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With Python

FiPy: Partial Differential

Equations with Python

Many existing partial differential equation solver packages focus on the important, but
arcane, task of numerically solving the linearized set of algebraic equations that result
from discretizing a set of PDEs. Many researchers, however, need something higher level
than that.

artial differential equations (PDEs) behaviors that involve complex interactions of
are ubiquitous to the mathematical de- multiple systems. Teasing out the quantity to be
scription of physical phenomena: they determined from an experiment’s “signal” often
describe the relationships between requires the solution of a mathematical mod-
functions of more than one independent variable el in the form of a set of PDEs. In most cases,
and partial derivatives with respect to those vari- those PDEs don’t admit an analytical solution,
ables. Typical examples in the physical sciences so researchers use computers to obtain numeri-
describe the evolution of a field in time as a func- cal solutions to practical problems. The goal of
tion of its value in space, such as in wave propaga- computational materials science is to apply com-
tion, heat flow, or fluid dynamics. putational methods to explain and predict prop-
Although PDEs are relevant throughout the erties such as experimental microstructures and
sciences, we focus our attention here on mate- phenomena (see Figure 1).
rials. Materials science studies the relationships Lots of numerical PDE solvers are available to-
between the properties and microstructures of day, and FiPy ( won’t be
materials and how both characteristics are af- the last; indeed, it isn’t even the first discussion
fected by (and how they affect) the processing of a Python-based PDE solver in these pages.1,2
of those materials. As the science of materials Many existing PDE solver packages focus on the
measurement advances, it has become increas- important, but relatively arcane, task of numeri-
ingly difficult to determine what a measure- cally solving the linearized set of algebraic equa-
ment “means” or, alternatively, what measurable tions that result from discretizing a set of PDEs.
quantities are appropriate to shed light on the However, many, if not most, researchers would
phenomena of interest. These phenomena are prefer to avoid reckoning with such details and
often at the nanoscale, with highly nonclassical work at a higher level of abstraction. Specifically,
they have the physical knowledge to describe
1521-9615/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE
their model and can apply the calculus needed
Copublished by the IEEE CS and the AIP to obtain the appropriate governing conditions,
but when faced with rendering those governing
Jonathan E. Guyer, Daniel Wheeler, and James A. Warren
equations on a computer, their skills (or time)
US National Institute of Standards and Technology
are limited to a straightforward implementation

6 This article has been peer-reviewed. Computing in Science & Engineering

of explicit finite differences on uniform square
grids. Of the PDE solver packages that focus
at an appropriately high level, many are propri-
etary, expensive, and difficult to customize. For
scientists trying to do it themselves, a search of
the Internet turns up a multitude of codes with
promising names and abstracts, but they’re gen-
erally unapproachable by those who don’t already
know the answer to the question they’re asking.
Consequently, scientists spend considerable re-
sources repeatedly developing limited tools for
specific problems. In an effort to break this cy-
cle, while still meeting our own research goals,
(a) (b)
we developed FiPy.
FiPy plays a critical role in our materials re-
search on electrodeposition,3 alloy interdiffusion,4 Figure 1. Experimental microstructures. (a) Spinodal decomposition
surface wetting, and photovoltaics. An active user in glass, which is important for polymers, hardened metal alloys,
community has also applied FiPy to topics as di- tempered glasses, and permanent magnets, and (b) dendrites formed
verse as solar irradiation of soil,5 water percolation during resolidification after welding nickel-based “superalloys” to jet-
through peat bogs, and mRNA reaction-diffusion engine turbine blades. (Source: [1a] W. Haller, US Nat’l Inst. Standards
in fruitfly embryos, as well as a host of the materi- and Technology, and [1b] S.A. David at Oak Ridge Nat’l Laboratory;
als science applications we originally envisioned. used with permission.)
FiPy has proven to be a powerful teaching tool as
well. Several of our colleagues in academia have
experimented with it for teaching computational ers that we can embed directly in an application,
materials science at both the undergraduate and giving scientific codes immediate access to a
graduate levels (see, for example, www.nanohub. high-level scripting language designed by some-
org/tools/vkmlpsgg). In this article, we outline one who actually knew what they were doing.
the design of FiPy and present a few fully func- We chose to go a step further and not just em-
tional examples of its ability to solve coupled sets bed a full-fledged scripting language in the FiPy
of PDEs. framework, but instead to design the framework
from the ground up in a scripting language. Al-
Scripting though runtime performance is unquestionably
A rather common scenario in the development of important, many scientific codes are run rela-
scientific codes is that the first draft hard-codes all tively little in proportion to the time spent devel-
the problem parameters. After a few (hundred) it- oping them. If we could develop a code in a day
erations of recompiling and relinking the applica- instead of a month, it might not matter if it takes
tion to explore parameter changes, the researcher a week to run instead of a day before being aban-
adds code to read an input file containing a list of doned in favor of a new physical problem after the
numbers. Eventually, we reach a point where it’s publication of one or two papers. Furthermore,
impossible to remember which parameter comes a variety of mechanisms for diagnosing and op-
in which order or what physical units are required, timizing those portions of a code that are actu-
so the researcher adds code to, for example, in- ally time-critical exist, which is more attractive
terpret a line beginning with “#” as a comment. than attempting to optimize all of it by using a
At this point, the scientist has begun developing language that’s more palatable to the computer
a scripting language without even knowing it. than to the programmer. Thus, FiPy, rather than
However, very few scientists have actually stud- taking the approach of writing the fast numerical
ied computer science or know anything about the code first and then dealing with the issue of user
design and implementation of script interpreters. interaction, initially implements most modules in
Even if they have the expertise, the time spent de- a high-level scripting language and only trans-
veloping such a language interpreter is time not lates to low-level compiled code those portions of
spent doing research. the code that prove inefficient.
In contrast, several powerful scripting lan- Although several scripting languages might
guages, such as Tcl, Java, Python, Ruby, and even have worked, we selected Python for FiPy’s im-
the venerable Basic, have open source interpret- plementation because it’s

May/June 2009  7
• an interpreted language that combines remark- (Γi∇)]nφ in the diffusion term represents any of the
able power with very clear syntax; family of terms ∇ ⋅ (Γ1∇φ), ∇ ⋅ (Γ1∇[∇ ⋅ (Γ2∇φ)]), and
• freely usable and distributable, even for com- so on. The convection term describes the “blowing”
mercial use; of φ by a velocity field u. Finally, a source term rep-
• fully object oriented; resents any source or sink that injects or removes φ
• distributed with powerful automated testing from a point in space. Equation 1 doesn’t address all
tools; applications of PDEs, but it so far covers everything
• actively used and extended by other scien- we’ve tried to do in materials science.
tists and mathematicians (such as NumPy, To solve Equation 1, we cast it in integral (weak); SciPy,; form as
ScientificPython, http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.
fr/plone/software/scientificpython; and Py­ ∂( ρφ )
∫V τ dV − ∫ S τΓ n ( n ⋅ ∇) dS
Sparse,; and ∂t diffusion
• easily integrated with low-level languages such
as C or Fortran (such as Weave and Blitz, www. − ∫ S τ ( n ⋅ u )φ dS − ∫V τ Sφ dV = 0 , (2)
 ; PyRex, www.cosc.canterbury. convection source; Cython, www.; SWIG,; and f2py, where the integrals are performed over an arbi- trary subvolume V with boundary S. The test
function τ depends on the characteristics of the
Starting very early in FiPy’s development, we volume element and the specific numerical dis-
made a commitment to use several professional cretization scheme. FiPy uses the finite volume
coding practices that remain rare for most scien- method (FVM), which is widely used in the field
tific applications—for example, FiPy’s code reposi- of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), to reduce
tory and bug tracker are publicly accessible at www. the model equations to a form tractable to linear Based on feedback on our mail- solvers. One way to understand the FVM is in
ing list (, we’ve been comparison with two better known discretization
able to refine both the documentation and the in- techniques: the finite element method (FEM)
terface in subsequent releases, and we’ve incorpo- casts the PDE in a weak form and discretizes it
rated patches and feature enhancements submitted with a test function that smoothly weights each
by our users. An automated test suite (www.mat- solution’s volume. If the FEM is constructed with exercises both the low-level a test function of 1, it reduces to the FVM; if the
functionality as well as all of the examples included FVM is solved on a uniform Cartesian grid, it be-
in our user manual. This test suite has prevented us comes the finite difference method (although the
from inadvertently breaking one part of the code FDM is usually performed by discretizing Equa-
when working on another and has allowed us to tion 1 instead of Equation 2). The FVM allows the
undertake major code refactoring on more than use of unstructured grids but at the cost of greater
one occasion. Although none of these practices are computational complexity than the FDM. On the
unique to Python programming, they are prevalent other hand, the FVM is easier to implement, with
in that community, and a number of Python tools less computational complexity, than the FEM. Its
make it easy to develop “good” software. solutions, however, are prone to greater errors,
particularly with very nonorthogonal meshes. For
Numerical Approach many problems (such as CFD), these make up a
We designed FiPy to solve an arbitrary number of reasonable set of compromises.
PDEs of the form
∂( ρφ )  n
− ∇ ⋅ ( Γi ∇ ) φ − ∇ ⋅( uφ ) − S = 0 , (1) FiPy is based on three fundamental Python class-
∂t      φ
diffusion convection
source es: Mesh, Variable, and Term.
A Mesh object represents the domain of inter-
where one equation is identified with each solution est. FiPy contains many different specific mesh
variable φ. The transient term represents the time classes to describe different geometries. FiPy can
rate of change of φ, with a rate factor ρ. The dif- also use the open source Gmsh (
fusion term represents the tendency of nonunifor- gmsh) meshing tool to represent more complicat-
mities in φ to smooth out (material flows “down” ed geometries. Conceptually, a Mesh is composed
gradients) with a diffusivity Γi. The shorthand [∇ ⋅ of Cells, each Cell is defined by its bounding

8 Computing in Science & Engineering

Faces, and each Face is defined by its bounding It’s important to realize that, even though
Vertex objects. an expression might superficially resemble one
A Variable object represents a quantity or of those just shown, if the dependent variable
field that can change during the problem’s evolu- for that PDE doesn’t appear in the appropriate
tion. A MeshVariable object is a Variable that place, then we should treat that term as a source,
holds a field of values, distributed over a Mesh. so we would write a term ∇ ⋅ (D2∇ξ) as (D2 *
A Cell­ Variable is defined at the Cell centers xi.getFaceGrad()).getDivergence() in an
of the Mesh, and a FaceVariable is defined at equation that solves for φ rather than ξ.
the Faces between Cells. A MeshVariable de- Finally, an equation is simply a collection of
scribes the values of the field φ, but it isn’t con- Terms, formed by adding or equating them. For
cerned with their geometry or topology; the Mesh example,
takes that role.
An important property of Variable objects is eq = (TransientTerm()
that they can describe dependency relationships, == DiffusionTerm(D)
such that + ConvectionTerm(u)
+ ImplicitSourceTerm(sin(theta)) + 3)
>>> a = Variable(value=3)
>>> b = a * 4 represents ∂φ/∂t = ∇ ⋅ D∇φ + ∇ ⋅ φu+ φ sin θ + 3.
Beyond these three fundamental classes of
doesn’t assign the value 12 to b, but rather it as- Mesh, Variable, and Term, FiPy is composed
signs a multiplication operator object to b, which of several related classes. A Term encapsulates
depends on the Variable object a: the contributions to the SparseMatrix that
define an equation’s solution. We use Bound-
>>> b aryConditions to describe the conditions on
(Variable(value=3) * 4) the boundaries of the Mesh, and each Term in-
>>> a.setValue(5) terprets the BoundaryConditions as necessary
>>> b to modify the SparseMatrix. An equation con-
(Variable(value=5) * 4) structed from Terms can apply a unique Solver
to invert its SparseMatrix in the most expedi-
The numerical value of the Variable isn’t calcu- ent and stable fashion. FiPy provides a common
lated until we need it (“lazy evaluation”): wrapper interface to shield the user from the
implementation details of the SparseMatrix
>>> print b solver libraries with Python interfaces. These
20 range from PySparse, which tends to be easy to
build and install, to PyTrilinos (http://trilinos.
A Term object represents any of the terms in, which offers both parallel solvers
Equations 1 or 2 or any linear combination of and an impressive collection of precondition-
such terms. The first three terms are represent- ers. Finally, at any point during the solution, the
ed in FiPy as TransientTerm(coeff=rho), user can invoke a Viewer to display the values of
DiffusionTerm(coeff=(Gamma1,  Gamma2, ...)), the solved Variables.
and <Specific>ConvectionTerm(coeff=u). When the user invokes a FiPy equation’s
FiPy supports central difference, upwind, expo- solve() method, FiPy queries each Term for
nential, hybrid, power law, and van Leer weight- its contributions to the SparseMatrix and
ings for the ConvectionTerm, based on the right-hand-side vector of the set of linear alge-
Péclet number. braic discretization expressions. The coefficient
Any terms that we can’t write in one of the previ- of each Term could either be a constant number
ous forms is considered a source. In FiPy, we write or obtained by lazy evaluation of a Variable ex-
an explicit source essentially as it appears in math- pression that depends on the current value of the
ematical form, so we might write 3κ2 + φ sin θ as 3 solution variables. In addition to the coefficient’s
* kappa**2 + b * sin(theta). If, however, value, each Term queries the Mesh for geometric
the source depends on the variable that’s being factors such as Cell volume and Face area and
solved for, it might be advantageous to linearize the orientation. For a Mesh composed of different po-
source and cast part of it as an implicit source term, lygonal (or polyhedral) elements, FiPy calculates
so we might write 3κ2 + φ sin θ as 3 * kappa**2 and stores these geometric factors, but for com-
+ ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=sin(theta)). monly used, regular grids, FiPy can efficiently

May/June 2009  9
calculate these values on the fly, saving a con- less” phase separation process, such that under the
siderable amount of memory. In either case, the right thermodynamic conditions, any fluctuation,
user need not be concerned with what amounts to no matter how small, will tend to grow. This is
nothing more than tedious bookkeeping. in contrast to nucleation, in which a fluctuation
By default, DiffusionTerm and Convection- must exceed some critical magnitude before it
Term are implicit, but an ExplicitDiffusion- will survive and grow. We can describe spinodal
Term and ExplicitUpwindConvectionTerm decomposition via the Cahn-Hilliard equation6,7
are available, primarily for didactic purposes. In (also known as “conserved Ginsberg-Landau” or
some cases, semi-explicit approaches can yield “model B” of Hohenberg and Halperin):
larger time steps than a naïve, fully explicit imple-
mentation, but with better accuracy than a fully ∂φ  ∂f 
= ∇ ⋅ D∇  − ε 2∇2φ ,
implicit treatment. For example, on a uniform, ∂t  ∂φ 
one-dimensional grid with a constant coefficient
D, we can discretize the expression ∂u/∂t = ∇ ⋅ where φ is a conserved order parameter, possi-
D∇u at each point j as bly representing alloy composition or spin. The
double-well free energy function f = (a2/2)φ2(1 −
u new
j − u old
j u new new
j +1 − 2u j + u new
j −1 φ)2 penalizes states with intermediate values of φ
=α D
∆t ∆x 2 between 0 and 1. The gradient energy term ε2∇2φ,
u old old old on the other hand, penalizes sharp changes of φ.
j +1 − 2u j + u j −1
+ (1 − α ) D . These two competing effects result in the segre-
∆x 2 gation of φ into domains of 0 and 1, separated by
When α = 0, u advances by a fully explicit forward abrupt, but smooth, transitions. The parameters a
Euler time step; when α = 1, it takes a fully implicit and ε determine the relative weighting of the two
backward Euler time step. We obtain the semi- effects, and D is a rate constant.
explicit Crank-Nicolson scheme when α = 1/2. The We can simulate this process in FiPy with a
FiPy implementation of this scheme is as simple as simple script:

eq = (TransientTerm() from fipy import *

== ImplicitDiffusionTerm(alpha*D)
+ ExplicitDiffusionTerm((1-alpha)*D)) (Note that all of NumPy’s functionality is import-
ed along with FiPy, although much is augmented
The solution step is left largely up to the user, for FiPy’s needs.)
who calls an equation’s solve() method with
the CellVariable to be solved for the Bound- mesh = Grid2D(nx=1000, ny=1000,
aryConditions, the time step, and the matrix dx=0.25, dy=0.25)
Solver. FiPy uses a preconditioned conjugate- phi = CellVariable(name=r”$\phi$”,
gradient solver by default, unless any Term of the mesh=mesh)
equation indicates that it produces an asymmetric
matrix (such as most ConvectionTerms), in which We start the problem with random fluctuations
case, FiPy falls back on lower-upper (LU) matrix about φ = 1/2:
decomposition. Users can always override these
defaults, providing a solver and preconditioner of phi.setValue(
their choosing. GaussianNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh,
Examples variance=0.01))
To give a flavor of working with FiPy, we present
some fully functional example scripts for prob- FiPy doesn’t plot or output anything unless you
lems of interest in materials science. tell it to:

Spinodal Decomposition viewer = Viewer(vars=(phi,),

The spinodal decomposition phenomenon dis- datamin=0., datamax=1.)
played in Figure 1a is a spontaneous separation of
an initially homogeneous mixture into two dis- For FiPy, we must perform the partial deriva-
tinct regions of different properties (spin up/spin tive ∂f/∂φ manually and then put the equation in
down, component A/component B). It’s a “barrier­ the canonical form of Equation 1 by decompos-

10 Computing in Science & Engineering

ing the spatial derivatives so that each Term is of a 1.0
single, even order: φ
250 0.9
= ∇ ⋅ Da 2[1 − 6φ (1 − φ )]∇φ − ∇ ⋅ D∇ε 2 ∇2φ . 0.8
∂t 200 0.7
FiPy would automatically interpolate D * a**2
* (1 - 6 * phi * (1-phi)) onto the Fac- 150
es, where the diffusive flux is calculated, but we 0.5
obtain somewhat more accurate results by per- 100 0.4
forming a linear interpolation from phi at Cell 0.3
centers to PHI at Face centers. Some problems 50
benefit from nonlinear interpolations, such as
harmonic or geometric means, and FiPy makes it 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250
easy to obtain these, too: (a) 0.0

PHI = phi.getArithmeticFaceValue()
D = a = eps = 1.
eq = (TransientTerm() 1.0
== DiffusionTerm(coeff= φ
250 0.9
D * a**2 * (1 - 6 * PHI * (1-PHI)))
- DiffusionTerm(coeff=(D, eps**2))) 0.8
200 0.7
Because the evolution of a spinodal micro- 0.6
structure slows with time, we use exponentially 150
increasing time steps to keep the simulation “in- 0.5
teresting.” The FiPy user always has direct con- 100 0.4
trol over the problem’s evolution: 0.3
dexp = -5
elapsed = 0. 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250
while elapsed < 1000.: (b) 0.0
dt = min(100, exp(dexp))
elapsed += dt
dexp += 0.01
eq.solve(phi, dt=dt) 1.0
viewer.plot() φ
250 0.9

The spinodal structure’s coarsening with 0.8

time, as seen in Figure 2, is driven by reduction 200 0.7
of the interfacial energy between areas of φ = 0.6
0 and φ = 1, which is a function of interfacial 150
curvature. Simulations in 2D can be mislead-
ing when compared with experimental images 100 0.4
that are sections through 3D microstructures, 0.3
such as Figure 1a. For instance, there’s no 2D 50
analog for saddle points on 3D surfaces, which
have zero curvature. FiPy makes it easy to solve 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250
the same problem in 3D simply by changing the (c) 0.0
mesh declaration

mesh = Grid3D(nx=100, ny=100, nz=100, Figure 2. The spinodal decomposition’s evolution

dx=0.25, dy=0.25, dz=0.25) in 2D. From (a) t = 30 to (b) t = 100 to (c) t = 1,000,
we see that initially random fluctuations split
illustrated in Figure 3. No other changes are re- into separate domains with a steadily increasing
quired (many other PDE solvers require manually characteristic wavelength.

May/June 2009  11
t4[] = Rotate {{0,1,0},{0,0,0},-Pi/2}
t5[] = Rotate {{0,0,1},{0,0,0},Pi/2}
t6[] = Rotate {{0,0,1},{0,0,0},Pi}
t7[] = Rotate {{0,0,1},{0,0,0},Pi*3/2}

// create entire inner and outer

// shell Surface
Figure 3. Spinodal decomposition in 3D. This t7[0],t4[0],t5[0],t6[0]};
snapshot is qualitatively similar to the 2D case, but “””).extrude(extrudeFunc=
the more complicated nature of curvature in 3D lambda r: 1.1 * r)
leads to changed dynamics of phase separation.
which is illustrated in Figure 4. Although it took
the three of us roughly a week to figure out how to
make this nominally isotropic spherical mesh, as
changing the ∇ operator from (∂/∂x) iˆ + (∂/∂y) ĵ to it was our first experience with a complicated 3D
(∂/∂x) iˆ + (∂/∂y) ĵ + (∂/∂z) k̂ ). mesh, no changes in FiPy were required in order
Compared with FEM simulations of air flow to use it.
around airplanes in flight or of combustion in an The Cells of this Mesh have finite thickness,
engine block, computational materials science is and their outer Faces are slightly larger than
typically simulated on simple domains (squares, their inner ones (due to dilation about the sphere’s
cubes, and so forth). Nonetheless, using Gmsh, center) so, even though the mesh is defined in a
we can do something a little more elaborate and Cartesian coordinate system, the ∇2 operator au-
solve the Cahn-Hilliard problem on the surface tomatically functions as
of a sphere. Although Gmsh isn’t scriptable in
1 ∂  2 ∂  1 ∂  ∂
Python, FiPy provides the facility for generating r  + 2  sin θ 
meshes described in Gmsh’s scripting language r ∂r  ∂r  r sin θ ∂θ 
∂θ 
(as shown between triple quotes in the argument 1 ∂2
to GmshImporter2DIn3DSpace): +
r 2 sin 2 θ ∂ϕ 2
mesh = GmshImporter2DIn3DSpace(“”” instead of
radius = 5.0;
cellSize = 0.3; ∂2 ∂2 ∂2
+ +
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
// create inner 1/8 shell
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, cellSize}; although with an error that’s linear instead of qua-
Point(2) = {-radius, 0, 0, cellSize}; dratic in the grid spacing.
Point(3) = {0, radius, 0, cellSize};
Point(4) = {0, 0, radius, cellSize}; Phase Field
To convert a liquid material to a solid, we must
Circle(1) = {2, 1, 3}; cool it to a temperature below its melting point
Circle(2) = {4, 1, 2}; (known as undercooling or supercooling). The rate of
Circle(3) = {4, 1, 3}; solidification is often assumed (and experimental-
Line Loop(1) = {1, -3, 2}; ly found) to be proportional to the undercooling.
Ruled Surface(1) = {1}; Under the right circumstances, the solidification
front can become unstable, leading to dendritic
// create remaining 7/8 inner shells patterns as seen in Figure 1b. Researchers8 have
t1[] = Rotate {{0,0,1},{0,0,0},Pi/2} described a phase-field model (Allen-Cahn, “non-
{Duplicata{Surface{1};}}; conserved Ginsberg-Landau,” or “model A” of
t3[] = Rotate {{0,0,1},{0,0,0},Pi*3/2} Hohenberg and Halperin) of such a system, in-

12 Computing in Science & Engineering

cluding the effects of discrete crystalline orienta-
tions (anisotropy).
We start with a regular 2D Cartesian mesh

from fipy import *

dx = dy = 0.025
nx = ny = 500
mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy,
nx=nx, ny=ny)

and we’ll take fixed time steps

dt = 5e-4
Figure 4. Spinodal decomposition on a sphere’s
We consider the simultaneous evolution of a surface. Compare this with, for example, www.
phase-field variable φ (taken to be 0 in the liquid
phase and 1 in the solid)

 
1 + c β −c ∂β 
phase = CellVariable(name=r’$\phi$’,
mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)  ∂ψ 
D = α 2 (1 + c β ) 
 ∂β ,
and a dimensionless undercooling ΔT (ΔT = 0 at c 1+ cβ 
 ∂ψ 
the melting point)  

dT = CellVariable(name=r’$\Delta T$’, where

mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
1 − Φ2
β= ,
The hasOld flag causes FiPy to store the variable 1 + Φ2
value from the previous time step, which is neces-
sary for solving equations with nonlinear coeffi- N  ∂φ / ∂y
cients or for coupling between PDEs. Φ = tan  ψ , ψ = θ arctan ,
 2  ∂φ / ∂x
The governing equation for the temperature
field is the heat-flux equation, with a source due to θ is the orientation, and N is the symmetry:
the latent heat of solidification
alpha = 0.015
∂∆T ∂φ
= DT ∇2∆T + c = 0.02
∂t ∂t N = 6.
theta = pi / 8.
DT = 2.25 psi = (theta
heatEq = (TransientTerm() + arctan2(phase.getFaceGrad()[1],
== DiffusionTerm(DT) phase.getFaceGrad()[0]))
+ (phase - phase.getOld()) / dt) Phi = tan(N * psi/2)
PhiSq = Phi**2
The governing equation for the phase field is beta = (1. - PhiSq) / (1. + PhiSq)
DbetaDpsi = -N * 2 * Phi / (1 + PhiSq)
∂φ Ddia = (1. + c * beta)
τφ = ∇ ⋅ D∇φ + φ(1− φ ) m(φ, ∆T ) ,
∂t Doff = c * DbetaDpsi
D = (alpha**2 * (1. + c * beta)
where * (Ddia * (( 1, 0),
( 0, 1))
1 κ
m(φ, ∆T ) = φ − − 1 arctan(κ2∆T ) + Doff * (( 0,-1),
2 π
( 1, 0)))
represents a source of anisotropy. The coeffi-
cient D is an anisotropic diffusion tensor in two With these expressions defined, we can construct
dimensions: the phase-field equation as

May/June 2009  13
FiPy’s viewers are utilitarian, striving to let users
0.04 see something, regardless of their operating system
φ and ∆Τ
or installed packages. As a result, users won’t be
able to simultaneously view two fields “out of the
0.02 box,” but, because all of Python is accessible and
10 FiPy is object oriented, it isn’t hard to adapt one of
the existing viewers to create a specialized display:

8 import pylab
–0.02 class DendriteViewer(
def __init__(self, phase, dT,
title=None, limits={}, **kwlimits):
4 self.phase = phase
–0.06 self.contour = None
self, vars=(dT,), title=title,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 limits=limits, **kwlimits)
def _plot(self):
Figure 5. Dendrite formation due to temperature gradients. Faster if self.contour is not None:
solidification in steeper temperature gradients leads to surface cc = self.contour.collections
instability and progressively finer branching. for c in cc:
mesh = self.phase.getMesh()
tau = 3e-4 shape = mesh.getShape()
kappa1 = 0.9 x, y = mesh.getCellCenters()
kappa2 = 20. z = self.phase.getValue()
phaseEq = (TransientTerm(tau) x, y, z = [a.reshape(
== DiffusionTerm(D) shape, order=”FORTRAN”)
+ ImplicitSourceTerm((phase - 0.5 for a in (x, y, z)]
- kappa1 / pi * arctan(kappa2 * dT)) self.contour = pylab.contour(
* (1 - phase))) x, y, z, (0.5,))

We seed a circular solidified region in the center viewer = DendriteViewer(

phase=phase, dT=dT,
R = dx * 5. title=r”%s & %s” % (,
C = (nx * dx/2, ny * dy / 2),
x, y = mesh.getCellCenters() datamin=-0.1, datamax=0.05)
phase.setValue(1., where=
((x-C[0])**2 + (y-C[1])**2) < R**2) and iterate the solution in time, plotting as we go,

and to then quench the entire simulation domain for i in range(10000):

below the melting point phase.updateOld()
dT.setValue(-0.5) phaseEq.solve(phase, dt=dt)
heatEq.solve(dT, dt=dt)
In a real solidification process, dendritic branch- if i % 10 == 0:
ing is induced by small thermal fluctuations along viewer.plot()
an otherwise smooth surface, but the granularity
of the Mesh is enough “noise” in this case, so we as seen in Figure 5. The nonuniform temperature
don’t need to explicitly introduce randomness, the results from the release of latent heat at the solidify-
way we did in the Cahn-Hilliard problem. ing interface. The dendrite arms grow fastest where

14 Computing in Science & Engineering

the temperature gradient is steepest. We note that transformations, particularly in electrochemical and
this FiPy simulation is written in roughly 50 lines of semiconductor systems. Guyer has a PhD in materi-
code (excluding the custom viewer), compared with als science and engineering from Northwestern Uni-
more than 800 lines of (fairly lucid) Fortran code versity. Contact him at
used for the figures found in the original work.8
Daniel Wheeler is a guest researcher in the Thermo-

dynamics and Kinetics Group in the Metallurgy Divi-
e developed FiPy to address a sion at the US National Institute of Standards and
troublesome repetition of effort Technology. His interests include numerical analysis
in our own research and in that for interpreting experimental results. Wheeler has a
of our colleagues. The result is a PhD in computational mechanics from Greenwich
tool that we enjoy using and that we’ve been able to University. Contact him at
apply to a diverse collection of research problems.
We can get an implementation of a new combina- James A. Warren is leader of the Thermodynamics
tion of physics far faster than we ever could when and Kinetics Group in the Metallurgy Division at the
we were coding in C or Fortran. We’ve been grat- US National Institute of Standards and Technology.
ified that many others have found our tool useful, His interests include developing both models of mate-
often for applications we never dreamed of. We’re rials phenomena and the tools to enable the solution
also pleased that FiPy is already helping in the of these models. Warren has a PhD in physics from
education of the next generation of materials sci- the University of California, Santa Barbara. Contact
entists. Our current development efforts focus on him at
improving performance, through parallelism and
more sophisticated matrix preconditioners and
solvers, by exploiting the Trilinos package from
Sandia National Laboratories. We look forward Contact CiSE
to tackling even larger and more complicated
problems, while keeping the ease of use that we’ve Web sites:
already established. or
Writers: Visit our “Write for Us” section at
1. M. Tobis, “PyNSol: Objects as Scaffolding,” Computing in
Science & Eng., vol. 7, no. 4, 2005, pp. 84–91. Letters to the Editors: Email Jennifer
2. K.-A. Mardal et al., “Using Python to Solve Partial Differential Gardelle, lead editor, jgardelle@computer.
Equations,” Computing in Science & Eng., vol. 9, no. 3, 2007, org. Provide an email address or daytime
pp. 48–51.
phone number.
3. D. Josell, D. Wheeler, and T.P. Moffat, "Gold Superfill in
Submicrometer Trenches: Experiment and Prediction," J. Subscribe: Visit
Electrochemical Soc., vol. 153, no. 1, 2006, pp. C11–C18. journal_catalog/order_form_fs.html or www.
4. W.J. Boettinger et al., “Computation of the Kirkendall Veloc-
ity and Displacement Fields in a One-Dimensional Binary
Diffusion Couple with a Moving Interface,” Proc. Royal Soc. Subscription Change of Address: For the
A: Mathematical, vol. 463, 2007, pp. 3347–3373. IEEE or IEEE Computer Society, email address.
5. J. Mazur, “Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Soil Specify CiSE. For the AIP,
Generated by Solar Radiation,” J. Physique IV France, vol. 137,
Nov. 2006, pp. 317–320.
6. J.W. Cahn and J.E. Hilliard, “Free Energy of a Nonuniform Missing or Damaged Copies: For IEEE
System. I. Interfacial Free Energy,” J. Chemical Physics, vol. Computer Society subscribers, email help@
28, no. 2, 1958, pp. 258–267. For AIP subscribers, email
7. J.W. Cahn, “Free Energy of a Nonuniform System. II. Ther-
modynamic Basis,” J. Chemical Physics, vol. 30, no. 5, 1959,
pp. 1121–1124. Article Reprints: Email
8. J.A. Warren et al., “Extending Phase Field Models of Solidifi- or fax +1 714 821 4010.
cation to Polycrystalline Materials,” Acta Materialia, vol. 51,
no. 20, 2003, pp. 6035–6058. Reprint Permission: Email William Hagen,
Copyrights & Trademarks Manager, at
Jonathan E. Guyer is a member of the Thermody- ­
namics and Kinetics Group in the Metallurgy Divi-
sion at the US National Institute of Standards and
Technology. His interests include models of phase

May/June 2009  15

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