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5; mp{e ways f a video camera had followed you over the

last seve n days, what wo uld it reveal about
io recloir« your life? Would it show you we re fruitful
and joyful? Overloaded and stressed out? It
your SChedu{e
might disclose that you are too busy for your
own good-and it's time to do .something
about it. You 're too busy if .. ,
• You feel as though • You are regularly late,
you are constantly trying to • You don 't have time
catch up at work or home, to eat three healthy meals a
• There's rarely a break day , much less one with
in your schedule, your family.

16 Foc us o n th e Famil y
"The reo..((y id(e m~n ~efs nowhere.
The perpefu~((y busy m~n
does nof ~ef much fUrfher. "
- Sir Heneage Ogilvie

ogy that consumes time, but

the truth is that busyness
wo n't stop until you decide
to slow down and reconnect
with the people and things
that matter most. Some choices
are simp le o nes : makin g
dinnertime a non-n egotiable
ritual in yo ur hom e o r tam-
ing your to-d o list. Othe r
choices are tou gh er : moving
to a less ex pe nsive area
so yo u ca n afford a less
demanding job , for exa mple.
What co uld yo u do diffe r-
ently to slow down?

Taming my schedule

O ne morning several
yea rs ago , I recall thinking
about how to ge t un stu ck
from my rut, My life was
ove rloaded , yet there was
always something more to
do. I wanted a bit of divine
• You don 't exe rcise. with their child ren; 80 per- inspiration to help me.
• Your mail is piled up ce nt of those wh o are married I prayed , then listened
beca use you haven 't had time said they don 't spend enough for God to say something like,
to open it. time with their spouse. Busy- "Valorie, don 't wo rry. You 're
• Your to-do list is rarely ness affects your friendships, doing all the right things. Just
checked off. too-55 percent haven 't had a be patient. Less stressful days
friend over to their home in are ahead ." Confide nt that I
What free time? more than two month s. And was indeed doing "all the
Perhaps some of these forget abo ut vacation; nearly right things," wh at othe r mes-
situations describe you. If so, 60 percent haven't had a sage could there possibly be
you are not alone. I surveyed seven-day vacation in more for me? I listen ed for an
more than 300 people about than a year. answer, and the one I got was
their busy schedules. Seventy You can blame busyness not wh at I wanted to hear.
percent of the parents said on our fast-paced culture, One simple word kept com-
they don 't spend enough time demanding job s and technol- ing to me: discipline. - '

f OCU5 0 n t hef a mll y. c o m I A ug us t 2008 17

Admittedly, my schedule
was unrul y. I managed to get
a lot don e, but with very little
structure in my life, I was feel-
Ten Commandments
ing scattered and ineffective. for Beating Busyness
While I was not excited about Tho u shalt. . .
embracing more discipline, I 1. Connect heart-to-h eart with your family each week.
knew I needed a change . The 2. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
key to discipline was aligning 3. Be fruitful and produ ctive, not busy.
my da ily actions with my pri- 4. Take rest seriously.
orities. 5. Use all your vacation time every year.
6. Commit your time off solely to nonwork activities.
Five simple rules 7. Have fun at least once a week.
Here are five simple ways 8. Eat regularly, preferably sitting do wn.
I learned to be disciplined 9. Exercise regularly.
and intentional abo ut reclaim- 10. Use techn ology to gain time, not consume it.
ing my schedule. Incorp orate
them into your life to put an
end to unn ecessary busyness. onnes, you must guard the nate then spe nd more time
I. Learn to say no. No time you set aside for them . than necessary on some activ-
will empo wer you to bring Have "no techn ology" periods ities is their obsessio n with
your schedule und er control. in which you turn off cell perfection . Live your God-
You have the right and the phones, 1V and computers. given purpose with excel-
respo nsibility to decline activ- Protect time with your family lence, but resist the temptation
ities that do not fit into your and friends . And if you're to chase the elusive goa l of
schedule or reflect your pe r- falling behin d, block out a pe rfection.
so nal goa ls. What activities do
you need to let go?
day or a few hours to stop
and catch up .
. ..
2. Promise little, if 4. Don't feel pres- Too often, people live by
anything at all! You may be sured to respond imme- accide nt, following whatever
tempted to tell people you'll diately. Whe n someone o ppo rtunities or requ ests
do little things, but when life makes a req ues t, do n't feel cross thei r path . Without
becom e hectic, it's far too compelled to give him or clea rly defined pr iorities, it's
easy to forget what you've her an answe r o n the spo t. hard to discern which choices
promised . You 'll have more "Let me think abo ut that are best and which are best
integrity and less stress if you and get back to yo u" or "I'll left alone. Spe nd your time in
und erp romise and ove rde- let yo u know tom or row [or a way that is meaningful for
liver. Rather than saying you'll next week , ere.I" will suffice. you and your family. •
get something do ne tomor- Especi ally if you' re a people
row , say "by the end of the pleaser, it is critical that you Valorie Burton is a certified life
week." Then w hen you finish don 't answer yes on the coacb, co nfe rence speaker and
tomorrow , the other person spot. You will often end up author of several books, includ-
is de lighted and you 've elim- regretting your co mmitme nt ing Wh at's Really Hol di ng You
inated the stress of trying later. Back ? and Listen to Your Life.
to meet an ambitious, self- 5. Give yourself per- Request a copy o/ Listen to Your
im posed deadline. mission to complete tasks Life from Focus 0 11 tbe Family.
3. Set boundaries on imperfectly. One of the big- (Item code POO13 7B. Suggested
your time. To keep your pri- gest reason s people proc rasti- donation $14 )

18 Foc us on t h e Family

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