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Azaleia Lorenzo

October 30, 2019

Public Health Philosophy Statement

I believe that my sole purpose in life is to promote health among the people in my
community. My passion for helping others has been a core value of mine since I was just a little
girl. My body was wired to put the needs of others before mine and I will continue to do this to
help others live a happy life. I know that there are people in this world who struggle because they
do not have the resources they need to live a healthy life. I want to change that, I want to be their
resource, I want to provide service, and I want to promote health.
Growing up as the oldest child I was always there to give my mom a helping hand with
anything and everything. If she needed help with my younger siblings I was there. If she needed
me to help my grandparents get to point A and point B, I was there. I felt as if it was my
responsibility to be there for everyone because in my eye I did not think anyone else would be.
My life and my struggles have shaped me to become the best version of myself and I can only
get better, stronger, and wiser from here. My heart lies where help is needed and nothing could
change that and nothing will.
I knew Public Health was the field for me because it showed me every aspect of health
and what I could do to help. I used to go back and forth regarding different career paths and
realized that Public Health would be a great foundation to being an overall well rounded health
educator. There are so many opportunities that people can have in the community with a Public
Health background. I strive to help those who want a change and who need a jumpstart in their
lives but don’t know how or where to start. I resonate with the first, third, and sixth
responsibilities of Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) which. are, assessing needs,
implementation, and serving as a resource person. To live a happier and healthy life one must
first asses the needs of where to start and what is needed to help guide through change for that
individual. After that is accomplished then serving as a resources person and implementation
comes to play. I plan to use my knowledge of the Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change to
help people begin the process of living a healthy life. Behavior is a process, and as a health
educator, my goal is to help individuals move on to the next stage of to become ready to change
behavior rather than just focusing on changing behavior from the beginning. I believe that that
the first step is to become aware that change is needed, once this is done then the search for
resources is where I would come to serve. With my background in Public Health, I understand
many concepts and ways to help others strive for happiness, to help them feel better, and to even
help them with prevention and maintaining a healthy life. I would have to say that my
philosophy in health education and promotion would be freeing and functioning. There are many
people in the world who need resources that help their needs and interest and that is okay
because if I am helping to promote health then I am succeeded in helping this person be healthy.
Within the next few years of my life following my degree in Public Health, I would like
to become more involved in the wellness aspect of the field. I know I have so much to offer to
our community and I strongly believe that I can make a positive impact on our society. I plan on
furthering my education and knowledge by becoming a Nurse Practitioner so that I can be the
provider that helps others get the health care they need.

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