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The First Amendment is a record that verifies a few fundamental opportunities in the

United States including Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, The Right
to Assemble and The Right to appeal to the Government. The new option to the Bill of Rights
that was included to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. The First Amendment is a three-
part clause that guarantees not only press freedom, but Freedom of Religion as well as the right
to assemble and to “petition the government for a redress of grievance.” This is otherwise called
prior restraint which implies and endeavor by the legislature to avoid the statement of thoughts
before they are distributed. The First Amendment incorporates Freedom of The Press which
infers it is used to prevent the governing body from intruding with the scattering of sentiments
and ends. It enables everybody to one side to Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom
of Press, The Right to Assemble, and the privilege to Petition the Government. The First
Amendment appropriate to not be compelled to uncover data or private news sources in court.

The First Amendment allows me to be able to be a creative journalist and use my

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press to my advantage. I use the First Amendment Rights in
my day-to-day life, just as many others do. From social media to writing news stories. I even
produce my own YouTube videos. As I move into my future career, I plan to continue to use my
Rights daily. Knowing my Rights and abiding by them.

During my terms at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. I have
worked on several assignments and projects that exemplify the use of the First Amendment. I
worked on a research paper explaining the countries involvement with the First Amendment. I
also published a political research paper that tied in my own political views. On a weekly basis, I
produce YouTube videos and clips showcasing on-campus and extra-curricular activities as I live
through them.

Being involved in Student Government as a Historian and Chair of the Public Relations,
serving my residence hall as President of Morrow Hall within my freshman year and now
Resident’s Assistant in my Junior year and a member of the club volleyball team on A&T’s
campus are all of the organizations I have had the honor to participate in and allow me to use my
First Amendment rights as I please. I have learned how to use my voice and talents to express
myself limitlessly while also learning the need and value of my rights and how to execute being
a great journalist and social media fanatic.

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