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Timesheet User Manual


Beyond entering time for hours worked, a timesheet fills other objectives related to
business processes. The timesheet is a valuable method to record and track how much
time each employee spends working.
Hours worked provide reporting information to supervisors. They can view the employee
hours required for specific positions and tasks. This information helps with scheduling,
assigning tasks and determining hiring needs.


IBS Team

How It Works

1.Fiori APP

1. Login to SAP using your username / password

2. Call transaction /n/ui2/flp

3. Fiori launchpad URL will open in new IE explorer

Or use the URL :

Or Scan the below QR Code for both SAP fiori App or IE

login using your SAP user and password .

4. Chosse My Timesheet App , and employee can monitor his missing days

5. Create your new entry

6. Choose date , time , task detail (Note) , task component , task level and task type

7. Submit your selections

8. Confirm your submission

2.Using SAP GUI
You can also record you timesheet using timesheet transaction CAT2

1. Call transaction CAT2


3. Excute
4. Then enter your timesheet for your current date +/- one day only

5. Here you can text your record

6. then back and save

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