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By :
Diah Perwita Sari B1B016002
Siti Rahmadhita B1B016018
Deni Sultan Santanu B1B016025
Yasmine Aurellia B1B017019
Mustaqim B1B017035
Gayatri Lega Aini B1B017042 Commented [u2]: 1 spasi aja sayyy

Group :1
Entourage : IV Commented [u3]: ditengah2 nama harusnya, abis itujarak ke
nama enter satu kali

Sri Mulyani


PURWOKERTO Commented [u4]: 1 spsasi

Validity Sheet harusnya

By :
Diah Perwita Sari B1B016002
Siti Rahmadhita B1B016018
Deni Sultan Santanu B1B016025
Yasmine Aurellia B1B017019
Mustaqim B1B017035
Gayatri Lega Aini B1B017042 Commented [u6]: 1 spasi

Group :1
Entourage : IV Commented [u7]: ditengah2 nama harusnya, abis itujarak ke
nama enter satu kali

This report is to fulfill requirements of practical final examination of

Mangrove Ecology in Faculty of Biology
Jenderal Soedirman University
Purwokerto Commented [u8]: 1 spasi haduuuu

Accepted and approved

Purwokerto, 27 november 2019 Commented [u9]: langsung kasih tgl aja 27 november 2019


Sri Mulyani Commented [u10]: gausah



COVER ............................................................................................................ i
VALIDITY SHEET ......................................................................................... ii Commented [u11]: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... iii

CONTENT OF FIGURES ............................................................................... iv
CONTENT OF TABLES ................................................................................. v
I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
A. Background ......................................................................................... 1
B. Purpose and Objective ........................................................................ 2
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................... 3
III. MATERIAL AND METHOD .................................................................. 5
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................................. 8
V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................................... 36
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 36
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 36
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………. 37

CONTENT OF FIGURES Commented [u12]: 3 spasi. cek format please 

Figure 4.1 ......................................................................................................... 10 Commented [u13]: Ada tulisan “page” harusnya diatas angka
ini, liat format deh
Figure 4.2 ......................................................................................................... 10 Commented [u14]:

Figure 4.3 ......................................................................................................... 11

Figure 4.4 ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4.5 ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4.6 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.7 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.8 ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.9 ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.10 ....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.11 ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4.12 ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.13 ....................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.14 ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4.15 ....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.16 ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 4.17 ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4.18 ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.19 ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.20 ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4.21 ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.22 ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.23 ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4.24 ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.25 ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.26 ....................................................................................................... 28


Table 4.1 ........................................................................................................... 9
Table 4.2 ........................................................................................................... 9 Commented [u15]:
Commented [u16]: revisi sama kayak page sebelumnya
Table 4.3 ........................................................................................................... 10
Table 4.4 ........................................................................................................... 11
Table 4.5 ........................................................................................................... iii
Table 4.6 ........................................................................................................... iii
Table 4.7 ........................................................................................................... iii
Table 4.8 ........................................................................................................... iii
Table 4.9 ........................................................................................................... iii
Table 4.10 ......................................................................................................... iii

I. INTRODUCTION Commented [u17]: TNR 14

A. Background

Mangrove ecosystem is a system consisting of various plants, animals, and

microbes that interact with the environment in mangrove habitat. The mangrove
community consists of plants, animals, and microbes, but without the presence of
mangrove plants, the area can not be called a mangrove ecosystem. Mangroves are
halofit plants that live along coastal areas that are affected by the highest tides to areas
close to the average sea level that grow in tropical and subtropical regions. Mangrove
forests are a group of plant species that grow along tropical to sub-tropical coastlines
that have a special function in an environment containing salt and a coastal form with
anaerobic soil reaction (Aksornkoae, 1993).
The mangrove forest is also known as tidal forest, coastal woodland,
vloedbosschen, and brackish forest. In addition, by the people of Indonesia and other
Southeast Asian countries with Malay language family, mangrove forests are often
referred to as mangrove forests. The use of the term mangrove forest for mangrove
forests is actually less precise and ambiguous, since mangroves are only the local name
of the Rhizophora clan, while mangrove forests are composed and overgrown by many
genera and other plant species. The use of the term mangrove forest is appropriate only
when the forest is only constituted by the species of the Rhizophora genera, whereas
if the forest is also arranged along with other types of clans, the term is not appropriate
to use (Suresh et al., 2012).
Mangrove plants have a special ability to adapt to extreme environmental
conditions, such as stagnant soil conditions, high salt levels and soil conditions that
are less stable. Such environmental conditions cause some types of mangroves to
develop a mechanism that allows actively remove salt from the tissue, while others
develop a respiratory system to help obtain oxygen for the root system. Some types of
mangroves develop with fruit that has germinated while still in the parent tree
(vivipar), such as Kandelia, Bruguiera, Ceriops and Rhizophora (Bengen, 2001).
The mangrove forest formation consists of four main genera, namely Avicennia,
Sonneratia, Rhizophora, and Bruguiera, there are also Aegiceras, Lumnitzera,
Acanthus illicifolius, Acrosticum aureum, and Pluchea indica. Border of mangrove
forest with freshwater swamp usually grows Nypa fruticans and some types of

Cyperaceae. Natural mangrove forests form a specific zoning. The dominant part of
Avicennia, Sonneratia, and Rhizophora, the central part is dominated by Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza, the third part is dominated by Xylocarpus and Heritieria, the interior is
predominantly Bruguiera cylindrica, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, and Lumnitzera,
while the transition is dominated Cerbera manghas. These zoning patterns are rarely
found today due to the high rate of habitat change due to pond construction,
deforestation, sedimentation/ reclamation, and environmental pollution, although it
can still be referred to the zonation pattern (Nybakken, 1993).
So far in Indonesia there are at least 202 species of mangrove plants, covering
89 species of trees, 5 species of palm, 19 species of climbers, 44 types of soil herbs,
44 types of epiphytes and 1 type of nails. Included in the 202 species, 43 species
(including 33 species of trees and several species of shrubs) are found as true
mangroves, while other species are found around the mangroves and are known as the
associated mate species (asociate). Indonesia has a high diversity of species with an
estimate of the area of mangrove is also very diverse. The mangrove area of Indonesia
2.5 million hectares, an area of 4.5 million hectares. Indonesia is the largest mangrove
area in the world (18-23%) over Brazil (1.3 million ha), Nigeria (1.1 million ha) and
Australia (0.97 million ha) (Arif, 2003).
B. Purpose and Objective

1. Identify several species of familia Rhizophoraceae and Avicenniaceae that

grow in the mangrove environment of Segara Anakan and know the specific
morphological parts of those familia mangrove plant.
2. Identify several species of mangrove familia Palmae, Meliaceae,
Leguminoceae, in the mangrove environment of Segara Anakan and know
the specific morphological parts of those familia mangrove plant.
3. Knowing the diversity of gastropod species that live in the mangrove
ecosystem of Segara Anakan and knowing the morphological character of
the gastropods as a basis for identification.
4. Knowing the structure, composition and distribution of Segara Anakan
mangrove plants through density, frequency, distribution, important value,
diversity index and similarity index.
5. Making mangrove vegetation specimens from the practicum location.

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Commented [u18]: tnr 14

Mangrove is a shrub or small tree that grows in coastal saline or brackish water.
The term is also used for tropical coastal vegetation consisting of such species.
Mangroves occur worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, mainly between latitudes
25° N and 25° S. The total mangrove forest area of the world in 2000 as 137,800 square
kilometres or 53,200 sq mi, spanning 118 countries and territories. Mangroves are salt
tolerant trees and are adapted to life in harsh coastalsystem and complex root system
to cope with salt water immersion and wave action. They are adapted to the low oxygen
or anoxic conditions of waterlogged mud (Arif, 2003).
Mangrove distribution is primarily determined by sea level and its fluctuations.
Other secondary factors are air temperature, salinity, ocean currents, storms, shore
slope, and soil substrate. Most mangroves live on muddy soils, but they also can grow
on sand, peat, and coral rock. Zonation often characterizes mangrove forests. Certain
species occupy particular areas, or niches, within the ecosystem. Some mangrove
species occur close to shores, fringing islands, and sheltered bays, others are found
further inland, in estuaries influenced by tidal action (Vishwas et al., 2015).
Mangroves vary in height according to species and environment, from mere
shrubs to 40 meter tall trees. The prop roots of some mangrove species, such as
Rhizophora spp., or red mangrove, and the pneumataphores or unique breathing roots
of others, such as Avicennia sp., or black mangrove, contain many small breathing
pores, called lenticels. These allow oxygen to diffuse into the plant and down to the
underground roots by means of air space tissue in the cortex, called aerenchyma. The
lenticels are inactive during high tide. Lenticels in the exposed portions of mangrove
roots are highly susceptible to clogging by crude oil and other pollutants, attacks by
parasites, and prolonged flooding from artificial dikes or causeways. Over time,
environmental stress can kill large numbers of mangrove trees (Arif, 2003).
Mangrove ecosystem are one of the most productive and biodiversity wetlands
on earth. They are grow in tropical and subtropical latitudes along the land‐sea
interface, bays, estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, and in the rivers, reaching upstream up
to the point where the water still remains saline. The plant and animal comprising the
mangrove ecosystem form the golden asset of coastal marine resources. Mangroves
provide important habitat for conservation of biological diversity and provision of

habitat, spawning grounds and nutrients for a variety of fish and shellfish. When the
leaves and branches of a mangrove fall to the ground they provide a wide variety of
aquatic animals such as molluscs, crabs and worms with a primary source of food.
Mangrove roots, trunks and branches attract rich epifaunal communities, including
sponges, hydroids, anemones, polychaetes, bryozoans and ascidians, apart from the
molluscs, crustaceans. Indian mangroves are distributed with invertebrates, more than
500 species of insects and archnida, 229 species of crustacean, 212 species of
mollusca, 50 species of nematodes, and 150 species of planktonic and benthic
organisms (Suresh et al., 2012).
Mangrove forest play a vital role in maintaining environmental complexity and
influencing the diversity and distribution of animals related to the ecological system.
Mangroves of natural forest with very diverse in aquatic fauna composition including
mammals, molluscs, gastropods crustaceans, fish, insects; and terrestrial fauna also
with mammalian, reptile and birds. However, mangroves and their associated
macrofauna are under threats Worldwide through human population pressure.
Overexploitation of mangrove resources for construction purposes, fuel, boat building,
and fishing gear have been impacted mangroves ecosystem dramatically. Mangrove
forests have strong linkages with coastal environment and are considered important
areas for sustenance of the coastal communities. Mangrove ecosystem is located on a
strategically economic zone for tourism industry. This industry extracts numerous
benefits from mangroves ecosystem and could be potential economically beneficial to
coastal dweller nearby mangrove areas. Healthy ecological system with high
biological diversity could provide great opportunity for development of eco-tourism
industry that helps in conserving and sustainable utilization of the forest resources
(Islam & Abdalla, 2013).
Evolutionary adjustments to varying coastal marine environments have
produced some astounding biological characteristics within mangrove plant
community. Certain species of mangroves exclude salt from their system, others
actually excrete the salt they take in via their leaves, roots, or branches. In species that
exclude salt, the mangrove root system is so effective in filtering out salt that a thirsty
traveler could drink fresh water from a cut root, though the tree itself stands in saline
soil (Aksornkoae, 1993).

III. MATERIAL AND METHOD Commented [u19]: TNR 14

A. Material

Materials and tools which used during mangrove ecology practicum are some
mangrove plant species, identification book, drawing book, coloring pencil,
stationary, macro benthos, alcohol 40%, sample bottle sample, mangrove mayor,
minor, or association, raffia rope, stake, and meter strap, mangrove sample
(Rhizophora apiculata and Acrosticum speciosum), plastic cover, duplex paper,
scotch tape, camera, mangrove photo and description note. Commented [u20]: Dibikin berupa paragraf aja, jadi buat alat
bahan semua acara di gabung.
gausah ada tulisan “Activity blablabla”, langsung aja sebutin alat
bahannya apa
B. Method Commented [u21]: Metode Analisis cluster sama kanopi mana?

The methods which used in this practicum are as following:

 Activity I and II Mangrove Vegetation Identification.
1. Mangrove plant species observed.
2. Character in mangrove plant mentioned.
3. All mangrove species were drawn and colored in drawing book.
4. Mangrove which had been drawn given classification and description.
 Activity III and IV Gastropod in Mangrove Ecosystem Identification
1. Gastropod in observation station taken and placed in sample bottle.
2. Gastropod which had been collected killed with alcohol.
3. Gastropod identified with identification book or other references.
4. Preserved gastropod observed.
5. Character in gastropod mentioned and noted.
6. All gastropod species were drawn and colored in drawing book.
7. Gastropod which had been drawn given classification and description.
 Activity V and VI Vegetation Analysis
1. Plot (5x5) made in area which surrounding mangrove tree in
observation station.
2. Each surrounded mangrove measured it circumferential, and noted.
3. Smaller plot (1x1) made inside plot (5x5) surrounding seedling.
4. Each surrounded mangrove seedling noted and identified.

5. Individu each species on each plot kuadrat was calculated and
determine the density, frequence, distribution, important value,
diversity index and similarity index.
6. The calculation use formula :
 Density = The individual total species
Wide of all spot

Density of a species X 100%

 Relatively Density (KR) =
Density of all species

 Frequency = Total plot was placed in a species

Total observation of all plot

Frekuency a species X 100%

 Relative Frequency (FR) = Frekuency all species

The total of area basal in a species

 Dominantion = Wide of all

Species dominantion x 100 %

 Relative Dominantion = All species domination

 Important value (tree and pancang) = KR + FR + DR

 Important value (seedling, scrub dan herb) = KR + FR
 Similarity Index Sorensen (index of similarity = IS)
IS Sorensen = 2 W X 100%
Note : A= The total of all quantitative value on a strand
B = The total of all quantitative value on another strand
W= The total of small quantitative value on two strand
 Diversity Index Shannon
H= -Σ (m/N) log (m/N) or
H= - Σ Pi log Pi
Note : m= Important value of individual count for each species

N= Important value total
Pi= m/N
 Diversity Index Simpson
D= N(N-1)
Note : D= Diversity index
N= The total of all individul
n= The total individual count for a species
 Activity VII Herbarium Making
1. Mangrove sample sample (Rhizophora apiculata and Acrosticum
speciosum), taken from observation sample including leaf root, stem, leaf,
flower, propagules.
2. Mangrove sample sprayed with alcohol 70% to avoid rotting by bacteria
and fungi.
3. Mangrove sample placed above paper and covered with other paper then
overwritten with heavy object
4. Wait until mangrove sample color change into brown.


A. Result

Table 4.1 Result of Pancang Vegetation Analysis in Station 2 Commented [u23]: 1 SPasi
Nu Nu
mb Fr mbe
Plo er W eq r of
A t of hol ue total
mo are Den KR plo epl nc FR basa Domi DR
Vegetation unt a sity (%) t ot y (%) l nance (%) INP

52.17 6,99 13995 99.9 185.

Aegiceras 39130 33.3 7,73 4.594 9794 505
corniculatum 12 50 0.24 4 1 2 0.5 3333 0 4 3 2

13.04 0.917 0.00 46.3

Bruguiera 34782 33.3 99363 0655 774
gymnorrhiza 3 50 0.06 6 1 2 0.5 3333 46 1 91 7

98.0 1.960 0.00 68.1

Nypha 34.78 33.3 4936 98726 1401 173
fruticans 8 50 0.16 26087 1 2 0.5 3333 306 1 13 4

Total 0.46 1.5 4

Table 4.2 Result of Pancang Vegetation Analysis in Station 6

Nu Nu
mb Fr mbe
Plo er W eq r of
A t of hol ue total
mo are Den KR plo epl nc FR basa Domi DR
Vegetation unt a sity (%) t ot y (%) l nance (%) INP

Nypa 14.2 0.611 11.6 40.9

fruticans 3 50 0.06 15 1 2 0.5 8571 31 86306 3248 182

Acanthus 28.5 0.815 15.5 788
ebracteatus 4 50 0.08 20 2 2 1 7143 41 68471 0745 8

79.5 59.5
Excoecaria 14.2 1831 1.590 30.2 210
agallocha 3 50 0.06 15 1 2 0.5 8571 21 36624 3537 9

1.21 24.7
Acrosticum 14.2 4171 0.024 0.46 473
speciosum 2 50 0.04 10 1 2 0.5 8571 975 28344 1667 8

108. 85.5
Finlaysonia 14.2 6385 2.172 41.3 935
maritima 6 50 0.12 30 1 2 0.5 8571 35 7707 078 2

2.24 25.1
Bruguiera 14.2 9203 0.044 0.85 409
gymnorrhiza 2 50 0.04 10 1 2 0.5 8571 822 98408 5218 3

Total 0.4 3.5 95223

Table 4.3 Result of Semai Vegetation Analysis in Station 2

Am Plot mbe Wh Fre
oun are Densi KR r of olep que FR
Vegetation t a ty (%) plot lot ncy (%) INP

Aegiceras 33.33 33333
corniculatum 30 2 15 62.5 1 2 0.5 333 3

Bruguiera 33.33 66666
gymnorrhiza 7 2 3.5 14.583 1 2 0.5 333 7

Nypa fruticans 11 2 5.5 22.917 1 2 0.5 333 56.25

Total 24 1.5 200

Table 4.4 Result of Semai Vegetation Analysis in Station 6
Am Plot mbe Wh Fre
oun are Densi KR r of olep que FR
Vegetation t a ty (%) plot lot ncy (%) INP

ebrachteatus 20 2 10 100 1 2 0.5 100 200

Total 10 0.5

Table 4.5 Result of Canopy in Station 2

No Figure code P255 ƩP % mangrove cover
1 ST0201001 10171880 15925248 63.87266308
2 ST0201002 12411167 15925248 77.93390094
3 ST0201003 11224133 15925248 70.48011434
4 ST0201004 12801560 15925248 80.38531017
5 ST0202001 11285625 15925248 70.86624334
6 ST0202002 14461059 15925248 90.80586375
7 ST0202003 12986086 15925248 81.54401112
8 ST0202004 10275731 15925248 64.52477852
Average 600.4128852

Table 4.5 Result of Canopy in Station 6

No Figure code P255 ƩP % mangrove cover
1 ST0601001 9798423 15925248 61.5276007
2 ST0601002 11821073 15925248 74.22850181
3 ST0601003 10850918 15925248 68.13657156
4 ST0601004 8421856 15925248 52.88367252
5 ST0602001 9138099 15925248 57.38120373
6 ST0602002 11652914 15925248 73.17257477
7 ST0602003 623456 1228800 50.73697917
8 ST0602004 765492 1228800 62.29589844
Average 500.3630027

Figure 4.1 Cluster Samples Analysis Pancang

Figure 4.2 Dendogram Samples Pancang

Figure 4.3 Cluster Variables Analysis Pancang

Figure 4.4 Dendogram Variables Pancang

Figure 4.5 Cluster Samples Analysis Semai

Figure 4.6 Dendogram Samples Semai

Figure 4.7 Cluster Variables Analysis Semai

Figure 4.8 Dendogram Variables Semai

B. Discussion

Segara Anakan is a unique lagoon area of 40.000 hectares in the South Coast
of the island of Java. Not only mangrove forest with diversity of flora and fauna,
Segara Anakan become attractive places for fishermen who live in this village. Sleko
port is the main gate to enter the tourist area Segara Anakan. Segara Anakan that are
on the back of the island of Nusa Kambangan and to achieve it could use small fishing
boats. Travel approximately 3 hours from upstream to downstream. The mangrove
forests began to be seen when entering the small river. Segara Anakan is currently
organized into 11 zone designation, among others: protection zone, reserve, forest,
development, agriculture, human settlement, aquatic, ministry of justice (related to
Nusa Kambangan LP), and marine zone (Baharuddin, 1993).

Segara Anakan region is one of the assets in Cilacap, Central Java, with huge
potential to be extracted as one tourist destination. Biodiversity is owned Region of
Segara Anakan can be used as a towing tourists to come visit. The region is believed
to have the composition and structure of mangrove forests complete with 26 species
and the largest in the island of Java. In fact, the existence of mangrove forests Segara
Anakan have an important role in the care (nursery grounds) and foraging (feeding
ground) different kinds of migratory birds. In addition, the forest also serves as a
spawning (spawning ground) different kinds of fish, shrimp and other marine life
(Kimura et al.,1997).
Segara Anakan mangrove forests included in the Forest Management Unit
(FMU) Banyumas West, which covers the whole of 22,000 Ha. Thick mangrove
forests ranges between 0.5 to 11 km. Mangrove forests located on Segara Anakan
7o30'-7o44 'LS and 108o42'-109o20' BT. Between ranges in altitude above sea 0-20100,
which is administratively located in the district entirely Kawunganten Cilacap
(Baharuddin, 1993).
Size originally of Segara Anakan in about the 1900s, according to the data of
Area Management Segara Anakan (BPKSA) is 6.450 hectares, but since 1857 spacious
lagoon is narrowed due to silting caused by sedimentation to the year 2008 covers only
around 750 hectares. Land cultivation of other regional Segara Anakan, ie, fields,
gardens / moor, fields / huma, ponds / pools / ponds, homes and public facilities are
not permitted to be developed and / or converted into land Cultivation (Yulianti &
Ariastita 2012).

Figure 4.9 Coordinate Location of practical

Mangrove vegetation obtained at station 2 and 6 in Segara Anakan Beach,

Cilacap include, in station 2 there are 3 pancang Aegiceras corniculatum, Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza, and Nypha fruticans, in station 6 there are 6 pancang Nypa fruticans,
Acanthus ebracteatus, Excoecaria agallocha, Acrosticum speciosum, Finlaysonia
maritima, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. In station 2 there are 3 semai, Aegiceras
corniculatum, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Nypa fruticans. In station 6, there are 1
semai Acanthus ebrachteatus. The following description and classification:
1. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

Figure 4.10 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

The classification of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza by Hardjosentono (1978), as
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Liliopsida
Order : Myrtales
Family : Rhizophoraceae
Genus : Bruguiera
Species : Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is a true mangrove species reaches up to 10 m high
and belongs to the Rhizophoraceae family. It is found on the seaward side of
mangrove swamps, often in the company of Rhizophora. Its bark is rough and
reddish-brown. The tree develops short prop-roots rather than long stilt-roots.
Flowers are creamy-white soon turning brown. The sepals are persistent, narrow
and slightly tapered. When mature, the spindle-shaped fruits drop and become
embedded in the mud in an upright position, where they rapidly develop roots
(Agarwal et al., 2016).
2. Nypa fructicans

Figure 4.11 Nypa fructicans

The classification of Nypa fruticans by Hardjosentono (1978), as follows:

Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Liliopsida
Order : Arecales
Family : Arecaceae
Genus : Nypa
Species : Nypa fruticans
Nypa fruticans is tribe of Palmae, grow along the river was affected tide and
plants are grouped also in a mangrove forest ecosystem. This type grows tightly
clustered, often forming pure extensive communities along the river near the mouth
to the river with brackish water. The fruit is round like the fruit in the long hump
up to 45 cm. Distribution of this kind primarily in equatorial regions, widened from
Sri Lanka to Southeast Asia to northern Australia. Nypa area planted in Indonesia
estimated 700,000 ha, is the largest NYPA compared with Papua New Guinea
(500,000 ha) and the Philippines (8,000 ha) (Heriyanto et al., 2011).
Nypa is a monocious and pleonanthic palm; it also exhibitsviviparous
germination as in many other mangrovespecies. The leaves of nipa palm can grow
up to 10 m, andarise from a dichotomously branched underground rhizomethat
grows to about 50 cm in length. The species lacksa visible upright trunk, and the
leaves appear from the ground.The younger leaves appear from the middle of the
crown andpush the older leaves aside before they dry and fade away,leaving
bulbous leaf bases or scars behind. The diameter ofthe cluster could be up to 75 cm
and a single leaf may attain aheight of 8 m. The mature crown may contain 6 to 8
livingleaves and 12 to 15 bulbous leaf bases at a time. Nipa palm is utilized by
humans for several purposes, such as roof thatching, wall partitioning, making of

sun hats andmats, foods like edible young seed, aromatic tea from leafblade, sugar
from xylem sap, medicinal purposes, bio-ethanolproduction, and remediation of
heavy metal from pollutedsites (Arief, 2003).
3. Acanthus ebracteatus

Figure 4.12 Acanthus ebracteatus

The classification of Acanthus ebracteatus by Hardjosentono (1978), as follows:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Tracheophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus : Acanthus
Species : Acanthus ebracteatus

Acanthus ebracteatus is a member of the Acanthaceae family. Acanthus

ebracteatus Vahl. has been used as folk medicine for a wide range of tropical diseases
in Ayurveda. In India, whole plants are used as astringent, expectorant, and stimulant,
the roots are used as a cough remedy, and the tender shoots and leaves are used as a
snakebite cure. In China, the stem and roots are useful against coughs, chronic fever,
paralysis, asthma hepatomegaly, hepatitis, and lymphoma. In Indonesia, the roots are
used to poultice the wound that enhance the wound healing. In addition, the roots and
ground ginger are taken together to salve the flatulence and treat the colic disease
(Somchaichana et al., 2012).
Glabrous robust herb growing up to a height of 2 m, branched. Leaves opposite,
petiole 0.3 to 0.7 cm long, spines paired at the base of the petiole, downwardly pointed;
Lamina elliptic, entire and coarsely lobed with broad triangular spiny lobes, apex acute
spine tipped, narrowed at base to short petiole, 5.0-10.0 cm X 2.5-3.0 cm, dark green

in colour, reticulate venation, midrib prominent. Axillary terminal racemose spike,
ebracteate, 5.0 to 20.0 cm long, pedunculate; flowers many, bud crowded distally on
spikes, lower flowers more separated. Flowers bracteate, bracteolate, bracteoles 2, 0.5-
0.8 X 0.3-0.4 cm, lanceolate, acute, bracteoles above bracts on axis, bisexual,
zygomorphic; Calyx 4, polysepalous, green, unequal, outer two 1.0-1.5 X 0.5-1.0 cm,
inner two 0.8-1.0 X 0.4-0.5 cm; Corolla gamosepalous, bilabiate, upper lip obsolete,
lower lip elongate, obovate, trilobed, 4.0 X 3.0 cm, corolla lip white, brownish toward
base; Stamens 4, didynamous, filaments slightly curved, 1.0 to 1.3 cm long; Anthers
medifixed, theca oblong, hairy, 0.8 to 1.0 cm long; Pistil one, style one, 3.0 to 3.5 cm
long, stigma bilobed; Ovary superior, 0.5 cm long, locules 2 with 2 superimposed
ovules in each. Fruit capsule, oblong-ovoid, rounded apex, 2.0-3.0 X 1.0-1.5 cm; seeds
4; dehisces loculicidaly (Pradhan et al., 2016).
4. Aegiceras corniculatum

Figure 4.13 Aegiceras corniculatum

The classification of Aegiceras corniculatum by Kitamura et al. (1997), as follows
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : primulales
Family : Myrsinaceae
Genus : Aegiceras
Species : Aegiceras corniculatum

Shrub or small tree that is evergreen and grows straight with tree reaches a height
of 6 m. The roots spread at ground level. Outer bark gray to reddish brown, fissured,
and has a number of lenticels. Leaf-skinned, bright, shiny green on top and pale green

on the bottom, often mixed slightly reddish color. Disposal of salt glands located on
the surface of the leaf and stem. Unit and located simple and crosses. The shape
obovate to elliptical with a rounded tip and size reaches 11 x 7.5 cm. Flowers in the
bunch there are many flowers that hung like lanterns, with each stalk / peduncle length
of 8-12 mm. It is at the end of the stem / flower stalk. The leaves consist of 5 white
crown and covered with fine short hair measuring 5-6 mm. The petals also totaled five
with white or green. The fruit is green to red pink (when ripe), smooth surface, bend
like a crescent. There is one seed in the fruit enlarged and quickly fall out with a length
of 5-7.5 cm and a diameter of 0.7 cm (Rusila et al., 1999).
Have a high tolerance to salinity, soil and light are diverse, these plants are
generally grown on land, mangrove areas that were flooded by the rising tide of normal
as well as at the edge of the waterway that is brackish seasonally. inflorescence occur
throughout the year, and chances are pollinated by insects. seeds grow viviparous,
where embryos appear among the fruit skin when the fruit enlarged group fall usually
soon grow seedlings under mature trees. fruit and seeds have adapted well to the spread
through the water. benefits of Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove bark contains saponin
used to poison fish. fragrance of flowers used for decoration, wood for charcoal and
young leaves can be eaten (Rusila et al., 1999).

5. Xylocarpus granatum

Figure 4.14 Xylocarpus granatum

The classification of Xylocarpus granatum by Hardjosentono (1978), as follows:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Sapindales
Family : Meliaceae

Genus : Xylocarpus
Species : Xylocarpus granatum

Xylocarpus granatum has habitus trees with heights reaching 8meter. Brownish
red stem. Rod surface smooth. In certain parts of the stem portion of the bark is peeling.
Large stem diameter. Xylocarpus granatum root system was rooting plank and plank
roots. Rooting board of Xylocarpus granatum form root systems that are shaped like a
board. Root out radially from the stem. The roots are dark brown and somewhat
blackish it is covered by the substrate. Plank roots is a root system that spreads like a
normal rooting rooting but the difference is above the soil surface. Development of
roots like snakes writhed (Istomo, 1992).
Xylocarpus granatum leaves are compound leaves that system mothers petiole,
which is out of the mother stalk leaf stalks (compound leaves). The leaves are arranged
alternate leaf arrangement where lies berselangseling, on the one hand with the same
height there is only one leaf. Eliptical leaf shape, leaf tip shape and the same leaf base.
If the leaf is folded in the middle, will be perpendicular to the veins, it will get the
symmetry leaves leaf tips blunt, 7-12 cm long leaf, green leaf color. Flowers and fruit
of Xylocarpus granatum not found in the observation of this time, because the tree
does not bloom and bear fruit, so do not attempt to create a profile about flowers and
fruit (Tomlinson, 1986).

6. Rhizophora apiculata

Figure 4.15 Rhizophora apiculata

The classification of Rhiziphora apiculata by Hardjosentono (1978), as
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida

Order : Malpighiales
Family : Rhizophoraceae
Genus : Rhizophora
Spesies : Rhiziphora apiculata

Rhizophora apiculata is a tree with a height of up to 30 m and a trunk diameter

of up to 50 cm. Having a distinctive roots until it reaches a height of 5 meters. Type
the roots are aerial roots that branch out from. The bark is gray old. Leaf-skinned, dark
green with light green in the center and red at the bottom. The handle has a length of
17-35 mm leaves and reddish color. The layout is simple and opposite leaves. Elliptical
leaf shape narrowed. Tapered leaf tip. Leaf size 7-19 x 3.5 to 8 cm. Bisexual flower
type, yellowish flower heads are located on the handle size <14 mm. Interest lies in
the armpit leaves. Formation of interest groups (2 flowers per group). Corolla consists
of 4, yellow to white, 9-11 mm in length. Flower petals amounted to 4, brownish
yellow and curved. Stamens numbered 11-12, sessile. The fruit is round the aft rough
like a pear, brown, 2 to 3.5 cm long, containing a single seed fertile. Hyphocotyl
cylindrical, have nodule, green to orange. Cotyledon neck is red when ripe.
Hyphocotyl has a length of 18-38 cm and a diameter of 1-2 cm. Rhizophora apiculata
grows on muddy ground, refined, and inundated at high tide sea water. Not like the
hard substrate mixed with sand (Kitamura et al., 1997).
Almost all parts of the plant Rhizophora sp. contain of alkaloids, saponins,
flavonoids and tannins substances. Alkaloids are toxic to microbes, thus effectively
killing bacteria and viruses. Saponins can work as an antimicrobial as it will damage
the cytoplasmic membrane and kill the cell. Its mechanism of flavonoid compounds
denature bacterial cell protein and cell membrane damage irreparably. Tannins are
complex phenolic compounds that can inhibit the activity of the bacteria so that the
plant contains tannin often used in the pharmaceutical field because it contains tannins
Tanik acid that has been used as an antiseptic (Aksornkoae, 1993).

7. Acrostichum speciosum Commented [u24]: next page aja

Figure 4.16 Acrostichum speciosum
The classification of Acrostichum speciosum by Hardjosentono (1978), as
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisio : Pteridophyta
Class : Filicopsida
Order : Polypodiales
Family : Pteridaceae
Genus : Acrostichum
Spesies : Acrostichum speciosum
Ferna soil, forming a rough bunch with a height of up to 1.5 m. Rhizome root
scales up to 8 mm long. in general, it is less than 1 m long and has rust-colored fertile
leaves at the edges, uniformly covered by large sporangia. Pinak leaves measuring
approximately 28 x 10 cm. Sterile pineapple leaves have smaller and narrower tips.
This species differs from A. aureum in that the leaf size is smaller and the tip is tapered,
the underside surface of the fertile leaf pin is dark brown and covered by sporangia,
and the young leaves are green-brown. The shape of the leaves is a net. Broad scales,
up to 1 cm long, only in the base of the leaf. Thickened scales in the middle. Large and
tetrahedral spores (Hardjosentono, 1978).

8. Ceriops decandra

Figure 4.17 Ceriops decandra
The classification of Ceriops decandra by Hardjosentono (1978), namely: Commented [u25]: nanggung, next page aja

Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Myrtales
Family : Rhizoporaceae
Genus : Ceriops
Species : Ceriops decandra
Small trees or shrubs with heights of up to 15 m. Brown bark, rarely gray or
dirty white, smooth surface, brittle and bulging at the base. Shiny green leaves. Unit
& Location: simple & opposite. Shape: elongated ellipbulate. Edge: round up. Size: 3-
10 x 1-4.5 cm. Flowers clustered, attached to short, thick, notched handles. Location:
in the armpit. Formation: group (2-4 flowers per group). Crown: 5; white and brownish
if old, 2.5-4mm long. Sometimes smooth hair on the edges. Flower petals: 5; green,
there are lenticels and nodules. Stamens: short stamens, stems equal to or shorter than
anthers. Hypocotyl has a cylindrical shape, the ends are sharply puffed and pimpled,
green to brown. The cotilodon neck becomes dark red when it is ripe / mature. Size:
Hypocotyl: 15 cm long and 8-12 mm in diameter (Hardjosentono, 1978).
9. Finlaysonia maritima

Figure 4.18 Finlaysonia maritima
The classification of Finlaysonia maritime Hardjosentono (1978), as follows:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Asclepiadaceae
Genus : Finlaysonia
Species : Finlaysonia maritima

Finlaysonia maritima is woody climbing / climbing plants, containing white

sap. thick fleshy leaves, bright green color. Unit & Location: simple and opposite.
Shape: ellipse until inverted ovoid. Edge: round up. Size: 8-13 x 3.5-5 cm. flowers are
white and pink, about 0.7 - 1.0 cm long. fruit shaped like a capsule or like a chicken
stomach sac. The fruit is paired, when young it is green but when it's ripe the color is
reddish. Size: 7-8 x 2.5-3.5 cm fruit (Hardjosentono, 1978).

10. Exocaria agallocha

Figure 4.19 Exocaria agallocha

The classification of Exocaria agallocha by Hardjosentono (1978), as follows:
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Gentianales
Family : Asclepiadaceae
Genus : Exocaria
Species : Exocaria agallocha

Exocaria agallocha is a tree habitus, height reaching 25 m. It does not have aerial
roots, inflorescences that are attractive colors yellowish green, gummy milky white

color, dangerous if in contact with eyes / skin. The fruit shaped is a combination of
three small balls, growing in the rear zone (Ginantra et al., 2018).

There are several species of gastropods that found in mangrove ecology of

Nusakambangan. In station 1 there are Nerita lineata, N. picea, Cerithidea quadrata,
and Chicoreus capucinus. While the station 2 there are N. planospira, Cassidula
vespertilionis, and Littoraria carinifera. The classification and description will be
explain below:
1. Nerita lineata Commented [u26]: kalau yang nanggung2 gini, next page aja

a b
Figure 4.20 Nerita lineata (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal
Classification of Nerita lineata (Linnaeus, 1758) is:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Family : Neritidae
Genus : Nerita
Species : Nerita lineata

Nerita lineata is one of the commonest herbivorous snails in the mangroves and
monsoon drains, N. lineata grazes algae at night during low tide. They are usually
inactive during the day, and often stay above the water during high tide in crevices.
Such behaviour appears to be an adaptation against predation by crabs and possibly,
fish. Having a hard, calcareous operculum is another defense strategy. Flattened disc-
like whitish egg capsules each containing more than 30 eggs are laid on hard surfaces.
The eggs hatch into swimming veliger larvae (Romdhani et al., 2016).

2. Nerita picea

a b
Figure 4.21 Nerita lineata (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal

Classification of Nerita picea (Linnaeus, 1758) is:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Mollusca
Classis : Gastropoda
Ordo : Archaeogastropoda
Familia : Neritidae
Genus : Nerita
Spesies : Nerita picea
Nerita picea is a herbivorous snail from the family Neritidae. These snails are
found mostly attached to the roots of mangroves and the soil around mangroves. This
snail has a hard shell and calcareous operculum that protects itself. The color of the
shell is dark and has a screw (Romdhani et al., 2016).

3. Cerithidea quadrata

a b
Figure 4.22 Cerithidea quadrata (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal

Classification of Cerithidea quadrata (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1848) is:

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Mollusca
Classis : Gastropoda
Superfamilia : Cerithioidea
Familia : Potamididae
Genus : Cerithidea
Spesies : Cerithidea quadrata
Gastropod type is influenced by the type and density of mangroves, where
gastropods are found more often attached to the mangrove trees such as leaves, stems
and roots both during high tide and receding. Cerithidea quadrata types are usually
found attached to the roots, stems, and leaves of mangroves. Cerithidea quadrata has
properties attached to mangrove trees that aim to avoid the highest tides of seawater
(Supriadi et al., 2018).
4. Chicoreus capucinus

a b
Figure 4.23 Chicoreus capucinus (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal
Kingdom : Animalia
Phyllum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Family : Muricidae
Genus : Chicoreus
Species : Chicoreus capucinus
Gastropods with this intricate texture are sometimes seen in mangrove trees
such as mangrove stems and other hard surfaces in the mangroves. Length between 4-
5cm, up to 9cm. Thick shell with a harsh indentation. A round operation with a tooth
on the inside edge. Chicoreus capucinus is a predator that has a major influence on the
type of animal community found in which C. capucinus lives (Romdhani et al., 2016).

5. Nerita planospira

a b
Figure 4.24 Nerita planospira (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal

Classification of Nerita planospira (Linnaeus, 1758) is:

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Mollusca
Classis : Gastropoda
Ordo : Archaeogastropoda
Familia : Neritidae

Genus : Nerita
Spesies : Nerita planospira
Nerita can be herbivores, carnivores, omnivores or detrivores. N. planospira is
characterized by a smooth entire outer surface of the operculum. Then the surface of
the shell with spiral lines, a nodule callus, the teeth on the outer lips of the shells are
small and many, the top of the shell is only slightly sticking out (Mujiono, 2016).

6. Cassidula vespertilionis

a b

Figure 4.25 Cassidula vespertilionis (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal

Classification of Cassidula vespertilionis (Linnaeus, 1758) is:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phyllum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Family : Ellobidae
Genus : Cassidula
Species : Cassidula vespertilionis
This species is distributed along much of Malaysia's west coast throughout the
mangroves of Thailand and Hong Kong and also in the Australian states of Western
Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland. This species is likely to also be
distributed in other areas of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. It has brown color of shell
with the black color of body. Generally the size of this species is 17-30 cm (Abubakar,

7. Littoraria carinifera

a b

Figure 4.26 L. carinifera (a) ventral ; (b) dorsal

Classification of Littoraria carinifera (Linnaeus, 1758) is:

Kingdom : Animalia
Phyllum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Family : Littorinidae
Genus : Littoraria
Species : Littoraria carinifera
Littoraria carinifera is a sea slug, a marine gastropod with Littorinidae family.
There are more than fifty species in this genus of which more than 20 species are
believed to be synonymous with Littorina scabra, a highly variable species. These
animals are found in large numbers in the Indo-Western region and in the Eastern
Pacific Tropical. These gastropods are found in trunks, trees and roots in tropical
mangrove forests that are pairs a few meters above the surface of the water. These
shoots feed on algae, epiphytes, fungi, diatoms, and mangrove leaves epidermis
(Romdhani et al., 2016).

The steps to find the density of canopy vegetation are:

1. Open the ImageJ application

2. Select the File menu and then click open

3. Take photos of the canopy in the order the canopy has been made, then click open

4. After clicking open, a display like this will appear

5. Minimize the image, then select the image, select the type, then click 8 bits

6. After that select the image again, then select adjust, click threshold

7. After that, a display like this will appear

8. Change the color from red to black & white

9. Then it will change to the image below

10. Tet the color in the image then click apply

11. Select the analyze menu, click Histogram

12. Then the display will appear as below

13. Record the results that have been obtained. Mode for P255 and count for ∑P

14. Perform the steps above for all canopy images that have been obtained, then enter
the data to MS. Excel

The image that we obtained from station 2 are below:

The image that we obtained from station 6 are below:

The steps of cluster analysis using primers are:

1. Run Primer 7 App Commented [u27]: jangan tiba2 gini, kasih embel2 dulu lah

2. Click File –> Click Open –> Choose File Data Primer.xlsx, excel work sheet:
pancang and data type: Sample data. –> Click next

3. Make sure checklist: Title, Row labels, Orientation: samples as colums, Data
type: Unkown/other, Blank : Zero value –> Click Finish

4. Result

5. Click – Analyse – Click Ressemblance

6. Make sure Checklist, Measure: Bray – Curtis similarity, Analyse between:

samples – Click Ok

7. Click Analyse –> Cluster –> CLUSTER

8. Make sure check list, Cluster mode: Group average, plot dendrogram – Click

Based on using Primer 7 pancang samples analysis cluster and dendrogram

resulting the relationship 2+4 = 82.07%, 1+5 = 41.45%, 3+6 = 20.35%, pancang
variables analysis cluster and dendrogram resulting the relationship 2+3 = 92.82%,
4+11= 86.37%, 8+9 = 84.56%, 5+12 = 81.98%, 6+7 = 72.88%, 13+15= 65.32%, 1+14
= 51.15%, 10+16 = 49.6%, and 17+18 = 8.34%. Based on using Primer 7 semai
samples analysis cluster and dendrogram resulting the relationship 1 + 2 = 61.71%,
3+4 = 0%, 5+6 = 0%, semai variables analysis cluster and dendrogram resulting the
relationship 7+9 = 91.61%, 2+3= 89.24%, 5+6 = 82.84%, 1+11 = 75.88%, 8+10 =
45.11%, 12+13= 34.52%, 4+14 = 0%, and 15+16 = 0%.
Result of vegetation analysis pancang in station 2 show Aegiceras
corniculatum was the most dominant species, in station 6 show Acanthus ebracteatus
the most dominant species and so the semai vegetation are in the same station. While
the result of cluster analysis in the form of dendogram samples of pancang shows the
highest level of similarity in stations 2b and 6b, the dendogram samples of semai
shows the highest level of similarity in stations 2a and 6b.
Mangrove Zonation in Segara Anakan Cilacap according to Suryono (2006)
namely that Avecinnia spp. is a pioneer type in the front facing the sea and can tolerate

salinity up to 35 ppt, it also appears at the six observation stations in the study area
Avecinnia is predominantly dominant in areas facing directly toward the sea. After
zonation Avecinnia spp subsequently formed zonasi S. caeseolaris. This is allegedly
due to the smaller salinity towards the land as well as the existence of river flow. S.
caeseolaris can grow well in areas of low salinity with fresh water flow. When the
zoning on the front of the beach is composed of Avicennia, Sonneratia and Rhyzophora
but in the middle zone is composed of Aegiceras corniculatum, R. apiculata, Avicennia
and Nypa fruticans.

V. CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION Commented [u28]: TNR 14. 3 spasi

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of practice, we can conclude that:

1. There are some species of familia Rhizophoraceae, which is Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza and absent of species of familia Avicenniacea. The specific
morphological parts of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza are having long hypocotyl, flower
petals and leaf base coloured red and board root type.
2. Mangrove familia Palmae, Meliaceae and Leguminoceae were absent in the
mangrove environment of Segara Anakan.
3. There are seven species of Gastropods that found in Cilacap, include: In station 2
there are Nerita lineata, Nerita picea, Cerithidea quadrata, and Chicoreus
capucinus. Where in the station 6 there are Nerita planospira, Cassidula
vespertilionis, and Littoraria carinifera. The specific morphological character of
the gastropods as a basis for identification are type of shell, apex, ridges (axial or
spiral), suture, whorl, aperture, inner and outer lips, posterior and siphonal canal.
4. The structure, composition and distribution of Segara Anakan mangrove plants
through density, frequency, distribution, important value, diversity index and
similarity index show Aegiceras corniculatum is the most dominant species with
15 density.
5. Mangrove vegetation specimens from the practicum location that already made are
from familia Rhizophoraceae which is Rhizophora apiculata and from familia
Acanthaceae which is Acrostichum speciosum.

B. Suggestion

It is expected for the next time, the explaination of mangrove species must
be more detail and not use the rolling system.

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