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1. Describe the Topodiagnostic tests for facial nerve palsy & the inference of results of these tests (3+2)
2. Enumerate the extracranical complications of Otitis media & mention the treatment for each of them
3. Define Otosclerosis? Describe its Clinical features & investigations? (1+2+2)
4. Describe the embryology of External Ear. Enumerate the causes of Microtia. & Mention the treatment
approaches. (2+1.5+1.5)
5. Enumerate 4 methods of Auditory Rehabilitation. Classify hearing aids & give examples for each type of
hearing aid (2+1.5+1.5)
6. Draw a labelled diagram of Organ of Corti. What are Oto acoustic emissions? Highlight their usefulness &
application. (2+1+2)
7. Describe the anatomy of tympanic membrane with a labelled diagram. Mention the various types of
myringotomies. (3.5+1.5)
8. Describe etiology, clinical features, stages, & management of acute suppurative otitis media (2+3+2+3)
9. Describe the clinical features & management of acoustic neuroma (2+3)
10. Describe the origin, insertion & nerve supply of muscles acting on Eustachian tube. (3+2)
11. Mention the principle of Stapedial reflex. Where is it useful? Add a note on the pathway for Stapedial
reflex (2+1+2)
12. What is Glomus tympanicum tumor histologically? Describe its clinical features & management
13. Enumerate the branches of facial nerve & mention the point of their origin. Add a note on Melkersson
Rosenthal Syndrome. (2+1+2)
14. Write diagram of External ear. What is Swimmer’s ear? How will you manage it? (2+1+2)
15. Enumerate 4 Extracranial complications of CSOM. What is Three finger test in otology? Name the
conditions where it is positive (2+2+1)
16. Draw a neat diagram of organ of corti? & Describe the Physiology of hearing. (5+5)
17. Enumerate 4 Extracranial complications of CSOM. What is Citelli's abscess? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
18. Describe Carhart's notch. Where do you see it? Enumerate 4 complications of Stapedectomy (2+1+2)
19. Describe the anatomy of Stapes with a diagram. Enumerate the Complications of stapedotomy. (2+3)
20. Describe the etiopathogenesis clinical features & management of Meniere's syndrome (3+2+5)
21. Enumerate 4 causes for SNHL. Describe the etiopathogenesis & management of noise induced hearing
loss (2+2+3)
22. Enumerate & classify ototoxic drugs & describe the management of a patient of ototoxic drugs (2+3)
23. Describe the course of facial nerve in parotid & highlight the surgical landmarks for it (3+2)
24. Enumerate the mastoid air cells & list out the theories of pneumatisation of mastoid (2+3)
25. Describe the compartments & contents of internal auditory canal (3+2)
26. Describe the pathways of spread of cholesteatoma. Enumerate the boundaries of Facial recess &
highlight its significance (2+2+1)
27. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of Inner ear. Enumerate various Inner ear fluids & mention where they are
produced & absorbed. (2+1+2)
28. Describe the anatomy of External ear. What is Fissure of Santorini? Highlight its clinical significance.
29. Describe the anatomy of Inner ear. Highlight the clinical importance of the Blood supply to inner ear &
30. Trace the Acoustic reflex pathway. Mention the principle of Acoustic reflex. Where is it useful? (2+2+1)
31. Enumerate the congenital defects of external ear & mention treatment options (3+2)
32. Classify mastoidectomies & list out differences between various mastoidectomies & mention its
complications (3+4+3)
33. Enumerate the various materials used for tympanic membrane grafting. Enumerate differences between
onlay & underlay myringoplasty (4+6)
34. Enumerate 4 causes of Facial nerve palsy. What is Ramsay Hunt syndrome? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
35. Describe the clinical features of Otosclerosis. What is Tullio phenomenon? What is the principle behind
it? (2+1+2)
36. Discuss the differential diagnosis of progressive conductive hearing loss (PCHL) in a middle-aged lady
with intact tympanic membrane (5)
37. What is Vanderhoeve syndrome? What is Fissula ante fenestram. What is its clinical significance? (2+1+2)
38. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of Otosclerosis. Add a note on Vander Hoeve syndrome. (3+2)
39. Enumerate 4 intracranial complications of CSOM. What is Perilymph fistula? How will you diagnose it in
OPD (2+1+2)?
40. Enumerate the causes of sensorineural hearing loss & explain how you will manage a patient with sudden
sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) (4+6)
41. Enumerate the various causes of fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) & describe the
management of any one of them (2.5+2.5)
42. What is recruitment? Describe alternate binaural loudness balance test (Fowler’s test) (2+3)
43. What is Lermoyez syndrome? Describe Glycerol dehydration test. Enumerate the alternatives to glycerol
in such a test. (2+1.5+1.5)
44. Describe the anatomy & function of Endolymphatic sac. Enumerate 4 causes of Meniere's disease.
45. Mention the clinical features & management of glomus tympanicum (2+3)
46. Enumerate Granulomatous otitis media. Discuss the clinical features & its complications. (1.5+3.5)
47. Enumerate 4 causes of Vertigo. Mention the types & clinical features of Labyrinthitis. (2+1.5+1.5)
48. What is Hennebert's sign? Briefly describe the method for performing a Fistula test. Enumerate 2
conditions where false positive & false negative fistula test is seen. (1+2+2)
49. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of mucocele (1.5+1.5+2)
50. Enumerate the types of fungal sinusitis & give examples for each type. Enumerate the complications of
Invasive fungal sinusitis (2+1+2)
51. Enumerate the various types of nasal septal deformities & draw diagram for each of them.
Enumerate 4 differences between Septoplasty & SMR (1.5+1.5+2)
52. Describe the course of Facial nerve. Add a note on Crocodile tears. (4+1)
53. Describe the course of Facial nerve. Add a note on Frey's syndrome. (4+1)
54. Describe the boundaries & contents of middle ear (2+3)
55. Describe the nerve supply of external ear? How will you administer local anaesthesia for middle ear
surgery (3+2)?
56. Enumerate the components & contents of Middle ear cleft with a neat, labelled diagram. (5)
57. Describe the types of Mastoid pneumatisation. Enumerate Mastoid air cells & highlight their clinical
importance (2+1.5+1.5)
58. Discuss the anatomy of Tympanic membrane with a neat, labelled diagram. Add a note on various types
of Tympanic membrane perforations. (3+2)
59. Enumerate Ossicles in middle ear & draw a diagram of ossicular chain Add a note on various
abnormalities of ossicular chain. (1+2+2)
60. What is Jacobson's Nerve? Highlight its clinical significance. Enumerate 4 conditions causing referred
otalgia (1+2+2)
61. What is Arnold's Nerve? Highlight its clinical significance. Enumerate 4 conditions causing referred otalgia
62. What is Spine of Henle? Highlight its clinical significance. Enumerate the types of Mastoidectomy.
63. Describe Anatomy of Stapes. What are the causes of stapes fixation? Enumerate 4 complications of
stapedotomy. (2+1+2)
64. Draw a neat diagram of organ of corti? & Describe the Physiology of hearing (5+5)
65. Describe theories of hearing. Name the scientist who was awarded Nobel prize for his work in physiology
of hearing (4+1)
66. Describe the various tuning fork tests? Enumerate the test used in malingering? (3+2)
67. Describe various graphs in tympanometry & highlight their significance (3+2)
68. Describe the method of performing Rinne's test. Mention the principle & inferences in Rinne's test. In
which condition do you get false negative Rinne's. (2+1+1+1)
69. Describe the method of performing Schwabach's test. What is the principle of Absolute bone conduction
test? Enumerate the inferences of this test. (2+1+2)
70. Describe the method of performing Weber's test. What is the principle of Weber's test? Enumerate the
inferences of this test. (2+1+2)
71. List out the tests for Eustachian tube function & classify these tests. Enumerate 4 causes of eustachian
tube dysfunction. (2+1+2)
72. Describe the anatomy of eustachian tube. Describe Valsalva maneuvre & enumerate its applications in
otorhinolaryngology (2+1.5+1.5)
73. List types of hearing loss. Give 3 examples for each type. Mention 2 audiological investigations for
assessment of hearing loss. (1.5 + 1.5+2)
74. Clinical features & management of foreign body ear (2+3)
75. Enumerate the complications of aural syringing & mention precautions to avoid them. Add a note on
composition of cerumen. (1.5+1.5+2)
76. Enumerate clinical features of Otitis externa. How will you manage it? Describe the etiopathogenesis of
malignant otitis externa. (2+1+2)
77. Describe Tragal Sign. Name the conditions where it is positive & its management. (1.5+1.5+2)
78. Define & classify cholesteatoma. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of
cholesteatoma (3+2+2+3)
79. Enumerate & Classify tympanic membrane perforations. Draw diagrams for each of them (6+4)
80. Describe etiology, clinical features & management of secretory otitis media (2+3+5)
81. Classify tympanic membrane perforations & draw diagrams for each of them. (2+3)
82. In which condition do you see Light house sign? How will you manage such a case? Enumerate the
complications of CSOM. (1+2+2)
83. What is Bezold's Abscess? How will you treat it? Classify & enumerate the complications of CSOM.
84. What is Cartwheel sign? Where do you see it? How do you manage a patient with this sign? (2+1+2)
85. Enumerate Subperiosteal abscesses in mastoid. & mention in which region they are seen.What are the
intracranial complications of CSOM? (1.5+1.5+2)
86. Describe the etiopathogenesis clinical features & management of otosclerosis (3+3+4)
87. What is Schwartz's sign? In which condition is it seen? How do you manage this condition? (1+2+2)
88. What is Flamingo flush? In which condition is it seen? How do you manage this condition? (1+2+2)
89. What is Presbyacusis? How will you manage it? Enumerate 4 causes of sensorineural hearing loss.
90. Describe the anatomy of middle ear & explain the middle ear transformer mechanism (5+5)
91. Describe the anatomy of inner ear & explain the formation, contents & absorption of inner ear fluids
92. Describe the anatomy of facial nerve & enumerate the surgical landmarks for facial nerve at various
levels (6+4)
93. Describe the anatomy of Eustachian tube. Add a note on muscles attached to it (5+5)
94. Describe the anatomy of middle ear cleft. Enumerate the muscles of middle ear (4+1)
95. What is secondary tympanic membrane. Describe the anatomy of tympanic membrane. ( 2+3)
96. Describe the anatomy & embryology of external ear (3+2)
97. Enumerate the structures derived from first branchial arch & mention their nerve supply (3+2)
98. Describe the intratemporal course course of facial nerve & enumerate the landmark of facial nerve in
middle ear (3+2)
99. Describe the anatomy of organ of corti. How does the fluid in it differ from fluid in membranous
labyrinth? (4+1)
100. Describe the pathways for spread of Cholesteatoma. Enumerate the boundries of facial recess & mention
its clinical significance (2+2+1)
101. Describe the boundaries of Mc Ewen's triangle & highlight its significance. Add a note on Korner`s
Septum. (2+2+1)
102. Describe the anatomy of Middle ear cleft with a neat, labelled diagram (5)
103. Enumerate 4 External ear abnormalities. What is anotia? List out the steps in management of Anotia
104. Describe the anatomy of medial wall of Middle ear with a labelled diagram. Add a note of Tympanic
Plexus (3+2)
105. Enumerate the types of Mastoid air cells. What is Korner's septum? Highlight its clinical significance
106. Describe the Anatomy of Ossicular chain. Enumerate the various causes for ossicular discontinuity. ( 4+1)
107. What is middle ear transducer mechanism. Describe the Mechanism by which sound energy is converted
to electric impulse in ear. (5+5)
108. Describe the Auditory pathway? Enumerate the theories of hearing (7+3)
109. Describe the physiology of balance & highlight the vestibular pathway. (7+3)
110. Enumerate the tests for vestibular function. Describe caloric test & its interpretation (4+6)
111. Describe the physiology of balance. Enumerate the Vestibular nuclei. (3.5+1.5)
112. Trace the sound wave pathway from external auditory canal to round window membrane. Add a note on
theories of hearing. (3+2)
113. Define recruitment & explain the mechanism of recruitment (2+3)
114. Describe the pathway of Stapedial reflex. Enumerate its clinical application (3+2)
115. List out the differences between central & peripheral vertigo. Add a note on caloric test (3+2)
116. Describe the principle, procedure, & inference of caloric tests. (1+2+2)
117. With a diagram of audiometric chart describe the procedure & inferences of pure tone audiometry (2+3)
118. Describe the procedure of pure tone audiometry. Outline the graph obtained for various deafness. (3+2)
119. Enumerate the tests for recruitment & describe one of them in detail. (2+3)
120. What is Presbyacusis? Enumerate the clinical features of Presbyacusis. Add a note on Recruitment.
121. Describe the Tuning fork tests. Add a note on interpretation of these tests. (3+2)
122. Describe the various Tuning fork tests for Malingering. What is Gelle's Test? Enumerate the inferences of
this test. (2+1+2)
123. List 2 indications & contraindications for Caloric tests. Explain Kobrak’s test & highlight its use (2+2+1)
124. How do you perform Hallpike test? In which condition is it positive? How do you perform Epley's
manouvre? (2+1+2)
125. Write 4 differences between central & peripheral vertigo. How do you perform Epleys maneuvre. In
which condition is it used? (2+2+1)
126. Enumerate 4 causes of peripheral vertigo? What is Canalolithiasis. How will you investigate a patient with
this condition? (2+2+1)
127. Enumerate the causes of eustachian tube dysfunction. Describe Toynbee's Maneuvre & mention its
clinical application (2+2+1)
128. Enumerate 4 causes for peripheral vertigo. What is Otolith organ? highlight its clinical significance. (2+1.5
+ 1.5)
129. Draw the various curves in tympanometry. Enumerate the various graphs in Bekesy audiometry &
mention the condition where each of them is seen (2+2+1)
130. Describe etiology, clinical features & management of malignant otitis externa (1+2+2)
131. Describe etiology, clinical features & management of keratosis obturans (1+2+2)
132. Describe etiology, clinical features & management of otomycosis (1+2+2)
133. Describe etiology, clinical features & management of hematoma auris (1+2+2)
134. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of preauricular sinus. (1+2+2)
135. Eumerate the bony tumors of external auditory canal? Describe the clinical features, etiology &
management. (1+2+2)
136. What is cerumen? How will you manage a case of Impacted wax in ear? Add a note on keratosis obturans
137. What is Short Increment Sensitivity Index test. In what conditions is it positive.Enumerate 4 tests to
differentiate cochlear from retrocochlear pathology (1.5+1.5+2)
138. Classify otitis externa? Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of a patient with Furuncle
in external auditory canal. (1+2+2)
139. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of cauliflower ear (1+2+2)
140. Classify chronic otitis media. Describe the etiopathogenesis of chronic otitis media & list out the
treatment options (2+3+5)
141. Describe the etiopathogenesis & clinical features & management of lateral sinus thrombophlebitis
142. Define & classify tympanoplasty. Mention the indication & principle for each type (2+3+5)
143. Enumerate the intracranial complications of otitis media & mention the pathways of spread of infection
from ear to cranial cavity (4+6)
144. Define & classify Mastoidectomy. Enumerate the indications for & complications of canal wall up
mastoidectomy (2+2+6)
145. Enumerate the various graft materials used in myringoplasty & highlight their advantages. Mention the
complications of myringoplasty (3+3+4)
146. Mention various types of myringotomy & with diagrams explain where each of them is used.
Mention the complications of grommet insertion (3+3+4)
147. Enumerate the causes of conductive hearing loss. Describe the clinical features & management of
traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane (4+6)
148. Describe etiology, clinical features & management Bell's palsy (3+3+4)
149. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of glue ear (1+2+2)
150. Enumerate 4 extracranial complications of CSOM. Describe the components of Gradenigo's syndrome.
Mention the conditions predisposing to it. (2+2+1)
151. What is Greisinger's sign? How will you investigate & manage this condition? (1.5+3.5)
152. Discuss the differential diagnosis of blue ear drum. (5)
153. Enumerate 4 extracranial complication of CSOM. What is Luc's Abscess? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
154. Enumerate 4 extracranial complication of CSOM.What is Reservoir sign? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
155. Enumerate the pathways of spread of infection, clinical features, & management of a patient with
otogenic brain abscess (1+1+3)
156. Describe the anatomy of eustachian tube. What is Autophony? In which condition do you see it? (3+1+1)
157. How do you perform Fistula test? Enumerate its inferences. What are the conditions which cause false
positive & false negative fistula test (1+2+2)?
158. Classify temporal bone fractures. Describe the Clinical features & management of Hemotympanum.
159. Describe the principle, pathway, & application of Acoustic reflex test. (2+2+1)
160. Enumerate Prerequisites & complications of stapedotomy. (2+3)
161. Describe the clinical features, investigations, & treatment of otosclerosis (1+2+2)
162. Etiology & clinical features & management of endolymphatic hydrops (1+2+3)
163. Enumerate & explain the principle of tests to differentiate cochlear & retrocochlear hearing loss. (2+3)
164. Describe the medical & surgical management of Meniere's syndrome (2+3)
165. Define & classify tinnitus. Enumerate the causes of tinnitus (1+1.5+2.5)
166. Enumerate the Components of Meniere's triad & list out the conditions where it is seen (1.5+1.5)
167. What is Endolymphatic hydrops? What is Tumarkin's drop attack? (1.5+1.5)
168. List out the investigations & medical management of Meniere's syndrome (1.5+1.5)
169. Describe cerebellopontine angle. Enumerate the space occupying lesions in cerebellopontine angle (3+2)
170. Enumerate causes of congenital deafness. Describe the investigation & treatment of deaf-mute child
171. Enumerate the indications for cochlear implants, mention the various types of cochlear implants &
highlight the principle behind these implants (1.5+1.5+2)
172. Classify hearing aids. Mention the prerequisites for hearing aid rehabilitation (2+3)
173. Enumerate the causes & pathways of referred otalgia. (2.5+2.5)
174. What is Battle's sign? In which condition do you see it & how will you investigate & manage it? (1+1+3)
175. What is Paracusis Willisi? In which condition is it seen & why? Add a note on Carhardt's notch. (1+2+2)
176. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of noise induced hearing loss. (1+2+2)

177. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the nasal Septum. List the Components of Keisselbach's plexus & its
clinical significance. (2+2+1)
178. Classify Temporal bone fractures. Mention the salient clinical features & management. (1+4)
179. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of CSF rhinorrhoea. (1.5+2+1.5)
180. Define & classify Rhinoplasty. Enumerate 4 indications for Rhinoplasty. (1+2+2)
181. Mention the clincial features & management of Aural polyp. (1.5+1.5)
182. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of septal perforations. (1.5+1.5+2)
183. List 5 External deformities of Nose. What is Rhinophyma? How will you manage it? (2+1.5+1.5)
184. Describe the anatomy of Antrum of Highmore & mention the surgical approaches to it (3.5+1.5)
185. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of Rhinosporidiosis. (1.5+1.5+2)
186. Describe Anterior nasal packing with diagram. Enumerate indications for it. List 2 complications (3+1+1)
187. Describe the types, clinical features & management of Le Forts fracture. (1.5+1.5+2)
188. What is Holman Miller Sign? Where do you see it? What are the treatment options available for this
condition? (1.5+1.5+2)
189. Enumerate 4 Chronic granulomatous conditions of the Nose. Describe Rhinological findings in leprosy.
190. Describe the etiology, types, clinical features & management of deviated nasal septum. (1.5+1.5+2)
191. Define epistaxis. classify & describe the management of epistaxis (1+1.5+2.5)
192. Describe the types, clinical features & management of nasal bone fractures (1+1.5+2.5)
193. Describe the anatomy of fossa of rosenmuller & highlight its importance (4+1)
194. Enumerate 4 causes for watery nasal discharge. Add a note on Vasomotor Rhinitis (2+3)
195. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of rhinoscleroma. (1.5+1.5+2)
196. Enumerate 4 causes for Chronic granumatous conditions of the Nose. What is Lupus vulgaris? How will
you treat it? (2+1.5+1.5)
197. Write a neat, labelled diagram of Nasal Septum. Clinical features & management of Septal abscess.
198. What is Blow fracture of orbit. Mention the specific radiological findings in it. Add a note on the various
radiological views available for Paranasal sinuses. (1.5+1.5+2)
199. Enumerate 4 external nasal deformities. What is Frog face Deformity? Mention the conditions where you
see it. (2+1+2)
200. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of choanal atresia (1+2+2)
201. Enumerate the orbital complications of Sinusitis. Enumerate Indications & approaches for Orbital
decompression. (2+2+1)
202. Describe the anatomy of lateral wall of nose? what is osteomeatal complex? (5+5)
203. Describe the anatomy of osteomeatal complex & explain the mechanism of mucociliary clearance from
the sinuses. (7+3)
204. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of chronic rhinosinusitis (2+3+5)
205. Describe the Anatomy of Littles area of nose & mention its clinical significance. Enumerate 4 causes of
epistaxis. (2+1+2)
206. What is Concha bullosa. Highlight its clinical significance. Describe the clinical features if acute
rhinosinusitis? (1+2+2)
207. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of acute sinusitis (2+3+5)
208. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of atrophic rhinitis (2+3+5)
209. Enumerate the indications & steps in Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Mention the complications of
this procedure (6+4)
210. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of antrochoanal polyp (1.5+1.5+2)
211. List out the differences between antro choanal polyp & ethmoidal polypi. What is Bernoulli
phenomenon? (4+1)
212. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of ethmoidal polyposis (1.5+1.5+2)
213. Enumerate the indications & complications of Caldwel luc surgery (2.5+2.5)
214. Enumerate the components of Kartagener's Syndrome & its clinical significance. Add a note on
etiopathogenisis of nasal polyposis. (2+1+2)
215. What is Merciful anosmia. Where do you see it? Add a note on management of this condition (1.5+1.5+2)
216. Describe the anatomy of nasal septum & highlight surgical importance of each structure (2+3)
217. Describe the anatomy of nasal septum. List out the differences between septoplasty & submucosal
resection of nasal septum. (2+3)
218. What is Cottle's Line. Highlight its clinical significance. Enumerate the complications of SMR. (1.5+1.5+2)
219. Define Septal spur. Mention its problems & management. Enumerate 4 differences between Septoplasty
& SMR. (1+2+2)
220. Discuss the causes for Posterior nasal bleeding. Describe Posterior nasal packing. Enumerate indications
for it. (2+1.5+1.5)
221. Enumerate 4 causes for External nasal deformity. What is Saddle nose? Enumerate its etiology. (2+1+2)
222. Enumerate Foreign bodies in nose. How will you manage Nasal Foreign Body? Add a note on Rhinilith.
223. Discuss the etiology for foul smelling nasal discharge. Etiology of Nasal myiasis & its management.
224. Describe the anatomy of External nose. With a diagram show the Dangerous area of Face. Mention why
is it called Dangerous. (2+2+1)
225. Describe the functions of nose & paranasal sinuses & trace the pathway of smell. (6+4)
226. Describe the blood supply of septum with diagram & highlight the clinical importance (3+2)
227. Describe the blood supply of lateral wall of nose with diagram & highlight the clinical importance (3+2)
228. Describe the bony & cartilagenous skeleton of external nose with representative diagram. Add a note on
dangerous area of Face. (3.5+1.5)
229. Enumerate the functions of paranasal sinus. Add a note on significance of Eddie's currents.Describe
mucociliary clearance (2+1+2)
230. What is Woodruff's Plexus. Highlight its clinical significance. How will you manage posterior epistaxis
231. Classify fungal rhinosinisitis & explain in detail management of acute fungal rhinosinusitis causing bone
destruction (2+3+5)
232. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of allergic rhinitis (2+3+5)
233. Describe the etiopathogenesis clinical features & management of mucormycosis (1.5+1.5+2)
234. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of vasomotor rhinitis (2+1.5+1.5)
235. Classify atrophic rhinitis & describe the surgical management options in atrophic rhinitis ( 1+4)
236. Enumerate the mediators of nasal allergy & mention the symptoms caused by each of them. (2.5+2.5)
237. Describe etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of Cavernous sinus thrombosis due to
rhinological cause. (1.5+1.5+2)
238. Enumerate Rhinological causes of Proptosis. Add a note on orbital decompression (3+2)
239. Enumerate the indications & Complications of FESS (2+3)
240. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of Oroantral fistula. (1+1+3)
241. What is Rhinitis Sicca? Who are the individuals predisposed to it? Add a note on the composition of
alkaline nasal douchin (2+1+2)
242. Enumerate the indications of Vidian neurectomy. Add a note on vasomotor rhinitis. (1.5+3.5)
243. Enumerate the nasal decongestants. What is Rhinitis Medicamentosa? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
244. What is Killian's polyp? How will you manage it? Write 4 differences between antrochoanal & ethmoidal
polyp (1+2+2)
245. Classify fungal sinusitis. Enumerate antifungal drugs used in ENT & Mention their adverse effects
246. Describe the mechanism of action, indications, side effects of topical nasal steroids (2+1+2)
247. Enumerate factors affecting Mucociliary clearance of nose. Add a note on ostiomeatal complex (3+2)
248. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of septal haematoma (1.5+1.5+2)
249. Enumerate various external deformities of nose & mention one surgical procedure to each of them
250. Enumerate Complications of SMR. Write 4 differences between septoplasty & SMR (3+2)
251. Enumerate 4 external nasal deformities. Describe the causes of saddle nose. What are the components of
Hutchison's triad? (2+1.5+1.5)
252. How do you perform Cottle's test? What are the inferences. Add a note on internal nasal valve (1+2+2)
253. Describe the etiology, clinical features & the Management options for hypertrophied inferior turbinates
254. What is Anterior Ethmoidal nerve Syndrome? How will you treat it? Describe the nerve supply of lateral
wall of nose (1.5+1.5+2)
255. Describe the etiology, clinical features, pathways of spread & management of nasopharyngeal
angiofibroma (2+2+2+4)
256. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of carcinoma maxilla (2+3+5)
257. Describe the histology, clinical features, & management of inverted papilloma (1+2+2)
258. Describe the clinical features & management of rodent ulcer over nose. (2+3)
259. Describe the Clinical features & management of Fibrous Dysplasia. Add a note on Mc Cune Albright
syndrome (1.5+1.5+2)
260. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (3+2+5)
261. What is Angiofibroma. Discuss the differential diagnosis of mass in nasopharynx. (2+3)
262. Describe the Components of Trotters triad. How will you investigate & manage a patient with this triad?
263. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of cellulitis dangerous area of face (1.5+1.5+2)
264. What is Rhinolalia clausa. Describe the clinical features & management. (1+2+2)
265. What is Rhinolalia Aperta. Describe the clinical features & management. (1+2+2)
266. Enumerate 4 External deformities of Nose. What is Potato Nose? How will you manage it? (2+1.5+1.5)
267. Enumerate the causes of nasal regurgitation. Add a note on passavants ridge (3+2)

268. Enumerate the components of Waldeyer's ring. Describe the anatomy of tonsil. Highlight clinical
significance of crypts in the tonsil (4+4+2)
269. Enumerate the components of Waldeyers ring. Enumerate the Clinical features of adenoid hypertrophy.
How will you confirm your diagnosis? (2+2+1)
270. Discuss the differential diagnosis of patch on a tonsil. Describe the management of a patient with
suspected diphtheria? (5+5)
271. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of acute retropharyngeal abscess (2+3+5)
272. Enumerate indications, contraindications, & complications of tonsillectomy (3+2+5)
273. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of peritonsillar abscess (1+2+2)
274. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of chronic retropharyngeal abscess (1+2+2)
275. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of parapharyngeal abscess (1+2+2)
276. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of Ludwig's angina (1+2+2)
277. Describe the histology of tonsil. List out differences between a tonsil & lymph node (3+2)
278. What is waldeyars ring. List out differences between a Faucial tonsil & Adenoid (2+3)
279. Enumerate 4 complications of Tonsillectomy. What is the etiology of Secondary haemorrhage following
tonsillectomy? How will you manage it? (2+1+2)
280. Enumerate the subsites of Oropharynx. What is Passavant's ridge? What is its clinical significance?
281. Enumerate 4 differences between Adenoids & Palatine Tonsil. Describe the features of
Adenoid facies. Enumerate the complications of Adenoid hypertrophy (2+2+1)
282. Describe the cardinal features of Chronic Tonsillitis. Discuss the etiopathogenesis for Ervin Moore's sign.
Highlight its clinical significance. (2+1.5+1.5)
283. List out the causes of unilateral tonsillar enlargement. & List out indications for unilateral tonsillectomy
284. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of pharyngeal pouch (1+2+2)
285. Enumerate the causes of ulcer on tonsil & describe etiology, clinical features & management of any one
of them. (2+3)
286. Enumerate the causes & management of obstructive sleep apnoea (2+3)
287. Enumerate the causes of Reactionary haemorrhage after Tonsillectomy. How will you manage it?
288. Enumerate the Cardinal signs of chronic tonsillitis. What is buried tonsil & how will you manage it?
Enumerate 4 complications of Tonsillectomy (1.5+1.5+2)
289. Describe the waldeyers ring with a neat, labelled diagram. Describe the clinical significance of Lingual
tonsils. (3+2)
290. Eumerate the causes & management of Halitosis (2+3)
291. What is the etiology of Stylalgia? What is its management? Enumerate 4 indications for tonsillectomy
292. Enumerate 4 premalignant conditions of upper aerodigestive tract. Etiology & Clinical features of
Keratosis Pharyngis. (2+1.5+1.5)
293. Enumerate 4 causes for white patch on tonsil. What is the etiology of Trench Mouth? How will you
manage it? (2+1.5+1.5)
294. Enumerate 4 causes for white patch on tonsil. What is the etiology of Vincent's angina? How will you
manage it? (2+1.5+1.5)
295. Describe the etiology, clinical types & management of Diphtheria. Add a note on preventive measures
296. Enumerate esophageal motility disorders. What is Globus pharyngeus? How will you manage such a
patient? (2+1+2)

297. Enumerate the types of tracheostomy tube. & Mention the complications of tracheostomy. (2+3)
298. Describe the clinical features & management of bilateral adbudctor palsy of vocal cords (2+3)
299. Describe the clinical features & management of blunt injury to larynx. (2+3)
300. Write a neat, labelled diagram of Larynx. Describe the anatomy of Epiglottis. What is its clinical
importance? (2+2+1)
301. Enumerate 6 causes for Congenital Sridor. What is Thumb sign? Where do you see it? (2+1.5+1.5)
302. Describe the clinical features & management of subglottic & tracheal stenosis. (2+3)
303. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of laryngeal stenosis. (1.5+1.5+2)
304. Discuss the anatomy of Vocal cords. Add a note on Stroboscopy. (3+2)
305. Describe the boundaries & content of Pre epiglottic space & paraglottic space. Highlight its clinical
significance (3.5+1.5)
306. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of Croup (1+2+2)
307. Describe the spaces & pathways of spread of laryngeal cancer (2+3)
308. Enumerate prerequisites, types & complications of TEP Prosthesis (1.5+1.5+2)
309. Describe the Clinical features & management of Foreign body bronchus (2+3)
310. Enumerate 4 voice disorders. What is Spasmodic dysphonia? How will you treat it? (2+1+2)
311. What is Androphonia? Mention the treatment for it. Describe the types of thyroplasties. (1+1+3)
312. Enumerate 4 causes of vocal cord paralysis. Define Semon's law. Highlight its applications. (2+1.5+1.5)
313. Define Wagner Grossman theory. Highlight its applications. Describe the treatment of abductor paralysis
of vocal cord. (1.5+1.5+2)
314. Describe the voice rehabilitation options after total laryngectomy (5)
315. Enumerate & explain the Advances in radiotherapy in laryngeal cancers. (2+3)
316. Describe the anatomy of cartilages, ligaments, & membranes of larynx. Add a note on spaces of larynx
317. Enumerate the causes of stridor. How will you manage a case of stridor in an elderly person (5+5)?
318. Enumerate the indications & complications of tracheostomy. Describe the procedure of tracheostomy
319. Enumerate the causes of hoarseness of voice, & mention the investigations you would do in a case of
hoarseness of voice (5+5)
320. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of vocal nodules (1+2+2)
321. List out the difference between vocal cord nodules & vocal polyps. & Explain how you will manage a
patient with this condition (3+2)
322. Enumerate 4 voice disorders. Discuss the clinical features of Vocal polyp. How will you manage it?
323. Describe the anatomy of muscles, nerve supply & lymphatic drainage of larynx (4+4+2)
324. Describe the anatomy of membranes & ligaments of larynx 3+2
325. Enumerate the Functions of larynx. & Explain the mechanism of speech production (3+2)
326. Anatomy of vocal cord. Highlight the importance of Reinke's space (3+2)
327. Describe the anatomy of vocal cord. What is Conus elasticus? Highlight its clinical significance (3+1+1)
328. Describe Nerve supply of larynx. Add a note on Semon's law. (3+2)
329. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a child in stridor. Explain How will you manage this patient (5+5)
330. Enumerate the congenital disorders of larynx. & Mention the treatment options for them (5+5)
331. Classify tracheostomies & tracheostomy tubes. Enumerate the non-obstructive indications for
tracheostomy (3.5+1.5)
332. Describe the clinical features & management of laryngomalacia (2+3)
333. Enumerate 4 congenital causes of stridor. Describe the clinical features & management of Laryngeal Web
334. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of acute epiglottits (1+2+2)
335. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of acute laryngotracheal bronchitis (1+2+2)
336. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of laryngeal papillomatosis (1+2+2)
337. Classify vocal cord paralysis. & Explain the mechanism of vocal cord paralysis. List out the causes for
recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis (2+3+5)
338. Enumerate the voice disorders & mention one condition where you see them (4+1)
339. Describe the clinical features & management of unilateral adductor palsy vocal cord (2+3)
340. Describe various positions of vocal cord & symptoms associated with each of them (3+2)
341. Enumerate the indications & complications of microlaryngeal surgery (3+2)
342. What is Stammering? How will you manage it? Add a note on spasmodic dysphonia. (1+2+2)
343. Describe the anatomy of reinke's space. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of
Reinke's edema. (2+1+1+1)
344. What is Hot potato voice? Describe its etiology & management (2+3)
345. Enumerate 4 voice disorders. What is Talbotts law? Highlight its application in Laryngology. (2+1.5+1.5)
346. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of T3 Carcinoma glottis (2+3+5)
347. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of early laryngeal cancer (2+3+5)
348. Describe the speech rehabilitation options after total laryngectomy. List out advantages & disadvantages
of each. (7+3)
349. Enumerate the methods of voice rehabilitation after laryngectomy. What is Esophageal voice? What are
its limitations? (2+1.5+1.5)
350. Draw labelled Histological picture of Tubercular granuloma. Add a note on tubercular laryngitis (2+3)
351. Describe the etiology, types, clinical features, & management of Laryngocoele? (1+1+1+2)


352. Describe the etiopathogenesis & clinical features of Cold abscess? How will you manage a case of cold
abscess in neck? (2+1+2)
353. List 4 Indications for Oesophagoscopy. What is Mallory Wiess Syndrome? What are its symptoms &
signs? (2+1+2)
354. With a neat diagram describe the structures in the floor of the Mouth. What is Ranula? How will you
manage it? (2+1.5+1.5)
355. Enumerate indications, contraindications, & complications of rigid bronchoscopy. (2+1.5+1.5)
356. Enumerate the oncological subsites of oral cavity? Describe the boundaries of retromolar trigone? (3+2)
357. Enumerate 6 causes of Dysphagia. What is Zenker's diverticulum? Mention the etiology & treatment for
it. (2+1.5+1.5)
358. Enumerate 6 causes of Dyphagia. Mention the types & clinical features of Hiatus hernia. (2+1+2)
359. Enumerate premalignant conditions in esophagus & mention their chances (percentage) for malignant
transformation. Describe the various constrictions of the Oesophagus (2+1+2)
360. Describe the Clinical features & management of Foreign body esophagus (2+3)
361. Describe the investigations & treatment of solitary nodule thyroid. (3+2)
362. Enumerate 4 premalignant conditions of Oral Cavity. What is the etiology, clinical features &
management of Oral thrush. (2+1+1+1)
363. Describe 4 indications for Rigid Oesophagoscopy. What is Dohlman's operation? In which condition will
you perform it? (2+1.5+1.5)
364. Describe Puberophonia. Add a note on Thyroplasties. (3+2)
365. List 4 indications for Oesophagoscopy. How will you recognize & manage Esophageal perforation?
366. Describe the physiology of deglutition (5)
367. Mention the subsites of oral cavity & Discuss Differential diagnosis of ulcer in oral cavity (2+3)
368. Enumerate the physiological constrictions in oesophagus & their distance from upper incisors in adult
patients. (2.5+2.5)
369. Describe the clinical features of corrosive poisoning. How will you manage Corrosive stricture of
esophagus? What are its long-term sequelae (2+2+1)?
370. Enumerate 4 extraluminal causes of dysphagia. What is Dysphagia Lusoria? Mention a few conditions
causing it. (2+1+2)
371. Enumerate 4 intraluminal causes of dysphagia. What is Heller's Operation? In which condition is it
Performed? (2+1.5+1.5)
372. Describe the investigations & treatment of metastatic lymph node in neck (3+2)
373. Describe the development of thyroid gland. Mention the clinical features & management of Lingual
thyroid. (2+1.5+1.5)
374. Enumerate 4 causes of lateral neck swelling. What is Cystic hygroma of neck? Mention the clinical
features & management. (2+1+2)
375. Describe the development of hard palate. Describe Rule of 10 in cleft lip. Mention names of 3 surgeries
for cleft lip repair (2+1.5+1.5)
376. Enumerate the causes for dysphagia. & Explain how you will investigate a case of dysphagia (5+5)
377. Enumerate 4 indications for Oesophagoscopy. Discuss the clinical features & outline management of
Foreign body cricopharynx (2+1.5+1.5)
378. Enumerate 4 congenital conditions of Oral Cavity. What is Ankyloglossia? Enumerate its management.
379. Describe the anatomy of thyroid cartilage. Enumerate the muscles attached to it (3+2)
380. List 4 indications for tracheostomy. Classify & enumerate Tracheostomy tubes. Mention one use for each
type (2+1+1+1)
381. Classify types of tracheostomies. Mention indications & describe the procedure of Cricothyroidotomy.
382. Enumerate diseases caused by Human papilloma virus in ENT. Mention the sub-types causing each of
them. Add a note on preventive measures (1.5+1.5+2)
383. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of achalasia cardia (1+2+2)
384. Describe the etiology clinical features & management of Plummer-vinson Syndrome (1+2+2)
385. Enumerate the indications & complications of rigid esophagoscopy (3+2)
386. Describe the Physiology of second stage of deglutuition (5)
387. Enumerate the premalignant conditions of esophagus. Describe the Components of Plummer vinson
syndrome (2+3)
388. What are the various LASERs used in ENT? Describe the principle & precautions for the use of LASERs in
ENT. (1+2+2)
389. Discuss the differential diagnosis of globular mass in lateral aspect of neck (5)
390. Describe the investigations & treatment of multinodular goiter (2+3)
391. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of thyroglossal cyst (1+2+2)
392. What is Sistrunk operation? Highlight the principle behind it? Add a note on embryology of thyroid gland
393. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of Branchial cyst. (1+1.5+2.5)
394. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of ORAL submucous fibrosis (1.5+1.5+2)
395. Describe the etiology, clinical features & management of submandibular sialo lithiasis (1.5+1.5+2)
396. Enumerate 4 causes of oral ulcers. Describe the Clinical features & management of Aphthous ulcers.
397. Define leukoplakia, Describe the types, etiology & management of Leukoplakia of oral cavity. (1+1+1+2)
398. What is Trismus? Enumerate its causes. Describe the grades of trismus (1+2+2)
399. What is rule of 80? Describe the clinical features & management of Pleomorphic adenoma. (1+2+2)
400. Enumerate 4 causes for Dysphagia. What is Killians dehiscence? Highlight its clinical significance.

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