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VOLUME 22 • N O. 8 • AUGUST 2019

A Cure for Cancer…Hidden in Plain Sight

f you were diagnosed with to implement other unapproved cancer and within a few days,
metastatic melanoma, were therapies—a decision that I have no the start of intensive chemo and
told you had at most three doubt saved their lives. If you or a radiation therapy at MD Anderson.
months left to live and no chance loved one are ever faced with such
As Joe put it, “The radiation turned
of survival, so you should contact a horrific scenario, knowing exactly
my esophagus into fried bacon.” He
hospice…what would you do? I was how to use one of these therapies
couldn’t eat or swallow anything.
with my friend Benton a year ago could be the difference between life
Rather than agree to a feeding tube,
when he received this exact news. and death.
he decided to “live off his fat stores”
A couple of weeks ago, I Unfortunately, the effectiveness and use an IV to keep his body
spoke with Joe Tippens, another of this cancer-fighting therapy has hydrated. After eight weeks, his
gentleman who had been diagnosed been known for quite some time weight dropped from 200 lbs to 105.
with incurable, advanced small- but has been withheld from the
After completing chemo and
cell lung cancer. Joe was given public. The secrecy has primarily
radiation in January 2017, Joe was
less than a one percent chance of been for financial reasons, as I’ll
scheduled for another PET scan. It
survival and possibly three months explain later. But more importantly,
revealed the therapies had indeed
to live. With I want to share the research
stopped the growth in his left lung.
aggressive supporting this therapy, how to
But it also showed that the cancer
chemotherapy, obtain it inexpensively, and exactly
had spread to his neck, right lung,
radiation, and how to use it.
stomach, liver, bladder, pancreas,
an experimental
and tail bone. In his words, “The PET
drug, doctors No Remission scan lit up like a Christmas tree.”
might be able Joe’s story best illustrates what
to extend that the public is allowed to see, as As I mentioned, the odds of
timeframe to a opposed to what’s often happening curing small-cell lung cancer aren’t
year, at best. behind the scenes in the business of good to begin with, and when it has
treating cancer. spread to that many locations, it is
Today, Benton is still alive, almost
considered incurable…less than one
clear of any signs of melanoma and In the fall of 2016, Joe was percent cure rate with an average
enjoying life to the fullest. And when leaving the US to start a new life expectancy of three months.
I recently spoke with Joe, he had job in Zurich, Switzerland. Two
just completed his tenth quarterly days prior to his flight, he was That’s when doctors told Joe
checkup at MD Anderson Cancer experiencing what he thought was they wanted to put him in clinical
Center in Houston, where he was simple congestion. He stopped trial—not one that would save his
found to be completely cancer free. at a neighborhood clinic for a life, but one that might extend it by
prescription. However, a routine a year or so. He obviously agreed.
While both of these men
underwent chemotherapy, radiation, chest X-ray revealed a mass in his Many of these types of cancer
and experimental immunotherapy, left lung the size of a fist. This led studies are not designed to test for
they also made the brave decision to a diagnosis of small-cell lung a possible cure, but rather to see

VOLUME 22 • N O. 8 • AUGUST 2019

if a drug can either improve quality that lit up like a Christmas tree, It obviously wasn’t a result of the
of life during a patient’s last days with cancer from “head to tail.” The experimental drug.
or possibly extend remaining time. May scan came back all clear. There
That’s when Joe told them about
Typically, these studies are only was no sign of residual tumors, no
taking the dewormer. They were
approved for patients whose cases recurrent tumors, and no signs of
shocked. But their reply was even
are considered hopeless and there’s metastasis.
more shocking.
nothing more that can be done. In
The oncologists were totally
Joe’s case, this was one of those Here is their conversation with
mystified. Joe suspected it was the
studies. Joe, as he relayed it to me:
dewormer but decided that it wasn’t
With little hope left, Joe returned the right time to tell them. “We’ve known for decades that
home to Oklahoma. Two days later, the anthelmintic class of drugs
At that point he couldn’t be 100
he contacted his friend, a large could have possible efficacy against
percent certain whether it was the
animal veterinarian, who had posted cancer. In fact in the 1980s and
dewormer working or the clinical
a story online about a scientist 1990s there was an anthelmintic
trial drug they were giving him.
working for Merck pharmaceuticals drug called Levamisole that was
He certainly didn’t want them to
in the veterinary division. used on colon cancer.”
take him off the trial drug if it was
The scientist happened to be responsible for clearing the tumors. Joe said, “Doc, if you have known
testing the effects of their existing for decades, why hasn’t more
The clinical trial ended in
products on mice that had various research been done on it?”
September 2017, and he was
cancers. That’s when she discovered
scheduled for another PET scan. He replied, “Probably because of
that one of their dog products
That scan was also all clear, without money. All of these drugs are far off
(a dewormer) was 100 percent
any sign of cancer. patent and nobody is going to spend
effective. This same scientist had
a gazillion dollars to repurpose them
stage 4 brain cancer and, like Joe, Since the clinical trial had ended
for cancer, only to have generic
was also given three months to and getting kicked off was no longer
competition the next day.”
live. She started taking the dog a concern, he decided it was time to
dewormer and six weeks later, she come clean and tell the oncologists
was clear of the cancer. about using the dewormer. But
The “Business” of
before telling them, he wanted to
Cancer In America
On January 15, 2017, without
know how many people were in the Personally, I understand this
informing the oncologists at MD
same clinical trial as he was, and situation. I’ve seen similar scenarios
Anderson, Joe started taking the
how many of them had responded repeated over and over again in
same dewormer while continuing on
positively to the experimental drug. health care.
the experimental drug.
He was told 1,100 patients were in What I don’t understand, however,
Every quarter since he began this
the same trial and taking the exact is why the public is always kept in
treatment, Joe goes to MD Anderson
same medication as Joe. However, the dark about potentially lifesaving
for a PET scan. May 2017 was three
Joe was the only person whose therapies. And there’s something
months after having the PET scan
cancer had gone into remission.

Alternatives® Author: Dr. David Williams; Editor: Larissa Long

ISSN# 0893-5025. Published monthly for $69.99/yr. by Mountain Home Publishing at 6710-A Rockledge Dr. Ste. 500, Bethesda, MD 20817.
Editorial Office: 6710-A Rockledge Dr. Ste. 500, Bethesda, MD 20817. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, MD, and at additional mailing offices.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Alternatives, PO Box 11, Montoursville, PA 17754. © Healthy Directions, LLC. All rights reserved.
The approaches described in this newsletter are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses, or a means of diagnoses to different conditions.
The author and publisher assume no responsibility in the correct or incorrect use of this information, and no attempt should be made to use any
of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor.
Dr. Williams works with Healthy Directions, LLC, to develop his unique formulations that supply many of the hard-to-find nutrients he
recommends. Dr. Williams is compensated on the sales of these nutritional supplements and health products, which allows him to continue
devoting his life to worldwide research and the development of innovative, effective health solutions.

2 AUGUST 2019
even more disturbing, and extremely planet to search for unknown profit stream associated with
sickening, to me with this situation. cures, confirm the results of any managing them.
supporting research, and then share
When the oncologists at the It’s hard to believe that the
the details with the world.
world’s top cancer treatment primary goal of these cancer
center are aware of a safe, readily Unfortunately, it’s not always this facilities is to find a cure and
available product that has the simple, particularly when it comes put themselves out of business.
potential to cure cancer, why are to the business of health care. And If a universal cure to cancer is
they not using it?? nowhere is this more apparent than discovered, rest assured the industry
in cancer treatment. will make it difficult to obtain, and
Like many of the therapies I’ve
it will cost an absolute fortune.
reported on during the last 30-plus Cancer has become a $500
None of the mission statements of
years in this newsletter, it comes billion-a-year business. Cost
these centers, that I read, mentioned
down to money. It goes back to a figures continue to skyrocket with
the goal of shutting down. Quite
perverse translation of the “Golden some novel cancer therapy agents
the contrary, the emphasis was on
Rule,” i.e. “He who has the money costing over $60,000 a month and
growth and expansion.
make the rules.” the average agent totaling around
$10,000 a month. Add on hospital I could rant forever about this
In the three decades I’ve been
expenses, doctor fees, radiation, misguided path. But that’s not
studying, researching, and reporting
homecare, etc., and the average my focus. My focus, as always,
on alternative therapies, there are a
dollar amount can easily run into the is to help you have the tools and
couple of questions that I’m always
hundreds of thousands. knowledge to protect yourself and
asked: “If something is really this
the ones you love. However, it helps
effective, inexpensive, and safe, There are approximately 1,500
to understand the background as
then why doesn’t everyone know cancer centers in the US alone. MD
to why safe and effective therapies,
about it? And if it’s so good, why Anderson employs more than 20,000
such as this dog dewormer, aren’t
isn’t it being recommended and used people, including over 1,600 faculty
widely publicized.
by everyone in health care?” members. They treat more than
100,000 patients each year.
When I first started on this path All About Fenbendazole
of seeking tools to help restore and Behind MD Anderson, there’s The dewormer is called Panacur
protect health, I thought the answer Memorial Sloan Kettering in New C. The active ingredient is
to this question was simple. After all, York City, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, fenbendazole (FenBen for short).
while their approaches may differ, it Minnesota, Dana-Farber/Brigham
only stands to reason that all doctors and Women’s Cancer Center in Fenbendazole belongs to a family
have the same basic goals. Boston, UCLA Medical Center in of drugs called benzimidazoles,
Los Angeles...and the list goes on which have been safely utilized
The mission, at least I believed, is as anthelmintics for roughly
and on.
to minimize illness and pain, cure six decades. Anthelmintics are
disease, and help everyone live Cancer is just one example of how compounds used for the treatment
the healthiest, longest, and most misguided our vision has become of gastrointestinal parasites like
fulfilling life possible. when it comes to the treatment of giardia, roundworms, hookworms,
disease. We see a similar pattern whipworms, and pinworms.
As such, the only reason
with heart disease, diabetes, obesity,
alternative therapies and Merck & Co. commenced the use
depression, arthritis, and practically
techniques aren’t typically accepted of selective anthelmintics around
every other ailment.
has to be either 1) doctors are 1961. They were initially given
unaware of them, or 2) they We no longer talk about cures. only to animals, but human use
aren’t convinced these treatments The focus has shifted to developing soon followed. Fenbendazole is
actually work. drugs and programs that manage the anthelmintic typically found in
and control disease. There’s no animal products. A sister product
That’s where I wanted to make
money in curing and eliminating to fenbendazole, mebendazole,
a change. I traveled all over the
diseases. But there’s a neverending

VOLUME 22 • N O. 8 3
is typically found in deworming microtubules. This creates a drug as fenbendazole) strongly and
products for humans. blockage in the tiny tubes and profoundly inhibited the growth of
prevents the removal of waste lung, breast, ovary, colon, and bone
Fenbendazole is administered
products and the intake of nutrients. cancer cells in both tissue samples
orally in both large and small
The uptake of glucose, the sole and in live animals. At the same
animals including dogs, pigs,
energy source of the parasitic time, it had no negative effect on
cats, cattle, horses, rabbits, and
worms, is shut down. Without an normal cell growth.
fish. When given as directed, it is
energy supply, the worms are either
considered extremely safe. This same study was supported
paralyzed and die, or they are
by a grant from the National Cancer
Although fenbendazole has expelled from the body.
Institute. It makes you wonder why
traditionally been considered an
Cancer cells also require glucose they would fund a study like this,
animal anthelmintic, when taken
as an energy source. By blocking get such amazing results, and then
orally it has also been shown to
the microtubular network of cancer not have enough interest to do a
be very well tolerated and safe
cells, fenbendazole helps to shut follow-up study or further pursue a
in humans. While observations
down their energy supply and drug with such potential.
in humans are limited, based on
destroys them.
the data, a single oral dose up to Later in 2012, Dr. Mukhopadhyay
2,000 mg per person, or 500 mg per Second, fenbendazole further and colleagues, at Panjab University
person for 10 consecutive days, reduces the glucose uptake of in India, published another study
wasn’t problematic. There’s even cancer cells by downregulating what showing that fenbendazole was a
one case where a 67-year-old patient are called GLUT transporters. These potent compound for inhibiting the
with a very rare and severe parasitic are proteins that deliver glucose growth of cancer cells without doing
infection of the liver took around molecules one by one across any harm to or affecting the growth
3,000 mg per day of mebendazole cell membranes. of normal cells.
continuously for 13 years without
Third, fenbendazole increases the And in 2018, Dr. Mukhopadhyay
toxicity issues. (J Hepatol 1998
activity of the body’s natural killer and colleagues published yet
cells in the presence of P53 tumor another study highlighting
In a clinical trial conducted suppressor genes. fenbendazole as a safe and
at Johns Hopkins, no reports of inexpensive anthelmintic drug
Fourth, fenbendazole acts as a
toxicity or other problems were possessing “efficient anti-
kinase inhibitor, which helps block
seen in patients taking 200 mg of proliferative activity” in human
the formation of new blood vessels
fenbendazole per day. cancer cells. (This basically means
necessary for tumors to survive.
it inhibits the growth of cancer
Over the years, there has been
These anticancer properties are cells.)
a lot of research that explains
not new. They were documented
exactly how fenbendazole works at In that same report, Dr.
years ago. I was able to find one
destroying parasitic worms as well Mukhopadhyay states, “FDA as
of the earliest studies, published
as cancer cells. So far, there appears well as other published pre-clinical
in 2002, which detailed these
to be four different modes of action. data on the toxicological studies
effects. (Clin Cancer Res 2002
performed on animals shows that
First, around the nucleus of all Sep;8(9):2963–9)
fenbendazole administered in
living cells, there exists a protein-
In 2002, while working at MD different species at dosages several
structured microtubule network.
Anderson, Dr. Tapas Mukhopadhyay times the approved dosage does
These microtubules are involved
and his colleagues reported that not cause any adverse effects in
in cell division, the cell being able
mebendazole elicited a potent animals. Further, our previous
to adapt its shape to a changing
antitumor effect on human cancer study also showed minimal toxicity
environment, and the movement of
cell lines both in vitro and in vivo. of fenbendazole in normal human
compounds within the cell.
cells. Considering this information,
In simple terms, mebendazole
Fenbendazole binds to tublin, [fenbendazole] can be an ideal
(for all practical purposes the same
a structural protein of these candidate for development as an

4 AUGUST 2019
anti-cancer agent.” (Scientific industry, and many oncologists and in the US. They typically infect
Reports 2018 Aug 8(1):11926) cancer centers have known about children, usually between 5 and 10
fenbendazole for close to 20 years. years of age. Humans are the only
MD Anderson isn’t the only facility
species that can transfer pinworms.
that has knowledge of fenbendazole. When I searched the government-
They’re most commonly found in
I suspect practically every cancer run website on approved
families with school-aged children,
center knows about it. clinical trials (,
institutionalized children, and
Johns Hopkins had completed
In 2009, researchers at Johns caregivers of infected children.
several studies on the safety of
Hopkins evaluated various drugs for Itching and rashes around the anus
mebendazole and was recruiting
treatment of glioblastoma—the most are two main signs of infection.
subjects for additional trials for
common brain cancer in adults. It
brain and colon cancers. Until 2011, the generic version of
is very aggressive, with the average
mebendazole could be purchased
survival 11 to 15 months, and it is Surprisingly, I couldn’t find
for about $1.60. Then it was taken
considered incurable. any human clinical trials on
off the market by the manufacturer,
fenbendazole. You can probably
They implanted the cancer cells Teva, without explanation. It was
guess why. Fenbendazole is
into the brains of mice, which is the reintroduced in 2016 by a company
considered an animal product. It
normal procedure in these types called Impax, now the sole provider
was never approved for human use,
of studies. Before implanting the of mebendazole tablets in the US,
it’s sold without a prescription, and
cells, however, these particular mice under the name Emverm. When I
its patent has expired so anyone
were treated for pinworms with last checked, the average price for
can make it generically. This is
fenbendazole. The brain cancer did two chewable 100 mg tablets of
why no one wants to promote it or
not develop. It never grew. Emverm was around $430.
recommend its use in humans.
It’s interesting, when I dug The same company that sells
Mebendazole’s patent has expired,
into the details of this study, Emverm has the only other FDA-
but it was approved for human use.
fenbendazole was rarely mentioned. approved prescription drug for
It requires a prescription and is one
It was referred to as “an animal pinworms called Albenza (the brand
of only two drugs approved to treat
version of mebendazole.” Based name for albendazole). In 2010, the
pinworms. The fact that it has been
on the fact that fenbendazole was price of Albenza shot up from $6 a
approved for human use is one of
able to stop glioblastoma, the pill to $515 for two pills.
the primary reasons it gets studied,
researchers received funding to
promoted, and recommended By acquiring the rights to these
conduct phase I studies to test the
instead of fenbendazole. drugs and effectively cornering the
safety of mebendazole for brain
market on approved prescription
cancer in both adults and children. To get fenbendazole approved
drugs for pinworms in the US, Impax
It was found to be very safe and for humans could cost hundreds of
has created “a license to steal.”
extremely well tolerated, but that millions of dollars. No one is willing
was expected, considering both to spend that kind of money without In Third World countries,
drugs have been used to treat patent protection and the ability to mebendazole can be purchased for
pinworms all over the world, at recoup their money. less than 1 cent per pill. And the
these same doses, for almost 60 price for two pills of albendazole
Many countries have price
years. And they have always been costs 4 cents. Even in the United
controls on their drugs, but not
shown to be safe and well-tolerated Kingdom, a country with price
the US. The company that sells
by animal and humans alike. controls on drugs, two pills of
mebendazole has taken advantage
mebendazole can be purchased over
The takeaway here is that we have of this situation. It offers a prime
the counter for about $4.
a very inexpensive, effective, safe, example of the price gouging that
readily available compound that takes place and one reason our I don’t want to get sidetracked
has been shown to both prevent insurance costs are so high. talking about pinworms, but keep
and reverse many forms of cancer. in mind that fenbendazole, just
Pinworms are the most common
Researchers, the pharmaceutical like mebendazole and albendazole,
worm-like parasitic infection

VOLUME 22 • N O. 8 5
is effective at treating pinworms. can simply swallow the tasteless impossible, to reach toxic levels
(There’s also an over-the-counter powder, or mix it with food. with mebendazole.”
remedy called Reese’s Pinworm
A week’s supply (one 3-pack) now Until we know more, however, Joe
Medicine that costs less than $15.)
costs around $8. When Joe started is sticking with his current regimen.
I can only imagine what it was $4 a package. Since he went
While he feels fenbendazole is
outrageous price will be tacked public with his results, the price
undoubtedly what saved his life
onto mebendazole if they start has doubled.
and defeated his cancer, there
promoting it for cancer treatment.
You can purchase Panacur C are a couple of other parts to his
directly from Amazon or other treatment regimen that he feels
Joe’s Secrets to online pet supply companies like helped contribute to his success:
Successful Treatment 1-800-PetMeds and
In my discussion with Joe, I asked Additional nutrients. Based
for his thoughts on mebendazole vs If you know of a compounding on his personal research, Joe also
fenbendazole. He was fully aware pharmacy, they can buy started taking three more products,
and disheartened, to say the least, of fenbendazole in bulk to save which he uses seven days a week.
the price-gouging situation. some money. These items were not used in any of
the studies mentioned earlier:
However, from his firsthand Fenbendazole is also sold as a
liquid. Merck sells the liquid under • Vitamin E complex containing
experience of using fenbendazole
the Safe-Guard label, for goats and tocotrienols and tocopherols,
and his discussions with numerous 400–800 mg per day. He
scientists and researchers, he feels beef and dairy cattle. Each milliliter
recommends Gamma E by Life
fenbendazole is actually a better of liquid contains 100 mg of
Extension or Perfect E by Vitamin
choice when it comes to treating fenbendazole. Joe’s recommended Discount Center.
cancer. In fact, even though cancer plan would require a 2.2 milliliter
dose, which translates to just less • Curcumin (600 mg per day). He
free now, he intends to continue uses the product Theracurmin HP
taking it for the rest of his life. than half a teaspoon.
by Integrative Therapeutics.
Specifically, Joe uses Panacur Additionally, fenbendazole is sold • CBD oil (one to two droppers-full,
C made by Merck Animal Health. online to treat worm infections the equivalent of 25 mg per day
The package for small dogs in tropical fish: 100 percent taken under the tongue)
(10 lbs) contains three 1-gram fenbendazole is typically used and it Positive attitude. If you ever
packets. Each gram of Panacur C comes in either 250 mg packets or have the opportunity to meet or
contains 22.2 percent (222 mg) of the bulk powder. speak with Joe, one of the first
fenbendazole. Regardless of the product, Joe things you notice is his positive
stuck with the dosage of 222 mg and upbeat attitude. This is also the
His regimen consists of taking
based on the research he learned case with most cancer survivors I’ve
one 1-gram packet of powder
from Johns Hopkins showing that met. Benton, my friend I mentioned
(contains 222 mg of fenbendazole)
200 mg per day was safe and well earlier, exudes the same attitude
each day for three days, and then
tolerated. and humor. It’s hard to overstress
taking four days off and repeating
the power and importance of
the process. This requires one (It’s possible that higher doses visualization and positive thinking.
package a week. may be even more effective and
Although there haven’t been any work quicker, but again there Sharing His Story and
problems noted at this dosage, the aren’t any definitive studies to Spreading the World
purpose of taking four days off base this on. Dr. Gregory Riggins,
one of the doctors researching Joe’s story didn’t end after
between doses is to eliminate any overcoming cancer. He wanted to
possibility of liver or kidney issues. mebendazole at Johns Hopkins,
told HemOnc Today (June 15, 2017) share his story with as many people
It doesn’t matter when you take the following: “Mebendazole has a as possible. He started a blog to
the fenbendazole and it doesn’t 40-year track record of safe use. We detail his personal experience in
need to be taken with meals. You already know it is difficult, if not hopes that others could use the

6 AUGUST 2019
information to help defeat their be utilizing a full-time staff to start therapy too late. These individuals
cancer. He invited questions and collecting this information from passed away not long after starting
even provided his phone number, fenbendazole patients and compiling a fenbendazole, and he feels the
but personally responding to database. OMRF is an internationally cancer was just too far advanced.
hundreds of emails and phone calls recognized research institute with a One of his greatest frustrations is
quickly became overwhelming. As staff of over 400 who study cancer, hearing about people who waited
a result, his blog (mycancerstory. heart disease, autoimmune disorders, too long to start.
rocks) is on hold for now, but he and diseases of aging.
What types of cancer does it
has a Facebook page, which is
Joe has also been talking with work on? That list keeps growing,
screened and limited to individuals
Stephenson Cancer Center at but it seems to work on just about
with cancer or their family, friends,
the University of Oklahoma and every form of cancer. I urge you to go
or caregivers. His Facebook
Rutgers University hoping to have and read some of the success stories
page goes by the same name:
additional research studies done. on his blog. I did ask if he knew of
I’ve asked him to keep me in the anyone with pancreatic cancer—the
Joe is doing all he can to help loop, so I’ll keep you informed of deadliest form of this disease—taking
make fenbendazole more accepted any new developments. it. He didn’t have final results, but
and utilized as both a first line and he wasn’t aware of any complete
adjunctive cancer therapy. He’s fully A Q&A with Joe cures. There were a couple of cases,
aware of the tremendous financial Here are some of the questions I however, where fenbendazole seemed
and bureaucratic obstacles involved asked Joe, along with his answers. to stop its progression to the point
in reaching this goal. However, he that the individuals were able to get
hopes he can help achieve this by How long does it take to see back to living normally.
taking a different path. results using fenbendazole?
At the recommended dosage and Can fenbendazole be used
Every week, he gets reports of at schedule, it appears to be anywhere in children? Currently, he knows
least two or three success stories from four weeks to three months. of about 10 ongoing cases with
of individuals who have cured their Some people have reported being children. One 17-year-old had more
cancer with fenbendazole. To date, completely clear of cancer in four than 100 tumors from metastatic
he has about 70 success stories. As weeks. Since Joe was only being melanoma and has been completely
a result of sharing his story on his checked quarterly, he’s not sure cleared. Johns Hopkins is currently
blog and Facebook page, he has when his cancer cleared. testing mebendazole in pediatric
reached over 70 different countries brain tumors, but the results may not
and the feedback is increasing daily. Can it be used concurrently be available for two or three years.
with chemo and/or radiation? Yes.
By collecting data and medical That’s what Joe did. He hasn’t heard Personally, Joe would use it on
details about the people using or seen any reports that it conflicts his own children but would adjust
fenbendazole, it may be possible to with conventional therapies. the dosage based on weight. For
present enough evidence to qualify example, if the dose for a 150 lb
as an anecdotal limited clinical trial. How many people are taking adult is 222 mg, then a 75 lb child
fenbendazole? Joe personally would take half that dose.
However, collecting and knows of more than 400 people who
documenting these results is another have taken or are currently using it. Has anyone used only
endeavor that has quickly became fenbendazole without chemo or
overwhelming from both a time and What are the success and radiation? Yes. When we spoke, he
financial standpoint. After all, he has failure rates? When we spoke, he had about 20 successful (cancer-free)
a job, family, and a life, all of which had over 70 documented success cases of individuals who refused
I’m sure he treasures more than ever. stories and there were others that chemo and radiation and their only
he didn’t document when he first treatment was fenbendazole.
Recently, he started working with started sharing his experience. The
the Oklahoma Medical Research only failures that he is aware of are Are people telling their doctors
Foundation (OMRF) in Oklahoma those who he believes started the about using fenbendazole? It
City. It appears that soon they will seems about 80 percent of those he

VOLUME 22 • N O. 8 7
talked to do tell their doctors. About increases natural killer cell activity
70 percent of those doctors say, “It’s and reduces glucose flow into This Month Online
probably not going to hurt,” and the cancer cells
other 30 percent react negatively. • Immpower from American
Biosciences (active hexose Visit my website
What dietary changes did Joe at drwilliams.
correlated compound, or AHCC) to
make? None. He’s a “foodie” and com, where
boost natural killer cell activity you’ll find information
didn’t eliminate sugar from his diet, and recommendations for
• PectaSol-C Modified Citrus
but said it’s probably a good idea… Pectin from ecoNugenics to help many of your top health
and I agree. block metastasis conditions, including:

What if someone is not • HonoPure from ecoNugenics to ■S

 trengthening Immunity
comfortable taking fenbendazole reduce cancer cell division and ■H
 iatal Hernia, GERD, and
on their own? Care Oncology to promote antiangiogenesis other Digestive Concerns
prescribes a proprietary mix of (stopping the formation of new
 ognition and Brain Health
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8 AUGUST 2019

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