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Chapter 1: Executive Summary

1.1Nature of the Business

Wood Crafts is a Social Enterprise and a manufacturing company in nature,

wherein it converts all wood waste materials into premium products to be available for
the target customers.

1.2 Business/Company Name

The business and company name of the Enterprise is Wooden Crafts. The name
of the business is derived from the concept of woods, wherein it is converted into a high
quality and premium products and offers employment and livelihood for homeless and
street people.

1.3 Vision

Wood Crafts Enterprise envisions striving for a fairer society where vulnerable
and homeless people find stability, opportunities and employment for a better future and

1.4 Mission

To be able to give labor by providing jobs and training and to protect the natural
environment and to save resources by reusing and recycling wood waste and to create
jobs, training and volunteering opportunities for disadvantaged people and also by
promoting the use of sustainably meaning well-managed local woodlands.

1.5 Objectives

 To provide benefit to our environment as well as job opportunities for homeless

and unemployed people.
 To save valuable resources and reduce energy use and pollution
 To help bring positive change to disadvantaged peoples’ lives.
 To collect waste wood, plywood, chipboard, demolition wood and turning it into
premium products.

1.6 Socio-Economic Contributions

Society – Wooden Crafts Enterprise aims to serve their customers by providing

premium products out of wood wastes. Aside from that aspect, Wooden Crafts is a
social enterprise which aims to help street and homeless people to have a job where
they can have an opportunity to change their lives for the better.

Economic – As a part of the ever-growing startup community, Wood Crafts
Enterprise will have an economic contribution to the Philippines’ Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) as a new entrant in the field of business. Although WCE impact can be
felt in a small-scale, the venture can expand its coverage little by little in a span of time.

Environment – Wooden Crafts Enterprise will be of help to the environment by

recycling and composting wood waste from different factories, and places where there
are massive wood wastes.

Chapter 2: Background of the Study

Street children are minors who live and survive on the streets. They often grow
up in public landfills, train stations, our under the bridges of the world’s major cities.
Because of conflicts with their family, these children don’t want to or can’t return home.
The problem of street children is dependent on their situation and not on their status. In
fact, each child has a personal history with the street that cannot be generalised.
Because of this, the care of street children must, to be effective, hinge on the different
situations on the streets, in other words, on the many “child profiles”. It is important to
analyse the relationship a child has with the street.

In order to better understand children living and growing up on the streets, it is

essential both to make them participate, and to put them in contact with key institutions
or individuals looking to understand the structural causes of their situation. Wood Crafts
is a Social Enterprise that aims to help the unemployed street children and other people
for them to be able to have a decent job and doings instead of doing nothing and things
that are not legal and not in accordance with the law.

Street children are minors who live and survive on the streets. They often grow
up in public landfills, train stations, our under the bridges of the world’s major cities.
Because of conflicts with their family, these children don’t want to or can’t return home.
The problem of street children is dependant on their situation and not on their status. In
fact, each child has a personal history with the street that cannot be generalised.
Because of this, the care of street children must, to be effective, hinge on the different
situations on the streets, in other words, on the many “child profiles”. It is important to
analyze the relationship a child has with the street.

In order to better understand children living and growing up on the streets, it is

essential both to make them participate, and to put them in contact with key institutions
or individuals looking to understand the structural causes of their situation.

Wood Crafts Enterprise wants to address this issue and help the street,
homeless, and jobless people in order to provide them a better opportunities for their
future. Wood Crafts Enterprise decided to pick the street people mainly as the laborers
not just to provide a job but also to secure their safety instead of roaming around and be
with the streets all day.

The excess of wood waste is one of the main resources of some business and
Wood Crafts Enterprise wants to help not just to earn profit but also to provide benefit to
the environment, provide opportunities for the homeless people and to bring positive
change to disadvantaged peoples’ lives. With the increase in the population, there is an
increase in the use of wood and wooden products. This has led to deforestation and
increase in the global warming. It has become extremely important to device innovative
methods to recycle the wood so that we can preserve more and more trees and thus the
environment. Recycling wood is not a new technique and had been used since long.
Recycling the used wood into boards, panels and other wood products, is being

practiced for centuries, but the real need for recycling wood has never been felt as
strongly as the present times. In the last century, the residue of wood has increased
tremendously and so has the new way to recycle and reuse the wooden material. For
example, the preserved wood products that contain approved pesticides, can be used in
commercial wood products which remain in contact with the ground or water; thus
increasing the life span of the wood from 20 to 40 years and even by 50 to 60 years in
some cases. Preserved wood is also used to make paper and carry bags. Wood is a
natural product that is reusable, renewable and recyclable. Recycling of wood has now
gone into innovation and new products are being manufactured that are not only elegant
but also durable.
Wood Craft Enterprise generate revenue from recycled woods from the salvaged
demolished houses, old buildings, sheds, factories, warehouses, wharves, boats and
other wood products. It is available from specialist wood suppliers, secondhand building
material outlets, larger demolition companies and demolition sites.

Wood Crafts Enterprise hopes to run the business in the areas where there is a
massive need of employment for the street people including those who are homeless
and often have a transient lifestyle. Wood Crafts Enterprise’s geographical area is within
Metro Manila, mainly in Quezon City since it is the most populous area in the
Philippines where most slums are located and experienced massively. Woods and
wood waste will be collected from wood recycling factory, wood processing industries,
demolished houses and from all sorts of building sites.

2.1 Description of Product or Service

Wood Crafts Enterprise offers the following products and also services from Materials:
Recycling woods/products using woods:

Baskets Php1,300.00 Speaker cabinets Ph 500.00

Pants hangers Php 37.00 Amplifier cabinet Ph 1,000.00
Woodcut artwork Php 1,000.00 Tool handles Ph 200.00
Jewelry boxes Php 123.65 Toilet plungers Ph 156.00
Drum Sticks Php 110.50 Medicine cabinets Ph 1,500.00
Tambourines Php 263.09 Handmade crafts Ph 670.00
Wood blocks Php 947.12
Clean yard debris and wood Php 5,787.93
Pallets and Timber Packaging Php 530.00

Chapter III: Market Analysis

3.1 Industry Analysis

The waste recycling services industry facade a different set of challenges that
include increasing demand and restricted supply, increasing use of natural resources to
producerecycled products, and high cost involvement for producing recycled product.On
the other hand, due to unsuitable government policies for both manufacturing and
reprocessing,has caused an environmental, health and safety concerns. However,
growing demand from regional market and economical labour cost are expected to drive
the demand for global waste recycling services market in the near future.

3.2 Industry Trends

Recycling is the next trend. The waste recycling services has become the one of
the fastest growing industry. The trends have been changed and there are many
technologies advancement can be performed in the recycling industry. The growth of
the waste recycling services is driven by the technology development for waste
recycling, the government initiatives towards recycling of waste product and push for
reuse of wastage materials. Increasing awareness towards benefit of recycling among
people and, growing number of recycling manufacturers are another factors which will
uptake the growth of the recycling industry in the near future. Many companies has
been evolved in the charitable activities.The government Subsidies on products has
cuts down the material costs and gives the business a chance to do something for the

3.3 Description of the Target Market

Target Market

1. Area Coverage

Primarily, the Wood Crafts will be produced in Quezon City and will be
sold in Metro Manila area. The location of the business will be in the area of Quezon
City, the largest and most populous city in Metro Manila and in the Philippines.
Quezon City is considered as one of the largest service economies in the
Philippines, if the indicator is the number of service-oriented establishments here. It
is known as a media center, being the site of the main broadcast stations of the
Philippines’ biggest networks.

3.4 Consumer/ Customer Market Segment

 Geographic: Quezon City, and in other areas of Metro Manila

 Demographic: There is no specific demographics of the business because
everyone is free to avail the product of the business

 Psychographic: People who are fond of craft works and recycled materials
from woods.

3.5 Marketing Strategies

Wood Crafts Enterprise sales strategy is relatively straightforward. Get the word
out about our products and services to potential customers, educate them as to the
value added by our products and services, and the product/service will sell itself.

Advertising: We will utilize direct mail and face-to-face promotional strategies to raise
awareness about our products and services in the target markets. Newspaper
advertising may also be used. Radio and television ads are not certain, we will evaluate

Social Networking: The social networking site such as Wordpress, Facebook,

Wattpad, Instagram and Twitter will also be used to promote the products. A number
of beautifully designed online posters with catchy descriptions and prices will be
posted on the internet. We created social media pages wherein everybody especially
us to create and share contents about the product. Online updates are used also in
promoting the products and in providing our customers bites about our product and
the advocacies offered by the business.

Internet: We will have a content heavy website geared toward educating potential
customers about the benefits of our products and services. All literature, business
cards, etc. will include our website and e-mail address information.

Website: additional page needed to provide people with more information about the
products and resources related to this specific service at Wood Crafts Enterprise.

Flyers: will be used to promote the products to customers within certain locations. Brief
details about the products will be featured on the flyers along with directions on how to
get more information; a contact, location of applications and brochures, or website link.

3.6 Distribution Strategy

The business will be located around Metro Manila where target markets are
targeted primarily through our different marketing strategies.

Wooden Crafts

Chapter IV: Operations

4.1 Schedule of day-to-day operation

Wood Crafts Enterprise schedule of day-to-day operations will be from Mondays-

Saturdays from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm and Sundays from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.

4.2 Technical Production Description

Wood Craft Social Enterprise is the process of manufacturing by hand with or

without the aid of tools or we will use electric motors and are used extensively
in woodworking. Sometimes grinding machines (for grinding woodworking down in to
smaller pieces a wood worker shall be for but also tools).


1. Always Wear Safety Equipment

The first and most important rule of woodworking is to wear appropriate safety
equipment. While hearing protection is necessary for some very noisy tools such as
routers and surface planers, and latex gloves may be necessary when applying finishes,
there is no time in the wood shop that you should be without your safety glasses. Put
them on when you enter the shop and don't take them off until you leave.

2. Wear Appropriate Clothing

Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as

you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
Wear clothes that are comfortable for the environment in which you're working, but also
will protect your body from any wayward wood chips that might result from cutting. Before
beginning, remember to remove any dangling jewelry such as neck chains or bracelets.

3. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

Intoxicating substances and woodworking are a dangerous mix. Stay out of the
wood shop if you are even remotely under the influence of any intoxicants.

While it may seem harmless for the weekend woodworker to crack open a beer (or
six) while working on a project, avoid the temptation until you're finished with the
woodworking. You're going to be much less likely to encounter a problem if you're clean
and sober when working with your power tools.

4. Disconnect Power Before Blade Changes

Whenever you need to change a blade or bit on a power tool, always disconnect
the electricity to the power tool before even beginning the blade change. Many a
woodworker has lost fingers (or worse) by forgetting this simple but very important rule.

5. Try Using One Extension Cord

Use one heavy-duty extension cord. Not one per tool, but one total. This way,
you're forced to switch the cord from tool to tool before the tool can be used. In this
manner, you are always remembering to plug and unplug the power when moving from
one tool to another, and you'll be more cognizant of the need to disconnect the power
when making bit or blade changes.

6. Use Sharp Blades and Bits

This one seems like a no-brainer, but a dull cutting tool is a dangerous tool. If a
saw blade is not as sharp as it ideally should be, the tool and the woodworker will have to
work harder to complete the desired task. In such cases, the tool will be more likely to
kick-back or bind. Besides, a sharper cutting tool will produce a cleaner cut, so there are
more than just safety advantages here. Keep the blade sharp and clean of pitch and you'll
be safer and have better results.

7. Always Check for Nails, Screws, and Other Metal

Always check the stock you're preparing to cut for any metal (nails, screws,
staples, etc.) before beginning a cut. Nails and rapidly spinning saw blades are not a
good mix. Not only can this damage the cutting head and the stock, but at the very
minimum, can cause the stock to kick back, which is a common cause of injury. Inspect
the stock (or better yet, use a metal detector) before cutting.

8. Always Work Against the Cutter

Woodworking power tools are designed so that the direction that the wood moves
through the tool (or the direction that the tool moves across the wood) is in the opposite
direction of the movement of the cutting head. In other words, a router bit or saw blade
should cut against the motion and not with it. The cutter should cut into the stock, not with
the stock.

9. Never Reach Over a Blade to Remove Cut-Offs

When working on a table saw, miter saw, etc., never put your hands anywhere
near the moving blade, especially when attempting to remove waste or cut-offs. Wait until
the blade has stopped moving and then reach for the cut-off. Better yet, once the saw
blade has stopped, use a piece of scrap or a push stick to move the waste away from the

Remember that switches can be inadvertently bumped or malfunction, so just
because the blade has stopped, don't relax and put your hands too close.

10. Avoid Distractions

Distractions are a part of everyday life, and working in the wood shop is no
different. When you are summoned or distracted while in the middle of performing an
action with a power tool, remember to always finish the cut to a safe conclusion before
dealing with the distraction. Taking your attention away from the woodworking tool is a
recipe for disaster.

4.3 Production/ Operations Process

1. Step by Step Procedure

Step by Step Procedure Description

 Receiving and checking of the Raw Receiving all raw materials from the people
Materials. selling any use or waste woods.
 Check and double-check the Organize the list so that you can efficiently
materials list. get the supplies you need before you cut a
 Plan your cut list. Go through all your wood and lay out
where each cut is going to go. Choose the
most appropriate part of the board for each
part of the project.
 Pre-mill all the boards to get straight This goes hand in hand with the cut list
and flat pieces. planning procedure in Step 3.
 Mill the boards to their final This involves planning and jointing the
dimensions. boards.
 Cut the joints.
 Dry fit the assemblies to make sure Make sure that your assemblies and
everything fits properly. subassemblies fit together properly before
you add any glue. You also want to use this
step to practice the assembly procedure.
Repeat the procedure until you can do it
smoothly and efficiently.
 Glue the assembly and clamp it. Work quickly and pull each joint fully
together before moving on. This minimizes
the possibility of joint freeze-up. When
clamping, be careful not to use too much
pressure. Use just enough force to pull the
joints together. You don’t want to squeeze
all the glue out.

 Square the parts. Tabletops should be perfectly flat and other
assemblies should be perfectly square.
Use a straightedge to check for flatness
and a tape measure (measuring diagonally
across the assembly) to check for square.
 Clean up. Put the assembly aside where it won’t get
bumped and clean up all the glue seepage
before it dries.

4.4 Machine/ Tools/ Raw Materials

Materials/Tool Description Price

Cane Natural thick cane is brought to Bangalore from different
parts of Karnataka. Karwad, Sirisi, Aagumbe, Onkad
and Honavara areas of north Karnataka are the major
places of cane production.
Varnish After completion of framing work and cane binding, the Ph 52.00
cane furniture is polished with natural varnish to obtain
glossy finish.
Hammer Used during cane furniture making. Ph 105.00
Cutter Used to cut the thin cane. Ph 50.00
Knife Used to peel the outer skin of cane after burning it. Ph 107.00
Another type of knife used to smoothen and
beautify the cane texture.
Kerosene Used to heat the cane. Ph 263.00
Brushes Different types of brushes used white painting the Ph. 73.67
Rosewood It's a color polish used to coat the furniture. Ph
Iron Nails Used to pin the ends of thin cane after weaving. Ph
Resin Natural polish used to coat over weaved cane. Ph
Band saw is a saw with a long, sharp blade consisting of a Ph
continuous band of toothed metal stretched between 12,6300.0
two or more wheels to cut material. 0
Featherboards a safety device used when working with Ph 657.81
& combs stationary routers or power saws such as table
saws or band saws. The purpose of a feather board is to
apply pressure against a work piece, keeping it flat

against a machine table or fence.
Lathe a machine that rotates a work piece about an axis of Ph
rotation to perform various operations such 99,987.50
as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, deformation, facing
, and turning, with tools that are applied to the work
piece to create an object with symmetry about that axis.
Jointer some configurations, a jointer-planer (also known in Ph
the UK and Australia as a planer or surface planer, 1,210.38
and sometimes also as a buzzer or flat top) is
a woodworking machine used to produce a flat surface
along a board's length.
Shaper a type of machine tool that uses linear relative motion Ph
between the work piece and a single-point cutting 23,6812.5
tool to machine a linear tool path. 0

4.5 Location

The location of our business will be located at 774 TM Kalaw St. Sto. Nino, Tala,
Caloocan City.

4.6 Labor

Manpower will be from the street, jobless and homeless people which are
the mainly target manpower of the business to be able to work efficiently to provide
better opportunities for them.

4.7 Labor Availability

Stated below are the duties and responsibilities of the Operations assigned in
Production Area.

 Observe work in progress and assure safety equipment is worn and procedures
are followed.
 Develop policies and plans to reduce hazard and risk.
 Record the daily transactions of the business.
 Take good care of the products, raw materials, machine and equipment of the
business and its
 Perform assigned task as required

4.8 Existing and Potential Suppliers

Wood Crafts Enterprise suppliers for wood waste will be from the wood
processing industries, factories, household, and construction and demolition companies.

Chapter V: Financial

The total project cost of Wooden Crafts Enterprise is proximately Php300,000.00

including the operations, manpower and marketing expenses of the business which is
enough for the first month of operation of the venture. The company’s source of initial
capital came from the individual contribution of three (3) startup founders/general
partners through sponsorships to meet the initial capital investment for the
implementation of the business. The business will also be having sponsorships from
different companies in order to support the other needs of the laborers (street, homeless
and jobless people).

4.1 Financial Assumptions

 Projected Sales in Units: The Company assumes that the projected sales in
units are based on the capacity of the business to sell.
 Production Cost: It is assumed that the components and costs of the business
will depend on the production costs including of direct materials, labor and
production overhead.
 Marketing Expense:The Company assumes that the marketing expense will
remain the same from first year up to 2 years of operation.
 Administrative Expense:The Company also assumes that the administrative
expense will remain the same from the 1st year up to five years of operation.


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