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Do you ever worry about abortion? Do you know what this is?

here to explain what abortion is and its importance for all women.

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It's also sometimes

known as a termination of pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by
taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.

A woman has the right to choose. We should be free to choose how

to live our lives. A woman has rights over her own body. She exists already
with other responsibilities so her rights and feelings should take priority
over those of the foetus. Quality of life is important. The woman’s
happiness should be taken into consideration and the potential quality of
life of the child. So, I truly believe, that we have the right to choose if we
are prepared, have financial conditions or even if we are aged enough.

If we made abortion illegal, the number of illegal, self-administered,

and unsafe abortions would increase. This would be much worse for
women than a safe abortion in a hospital.

If a woman is raped she has the right to abort and don’t have that
child (an unwanted child). It is not fair for women to carry on with an
unwanted pregnancy.

Concluding, women must fight for their rights. It is their body and
their life!

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