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Sulatan, Emily BSED FILIPINO 1C 11-25-2019

Sumalinog, Karen Mae

Superioridad, Ronmar

Taray, Christy Jean

Zambrona, Benny Lynn

The Impact of Digital Media to Younger Generation

Now that we are living in a modern world or in a new era where wide media and high
technologies duties and responsibility is to acquaint the general public with truth and the
phenomenon going around in world. Media became our reliable source when it comes to
getting different and updated informations about what is happening to the world. Such media is
like a tree that contains many branches which we people are trying our best to climb up and
reach this destructively beautiful tree. Yes, we may call media as common nowadays, but this
kind of common is very useful yet destructing especially that sometimes we are using it in a
wrong way. When we talk about new generation, we talked about the youth of today who are
very much inclined to use social media.

Youth use social media frequently to connect and create friendship with others. But on the
other side, unhealthy lifestyle is very prevalent to the youth nowadays due to the fact that
gadgets now got the minds of them avoiding physical exercises which is supposed to keep them
healthy and fit and invested more on sedentary lifestyle which is scientifically proven to
decrease half of their life expectancy in their full existence. And unfortunately, teens use too
much time on scrolling on social media that they are now engage into cyberbullying, trolls, and
even toxic comparisons. They use it in an inappropriate way that gaining "likes" on social media
is the new standard of being famous and beautiful that influences others to do risky challenges
and affects their behavior. Engaging in cyberbullying, causing the victims on getting depressed
that some ended their life because cyberbullying is associated with anxiety, depression, and risk
of suicidal thoughts. In order to have a happy and healthy lifestyle, balance is the key. Always
balance and do what is right, think what is right, and do not do something that can cause you
trouble at the end. Have time with your family and friends, learn to appreciate God's Gift like
travel and spoil yourself to be free and live healthy.

The impact of digital media nowadays helps increasing the knowledge of every people and
changing people and in there every life. The positive impact of digital is it helps us connected to
each other, by knowing people and interacting with the society. The digital media gives access
to the individuals and can gain more knowledge about what is happening to the society.
Knowing on how to play games or computer gaming, internet sight , social media and internet
based on video and audio. The negative side on digital media when one becomes addicted on
the internet may affect our physical and mental health. Digital media is a big help to build
education structure, learning style and also to there talent and many more. It helps especially if
you are working on the internet like online business,call center, tuiture it's communication
skills and to a good user. Digital media has a big impact to our community, to the world
because if there is no digital media, people might not interpret well the changing globalization.

Media is very important to the society. People are using the media to get the news or
information from television, radio and video. For example, television is a source of media that
has strong influence on society today. According to the survey, people mostly spend their time
on television and internet for getting news and for entertainment. But the impacts of television
and computer have both positive and negative. For the advantages of television and internet,
we can get the news and information quickly and more convenient. And some time, we also can
have some entertainment for relax. We also can keep connect to our friend from other place by
internet. Media also can help us keep up with the trend of the society. Most company will use
the media to promote their company product. With the impact of media, their product will soon
be all well known. We also can use media to promote the health awareness to the society to
help the people gain the knowledge to know what will affect their health.

Information is an important input for every decision while media is an important source of
information (Study moose). We cant deny the fact that our life revolve in media. Media is a
must for human to live. Media includes Print Media, Broadcast Media and Digital Media.Print
media is one of the oldest form and badic forms of communication (Perny,2018). It includes
books, magazines, newspaper and other forms that used printing materials. Apart from this
print media can be an important source of information and knowledge for young generation as
they can learn from the books they read. Print media can also source of entertainment.
However, there are some negative effects of print media. One of this is body shaming. One thing
that print media had been accused for the past decades is stereotyping of perfect body image.
Most of the pictures posted in magazines, catalogs, newspaper and even in billboard, covers a
perfect sexy body and unreasonable waistline. As a result, more teenagers are eager to achive
this sexy image. The worst is, they strive to be like this and like that, resulting in severe health
complications, illnesses and it can also lead to early death. Another one is unevitable spreading
of fake news in the news paper can also attribute to the negative effects of print media. The
readers might misinterpret the spreading misinformation news. Many authors used this as their
tactics to gain attentions to their readers.But sadly, it can create damage to someone's

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