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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Final Assignment of

Extensive Writing Subject

07. 1. 01. 08. 0105

2010/ 2011





Pembimbing I

Pembimbing II

(Drs.Hilarius Semana)

(Drs.Coirul Huda)

Ka.Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

(Suhartono, S.Pd.)


A. Background of The Problem

English has an important role as a means of communications. It means that
English is used to communication among nations. Realizing its importance, in
Indonesia, English as a foreign language is taught from Elementary School until
University. Although English has been taught for a long time at all levels of study, it
appears that many students still face problems to understand and master it.
In line with the governments plan to have nine compulsory studies, it was
possible to teach English in Elementary School. English is new thing for the
Elementary School students. It is also a foreign language for Indonesian which is
considered as a difficult subject because it is rarely used for communication in social
life, so it is not surprising if the students make mistake and find some difficulties in
using the foreign language. Most of them have difficulties in studying English
especially in understanding and memorizing a new word. It means that English
teachers have to know that teaching a foreign language especially English is not an
easy thing. The problem is how to make the students master English perfectly and this
is a big duty for English teacher.
Teaching is a process of transformation of knowledge from the teacher to the
students and the teachers role is to facilitate the students to learn until they can
receive the material as well as possible. Actually teaching is not always the teachers

duty because parents also have important duty to give education to their children at
home. But they do not have enough knowledge so they give their duty to the teacher at
school in order to teach children some knowledges and some skills. Beside that, after
the teachers teach their student, it is hoped that their students will have good behavior
because teaching does not only give some knowledges to the students but also teach
them how to be good students. To support the statement, UU SISDIKNAS No. 20
Tahun 2003 explains that:
Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana
belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan
potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri,
kepribadian,kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya dan
So teaching is not only a process of transformation of knowledge from teacher
to the students but also a process of transformation of behavior of the students. By
teaching it is hoped that the students will get knowledge and good behavior in school,
family, and society.
In teaching a language, a teacher might realize that he could not apply only one
or two strategies to all levels. In reverse, they were required to be able to recognize the
characters of their students and to select an appropriate strategy to them. It was not
something different from teaching English to elementary school students, the teacher
was supposed to know that children was so closed with something fun and enjoyable.
So whenever they taught, they had to be selective in choosing a strategy to introduce a
learning material. A good teaching strategy would automatically facilitate them to get
students interest in learning process.
In this case four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) the simple
expressions are based on their vocabulary. Palmer said that Vocabulary was one of

the most important aspects of foreign language learning (1986:32). This statement
was supported by Michael West, the language teaching specialist who said:
Vocabulary was seen as an essential component of reading proficiency (1986:32). It
is relatively identic with what the teacher should do in mastering vocabulary for the
students in elementary students. The teacher should be intelligent to be capable to
select the method and media of teaching a foreign language.
Media are very useful for the teacher. According Heri D.J. Maulana Prinsip
pembuatan alat peraga atau media bahwa pengetahuan yang ada pada setiap orang
yang diterima atau ditangkap melalui pancaindera (2009:172). As we know picture
is painting which can be seen by eyes, it is beautiful art and it is interesting to be seen
as an artwork. In fact pictures are good media in teaching language because pictures
can explain many words. So, the writer will choose picture as a media to increase
Motivation is the basic principle of all kinds of teaching in this studies, the
writer wants to give motivation in teaching vocabulary by showing several pictures to
stimulate the students to build their vocabulary. Pictures make a particularly powerful
contribution to the contents and process of language learning. There are some
procedures to teach the English vocabulary using picture: The teacher should explain
the aims of his teaching using pictures, shows some pictures to the students, pronoun
the words one by one based on the picture, the students are asked to repeat the words
pronounced by their teacher, etc.
By suitable method and media, hopefully the result of increasing vocabulary
could be better. Based on what the writer state above she decided to choose the


B. Identification of The Problem
Based on the background of the study above, there are two factors which can
influence the students success to study English subject. Those are the media and the
students motivation.
The writer is sure that the students motivation depends on the media they use.
So, the writer has to find the problem of this research. Based on the background of the
problem above, the writer identifies the following problem:
1. What kinds of media are suitable used to increase the students vocabulary?
The writer wants to give motivation in teaching vocabulary by showing several
pictures to stimulate the students to build their vocabulary.
2. How far is the ability of students to catch and memorize the new vocabularies
from the new topic by using picture?
By using picture that is suitable with the students, it will automatically help them
to increase the students vocabulary.
C. Limitation of the Problem
The writer will focus on picture as media to increase the students vocabulary
achievements at SDN X Kediri Academic Year 2010 / 2011.
D. Statement of The Problem
The writer will research from limitation. It is about:

1. How far is the ability of students to catch and memorize the new vocabularies
from the new topic by using picture?
2. How far is the ability of students to catch and memorize the new vocabularies
from the new topic without using the picture?
3. Does the picture have effect to the ability of students in memorizing the new
vocabularies from the new topic?
E. Purpose of the Problem
The purpose of this research is:
1. To describe the students ability in memorizing vocabulary when they are
going to discuss the new topic and how the student memorize it by using
2. To describe the students ability in memorizing vocabulary when they are going
to discuss the new topic and how the student memorize without using the
3. To answer whether there is an effects of media (picture) to memorize
vocabularies or not.
F. Significance of The Problem
It is hoped that the result of this study will be used :

as information about the technique of teaching vocabulary


as a guide for the English teacher to introduce vocabulary through


3. it is expected that the result be used to encourage the students to be active in

enlarging English vocabulary building

A. Theory research
1. The meaning of Teaching
Teaching is a process of transformation of knowledge from the teacher to the
learner and the teachers role is to facilitate the students to learn until they can receive
the material as well as possible. Actually teaching is not always the teachers duty
because parents also have important duty to give education to their children at home.
But they do not have enough knowledge so they give their duty to the teacher at school
in order to teach children some knowledges and some skills. Beside that, after the
teachers teach their student, it is hoped that their students will have good behavior
because teaching does not only give some knowledges to the students but also teach
them how to be good students. To support the statement, Mc. Donald gives simple
definition that Teaching is a process or an activity which is directed at producing
desirable in the behavior of human beings. So teaching is not only a process of
transformation of knowledge from teacher to the learner but also a process of
transformation of behavior of the learner. By teaching it is hoped that the learner will
get knowledge and good behavior in school, family, and society.
2. Teaching Vocabulary

Palmer said in Jack C. Richards book entitled. Approach and method in

languages teaching, Vocabulary was one of the most important aspect of foreign
language learning (1986:32). This statement supported by Michael west, the language
teaching specialist who said:
Vocabulary was seen as an essential component of reading proficiency
(1986:32) while Michael H. Log and Jack C. Richards clarified with their statement
vocabulary like grammar is an essential component of all uses of language (1987:305).
From that statement above, is relatively identic with what the teacher should do
in mastering vocabulary for the students in primary student. The teacher should be
intelligent to be capable to select the way of teaching a foreign language.
B. Theory Research
1. The Meaning of Picture
As we know picture is painting which can be seen by eyes, it is beautiful art
and it is interesting to be seen as an artwork.
In fact pictures are good media in teaching language because pictures can
explain many words as a Chinas motto in Sadimans book (1993: 29) sais Sebuah
gambar berbicara lebih banyak dari seribu kata. Truly, visual aids or media are very
useful for the teacher vocabulary especially picture because picture are easy to be
found by the teacher. The teacher is able to get picture from magazine. As Doff
(1928:126) said some way of showing the meaning of award is using pictures: black
board drawing picture from magazine, picture you have drawn your self before the
2. The Teaching of Vocabulary Using Picture

Motivation is the basic principle of all kinds of teaching in this study; the
writer wants to give motivation in teaching vocabulary by showing several pictures to
stimulate the students to build their vocabulary. Like what Andrew in his book Pictures
for Language Learning (1989:4) sates Pictures can be used by teachers and students
whatever the emphasis of the syllabus they are following and the picture can be used
as a reference and stimulus in order to promote five very different language teaching
emphasis as structure, vocabulary, functions, situations and skills. In other words,
pictures make a particularly powerful contribution to the contents and process of
language learning.
There are some procedures to teach the English vocabulary using picture:
1. The teacher should explain the aims of his teaching using pictures
2. The teacher shows some pictures to the student.
3. The teacher pronounces the words one by one based on the picture
4. The student are asked to repeat the words pronounced by their teacher
5. The teacher asks the student to mention some things around the house
6. The teacher write down all the words mentioned by the student
7. The teacher pronounces the words one by one, and the students repeat after
8. Together with the student the teacher discuss the meaning of the words
9. The teacher gives them evaluation.
3. The Meaning of Achievement

It is known that achievement is a result of things which is done successfully,

for example the skill of doing something. By knowing the student English
achievement the teacher is able to know how far his/her instruction works in teaching
English. If the students have good achievement in learning English, it means the
English teacher has taught his/her successfully. Actually, the teachers technique in
teaching vocabulary influences the student English achievement. So, the teacher
should prepare the technique and the material before teaching and learning process in
the classroom in order to make the student learn a foreign language easily.
C. Rational of the Problem
Because of the final purpose of teaching English is to make students have a
capability and competence of using English in communication, the teacher should
understand and know what method which become the most effective one to reach that
goal, if the used the picture is used as well as teachers can in teaching learning
process, so the students ability vocabularies will be improved.
D. Hipotesis.
The definition of hypothesis according Sutrisno hardi is (1980:257).
Hypothesis adalah peryataan yang masih lemah kebenarannnya dan masih perlu di
buktikan kebenarannya. That is why the hypothesis which is proposed by the writer as
follows. There are no an effect of teaching vocabulary by using pictures on the
English achievement of the first grade students of SDN X Kediri.


A. Variable of The Research

Arikunto (1992:91) said variable adalah objek penelitian atau apa yang
menjadi titik perhatian suatu penelitian.
Based on the statement above it can be concluded that variable is everything
that will be e\investigated or observed to get the data. In this research there were two
variables. The students English achievement as depend on variable while teaching
vocabulary using pictures was the independent variable.

B. Place and Time

In doing this research the writer chose SDN X Kediri as the location. This
research was conducted January 2010.

C. Population and Sample

The title in this research is The effect of using media (picture) to the primary
students in achievement vocabulary. The population is all of the first level which

divided into two classes. Each class there is 40 students. So, all of them are 80
In this research is using probability sampling method. It means take all of
numbers of population which have some possibility to be a sample so both of that
class will be a sample.

D. Instrument of the Research

There are many kinds of instruments used to collect the data in a research but
in this research the writer would like to present a test as an instrument for collecting
the data. The test was given before and after the teaching learning process. The teacher
asked the students to choose the right answer and matched a word which was suitable
with the picture. The aim of the test was to know how far students comprehended and
remembered the vocabularies that had been taught by the teacher.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To know the effect of using picture to the students ability vocabularies, the
teacher as the research need to have an observation during the teaching learning
process in the class following that process the teacher will know effective the using
picture the ability vocabulary.

F. Technique of Analysis Data

The technique of analyzing data can be shown by looking at the product

knowledge of students ability vocabulary. For example, the students can use English
as their daily language during teaching learning process, the students can use English
as well as they can to ask to the teacher about the material given. The students can use
English to express their opinion when they have classroom discussion. From that way
the teach as the observer can measure whether the using picture to improve their

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