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St Joan summary

Shaw characterised Saint Joan as "A Chronicle Play in 6 Scenes and an Prologue or Preface". Joan, a simple peasant girl, claims
to experience visions of Saint Margaret, Saint Catherine, and the archangel Michael, which she says were sent by God to guide her
Scene 1 (23 February 1429): Robert de Baudricourt complains about the inability of the hens on his farm to produce eggs. Joan
claims that her voices are telling her to lift the siege of Orléans, and to allow her several of his men for this purpose. Joan also says
that she will crown the Dauphin in Reims Cathedral. De Baudricourt ridicules Joan, but his Steward feels inspired by her words. De
Baudricourt eventually begins to feel the same sense of inspiration, and gives his consent to Joan. The Steward enters at the end
of the scene to exclaim that the hens have begun to lay eggs again. De Baudricourt interprets this as a sign from God of Joan's
divine inspiration.
Scene 2 (8 March 1429): Joan talks her way into being received at the court of the weak and vain Dauphin. There, she tells him
that her voices have commanded her to help him become a true king by rallying his troops to drive out the English occupiers and
restore France to greatness. Joan succeeds in doing this through her excellent powers of flattery, negotiation, leadership, and skill
on the battlefield.
Scene 3 (29 April 1429): Dunois and his page are waiting for the wind to turn so that he and his forces can lay siege to Orléans.
Joan and Dunois commiserate, and Dunois attempts to explain to her more pragmatic realities of an attack, without the wind at their
back. Her replies eventually inspire Dunois to rally the forces, and at the scene's end, the wind turns in their favour.
Scene 4 (June 1429): Warwick and de Stogumber discuss Joan's stunning series of victories. Joined by the Bishop of Beauvais,
they are at a loss to explain her success. De Stogumber decides Joan is a witch. Beauvais sees Joan as a threat to the Church, as
she claims to receive instructions from God directly. He fears she wants to instill national pridein the people, which would
undermine the Church's universal rule. Warwick thinks she wants to create a system in which the king is responsible to God only,
ultimately stripping him and other feudal lords of their power. All agree that she must die.
Scene 5 (17 July 1429): the Dauphin is crowned Charles VII. A perplexed Joan asks Dunois why she is so unpopular at court. He
explains that she has exposed very important people as incompetent and irrelevant. She talks to him, Bluebeard, and La Hire about
returning home. Charles, who complains about the weight of his coronation robes and smell of the holy oil, is pleased to hear this.
She then says to Dunois "Before I go home, let's take Paris", an idea which horrifies Charles, who wants to negotiate a
peace immediately. The Archbishop berates her for her "sin of pride". Dunois warns her that if she is captured on a campaign he
deems foolhardy, no one will ransom or rescue her. Now realizing that she is "alone on earth", Joan declares that she will gain the
strength to do what she must from the people and from God. She leaves, leaving the men dumbfounded.
Scene 6 (30 May 1431): deals with her trial. De Stogumber is adamant that she be executed at once. The Inquisitor, the Bishop of
Beauvais, and the Church officials on both sides of the trial have a long discussion on the nature of her heresy. Joan is brought to
the court, and continues to assert that her voices speak to her directly from God and that she has no need of the Church's officials.
This outrages de Stogumber. She acquiesces to the pressure of torture at the hands of her oppressors, and agrees to sign a
confession relinquishing the truth behind her voices. When she learns she will be imprisoned for life without hope of parole, she
renounces her confession:
Joan: "You think that life is nothing but not being dead? It is not the bread and water I fear. I can live on bread. It is no hardship to
drink water if the water be clean. But to shut me from the light of the sky and the sight of the fields and flowers; to chain my feet so
that I can never again climb the hills. To make me breathe foul damp darkness, without these things I cannot live. And by your
wanting to take them away from me, or from any human creature, I know that your council is of the devil."
Joan accepts death at the stake as preferable to such an imprisoned existence. De Stogumber vehemently demands that Joan
then be taken to the stake for immediate execution. The Inquisitor and the Bishop of Beauvais excommunicate her and deliver her
into the hands of the English. The Inquisitor asserts that Joan was fundamentally innocent, in the sense that she was sincere and
had no understanding of the church and the law. De Stogumber re-enters, screaming and severely shaken emotionally after seeing
Joan die in the flames, the first time that he has witnessed such a death, and realising that he has not understood what it means to
burn a person until he has actually seen it happen. A soldier had given Joan two sticks tied together in a cross before the moment
of her death. Bishop Martin Ladvenu also reports that when he approached with a crucifix to let her see it before she died, and he
approached too close to the flames, she warned him of the danger from the stake, which convinced him that she could not have
been under the inspiration of the devil.
Epilogue: 25 years after Joan's execution, a retrial has cleared her of heresy. Brother Martin brings the news to Charles VII.
Charles then has a dream in which Joan appears to him. She begins conversing cheerfully not only with Charles, but with her old
enemies, who also materialise in the King's bedroom. An emissary from the present day (the 1920s) brings news that the Catholic
Church is to canonise her. Joan says that saints can work miracles, and asks if she can be resurrected. At this, all the characters
desert her one by one, asserting that the world is not prepared to receive a saint such as her. The last to leave is the English
soldier, who is about to engage in a conversation with Joan before he is summoned back to Hell at the end of his 24-hour respite.
The play ends with Joan ultimately despairing that mankind will never accept its saints:
O God that madest this beautiful earth, when will it be ready to accept thy saints? How long, O Lord, how long?

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