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1. The factors they consider when choosing a university course

A: Hi. How are you?

B: Hello, I am not quite good

A: What’s up?

B : I have to choose a university course, but I still don’t know which one I should to study

A. I am also choosing my university course. I think the first factor when you choose a university
course is learning. Of course learning is important. After all, that’s why you’re going to college,
right? I think you have to determine your pupose when you go to university. You need to answer
these questions : What do you like studying? Which job do you want to work in the future?

B. I see. In my opinion, I consider about financial fit. Because you know, my parents are famers,
I don’t want to make them be too hard to give me money when I go to university

A. uhm, Getting an education is a big investment. That’s right when we need to consider about it.

B. Yep, I think we should choose the university which has suitable tuition for our family’s
financial status and the scholarships policy for anyone want to get .

A. I think so, but moreover quality of university also should be considered when you make a
choice. If the university’s qualitiy is good you will have a great condition and enviroment to
study anf develop yourself. Because university will be the great envirroment for your prepatation
of your work in the future

B. I just have a litlle bit consider about quality, I am finding information about The university
admissions process. I think it is important for me when I am choosing the university. because it
can teach you a lot about the institution. Look for an admissions process that reflects the values
you want to see in a university

A. admissions? I don’t care much about it,because I will listen all information about university
from fellow students. It means we should consider about experience of old students in which
university you choose. Because they studied and lives in there a long time , they would
understand most things in there, and they have many experience about studies in this university
which you need to know.

B. According to me, location is one of the most important factors you should comsider when you
choose university. As you know, a lot of families don’t want their children to go far away home,
so you should think carefully about your unniversity ‘s location. If you study far home, when
you have any problems or you miss family, you can’t immediately come back home with your
A. ok. I will think carefully and make the right decision for my studies. I hope you do too.

B. yep, thanks.

3. Different ways to finance education

A.Hey, I have some problems about my financial education. Can you give me any advices ?

B. Different in financial education? Well, I think the first way is part time work. Nowadys , most
of the students in university have one or even more a part time work, which will give you money
for your studies and living. Moreover , when you work , you will have more experience in life
and for the job in the future.

A. But I don’t have time work part time because I have to go to school evrey day/week. And if I
have a part time work I will don’t have more time for studying , so, I afaird my result will be

A. I am considering about Based Educational Grants. The main advantage of grants is that they
generally do not have to be repaid, although qualifying can be challenging, especially if you have
significant income or assets. And I don’t have to work.

B. however, you have to find prestige place unless, you will lost everythingg you deposit. And
make sure you can get a education grant you have to have enough income and assets for them.
Why don’t you apply for scholarships. According to people who have tried applying for
scholarships, searching for viable scholarship foundations and well-wishers can turn into a full-
time engagement

A. you know, if I want to apply for scholrships , I have to have a good result in each term. But I
just am a normal student so even though I try mys best I can’t get a good resut.

B . I am sorry to hear that.

A. No problem. But I think about Internships and Apprenticeships. I not only can do the work in
my major and maybe the job in the future but aslo I can earn money from it. So, I think it is
better than a part time work, But problem is I am difficul to find this job and it requries a few
codition such as age, experience,…

B. I think It ‘s ok. And about your problem I think I will give you a hand to find the job which is
suitable for you.

A. Really? Thank you so much

5. Prepare to cope with pressure,tight deadlines, non-stop work

A. Next year, we will graduate and have to find a work. Do you have any conserned?
B. why not? I am very worry about the presure , tight deadlines, non-stop work when working in
a pressure-cooker environment where everyone is expected to do more with less like what we
leanred at university

A. That’s right. They are common problem which any workers consider r=whrn working. So ,
you think what we should prepare to cope with them?

B . Fristy, pressure. I think we need to remain calm, always. Besides, Stay focused on what needs
to be accomplished. Even though the day may be stressful, keep your mind firmly focused on
completing your regular responsibilities

A. That are good idea. As regards Handling Pressure at work, I think Get help if you need it
Notice if there is something out of line and get the help that you need immediately. Moreover,
taking short breaks helps you release pent-up stress, rejuvenates you, and actually enables you to
be more productive

B. I think there are ok for pressure. But ,the next problem is tight deadlines. What should we do?

A. According to me, I think we should clear your work schedule: Start by clearing your schedule
and to-do list of anything that isn’t a high priority. And, we shouldn’t try to tackle the entire
project all at once, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks and have deadlines for
each of them to keep you on schedule.

B. I see. For one thing , we should Work on it one step at a time: Once you have broken the
project down into smaller tasks, focus on the first one. Then only once it is complete move onto
the next task .Checking each task off as it’s done will give you the motivation to keep going and
help you to easily track your progress.

A . I think I can do it. But the most thing I worry is non-stop work. I can’t work without taking
a rest or relax

B. It doesn’t mean, you have to work without break. You just should remember that Although it
is important to stay focused on your work, it is equally crucial to take periodic breaks from it.
Taking breaks can actually help you get a project done quicker. Then, let Keep Up With Your
Exercise Routine, Make Time for Fun,…

A. I heard Drinking Plenty of Water is vital. Water is essential to proper brain function and they
also help to break up the monotony of the workday, right?

B. Of course. And Avoiding Working Seven Days a Week although you have a lot of work have
to do.. Next, get enough sleep also should do when you work in a pressure-cooker environment
where everyone is expected to do more with less.

A. Yep, Thanks a lot and I will follow your advices for my work in the future. I hope you also
find down the suitable work with at least pressure,tight deadlines, non-stop work in the future.
B. Thanks. You ,too.

Topic 4: Two students are talking to each other about the role of technology in life. One
thinks that technology helps make people’s lives a lot easier while the other disagrees. They
debate with each other until there is a winner.

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning. What are you doing?

A: I’m learning about some smart apps.

B: Really? It sounds interesting. Can you be more specific about that?

A: With the current strong development of 4.0 technology, are you using digital devices such as
smartphones and laptops?

B: Yes, I often use my laptop as well as my phone at work and for many different purposes

A: Oh, so can you tell me more about the use of those devices?

B: Ok, I think with a laptop or a smartphone connected to the internet, you can work anytime,
anywhere, exchange work with many different people without having to go to work

A: Hmm, so have you ever thought that this would not only be useful for you but also harmful
like for example when there is internet we are not focused on working but distracted by other

B: Oh, no. I took the whole job seriously. With today's technology, we are not only easy at work
but also have many other issues such as: we can communicate with people in this world. That
helps to unite the community

A: Yes, as I know, some people think that the more relationships people have, the more complex
they become, right?

B: It's up to you, that's good too. or when you are at home, you can order everything like
shopping on the shopee, tiki ... with just one touch.

A: But I think this case has a lot of risks such as defective goods, undelivered ... this extremely
affects the buyer and creates a bad mood for his customers.

B: That also depends on the buyer knows what to choose. Another useful feature is that we can
entertain after school, stressful working hours like playing game, listening to music, reading
newspaper ... this can help you dispel the fatigue after a stressful working day.

A: But when do young people take advantage of excessive gaming that affects work and school?
What do you think?
B: Disagree very much. Because the way we control our time is different for us, we cannot say
anything in advance.

A: I also understand that everyone's usage is different and with different purposes so the way
people use it also depends on each person. Technology is very beneficial to our lives if we know
how to use and exploit it.

B: Uh. I think you are true. Sorry, now I have to go, talk to you later.

A: Ok, goodbye

B: Bye.

2. Two students are talking to each other about the possible marketing techniques that a
university admission team can use to attract new students. Exchange ideas on how good
they are and what needs to be improved.

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning. What are you doing?

A: I’m learning about the possible marketing techniques that a university admission team can use
to attract new students.

B: It’s accidental, me too. Can we exchange ideas each other?

A: Yes. Nowadays with the development of technology, most people often exchange with each
other and the internet by means of that tradition. Do you know of any such form?

B: I also know through, for example, at TM University there are many forms such as these clubs
are very active, then the way of propagating through the fan page of this school.

A: ok, can you be more specific?

B: As far as I know, every year during the enrolment season, such as August and September, the
school's pages are packed with news articles such as news reports and articles introducing the
school to attract new students. Sign up to participate with the opportunity to study at a modern
school like this.

A: I also find this to be of great interest to students, especially to students and parents, who love
the school. For that reason, we have a strong position in promoting the school's brand as well as
improving the position of our school.

B: As for the activities of the clubs, I also know through, and the fact shows that the school clubs
operate very strongly and vigorously, they invest very methodically and monumentally. From
there, they can help gain new potential members and potential in the future.
A: Everything is really good, isn't it? Let's talk about some solutions to make our clubs and
schools more developed.

B: Well, in my opinion, we should promote the media more widely because it has many benefits
for reaching new students.

A: I also think that we can build a stronger school by investing more professionally in the clubs
and school. Furthermore, we also need new ways of training for new students when participating
in the best and most complete.

B: Good idea. Sorry, now I have to go, talk to you later.

A: Ok, goodbye

B: Bye.

6. Two friends are talking to each other about the use of computers in their offices. One
thinks that people spend all of their time damaging their health when working non-stop
with computers, while the other thinks that they only spend half of every workday playing
with computers. Give a lot of vivid examples.

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning.

A: Are you busy?

B: Oh yes. I’m try to finish the report of our company.

A: Is your work related to everyday computer use?

B: Yes, my work is almost daily using computers to process data and exchange work with the
departments and people involved in the company.

A: Many people think that using a computer for many hours in a row and daily can affect health,
don't you think so?

B: No buddy. I still use the computer daily but I don't see much impact.

A: Hmm, According to my reality. Its daily and continuous use also causes eyestrain and
dizziness. Therefore, you should take a break after 2 hours of intense work to relax the eyes as
well as regain the working spirit.

B: With long-term and regular use, it is normal. And for me, the contact with the computer only
half a day, it does not matter much.

A: I don't think so. I often have to warn my health to be the most important, so I usually keep my
health at the highest level.
B: The use also has benefits that you can help us train the nerves of the hands, train the memory
of the brain. So what do you think?

A: In my opinion, then it has its pros and cons. For example, those who work in administrative
offices, they often have to come into contact with computers, so they often feel tired and that
affects the quality of work if we do not know how to stay healthy mine.

B: It is your own decision, and I think that everything in the company must be exchanged via data
systems on the internet so doing so is indispensable.

A: Many studies show that continuous use and in a new day affect our health.

B: Many studies show that continuous use and in a new day affect our health.

A: With half a day, we can take a break, but besides those hours, we can give the eyes, eyes and
brain a break. so using it for half a day can still fix it

B: With half a day using a computer, I see a lot of harm, just like you said.

A: So we should protect our own health, do we?

B: Certainly. Thank you very much.

A: No problem.

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