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Gorillas are the world’s

largest primates. There are two species of
gorilla – the eastern gorilla and western
gorilla. The two species live in central
Africa, separated by a vast rainforest.
Gorillas build nests in which they sleep,
both on the ground and in trees, made of
leaves and branches.

Gorillas are highly intelligent. We share 98.3% of our DNA with gorillas,
making them our closest relatives.

Gorillas are mainly herbivores, and their diet mostly consists of bamboo, fruit
and leafy plants, though western lowland gorillas also eat small insects. Adult gorillas
can eat up to 30kg of food each day.

The western lowland gorilla is the most numerous of the four subspecies. The
least numerous is the cross river gorilla. In the wild, a gorilla’s lifespan is around 35-40
years, but they often live longer in captivity, sometimes for over 50 years.

Gonçalo Veríssimo,Nº14

Quevino Bomtempo, nº22


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