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Emerging trends in the recruitment space

Submitted by - Disha Kashyap

The recruitment space is continuously evolving. With the death of CVs, employers are able
to assess a candidate on the basis of their soft skills, personality and knowledge instead of
past experience. Video interviewing is moving quickly into the mainstream. AI is poised to
take the game to the next level, helping recruitment operations eliminate bias, boost
diversity and inclusion, automate candidate sourcing and enhance candidate experience by
minimising hire time. It’s a candidate driven market out there and hence, recruitment
marketing and inbound recruitment will be necessary to attract and nurture talent to an
organization. The use of Virtual Reality to improve candidate experience with VR-simulated
situations for assessments or virtual office tours will help in employer branding. Building a
high-quality talent pool is becoming more and more popular as statistics suggest that only
36% of candidates actively search for a new job as per LinkedIn. Social recruitment is the
next big thing as we see a shift towards the recruitment of Generation Z. Recruiters needs to
understand their needs and wants. The demand for people with transferable and soft skills
such as communication and empathy will accelerate. Data-driven recruiting and HR Analytics
will be shaping the recruiting strategy.

Total word count: 200

1. Number of pizzas sold per day in Pune

2. Number of credit card holders
3. Annual revenue of facebook

They want to test managerial and team player qualities in a candidate

estimate number of card users in india\

guesstimates and market profitability and few puzzles

Prepare for guesstimates (the next two rounds).Take a top-to-bottom approach .If
possible start with a number(14 lakhs of people) and arrive at a number(2000 among
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

no. of credit card transaction in your area per day

1st Round- Number of table tennis balls that you can fit in

a bus, Number of street lights in a city of your choice 2nd Round- Budget allocation
scenario, client scenario etc 3rd Round- Scenarios based on time management and
people management skills

No of orders swiggy receives in Bangalore in the month of November?

 Branding of a Detergent Powder which is new and in competition with

Surf Exel ! Answer Question
 No. Of Youtube Videos seen in a day in India Answer Question
 Many Clients are Unsatisfied and already left. Your team is in chaos.
Your move to handle this situation!
12 Uses of Pencil other than writing

They gave a puzzle and a guesstimate. How many pizzas dominoes will sale on
wednesday in bombay.

 Estimate the total volume of drinking water consumed on an odi cricket

match Answer Question
 Estimate the total number of light sources in kolkata

blem: you have 100 doors in a row that are all initially closed. you make 100 passes by
the doors starting with the first door every time. the first time through you visit every door
and toggle the door (if the door is closed, you open it, if its open, you close it). the
second time you only visit every 2nd door (door #2, #4, #6). the third time, every 3rd
door (door #3, #6, #9), etc, until you only visit the 100th door.

question: what state are the doors in after the last pass? which are open
which are closed?
(not difficult but i have to fill this space :P)
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

How will you manage a team? How will you handle the scenario since most people
younger than you will have more domain knowledge than you do? If we give you 4
people in a team, how will you make sure you don't differentiate between them?

No Offer

Neutral Experience

Average Interview


I applied through an employee referral. The process took 5 days. I

interviewed at Sokrati in March 2015.


I got a call from the interviewer and she asked me about myself, I answered
her. It was a telephonic interview and there was a lot of disturbance so I
asked her to call me back and she did after a while and the disturbance was
even more. We again began with the interaction and she wanted to know
more about my extracurricular activities than my curriculum.Then I was
asked… Show More

Interview Questions

 Q1 If you have a box in front of you and it has equal number of black
and white balls and you are blind folded then in how many attempts can you
have 1 pair of same colour balls? 2 Answers
Q2 There are 2 trains A and B moving towards each other. A
is at a speed of 100kmph B is at a speed of 70kmph. There is a crow sitting
on train A and when A and B are 200km apart from each other the crow
starts flying towards B at a speed of 30kmph. How much time Will it take the
crow to reach B.

 Q3 It was a guesstimate question. How many tubelights may be there

in nagpur. 1 Answer
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

No of credit card users in India/Pune/Delhi etc

Simple Puzzles like : 3 cats on the vertices of equilateral triangle move along edges with
equal and constant speed. Find probability that they will meet(any two or all three)

No Offer

Negative Experience

Average Interview


I applied through an employee referral. The process took 4 weeks. I

interviewed at Sokrati (Pune) in September 2015.


There were 4 rounds.

1) Tell me about yourself and about sokrati. This was just to check if you have
read about the company
I cleared 3 rounsand then the next interview was scheduled.
2) Aptitude questions and guesstimate questions.
3) Case studies and questions on team work and management and
guesstimate questions.
4) HR interview.

First 3 were telephonic rounds and then HR was at their office. I cleared the
first 3 rounds easily.
HR was… Show More

Interview Questions

 A) General questions

1)tell me about yourself

2)tell me about sokrati Answer Question
 B)Aptitude questions
1) You have 9 balls, weight of one ball is less and you have a weighing
machine (old one, balanced weight) .. How many iterations will you require to
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

find out the ball with less weight?

2)Now you have 9 balls and one ball is faulty, you dont know if the weight is
less or more, how many iterations?

3)you have a log of wood, to cut it in 3 parts you require 6 mins. how much
time will it take to cut it in 6parts?

4) Guesstimate:
How many tubelights are there in pune? Answer QuestionShow Less
 C) Case studies:
1) Could you tell me the questions asked in last round?

2) what are the things the Prime minister should know on a dails basis? As he
is a busy person and there are various other ministers for different things.
(not things such as meetings etc)

3) you have 5 workers in your team, 3 out of them are on a leave and you
have 3 high priority clients who need their work to be done urgently,what
would you do?

4)you are the manager , one of your team member has done a mistake in
budget allocation and has over spent and the client is not ready to pay the
extra amount. what would you do?

5) budget 1 crore for an eCommerce website publicity on facebook. how

would you use it?

6)guesstimate how many ola cabs are there in bangalore

7) 3 crore.. have to spend 10 lacks everyday, one day you spend 15 what
would you do? 1 AnswerShow Less
 D) HR
1)Tell me one thing which is not there in your resume

2)questions asked before

3)strengths weakness

4)why sokrati?
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

5)why digital field?

6)why business analyst?

7) one incident when you felt like giving up but still completed the task.
Answer Question

Interview Questions

 Guesstimate :1)No of surf excel sachet sold in chennai in a day.

2)No. of marriages in a particular city in a day

Guesstimate- What is your favourite car and how many such cars are presebt in your
home town?
How many traffic signals are present in your home town?

how do you increase sales for rummy circle

All the questions that are listed by others in here are asked, like find the odd ball one or
measuring 4 ltr water with 5 and 3 ltr beaker one.
Specific situation based case questions and guesstimates are asked as well.

Estimate the no of traffic signals in your city

Interview Questions

 General puzzles. Most important thing here is ,even-though puzzles are

simple,but you should explain properly .
Questions like :- Ants moving on circumference of square ,what is probability
of meeting ?
wood and cut related puzzle.
aptitude related questions .
some 2 other puzzles .you can easily answer those questions
Estimate number of transaction through online tomorrow in Delhi
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

Team management related questions .

case studies
Airtel 4G sim launch in middle east countries ,what all factors required to
keep in mind while entering into market.
You will be given 3-4 startup Ideas,then you have choose one among them
and say why you want to invest in that startup ,why not in other two startup.
Market entering cases,identifying target audience questions.
Client -related questions,how you will prioritize clients ?
If you are going in plane ,in between it is crashed in deserted island ,how you
will handle this situation.
tell me about yourself ,Weakness, strength, role model, most difficult
situation ,how you managed it .
Be thorough with your CV.

Be organic,natural ,tell answers in your own style ,decent communication

skills, strong team work .
comments :-

I got call from HR stating that I am placed but I haven't received offer
letter .As I am in final year ,after completion of my graduation I will receive a
offer letter.
Interviewers are really cool enough .
But it is time taking process ,please be patient in order to make through the
final .

No of people in a college fest

Number of light bulbs in Pune city?

Situation based questions and guesstimate questions.

The number of paytm recharges in your city.

Estimate no of Coffee mugs sold in US last week

Emerging trends in the recruitment space

o Round 3: a) Estimate no of fans in your area

b) CAT and other entranve test related quant apti ques.
c) how many tennis ball can you fit inside wagonR
d) previous employment related ques Answer Question
o Round 4) targeting, cost and budgeting, market seasonality,
channels and USP related ques fr a startup scenario

Estimate no of ecommerce transaction in a day in a specific city

Strategies to adapt when you drive a client's business to loss- provided

with a case and numbers. Answer Question
o Round 5: Go to strategy for an educational startup, provided with
a case and scenario

How to help an online gameplay client increase business under a

specific case.

How to deal with demandive, angry client whose business you drove
into loss because of a mistake - this was a role play.

This is the round where you will get to know how skewed the company
is in terms of the language of questions… Show More
o How will you build a network of hospitals and blood banks across
country. they should be connected.
2. How many Indians do online e-commerce transactions in a day?
A snail climbing a wall 5 mtr up in one second and rolling down 1 mtr in next
second. Within how many seconds it will jump out of 64 mtr wall?
Case study: Launching a non smart phone in market. How will you plan
marketing of it within a budget f 5 crores.
How many shacks in Goa?

Problem statement – framing ,


Check feasibility – financials, jest of working capital, etc

Design thinking – Critical thinking, problem solution

Emerging trends in the recruitment space

Product – Framing- Making – validating – improving

1. Number of pizzas sold per day in Pune

2. Number of credit card holders
3. Annual revenue of facebook

They want to test managerial and team player qualities in a candidate

estimate number of card users in india\

guesstimates and market profitability and few puzzles

Prepare for guesstimates (the next two rounds).Take a top-to-bottom approach .If
possible start with a number(14 lakhs of people) and arrive at a number(2000 among
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

no. of credit card transaction in your area per day

1st Round- Number of table tennis balls that you can fit in

a bus, Number of street lights in a city of your choice 2nd Round- Budget allocation
scenario, client scenario etc 3rd Round- Scenarios based on time management and
people management skills

No of orders swiggy receives in Bangalore in the month of November?

 Branding of a Detergent Powder which is new and in competition with

Surf Exel ! Answer Question
 No. Of Youtube Videos seen in a day in India Answer Question
 Many Clients are Unsatisfied and already left. Your team is in chaos.
Your move to handle this situation!
12 Uses of Pencil other than writing

They gave a puzzle and a guesstimate. How many pizzas dominoes will sale on
wednesday in bombay.

 Estimate the total volume of drinking water consumed on an odi cricket

match Answer Question
 Estimate the total number of light sources in kolkata

blem: you have 100 doors in a row that are all initially closed. you make 100 passes by
the doors starting with the first door every time. the first time through you visit every door
and toggle the door (if the door is closed, you open it, if its open, you close it). the
second time you only visit every 2nd door (door #2, #4, #6). the third time, every 3rd
door (door #3, #6, #9), etc, until you only visit the 100th door.

question: what state are the doors in after the last pass? which are open
which are closed?
(not difficult but i have to fill this space :P)
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

How will you manage a team? How will you handle the scenario since most people
younger than you will have more domain knowledge than you do? If we give you 4
people in a team, how will you make sure you don't differentiate between them?

No Offer

Neutral Experience

Average Interview


I applied through an employee referral. The process took 5 days. I

interviewed at Sokrati in March 2015.


I got a call from the interviewer and she asked me about myself, I answered
her. It was a telephonic interview and there was a lot of disturbance so I
asked her to call me back and she did after a while and the disturbance was
even more. We again began with the interaction and she wanted to know
more about my extracurricular activities than my curriculum.Then I was
asked… Show More

Interview Questions

 Q1 If you have a box in front of you and it has equal number of black
and white balls and you are blind folded then in how many attempts can you
have 1 pair of same colour balls? 2 Answers
Q2 There are 2 trains A and B moving towards each other. A
is at a speed of 100kmph B is at a speed of 70kmph. There is a crow sitting
on train A and when A and B are 200km apart from each other the crow
starts flying towards B at a speed of 30kmph. How much time Will it take the
crow to reach B.

 Q3 It was a guesstimate question. How many tubelights may be there

in nagpur. 1 Answer
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

No of credit card users in India/Pune/Delhi etc

Simple Puzzles like : 3 cats on the vertices of equilateral triangle move along edges with
equal and constant speed. Find probability that they will meet(any two or all three)

No Offer

Negative Experience

Average Interview


I applied through an employee referral. The process took 4 weeks. I

interviewed at Sokrati (Pune) in September 2015.


There were 4 rounds.

1) Tell me about yourself and about sokrati. This was just to check if you have
read about the company
I cleared 3 rounsand then the next interview was scheduled.
2) Aptitude questions and guesstimate questions.
3) Case studies and questions on team work and management and
guesstimate questions.
4) HR interview.

First 3 were telephonic rounds and then HR was at their office. I cleared the
first 3 rounds easily.
HR was… Show More

Interview Questions

 A) General questions

1)tell me about yourself

2)tell me about sokrati Answer Question
 B)Aptitude questions
1) You have 9 balls, weight of one ball is less and you have a weighing
machine (old one, balanced weight) .. How many iterations will you require to
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

find out the ball with less weight?

2)Now you have 9 balls and one ball is faulty, you dont know if the weight is
less or more, how many iterations?

3)you have a log of wood, to cut it in 3 parts you require 6 mins. how much
time will it take to cut it in 6parts?

4) Guesstimate:
How many tubelights are there in pune? Answer QuestionShow Less
 C) Case studies:
1) Could you tell me the questions asked in last round?

2) what are the things the Prime minister should know on a dails basis? As he
is a busy person and there are various other ministers for different things.
(not things such as meetings etc)

3) you have 5 workers in your team, 3 out of them are on a leave and you
have 3 high priority clients who need their work to be done urgently,what
would you do?

4)you are the manager , one of your team member has done a mistake in
budget allocation and has over spent and the client is not ready to pay the
extra amount. what would you do?

5) budget 1 crore for an eCommerce website publicity on facebook. how

would you use it?

6)guesstimate how many ola cabs are there in bangalore

7) 3 crore.. have to spend 10 lacks everyday, one day you spend 15 what
would you do? 1 AnswerShow Less
 D) HR
1)Tell me one thing which is not there in your resume

2)questions asked before

3)strengths weakness

4)why sokrati?
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

5)why digital field?

6)why business analyst?

7) one incident when you felt like giving up but still completed the task.
Answer Question

Interview Questions

 Guesstimate :1)No of surf excel sachet sold in chennai in a day.

2)No. of marriages in a particular city in a day

Guesstimate- What is your favourite car and how many such cars are presebt in your
home town?
How many traffic signals are present in your home town?

how do you increase sales for rummy circle

All the questions that are listed by others in here are asked, like find the odd ball one or
measuring 4 ltr water with 5 and 3 ltr beaker one.
Specific situation based case questions and guesstimates are asked as well.

Estimate the no of traffic signals in your city

Interview Questions

 General puzzles. Most important thing here is ,even-though puzzles are

simple,but you should explain properly .
Questions like :- Ants moving on circumference of square ,what is probability
of meeting ?
wood and cut related puzzle.
aptitude related questions .
some 2 other puzzles .you can easily answer those questions
Estimate number of transaction through online tomorrow in Delhi
Emerging trends in the recruitment space

Team management related questions .

case studies
Airtel 4G sim launch in middle east countries ,what all factors required to
keep in mind while entering into market.
You will be given 3-4 startup Ideas,then you have choose one among them
and say why you want to invest in that startup ,why not in other two startup.
Market entering cases,identifying target audience questions.
Client -related questions,how you will prioritize clients ?
If you are going in plane ,in between it is crashed in deserted island ,how you
will handle this situation.
tell me about yourself ,Weakness, strength, role model, most difficult
situation ,how you managed it .
Be thorough with your CV.

Be organic,natural ,tell answers in your own style ,decent communication

skills, strong team work .
comments :-

I got call from HR stating that I am placed but I haven't received offer
letter .As I am in final year ,after completion of my graduation I will receive a
offer letter.
Interviewers are really cool enough .
But it is time taking process ,please be patient in order to make through the
final .

No of people in a college fest

Number of light bulbs in Pune city?

Situation based questions and guesstimate questions.

The number of paytm recharges in your city.

Estimate no of Coffee mugs sold in US last week

Emerging trends in the recruitment space

o Round 3: a) Estimate no of fans in your area

b) CAT and other entranve test related quant apti ques.
c) how many tennis ball can you fit inside wagonR
d) previous employment related ques Answer Question
o Round 4) targeting, cost and budgeting, market seasonality,
channels and USP related ques fr a startup scenario

Estimate no of ecommerce transaction in a day in a specific city

Strategies to adapt when you drive a client's business to loss- provided

with a case and numbers. Answer Question
o Round 5: Go to strategy for an educational startup, provided with
a case and scenario

How to help an online gameplay client increase business under a

specific case.

How to deal with demandive, angry client whose business you drove
into loss because of a mistake - this was a role play.

This is the round where you will get to know how skewed the company
is in terms of the language of questions… Show More
o How will you build a network of hospitals and blood banks across
country. they should be connected.
4. How many Indians do online e-commerce transactions in a day?
A snail climbing a wall 5 mtr up in one second and rolling down 1 mtr in next
second. Within how many seconds it will jump out of 64 mtr wall?
Case study: Launching a non smart phone in market. How will you plan
marketing of it within a budget f 5 crores.
How many shacks in Goa?

Problem statement – framing ,


Check feasibility – financials, jest of working capital, etc

Design thinking – Critical thinking, problem solution

Emerging trends in the recruitment space

Product – Framing- Making – validating – improving

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