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Group 4.

11 STEM- 5



- To solve the question on time

- To test the critical thinking of an individual


1. Only two players can play per round

2. Player 1 must only say yes or no and player 2 is the one to guess the answer

3. Player 2 is tasked to guess the answer of the question provided and player 2 must

never see the question provided

4. Player 1 is not only tasked to say yes or no but to find first the answer of the

question provided.


1. The players is only given 6 minutes to guess the answer

2. Player 1 can ONLY say yes or no

3. Other members is supposed to be on the back of player 2

4. Other members is not allowed to see the question

5. No coaching allowed

6. There is only 3 rounds 2 question per round

Group 4. 11 STEM- 5

1. What do you call a bird that cant fly?

- Ostrich

2. Philippines national animal

- Carabao

3. Name of our RNW teacher

- Sir. Benjie lilac Dano

4. A solid that can turn into liquid by heat

- Ice

5. Philippines national food

- Lechon

6. What we use to read

- eyes

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