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Bien Marie Badoy

To our parish priest, Rev. Fr. Charlie Dorado Celeste, DCC JCL, to the PPC and PFC Officials, to the OLPH
Catechists headed by Mrs. Sotera Godinez, to our Zone Leader, Mrs. Marivic Aspacio, to the GKK heads,
to the head student-catechist for Masagana, Mr. Keith Ulangkaya, to the parents, children, guests and
visitors. Good afternoon!
Flores de Mayo (Spanish for "flowers of May") is a festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. It
is one of the May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lasts for the entire month.
The Santacruzan (from the Spanish santa cruz, "holy cross") is the ritual pageant held on the last day of
the Flores de Mayo. It honors the finding of the True Cross by Helena of Constantinople (known as Reyna
Elena) and Constantine the Great. Its connection with May stems from the May 3 date of Roodmas,
which Pope John XXIII deleted in 1960 due to the trend at the time to abolish holy days. The Feast of the
Exaltation of the Cross on September 14, which commemorates the recovery of the relic by Emperor
Heraclius from the Persians instead of the finding by Saint Helen was all that was retained in the
calendar of the New Order.
Since May is also the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the celebration is also known as Flores de
Mayo (Flowers of May). The festivity commemorates the search of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena and
her son, the newly converted emperor Constantine the Great.

Flores De Mayo can meet your simple-to-elegant festival quests. It is a festival keenly engraved in
Philippines history. It’s a time when the land is teeming with flowers and fine Philippines weather.

It has become one of the national symbols of the Philippines.

The festival is a Catholic event held in the Philippines for the whole month of May in honor of the Virgin
Mary. It culminates in a religious-historical-cultural procession/parade and pageant called Santacruzan…
where the winning beauty is crowned Reyna Elena.

The Santacruzan is that part of the festival that commemorates the finding of the True Cross of Christ in
Jerusalem in 321 AD by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great.

The Spaniards introduced the festival in Malolos, Bulacan in 1867. Everyday young Filipina girls would
make floral offerings to the Virgin Mary in the parish church. Since then, it became a Filipino tradition…
a forming giant of Filipino culture.

Once again, good afternoon. Enjoy the rest of the day! Ave Maria! Viva Masagana!

Bien Marie Badoy

Mary, we celebrate our devotion to you with the flowers of May. Your Son Jesus gave you to us as our
mother and model of faith. We come before you now with childlike trust in your love for us.

Help us to always answer the Father’s call with the total openness of your “Fiat”.

Remind us, as you did in Cana of Galilee, to do whatever your Son tells us.

Teach us to ponder in silence, as you did on Christmas day, the awesome mystery of the presence of
Jesus in our world and our lives.

You immigrated in haste to Egypt with Joseph your husband to flee from those who sought the life
of your Son. Accompany those who leave their home and native land in search of a better life.

Inspire the millions of Filipino Catholics to continue to live and share their faith with ever growing
missionary zeal.

You were with the Apostles in prayer on Pentecost, so pray with us now for our many needs:

(Pause in silence for personal intentions.)

Mother Mary, pray with us that our celebration of Flores de Mayo may be a proclamation of the
good news, the Gospel of your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever . . .



Kaye Ann Ulangkaya

Let’s bow our heads and place ourselves in the presence of the Lord. (Pause for a few seconds.)

Dear Lord, we stand before you in humble prayer before we start with this program, the 4th
Flores de Mayo 2019 Awarding Ceremony.

We realize that without your blessings we would not able to succeed with the plans we have for
this activity. Bestow your grace and divine wisdom to all of us present here, so we could
cooperate and enjoy camaraderie and love for the greater glory of your name.

Bless also those we have left behind in our homes. May you grant them peace and happiness as
they go about their activities.
Bless people around the globe that they may enjoy peace and the goodness of your love.

We ask all these through your mighty name, amen.

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