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Teaching all Students is Possible 1

Teaching all Students is Possible

Juliann A. Daw

College of Western Idaho

Author Note

First section: All students can learn

Second section: Teacher’s expectations

Third section: Student’s social ecology theory

Fourth section: Cultural diversity instruction

Five section: Curriculum for all learners

Teaching all Students is Possible

In this class, we have been looking at all the different types of students that will be

coming into our classroom, We all know that our job as the teacher will be to teach all of these
Teaching all Students is Possible 2

students. We will look at how students learn and how you can include that in the classroom.

Then we will be looking at how the teacher expectation will affect how students perform in the

classroom. After that it will look at how the students family, culture and community impacts then

and how do we work to make those an advantage in our class. The last two parts, we will be

looking at it how to interact with those with culture as much possible in the classroom and make

a curriculum that will reach everyone in the classroom.


All Students can Learn

We as teachers have the all but impossible task of teaching every student that comes into

our classroom. There are so many different types of students that will be their from different

learning styles, disabilities, ethical background, culture identities and so on. How do we create a

lesson in which we reach all of these students.

The first one we are going to break down in learning style. According to our textbook

their is 6 different types of learners, logical, linguistic, body kinesthetics, musica, spatial,

interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. Logical is also known as mathematicals, are

typically seem by mathematicians and scientists. This is those who learn through logical

problems, and performing calculations. For these learn, they like logic changes and simple

logical change. This plus this kind of review process is what they are use to and they review

with. Linguistic learners, these are the students who learn though meaning, sound and rhythm.

These are the students who make pots out of the material to study. Those who write story to

create the meaning, these are your future authors, journalist and poets. The musica, is those who

learn though pitch and phyth, and appreciate musical expression, these are your musicians,

composers and singers. Taking your material and making it into song, parodies and so on will
Teaching all Students is Possible 3

help them learn the material. Spatial, are your future architects, engineers and artists. They learn

through mental model of concrete object and manipulate parts in relations to each other, which

would learn best form models and computer simulations. The next is interpersonal who analyse

and respond to behavior, feelings and motives of other people. These future psychologist,

teachers and salespeople who best when they are having to care and help other people, have them

teach the material and tutor it to work though it over and over again. Our future Actor and

Lawyers are Intrapersonal learners, who understand one's feelings and motives using

knowledge to adapt or behaviors accordingly. The idea of these are making story line with the

material that they can get into and understand what is happening in the material. The last one,

naturalist, are our future botanists, zoologists and ecologists, these are those who have the

ability to discriminate among living things and be sensitive to the natural environment.

Teacher’s Expectations

For students to be successful in a classroom, they need to know what is required of them.

They need to know what goals for their education that the teacher have in mind or has set in

place for them. As teacher we will have goals that will have the students moving up the Bloom’s

Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that help teachers

teach and students learn . There is six stages to pyramid. Knowledge or Remember which the

simple recall of information, which can be math formulas, memorizing speeches or poems and so

on. Second, is understanding this where you start to see the different in the information and can

group them. Example in math is see the differences between squares, rectangles, polygongies and

so on, then using that information to put the shape in categories. Third level is apply, this is

where we see the student able to use the information. This can be form using the formulas given

in class, to reconstruction laws to make them more successful. Fourth, would be analyze. This is
Teaching all Students is Possible 4

where we look at the information that in great detail examining the element and structure of it.

This is when we look each part of democracy, scientific method and so on. Fifthly, we look at

the Evaluate, which is where we look at the ethical, dilemma and so on, of the information.

Example is look at the if the dropping of the nuclear bombs where ethical or interpreting the laws

of physics and so on. Sixth and lastly, the step is create, this is when we have the students

create/design/ make a new solution on old problems. To do so they will have to understand the

previous failure, and make a more useful design. Teacher need to take insiteration of when

making the goals for their students. You need your students to accomplish level one, before level

two and so on.

Form different studies, we see that the expectations of the teacher change how students

perform in the classroom. There is one main case that we look at specifically. The first one, was

expecting the best for student: teacher expectations and academic outcomes by Christine Rubie-

Davies, John Hattie, and Richard Hamilton published in British Journal of Educational

Psychology Vol. 76, No 3,2006 pg. 429-44. The purpose of the study was to explore the

relationship was to look of the expectation for student from Maori, Pacific ISland, Asian and

New Zealand European. They found by comparing the pre and Post test that the Maori student

had the smallest gain, which was significantly below the Asian and New Zealand European

students. They then went into the classroom and saw that the Maori students were held at less

expectations then any other student. They also found that went Maori and Pacific Island students

where in the same class, they performed at the same level.

We see also see from the students that on average, teacher holds those who are ethnic

different at a different standard or expectations. For the study, we see that it all harms the

students. That the students perform at a lower level, then those who have higher expectations on
Teaching all Students is Possible 5

them. This tells me as teachers, we should have higher expectations on our students and they will

rise to meet them. If we have lower expectations, they will perform at a lower standard. I have

seen this in several different classrooms that I have observed and work in. I work as a tutor in the

bose school, I have in several different classrooms. I see all the time when the teacher has the

expectation on the student of a higher standard. They always raise to reach the standard, and

when the teacher doesn’t the teacher don’t.

Students’ Social Ecology Theory

While we would like our students top and only concerned is their classroom and school.

We would love to see that there is nothing affecting their student in the classroom, besides how

hard we try to teach them. This is where the student social ecology does come in place. Social

Ecology is the study of looking at relationships, their people or environment looking about how

dependence those connections change them. These relationships can be family, culture or

communities that they live in.

Family according to our book is any two or more related people living in one household.

There is over-course many different types of families everything from nuclear family (type of

father, mother and children), extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on),

childless family, step or blended family (two half of nuclear family blind together) single- parent

households and Grandparent family ( when children live with their grandparents). Each of these

have a different impact of the student. Each of these families suggest in different areas.
Teaching all Students is Possible 6

Culture is the learned or acquired behavior including knowledge beliefs, art, morals,

laws, customs, and traditions form the student social environment. In America we have many

different cultures. This means two things, one there will be many different cultures that come

into our classroom. While they will have have a boarder american culture they will also have

their other culture there. Understanding all of those other cultures that may and will enter our

classroom. If we are able to relate the material that we are teaching back to our student life and

cultures, they will be able to better understand the material.

Lastly community, according to our book like the rest, i a group of people who share

fellowship and common interest. Communities often live in the same geographic area and

bounded by politically and economically similarities. This another that we will have to research

to understand how to connect the material in a what so that they student will/ can understand the

material. Now, it is important to release that we are apart of their community for some students.

All of these can easily relate back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of need. The first step is

physiological needs, these are the food, water and shelter. There are the very basic needs that

without, we will die very quickly. This step usually get taken care of by the student family.

Second step, is safety which is also typical care by the family or community. This is the personal

security and health of the person. Thirdly, is love and belong which aganing is typically taken

care of from family, community, teachers, friends and so on. This is feeling of deep affection or

having someone have the feeling toward the student and/or belonging to a groups Next, esteem is

when the student has start to build respect, self-esteem, status and so on. This is when the start

building more of who they are and a sense of self. Lastly, self-actualization this is the step where
Teaching all Students is Possible 7

the child start to get their desire for who they want o be or become we they want to be. These last

two step is where we as teacher get to try to help out a lot more than a lot of the other steps.

Cultural Diversity Instruction

As a future teacher, we will have many different walks of life in our classroom. Our goal

is to reach all of them in a way that will understand the materials that is being presented to them.

To do so we have to look at culture. There are several different ways that culture ideas. The two

we will focus on a bit is cultural assimilation, which is the went a culture is an identifying

factor to show that they are a group. This is like how Jewish wear Yamakas and Tichels,

Vietnam have this pho and banh canh, Iran speak persian and so many other identifying factors

that show we are a member of a culture. The other one we will be looking at is cultural

pluralism, this is when people for minority culture in a society participate fully in culture but

also keep their cultural differences. We see the Jewish girl, who doesn’t wear a tichels and speak

english, but as soon as she gets home has a tichels, speak hebrew and eats shakshuka and latkes.

To get them to be able to learn in the classroom environment, the students have to be

comfortable. There are several phrases to get there. Building trust, engaging in culture,

confronting social dominance and social justice, transforming instructional practices and

engaging the entire school community.

Step one, one of the most important steps building trust. You need to listen to your

students, understanding and listening to their motivations, desires, pains and so on. Ask them and

your class questions, this to help understand their thoughts and motivations. When responding to

them be intentional, you need to be direct to the student’s interest. Acknowledging the students’

feelings, how they feel is important. One of the most common teachers say they feel like a parent
Teaching all Students is Possible 8

to all of their students. That their students are their children, and so we see teacher advocating for

their student. It helps them to feel more connected and trusting to their students. Secondly, is

engaging personal culture it talks about the ability to authentic and effective relationship.

Attempt to understand the culture they come from. Thirdly confronting social dominance and

social justice, historically we have seem racism, classism and exclusion in the United States. We

have seem students rise up to change their school to be better. Teacher have a mission to

encourage student to fight for what they believe in but also help direct in a helpful to both the

school and the students.. Student/ social justice can be difficult, for not only the school but the

student themself. Justice is hard to fight for and teachers are stuck in the middle of the rock and a

hard place. We do though have to encharge all students, to fight for what is best for them.

Teacher help student create goals and help them learn how to have an equal participation to

changing their school. Fourly getting instructions into practice. We have all had issues taking

good ideas and moving them into our lives.. As teachers, we are going to have countless different

meeting and ideas given to us but will all be useless if we can’t turn it into practice. We have to

make it so that when we spend hours in training we can move it back to our classroom. It is just

practice moving ideas into reality. Lastly, it is engaging the entire school community, this is how

we are the whole community to become more inclusion to those in their school. We see in school

districts were, they have a large percentage of students with disabilities. For example, Horizon

Elementary School is one of the elementary schools in Boise. They have a larger number of

students with disabilities. They decided to help build awareness and try to include them more, by

building a wheelchair accessible playground. When we are looking at more culture and ethnic

differences, they are similar. We create events, activities or information to help tell the school
Teaching all Students is Possible 9

about the different communities. The spread of information help prevent ignorance which is what

every student needs.

Curriculum for all Learners

There are a lot of ways that we as teachers change their lesson to create more accessible

to the students in the classroom. One of the ways to make the lesson more accessible to the

student is the idea of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This mean we start the lessons by

stating the lesson goals. What do you hope the student will learn for the lesson, therefore it is

clean from the beginning. Give assignment options, every student learning / does stuff

differently. Some will learn drawing a very complete poster with a million different colors, other

will need to write an eight page paper. Just like assignments, not every student works the same in

environment. Some student who best sitting on a coach, listening to music and on a computer.

Other in complete silence as they write their essay on notebook paper. If a teacher can put this in

a classroom, be able to do a mix environment of noise, quiet, comfortable and desks. It is

important to give students regular feedback. Students like to know how they are doing, why lose

points on assignments, how they are doing on tests and so on. This also help to build better

relationships between teacher and students. Not every student is a visual learner. There is many

of them that are auditory learner. If you have the textbook but also audio textbook.

This is a lot to think about when you are presenting a lesson to a classroom, that is a lot to

think about. At any time you need to be ready to pivot, and change the lesson to reach all of the

students in the classroom. This means when planning your lesson, attempt to plan extra time in

case you need it. We have to be able to step back and rethink the lesson.

Teaching all Students is Possible 10

There are so many different types of students that we will have in our classroom. We will

be working at trying to include and teach lesson so that it makes sense to them . The hope is that

the information that we are learning now will get us to that point.
Teaching all Students is Possible 11


Berns, R. (2016). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support. Stamford,

CT: Cengage Learning.

Mcleod, S. (2018, May 21). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved May 8, 2019, from

Rubrie-Davis, C., Hattie, J., & Hamilton, R. (n.d.). Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling

M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales).

Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. Teacher

Expectation of Student. doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f

Single Parenting and Today Fmaily. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What Is Bloom's Taxonomy? A Definition For Teachers -. (2018, December 11).

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What Is Bloom's Taxonomy? A Definition For Teachers -. (2018, December 11).

Retrieved May 8, 2019, from


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