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A Florida Chapter of the National Audubon Society

Serving greater Daytona Beach area
Founded 1923

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revised 8/18/08

Halifax River Audubon (HRA) is actively involved in our community in many

different ways. We encourage you to join us for all (or just a few) of our activities.
We have something to interest almost everyone. Read a brief history of the chapter.

Louise Chapman, Volusia County Teacher on Assignment commended three HRA

members, David Hartgrove, Ray Scory and Peggy Yokobonus, for volunteering four
days a week with the Volusia County Schools Environmental Service Learning Legacy
Project at Rose Bay, Bicentennial Youth Park and Lyonia Preserve. They teach bird
identification and educate students in all aspects of environmental conservation.
Louise thanks them "...for they are responsible for thousands of kids who think
'birding is cool' and that birds and preserving habitat for birds are important things
for everyone to do."

Willie Burns, HRA Chapter member and operator of Golden Dog Sales hosts an
Audubon booth at local environmental festivals. All items can be ordered through this

Halifax River
Audubon partners
with environmental,
historical and civic
organizations to
preserve, protect and
enhance our local
area. Our President
and Conservation
Chair, David
Hartgrove, and
member, Holly
Zwart-Duryea, attend
meetings with city
commissioners and
county council
Chapter volunteers blazed a walking & bird watching trail at Dunlawton Sugar Mill
Botanical Gardens in Port Orange, maintain a bird feeder and water feature and tend
to the gardens. Other volunteers lead bird walks at Washington Oaks Gardens State
Park just south of Marineland or help out at the Marine Science Center in Ponce Inlet
and the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach.

HRA recently discovered that we are stewards of the Port Orange Sanctuary. Work
continues on educational signage and maintenance of the islands. In concert with
West Volusia and Southeast Volusia Audubon Chapters, we sponsor awards for the
Volusia County Science Fair. Our members have been working with high school
students from Spruce Creek in various projects.

HRA is a partner with Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail CME, Inc. to preserve and protect
the habitat along The Loop roads and A1A between the Flagler border and Granada
Blvd. In April 2007, the Board approved a grant to OSLT to create and install
interpretive signs at two different trailheads in Tomoka State Park and to defray the
cost of constructing an observation platform at Summer Pond which can be accessed
by a new trail off Pine Tree Drive.

If birds are more to your liking, join us for the fall Beginner Bird Class. Local wildlife
refuges such as Merritt Island or Canaveral National Seashore welcome experienced
birders who can donate their time and expertise for bird counts. For the most fun of
all, join our field trips to discover the best birding areas, hone your ID skills and
provide that extra pair or eyes (and ears) to ensure our group spots every species in
the area.

The photos and information on this page are the property of Halifax River Audubon and may not be reproduced or
distributed without the express written consent of Halifax River Audubon.

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