 7.378 0.99 2.306 Significant


The table shows the comparison between the Experimental and Control group in terms
of durability and water resistance. The data shows that the mean scores of the experimental group
in terms of durability is larger than the control group while the mean of the control group is larger
than the mean of the experimental. Based from the results of T-test, there is a significant difference
between the qualities of the paper for experimental and control group in terms of durability and
water resistance.

Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Interpretation
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation.

Specially, this study aims to:

1. Determine the mean scores of experimental and control group in terms of durability

and water resistance

2. Compare the qualities of banana paper and commercial ones in terms of durability and

water resistance

3. Determine the relationship between the amount of banana leaves fiber and quality of

paper produce.

Summary of Findings:

The salient findings of the study are as follows:

1.The mean scores of control group in terms of durability or the T1 is 894.28, For the

experimental group or the T2 is 613.02 and the T3 is 1315.28. In water resistance, for the

control group or the T1 is 3.028 and for the experimental group or the T2 is 4.778 and the

T3 is 7.378 and the mean score of the durability of experimental group is 1315.28 and for

the water resistance the mean score is 7.378. The mean score of the durability of control

group is 894.28 and for the water resistance is 3.028

2. The researchers used the treatment 3 of the experimental group as comparison to the

control group which is the commercialized paper. The average measure of the experimental

group in terms of durability is 1315.28 and 7.378 see for water resistance which the average

score for the control group is 894.28 for durability and 3.028 for water resistance.

3.The mean scores of the experimental group in terms of durability, for the T1 is 894.28 ,

for the T2 is 613.02 and for the T3 1315.28. In terms of water resistance, the control group

or the T1 is 3.028 and the experimental group or the T2 is 4.778 and the T3 is 7.328.

The findings shows that as the amount of the fiber increases the durability and water

resistance also increases.


Based on the result of the study. The following conclusions are:

1. There is a significant difference between the mean scores of the control and

experimental group. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

2. There is a significant difference between the qualities of banana paper and

commercialized. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

3. There is a significant relationship between the amount of fiber and the quality of

paper produced. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.


Based on the study, the following recommendations are drawn:

1. The researchers recommended to add dye in the banana paper like a

construction paper.

2. It recommended to put chlorine while conducting the experiment to the banan

paper water to make it white.

3. It also recommended to blend the banana leaves in the blender finely to make

the product neat and to have good appearance.


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