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26/12/2018 • Songs and music?
A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Songs and music?

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Songs and music?
by Brooke Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:21 am


I was wondering if there are any Sophian songs? Of course a song is simply a poem set to music.
Some of the prayers contained in this forum would be beautiful set to music.

Many blessings!

by Tamara Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:58 am

Shalom, Brooke,
I've been wondering the same thing. Chant and song are powerful ways to contact deeply to a
tradition and a practice. I've sometimes sung some of Lisa Thiel's songs in meditation on Kallah
Messiah or Kodesh Imma Ha-Messiah. A few of her songs fit beautifully into the framework of
contemplation on the Mother and Sacred Bride.

Of course, +Malachi has given several simple chants to use for different meditations and some of
the more musical among us (that would be someone other than me!) could develop tunes to sing
these to.

It would be wonderful to have songs and chants to work with either alone or in a group.

Thanks so much for asking this question!

Deep Peace,

chant and song

by Marion Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:16 am
Shabbat Shalom Tamara and Brooke!

Yes, there are songs and chants in the tradition! presently it is a little hard to show to Brothers and
Sisters at a distance, however, I do believe that some of the companions are working with putting
some methods of chant and such on CD. But for now, you might try praying to the Mother Spirit to
instruct you in these things. I have found that many chants and songs come forth when I do this.
Sometimes I also sing traditional songs of the Outer Church and put Gnostic meaning behind it.
Chant and song as well as dance can be a wonderful addition to our daily continuum, for me at
least it often seems to spark more Kavanah and Devekut in meditation.

Blessings and Shalom!


by Brooke Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:31 am 1/3
26/12/2018 • Songs and music?

Shalom, sisters !

Yes, the chants can become quite musical as we feel led by the Holy Spirit. Also, taking a hint from
Sister Marion, another thing we might try doing is *actually* taking traditional church hymns and
rewriting them with Gnostic / Sophian language. Two of the ladies in our Fredericksburg circle are
practicing musicians and might be able to help with this, too.

Shabbat Shalom!

by Tamara Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:55 am

Shabat Shalom, Sisters,

Many chants fromthe Orthodox tradition have very Gnotic overtones. And Marion, your suggestion
about spontaneous chant reminds me ofthe Hebrew practice of niggun. Rabbi David Cooper
introduces the practice in one of his audio workshops. Niggunim are wordless chants, but the idea i

Deep Peace to both of you,


Music & Song in Prayer

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:51 am

Salutations in the Light of the Messiah!

Yes, niggun is a method used in the Sophian Gnostic tradition or our Christian Kabbalah as well –
the play of sound-vibration in worship that expresses pure emotion and joy rather than anything
conceptual, songs of the heart and soul in “tongues,” as it were; but that practice is a bit different
than prayers and chants intoned through the inspiration of Ruach Ha-Kodesh, similar, though
different, for the nature of kavvanah and devekut is different – the mind and heart move together
in this, versus something primarily of the heart and vital sphere. When there is a chant or prayer
with specific meaning, then there are inner kavvanot with the mind, points of corresponding focus
or concentration.

The way of Sophian chant is usually quite different than one finds in the Orthodox Christian
traditions, for it is strongly influenced by Jewish and Middle Eastern traditions and therefore takes
on tones and rhythms akin to those found in the Middle East – at times they also often resemble
something like Native American songs and chants, and then there is our art of intonement or
vibration that produces very distinct forms of sound as well, quite unique to our lineage.

Much of our way with chant and song is Spirit inspired, and yet there is a way of chant that we
learn by exposure to it in community and ceremonies – and, indeed, when there are musicians
among us, always they are adding to the production of song and music in the lineage, it is usually
an innate part of their way on the path, utilizing their talents.

We have, indeed, acquired all of the equipment to begin to produce recordings of the sound
dimension of our teachings and practices – soon we should begin our work with this and some
recordings will become available.

However, here in this forum I’m just writing out some of the forms of prayer and invocation that
occur in our tradition for use in Ecclesia Pistis Sophia, the outer branch of our lineage – there are
many ways such prayers might be set to song or accompanied by music in worship. There is really
no wrong way, as worship is a play of the Creative Spirit, the Holy Spirit – so all may play with this
as children in the Holy Mother’s lap.

May we be blessed to hear the song of the Beloved in our heart and to sing it, wooing the Holy 2/3
26/12/2018 • Songs and music?

One to draw near and embrace us – amen.

Shabbat Shalom!

by paulnewman Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:08 pm

I use my voice as part of my daily devotion.

I use a basic raga form that has three parts...

First, I begin to tune my guitar to an open chord tuning, and offer a simple chant of thanksgiving,
exploring the scale I will be using. It doesn't matter which scale is used and I let the moment
inform me.

Second, I start a slow rhythm, perhaps strumming or picking the open guitar and find a chant or
melody or motif that is meaningful for the time - spending the time in silent witness of that within
and that without.

Thirdly, I pick up the pace of the rhythm on the guitar and allow the mood to become a more
dionysic form of worship, still using the scale or motif of the first parts, but with more energy -
celebrating the gift of now.

It works for me and is very groovy to do outside in the garden.

by yanur Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:57 am

Shalom Aleichem!

I often chant as part of my Sufi practices. I would love to learn how to do this with Sophian
chanting. Is there a cd yet?

I also want to recommend making sound files people can download as a teaching tool, but maybe
that already exists somewhere and I'm missing it as I look around the website.

May all be in tune with all that is Holy.

Ya Nur

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:20 am

Greetings and blessings!

We will be working on some audio offerings in this coming year, beginning with some guided forms
of the essential meditation in the lineage, and hope to include some sacred chants. It's slow going
though in the midst of other spiritual works and life in general, but we are hoping to produce a few
this year and build from there. Our first offering, of course, is the recording of the "Gospel of St.
Mary Magdalene" read by women of Sophia Fellowship and accompanied with music. That's
currently available on our website.


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