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A. Previous Research

In this research, the research summarized the relevant studies from other

research to prove the originally the research.

Developing English vocabulary mastery through meaningful learning

approach (2013) by Achmad. This journal explained about the description on the

existing of student’s mastery of English vocabulary, teaching English vocabulary

model, and the student’s condition in competitive class of junior high school in

gorontalo city through focus group discussion (FGD).

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) To Develop Student’s Writing

skill by Novia (2015). This journal explained about the use picture word inductive

model (PWIM) in which teachers lead children to discover words from a picture

increase the number of words. This research used true experimental design

specially quasi experimental.

The effectiveness of inquiry learning model by purwanto (2014). This

journal explained about the use inquiry model toward critical thinking skill of

students. This research used a quasi experimental with pretest-posttest control

group design.

An inquiry –based natural science teaching package to improve student

critical thinking skills and scientific attitude (2015) by Uswatun. This journal

explained about the effectiveness of an inquiry-based natural science teaching

package to improve student’s critical thinking skills and scientific attitude. The

method of this study was research and development (R&D).

B. Part of Ideas

1. Definition of Learning

Learning was defined as a process that brings behavioral changes to a

person. It is a skill that must be acquired by individuals in their studies and later,

in their careers. Learning it also achieved through individual experimentations

whereby past knowledge is integrated with present knowledge to create new

knowledge (Faryadi, 2012:222).

Fernandes and Alsaeed (2014:131) revealed that learning was a continuous

process in life to update our knowledge, to understand the advanced technologies,

and to meet the age related demands. Self-learning and long-life learning skills

were important for both teachers and students.

Learning was a dynamic process during which individuals make internal

adjustments individually and develop the necessary skills. Learning was a process

that takes place in the mind. Individuals do not merely mechanically react to the

internal and external stimuli without thinking (Kilic, 2010:79).

Learning in student-centered environment strengthen the ties between

teaching, learning, and assessment and reinforce the relationship between the

learning design, implementation and assessment (Chahine and Khan, 2015:4).

Abante et al., (2014:24) mentioned that factors effecting the learning

consist of two aspect:

1. Physical factors, including healt, nutrition and physical development,

effect the learning process.

2. Environmental factors, including the type and quality of instructional

materials and equipment.

Nguyen, Fehring., et al. (2015:34-35) also explained that positive

aspects of English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning were the
syllabus, teaching methods, facilities, and equipment. The following are
those explanation:

1. Syllabus

Syllabus was convenient for teachers and students to use. Using

syllabus, the teacher could arrange the lesson logically and systematically.

In addition, when discussing about the syllabus in general, the teachers

point out that each syllabus had its own advantages and disadvantages, and

the important thing was how the teachers could exploit and adapt it in

appropriate classes and contexts.

2. Various and update language teaching methods.

Difference should be used, for different classes and different

lessons. Teachers should also used a combination of methods to exploit the

advantages of each method, and to make the lessons taught most effective.

3. Good facilities and equipment.

Good facilities and equipment used by teacher to help to save class

time and attract more focus from the student. The lessons which the

teacher taught will be more interesting and effective, especially by using

facilities such as audio and video resources, or by providing clear and

colorful picture or image on the screen.

Faryadi (2012:223-224) revealed that techniques of good teaching consist

of some aspects, as follow:

1. Positive relationship. Maintaining a positive relationship among students,

teachers, and the administrators creates a harmonious learning


2. Cooperative engagement. Encourage cooperation and mutual support by

getting learners to study collaborative.

3. Learning actively. Students learn when students are actively engaged in

their class activities.

4. Constructive feedback. The instructor should allocate time to evaluate her

students understanding of her instruction.

5. Communicate the outcome. The teacher should inform her students about

what the teacher expects students to achieve at the end of the lesson.

6. Mutual respect. Just a students respect their teacher, the latter should also

respect their student from diverse backgrounds, and take into consideration

their different styles of learning. Teacher as a responsible educator. The

teacher must be passionate about her profession. Teacher must carry out

her responsibilities as an educator in the true sense of the word, going

beyond merely imparting knowledge in the classroom.

7. Creating a knowledge consumption environment. The teacher must create

a stimulating environment to make her students thirst for knowledge.

8. Be a good listener in the classroom. If the teacher wants to be successful

educator, the teacher must be a good listener. Having good listening skills

is a prerequisite for effective teaching.

9. Make your teaching flexible. When students are pushed to the limit,

students do not learn anything useful.

10. Use technology to make the class interesting. Using multimedia in the

classroom makes the lesson more interesting and thus motivate students to

be more attentive. Use a simple projector to present your instruction in the

classroom. Sounds, pictures and graphics help learners to conceptualize

the essential points.

The other thing which a enhance quality learning was the use of

learning style especially for visual learning style. Gilakjani (2012:105) state

that visual learners think in picture and learn best in visual image, the students

depend on the instructors or facilitators non-verbal cues such as body

language to help with understanding.

Awla (2014:242) state that the importance of identifying and

understanding learning styles are:

1. When students recognize their own learning style, the students would

be able to integrate it into their learning process. As a result, learning

process will be easier, faster, and more successful.

2. Knowing learning style would assists the students in solving problem

more effectively.

3. Understanding learning style helps learners in learning how to learn.

4. Understanding learning styles was that teachers to design lesson plants

to match their students styles.

Cognitivism deals with reflective activities where information was

actively processed. Learning was considered a process of organizing, storing and

retrieving relationship between information. Nejkovic and Tosic (2014:736) said

that learning was associated with the acquisition of new schemes and adapting the

existing schemes to new needs.

2. Definition of Vocabulary

Alqahtani (2015:21-24) said that vocabulary can be defined as words

people must know to communicate effectively, words in speaking (expressive

vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary). Vocabulary learning is

an essential part in foreign language as the meaning of new words are very often

emphasized. Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second

language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes

successful communication.

Nathan (2013:1) state that vocabulary is a common word used in

different contexts and in different situation. Vocabulary is the group of words that

a person or group of people knows how to use it. Thus, vocabulary is a list or

number of words that one knows and uses it regularly in daily life. Vocabulary

learning is a complicated process, which consists of remembering the form,

understanding the meaning and usage. It requires students not only can recognize,

pronounce, understand meaning but also can use flexibly in any situation.

Vocabulary itself is a huge system, which is complex relationship net (Lie & Pan,


Vocabulary learning is an indispensable process for learners to acquire

proficiency and competence in target language (Ahmad, 2012:71). Achmad

(2013:80) also explained that vocabulary is the owning system communication of

participants which are organized from sounds or phonology regularly to

syntactically governing and utilizing to express or to interpret the utterance

occurred in communication. Without adequate vocabulary knowledge, a foreign

language learner will encounter problems in using the four language skills,

speaking, listening, reading, and writing (Gorjian, 2014:1013).

3. Types of Vocabulary

When talking about vocabulary at least basic issues are to be discussed

and/or considered: (Alduais, 2012:141).

a. Form

1) Oral form: pronunciation of the word

2) Graphic form: spelling of the word

3) Morphological form (aspect): inflections and derivations

4) Syntactic form (aspect): complex word (lexemes) like black board

(adjective + Noun), speak up and get out; idioms (can be rephrased and

have indirect meaning) like ring the ball (remind).

b. Meaning

1) Denotation: primary meaning

2) Connotation: secondary meaning, shade of meaning, consider the use

of the word to indicate dirtiness, because pigs eat anything.

c. Contextual usage and collocation

1) Collocations: words which go together like: (take charge, pay a visit, a

school of fish and etc.)

2) Contextual usage: the proper use of a word in context.

4. Learning Model And The Use Learning Model Picture Word Inductive
Inquiry (PWI2) Model

a. Definition of Learning Model

The learning model can be defined as a model that can be used to create

learning condition. The function is a learning model as a guide for teachers in

implementing the learning. This shows that any model to be used in

determining the learning device to be used in teaching and learning. The

learning model it also essentially a form of learning which is reflected from

startto finish typically presented by the teachers. Model interesting and varied

learning will have implication for the interest and motivation of students in the

learning process. Therefore to develop creative learning model the teacher

should be able to follow the demands of the development of education today.

The teacher must have courage to innovate and able to adapt (Hardiyanti,


b. Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

Picture word inductive model (PWIM) is one of learning model developed

by joyce and Calhoun (1998). The model is designed to capitalize on students

ability to think inductively.

1) Definition of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) was originally designed Calhoun

(1999). According to Joyce (2002:153) the Picture Word Inductive Model is a

teacher-facilitated process, in which teachers lead children to discover words

from a picture, increase the number of words in their sight-reading and writing

vocabularies, formulate phonetic and structural principles, and finally apply

observation and logical thinking analysis to their reading and writing.

In addition, Calhoun (1999:21) states that the PWIM is an effective tool

for teachers to use as they strive to meet this goal for all students. Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is a model of study which use pictures and

words to stimulate students’ thinking from the specific thinking (see the

pictures and words) to general thinking (make the words that available

become paragraph). On the other hand, Picture Word Inductive Model

(PWIM) is used to guide the students to develop their imagination and idea to

make a sentence Jiang (2013).

2) Procedure or Syntax Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

Procedure or Syntax in applying Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is

as follow (Jiang, 2013:9).

a) Select a picture

b) Ask students to identified what the student see in the picture

c) Label the picture part identified

d) Read and review

e) Read an review the picture word

f) If desired, add words to the picture word chart and word banks.

g) Ask students to generate a sentence or a paragraph about the picture

word char. The ask students to classify sentences, put the sentences

into a good paragraph.

h) Read and review the sentences and paragraphs

c. Inquiry Model

The inquiry model is one of the learning models that focuses on the

students' activities in the learning process. The first inquiry study was

developed by Richard Suchman in 1962 (Joyce, 2000).

1) Definition of Inquiry Model

The term inquiry is derived from English is, inquiry which means

question or inquiry. Inquiry learning is a series of learning activities that

involves maximally all students' ability to search and investigate

systematically, critically, logically, analytically, so that students can self-

conflate their findings with confidence.

Susanti, (2014: 81) explains inquiry as a learning model that

involves the critical thinking ability of learners to analyze and solve

problems systematically. Putri (2014: 28) also said that Inquiry can invite

students to be able to develop various hypotheses in his mind, then able to

think diverging. The use of inquiry learning model is closely related to

improving student self-reliance.

2) Procedure or Syntax Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

Procedure or Syntax in applying Inquiry Model is as follow

Uswatun (2015:139).

a) Involve students in scientific questions, events or phenomena.

b) Exploring ideas, formulating hypotheses, and planning explanations

and investigations.

c) Experiment, analyze and interpret data, clarify concepts and explain


d) Expanding knowledge, new capabilities gained and applying to new

situations, and

e) Review what has been learned and how learning learning has been


5. Learning Model of PWI2 (Picture Word Inductive Inquiry)

a. Learning model of PWI2 (Picture Word Inductive Inquiry)

Learning model of PWI2 (Picture Word Inductive Inquiry) was

learning model modified from Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) and

Inquiry Model.

In modifying those model, the writer was interested to use Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM), a language art strategy that use picture

containing familiar object and action to elicit words from children's

listening and speaking vocabulary. The Picture Word Inductive Model

(PWIM) involved presenting both picture and word in an instructional

sequence, new information (including both words and picture) could pose

a cognitive overload for students who were unfamiliar with the words and

pictures (Jiang, 2013:10).

The writer chose learning model of Inquiry to help students to be

able to critical think. Critical thinking becomes very important for students

at every level of education in order for them to obtain optimal results. The

ability to think critically can be developed by familiarizing the inquiry

process in school learning. Through the inquire process students can find

problems, analyze and search as the right solution to solve the problem

(Purwanto, 2014: 118)

The basis of the writer modifies the learning model because both

have similarities, that is both in the clump of information processing


The more comprehending about forming the modification model of Picture

Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) writer presented the scheme forming of Picture

Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) in the following figure 2.1:

Select a picture Involve students in scientific questions, events or


Ask students to identified what the

student see in the picture Exploring ideas, formulating hypotheses, and
planning explanations and investigations.
Label the picture part identified

Read and review Experiment, analyze and interpret data, clarify

concepts and explain them.

Read an review the picture word

Expanding knowledge, new capabilities gained and

If desired, add words to the picture
applying to new situations, and
word chart and word banks.

Ask students to generate a

sentence or a paragraph about the Review what has been learned and how learning
picture word char. The ask learning has been done.
students to classify sentences, put
the sentences into a good

Read and review the sentences and

1. Students are asked to choose an image that has been provided by the teacher.

2. Ask students to form groups and engage students in scientific questions, events or
phenomena by asking students to identify parts of the image.

3. Students are required to classify sentences and create paragraphs.

4. Students conduct experiments, analyze and interpret words, clarify concepts and explain

5. Students are asked to read and refiew once again the paragraph that has been made.

6. Review what has been learned and how the learning has been done.

b. Social system

The social system in this model required students to be active and

independent during learning process. The existence of the guidance from

the teacher allowed students to discover and create the students own work

in the form of sentence or even a paragraph. Students were given the main

concept, then students were guided in order to investigate and found

themselves until the students could organize the whole concept. Therefore,

teachers need to provide greater opportunities for students to get the

concept or idea that have not been delivered by the teachers. Teachers

should have to give the students the opportunity to become a problem

solver to perform various activities to identify, collect information, create

ideas and check the work from the other group.

c. Reaction system

Roles of the teachers

In the learning model Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) the

teacher act as:

1. As a facilitator, the teacher prepared a picture that contains object or

events that were recognized, in addition, the images provided had to be

clear with the big size until the students be able to analyze the image;

2. Teachers guided students in terms of identifying the objects in the

image, formulating and classifying words according the image,

specifying a title, finding the structure of words, phrases, and

grammar, as well as composing the sentence;

3. The teachers asked students to check the work from the other group;

4. The teacher with the students discussed and reached a conclusion; and

5. The teachers gave motivation to students during the learning process.

Roles of the Student

In this model students had some important roles, as follows:

1. Students observed the image;

2. Students identified what the students saw in the picture and mark part

of the image identified;

3. Students formulated words (recording information and make a

settlement plan) then classified the words in to word classes;

4. Students were thinking about title of picture-word, and determining the

appropriate title based on the picture;

5. Students investigated the structure of words or phrases, and grammar,

and used appropriate punctuation to compose a sentence;

6. After arranging sentences , students created a paragrapg or even a text;

7. Students checked the students work from other group;

8. Teacher and students discussed each other to reach a conclusion.

d. Supporting system

Supporting system in Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2)

learning model was a picture containing the familiar object, action and

event. The images used should be clear and in accordance with the

material being taught. In addition, teachers need to use the projector

(LCD) to help students recognize the image. The source of learning, such

of book, dictionary, grammar were important to support the learning


e. The Instructional Objectives and the Nurturant Effect of Picture Word

Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) model

Instructional objectives of Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2)

model included:

1. Discipline in research;

2. Creative in managing the words and grammar;

3. Development of an effective and independent self; and

4. Good collaboration

While the nurturant effect objectives of Picture Word Inductive

Inquiry (PWI2) model included:

1. Independence in learning;

2. Good learning achievement;

3. Appreciation of students own self and others; and

4. Motivation to learn.

The impact of instructional objectives and nurturant effect of

Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) model could be seen at the following

figure 2.2:
Picture Word Inductive Inquiry
(PWI2) Learning model

Instructional Nurturant

Discipline in research; Independence in learning;

Creative in managing the words and Good learning achievement;
grammar; Appreciation of students own
Development of an effective and self and others; and
independent self; and Motivation to learn.
Good collaboration

Figure 2.2 the impact of instructional objectives and nurturant effect of

Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) model

C. Assessment

1. Definition of Assessment

Assessment is a board term defined as a process for obtaining information

that is used for making decision about students, curricula, programs, and-school,

and educational policy. Assessment is a very important activity during foreign

language teaching (Qu & Zhang, 2013:335).

Qu and Chuncling (2013:336) explained the advantages and disadvantages

of summative assessment, the explanation both of them was below:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of summative assessment

a. As summative assessment provides very accurate quantitative data for

teaching analysis, teachers can analyze the test results to guide the next

teaching instruction. For example, accordance with the collected data

of this year’s final examination, we find the average grade of

vocabulary is lowest in the test. So we decide to strengthen students’

learning of vocabulary in the next term.

b. Out of question, the information that summative assessment provides

could guide teachers timely discovers teaching problems and adjusts

the teaching content and teaching methods.

2. Disadvantages of summative assessment

a. Firstly, students can guess the answer when they have no time or when

they had no idea to make the choice. So some students may be lucky in

the test.

b. Secondly, students must choose one answer form the choices which

restrains students’ subjective opinion of writing the answer, even if

they have the idea of how to write out answer.

c. This student was excelled from school because he had forged some

document for overseas study.

Based on the results, the researchers recommend the following steps for

effective classroom questioning, Sardareh (2014:169-170)

1) Preparing a series of questions (question progression): It is important to design

questions based on the purpose they serve. While designing questions, teachers

also need to consider the cognitive level they want their students to be thinking. It

would be effective to start with knowledge and comprehension questions, then

build on these questions and ask higher level cognitive questions (Use Bloom’s

classification of question types). One good strategy is to ask students design

questions at different levels. This strategy leads to student participation and helps

teachers assess student two times; while developing the questions and while

answering them.

2) Posing the question and selecting a respondent: Pose the question and make

sure that all of the students have the opportunity to answer the question

(especially in populated classes).

3) Prompting students’ responses: Students need enough time to process the

question and find the answer.

4) Processing and building on students’ responses: Teachers should not put down

students responses and build on their wrong answers and guide them towards the

correct answer by giving clues or asking prompt questions.

5) Promoting student participation: Each and every student should get involve in

classroom questioning. Giving feedback to student response may help teachers

understand how they are thinking so teachers can build on their responses and

guide them towards the correct answer.

6) Reflecting on classroom questioning: Teachers can audiotape a lesson and

listen back at the questions and students’ responses, reflect on their questioning

and figure out how they can ask more effective questi

D. Theoretical Framework

OBSERVATION Students Lack of

Vocabulary Mastery

Picture Word Inductive Inquiry

Pre-test Model (PWI2) Post-test

of Data

Normalit Homogeneit Independent Gain
y Test y Test T-Test Test



Figure 2.3: The Theoritical Framwork

Based on the figure above, the theoretical framework included input,

process and output. First , the input refered to the students at the tenth grade of

SMA Negeri 19 Bone had any difficulties in learning process because lacked of

English Vocabulary. Second, the process refered to teaching and learning

vocabulary by the used of PWI2 (Picture Word Inductive Inquiry) model to solve

the problem. The last, after the used the model, the researcher used statistical

calculating such as normality test, homogeneity test, independent T-test, and Gain

test in analyzing data. The purpose of the test was to know whether the null

hypothesis (H0) or alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.

E. Hypotheses

A hypothesis was a statement in which variables (Measure constructs)

related in a specific way (Smith and Albaum,2013:35). The hypothesis of this

researcher was as follow:

H0 The use of Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) model is not effected
positively toward students vocabulary mastery at the Tenth Grade of

SMA Negeri 19 Bone.

H1 The use of Picture Word Inductive Inquiry (PWI2) model is effected

positively toward students vocabulary mastery at the Tenth Grade of

SMA Negeri 19 Bone.


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