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A. Description of Conceptual Research

1. Teaching English

a. Definition of Teaching English

According to Maswan and Khoiril (2011), teaching is giving lessons

(students) by training and giving instructions so that they gain some

experience. Suryani and Agung (2012), also stated that teach is an activity of

the teacher in an effort to organize an environment relate to students,

knowledge and learning materials so create an effective teaching and learning

process. Suprihatiningrum (2013),explained that teaching is an art to transfer

knowledge, skills and values directed by educational values, the needs of

individual studentds, environmental conditions, with thw beliefs held by the


Based on the opinions of the experts, it can be conclude that teaching

is an activity to transfer knowledge, skills and values the value of the teacher

in organizing the environment, student, knowledge and materials learning so

as to lead to an effective learning process in students.

English as an international language plays an important role in

communicating with the outside world, especially in the application of science

and technology. One of the aspects that need to be mastered by students is

good english skills both oral and written. Good english skills must master the

four language objectives and vocabulary and grammar.

In language learning either a first, second or a foreign langauge, the

teachingg of the language component is part of the language program. Even

though practical teaching in the field takes place, in an integrated manner,

teachers and prospective teachers need to uderstand several important concepts

related to the three components of language, especially those concering the

english component.

In general, the language component consist of three, namely

grammar, vocabulary and pronounction.(Aroyad, 2014)

 Grammar (grammar) or language rules are petterns and rules that

must be followed if want to learn a language properly.

 Vocabulry (vocabulary) is a collection of words own by a language

and gives meaning when we use the langugae.

 Pronouncing is a way of pronouncing the words of a language.

2. Teacher’s Strategy

a. Definition of Teacher’s Strategy

The word strategy comes from the latin strategia, which is defined as

the art of using plans to achieve goals. Acoording to Syaputra (2014),

startegies can be used to achive multiple objectives of delivering subject

matter at various levels to diffrent students in different contexts. Based on the

definition above it can be understood that strategy is a plan that is shown to

achieve the desired goals.

According to Uno (2014), that teachers are adults who are

consciously responsible for educating, teaching, and guid students. The person

who is called the tecaher is the one who owns ability to design learning
programs and being able to organize and manage the class so that students can

learn and in the end can reach maturity level as the ultimate goal of the

educational. Wahyudi (2012), states ”teachers are not only educators as a

distributor and transfer on the nation’s culture to future generations, but more

than that, namely mental builders, shaping morals and build a good and

integral personality, so that its future exixtence useful for the homeland and

the nation. Wahyuni (2015), summarizes several definitions of teachers said “

teachers are adults who work as educators and tecahing students in schools so

that students can become figures having character, knowladgeable, and skilled

in his/her knowladge. In my opinion the teacher is someone who is vry

meritorious to every human being. He/She is also a parent to his/her students

at school with the task of educating and teaching science.

Teacher strategy is an effort made by the teacher in managing the

class to provide as sense of conductiveness to children in order to achieve

educational goals. According to Dr. Nana (2014), the teacher’s strategy is the

teacher’s action in implementing the plan teaching variables (objectives,

materials, methods, and tools and evaluation) in order to influence students to

achieve the goals that have been set.

b. Kinds of Learning Strategy

1). Strategy Discovery Learning

This learning method is a method that teaches in regulating teaching

in such a way that children get knowledge that was previously unknown to

him and not through notification, partially or wholly obtained

independently. Not only as consumers, but they also play an active role in
creating knowledge. According to Cahyono(2013), expalained that the

discovery learning is one of the learning methods in which students get new

knowledge that was previously unknown and not through notification but

students find it themselves. Then, Hosnan (2014) his opinion about

discovery learning is a learning model that develops active learning, by

discovering and investigating independently, the results obtained will also

last a long time and be faithful in memory. In this method students can also

learn to analyze and solve their own problems. Based on Mulyono (2014),

means organizing the material studied in a final form and students must

play an active role in learning in the room.

2). Strategy Inquiry Learning

According to Anam, Khoirul (2017) that inquiry learning means a

series of learning activities that maximally involve all students' abilities to

search and investigate systematically, critically, logically, analytically, so

that they can formulate their own findings confidently). Abidin (2018) also

stated that the inquiry learning model is a learning model developed so that

students find and use various sources of information and ideas to improve

their understanding of certain problems, topics, and issues.

3). Strategy Problem Based Learning

Problem based learning is one model learning that can help

students to improve skills needed in the current era of globalization.

According to Rusman (2012), states that problem based learning (PBL) is

an innovation in learning because the students’s thinking ability really

optimized through the group work process or systematic team, so that

students can empowering, honing, testing and develop the ability to think


4). Strategy Project Based Learning

According to Fathurrohman (2016, p. 119) project-based

learning or project-based learning is a learning model that uses projects or

activities as a learning tool to achieve attitude, knowledge and skill


Meanwhile, Saefudin (2014, p. 58) argues that project based

learning is a learning method that uses problems as the first step in

collecting and integrating new knowledge based on his experience in real


Thus, it is not the project that is at the core of this learning, but

problem solving and implementing the new knowledge experienced from

project activities. Project based learning emphasizes a variety of contextual

problems that will be experienced by students directly from the projects or

activities they undertake.

Meanwhile, according to Isriani and Puspitasari (2015, p. 5) project-

based learning is a learning model that provides opportunities for teachers

to manage learning in the classroom by involving project work. This

opinion implicitly states that project based learning is a student centered

learning model that determines the teacher as a facilitator.

Based on some of the expert opinions above, it can be concluded that

the project-based learning model is a student-centered learning model and

departs from a problem background to work on a real project or activity that

will make students experience various contextual constraints so they must

investigate inquiry and problem solving to be able to complete the project

so as to achieve attitude, knowledge and skill competencies.

5). Strategy Sainstific Learning

According to Rusman (2015), the scientific approach is a learning

approach that provides students with opportunities to explore and elaborate

the material being studied, in addition to providing opportunities for

students to actualize their abilities through learning activities designed by

the teacher. Here after Hosnan (2014), mentioned that scientific approach is

a learning process designed so that students actively construct concept,

laws, or principles through observing, formulating hypotheses, collecting

data with various techniques, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and


3. Covid-19

a. Dinifition of Covid-19

According to the WHO (2020), coronaviruses are a large family of

viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. In humans, corona is

known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more

severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

The most recent corona virus discovered is the COVID-19 corona

virus. This virus is an infectious disease and was only discovered in Wuhan,

China in December 2019 which later became an epidemic.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and a

dry cough. Some patients may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion,

runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are mild and occur


According to the WHO, the COVID-19 coronavirus is spread from

person to person through tiny droplets from the nose or mouth that are spread

when a person coughs or exhales. These droplets then fall onto objects

touched by others.

The person then touches the eyes, nose, or mouth. Based on existing

studies, there is no known spread of COVID-19 through the air.

B. Relevant Research Results

There are several studieds that are relevant to this research themee, among

others :

1. Research conducted by Tari Putri Utami (2020), with the little An Analysis

Of Teacher’s Strategies On English E-Learning Classes During Covid-19

PANDEMIC at MTs Sudirman Getasain Academic year 2019/2020 is a

thesis majoring in English education Faculty IAIN Salatiga. This type of

research was field research with qualitative approach. Data collection

techniques in this study are observation, interview, and documentation.

The results showed that, (1) The teachers use different strategies because

the expected skill output are different, for writing skills the teacher uses 3

strategies namely planning, drafting, and editing. As for listening skills, the

teacher applies several strategies such as listening to songs, writing song

lyrics, matching lyrics, and finally sing a songs. But both of them use the

video-based learning model and also virtual education through WhatsApp.

(2) Strategies in teaching through elearning classes during the COVID-19

pandemic greatly assisted teachers in the teaching and learning process to

achieve learning goals

2. Research conducted by S. Sutarto (2020) with the little, Teacher’s

Strategies In Online Learning To Increase Students Interest In Learning

During Covid-19 Pandemic At Sdit Rabbi Curup Academic Year

2020/2021. This research is qualitative research with a pnenomenological

approach in which the principal, the vice-principal of curruculum, the

teachers, and students were collected by conducting semi-structured

interviews which were analyzed by using the Miles and Huberman model.

The results showed that, the strategies used by teachers to increase students

interest in learning were to provide students with a understanding of

theimportance of learning, to make learning materia brief, clear, and

interesting to use simple and intersesting media, and to conduct regular and

continuous evaluations, online learning stdents get something fun, but they

lack togetherness with their friends.

3. Research conducted by Liyah Umaroh (2021) with the little, Different

Approach And Method In Teaching English During Covid-19 Pandemic

2020/2021. This study uses descriptive qualitative and observation

research method. Object of the research were all students that have been

thought in two semeters (the second semester of academic year 2019/2020

and first semester of academic year 2020/2021).The results showed that

there some approaches and methods in teaching English during Covid-19

Pandemic namely is, Classroom Flipping, Mind Mapping, Self Learning,

Interactional Design and Adaptive learning. Based on the results of the

research, the reseacher got selected approach and teaching method have

used through this pandemic, from the data stated on finding and discussion

it showed that classroom flipping (30%) and mind mapping (30%) were

being selected as interesting method in the biginning of pandemic era,

students of academic year they were better using this kind of method
because more effective because the process of learning based on the need

of students and more flexible and effective.

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