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Paris Brower


TPACK Template

Subject Science

Grade Level 3rd Grade

Learning Objective Force, Motion, and Energy

The objective of the lesson is what
students will be able to do as they
finish the activity. For this objective, 3.2 The student will investigate and understand simple
use the Standards of Learning (SOL) machines and their uses. Key concepts include
to say what you want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs at
a) purpose and function of simple machines; b) types of simple machines;
look on the right of the screen for the
subjects and go from there.
c) compound machines; and
d) examples of simple and compound machines

found in the school, home, and work


Activity Describe what the 1. I will start the lesson by presenting a slideshow to the
learning activity will be. What will the
students and the teacher be doing?
class on force, motion, and energy. I discuss simple and
(This includes what they are doing compound machines and give the students examples
with the technology).
that they can see in everyday life.
2. For their activity, I will put the students in pairs and
they will have to present a simple or compound
machine of their choice using the Popped app.
3. They will use the app to explain their machine with the
class, in the form of a text message conversation
4. I will display their conversation on the screen and they
will read it allowed as if they are texting on another.
5. They will be evaluated on the information that they
provide, accuracy, and completion.

Name of the device and/or programs

being used. (The description of what
A website that allows you to write a story in the form of a phone
the students will be doing with the text conversation.
technology will be included in the
pedagogy/activity section).

Link to the example

product machines-062155827663247
Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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