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Halo Gaess,

Sekarang waktunya materi Jumat Exercise!

Kita Exercise Materi Tes Bahasa Inggris.
Untuk jadwal saat ini adalah Tes Bahasa Inggris sub bagian Conditional
Clause, silahkeun kerjakan materi ini. Jawaban bisa kalian input di
Google Form yang linknya sudah saya berikan di stream.

Oke, silahkan kerjakan yaaa!!! (Target waktu 20 menit)


1. If the students … late to submit the scholarship application to the

board, they will not be listed as candidates.
A. be C. were
B. are D. have

2. Kiranti said to Tono, “Did you finish your homework?” Kiranti asked
to Tono …
A. whether he finished his homework.
B. whether he has finished his homework.
C. if he finished his homework.
D. if he had finished his homework.

3. The farmers exterminate rodents in their farmland … they damage

the crops.
A. if C. however
B. though D. as

4. Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap
easily … it were a twig.
A. if C. as though
B. unless D. although

5. Scholarship is admitted to the university … he or she passes the

A. if C. whether
B. unless D. as
6. Fortunately you assisted him to push the car. If you hadn’t helped
him, he … angry with you.
A. will get C. should
B. would get D. would have gotten

7. …, we would get the tickets.

A. Weren’t there so much rush at the cinemas
B. Because there were so much rush at the cinema
C. There were not so much rush in cinema
D. Although there were so much rush at the cinema

8. Every student … wear uniform in flag ceremony.

A. will C. must
B. should D. may

9. … overcome her shyness, she would have become a great teacher.

A. She had C. If she
B. Had she D. If she’d

10. You would … the job if you were not late to the interview.
A. get C. have gotten
B. be gotten D. have been gotten

11. That machine ... if you fixed it immediately.

A. would work
B. would be worked
C. would have worked
D. would have been worked

12. If you put a wet towel directly under the sun, it ... momentarily.
A. will dry C. dry
B. will dries D. dried

13. The student … expelled from the school if he were proven to use
A. would be C. were
B. was D. expelled
14. If the team … a better striker, they would have won the game.
A. has C. had had
B. had D. has had

15. If you drop the egg from the third floor, it ... to pieces.
A. shatter C. shattered
B. will shatter D. would shatter


E-government is about making the full range of government

activities – internal processes, the development of policy (141) ...
services to citizens - available electronically. (142) ... the bursting of the
over-inflated dot com bubble, electronic interactions have rapidly shown
astonishing potential for transforming the internal activities of all kinds of
organizations and dramatically (143) ... the relationships between
organizations and those (144) ... use them – in particular, firms and their
customers. As a Dutch parliamentary committee put it, information and
Communication Technology (ICT) is not a supporting technology, but
coincides with the primary process and touches government (145) ... its

16. A. but C. or
B. and D. with

17. A. as much as C. despite

B. as soon as D. in order to

18. A. is altering C. altered

B. alter D. altering

19. A. which C. when

B. who D. whom

20. A. on C. in
B. of D. at
Selamat mengerjakan teman-teman, kerjakan sebisa dan semampu
kalian, usahakan untuk tidak berbuat curang yaa….
Allah Maha Melihat, Malaikat pasti mencatat!
Semoga apa yang kita kerjakan menjadi ladang amal dan ilmu bagi
kita semua!

Dilarang membagikan isi dokumen ini untuk kepentingan keuntungan

pribadi atau lembaga tanpa seizin penyusun soal
© 2017 Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-undang
Halo Gaess,
Berikut adalah pembahasan soal yang kalian kerjakan kemarin!

1. B conditional if type one if clause (simple present), result clause

(simple future).

2. A dalam penekanan terhadap subyek kalimat menggunakan


3. D cause and effect: klausa pertama merupakan akibat dari

klausa ke dua sehingga digunakan as.

4. C ‘it were’ (subjunctive): hal yang disebutkan sesudahnya

berlawanan dengan kenyataan, atau pengandaian. Jadi yang
paling tepat adalah ‘as though’.

5. B If berarti jika, Whether berarti apakah, as berarti sebagai,

Unless (melainkan) menyatakan hal yang sebaliknya.

6. D Conditional sentence type III: if + had + V3 / been, S + would

/ could / might + have + V3 / been.

7. A Conditional sentence type II without I. Were / had + S, S +

would / could / might + V1.

8. C Must menyatakan keharusan; will / may menyatakan

conditional dan kemungkinan; should menyatakan

9. B Conditional without to, Type III. Pola: Had + S + V3 , S + would

+ have + V3.

10. A Conditional type III dengan pola S + would + V1 + If + S + V2

+ O.

11. A Conditional type 2 (lihat kata fixed pada klausa IF)

menggunakan bentuk past future tense pada kalimat
12. A Hanya pilihan A yang mungkin dipakai. Verb yang mengikuti
kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal harus berbentuk + s/es. Will
harus diikuti kata kerja asli (infinitive).

13. A Kalimat merupakan bentuk conditional sentence type 2.

14. C Jika kata If diikuti dengan bentuk kalimat past perfect, maka
hasilnya akan menjadi kalimat past future perfect. If + past
perfect = past future perfect.

15. B Conditional sentence type 1 “will shatter”

16. B and. Kata penghubung yang tepat adalah and, karena

menggabungkan 3 frase dalam 1 kalimat.

17. C despite. Kata penghubung yang tepat untuk menghubungkan

2 kalimat menjadi sebuah klausa adalah despite, yang berarti

18. D altering. Parallel dengan kata transforming.

19. B who. Kata penghubung yang tepat adalah who karena who
digunakan untuk menggantikan subjek (organizations).

20. D at. Kata hubung menunjukkan lokasi ‘pada’

Tantangan buat kamu!

1. Coba kalian Googling untuk mencari materi tentang Conditional
2. Cari materi penunjang lainnya dari buku-buku tes TOEFL atau
pelajari melalui internet untuk meningkatkan pemahaman materi
Conditional Clause!

Dilarang membagikan isi dokumen ini untuk kepentingan keuntungan

pribadi atau lembaga tanpa seizin penyusun soal
© 2017 Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-undang

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