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Desti Ramadayanti & 2Syarifah Widya Ulfa


North Sumatra State Islamic University

Abstact :

The educational process basically aims to prepare students to have competence as a provision
to be able to play a role in life in the future. Education in Indonesia is now required to be
better related to student learning outcomes. Where learning outcomes are strongly influenced
by how the teacher chooses the model of delivering material in class. Therefore, this article
was created by researchers with the aim of providing references related to learning models
which in their application have been proven to improve student learning outcomes in various
subjects. In Indonesia itself has a variety of learning models which of course have advantages
and disadvantages of each. On this occasion the researcher only chose one learning model,
namely discovery learning. So the researchers conducted research using the meta-analysis
method, which is an effort to summarize various research results by studying 7 data
documents related to the use of discovery learning learning models published in national
journals. From the research conducted, it is proven that the discovery learning model is able
to help increase student activity and learning outcomes in the learning process with students
finding their own information so that it shows an increase in student learning outcomes.

Key Word : Learning Model, Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomes, Activity.


The educational process basically aims to prepare students to have competence as a

provision to be able to play a role in life in the future. In addition, education is expected to be
able to develop all its potential by students to prepare quality human resources. This can
realized through interaction during the learning process, both through the interaction of
educators with students as well as interactions between students.

Learning with a scientific approach is a learning process designed so that students

actively find and develop their own concepts, through stages scientific stage. In order to truly
understand and be able to apply knowledge, participants students need to be encouraged to
work on solving problems, finding things to himself and strives to realize his ideas. One way
to make it happen the success of teaching and learning activities is by selecting a learning
model that appropriate. Learning models that can improve learning activities, learning
motivation and One of the learning outcomes is the Discovery Learning learning model.

Discovery learning model (discovery) is a learning process that designed using the
principles of a scientific approach so that students acquire knowledge of concepts that were
not previously known, it is not through notice, but some or all of the knowledge is discovered
by yourself.

Learning motivation is a power (power motivation), driving force (driving force), or a

tool to build a strong willingness and desire in students to active, creative, effective,
innovative, and fun learning (Suhana, 2014). Motivation can play a role in strengthening
learning. The role of motivation in clarifying learning objectives closely related to the
meaning of learning (Uno, 2015). Motivation not only makes students are involved in
academic activities, but motivation is also needed to determine how far students will learn
from a learning activity (Christyanti, 2015). Learning outcomes are the abilities that students
have after they have accept the learning experience, or is a behavior that the learner acquires
after experience learning activities (Riptyawati, 2014).

Learning outcomes are the results achieved by a person after carrying out activities
learning and is an assessment of students to find out to what extent the material the lessons or
materials being taught can be mastered by students (Arikunto, 2006). Results Learning can
also be interpreted as the level of success of students in learning subject matter in schools
expressed in scores obtained from test resultsabout a certain number of materials (Sudjana,
2005). Learning outcomes have a role important in the learning process. (Krisna, Adirta &
Santiyadnya, 2015).

Discovery Learning is a learning theory defined as a proces learning that occurs when
students are not presented in their final form, but students are expected to organize
themselves (Kurniasih & Sani, 2014). Discovery Learning originally came from Bruner's
theory according to which the main role of the teacher was is to help and encourage students
to discover various concepts and ideas and to develop exploratory and experimental aspects
of knowledge (Kyriazis, Psycharis & Korres, 2009). More explanation about Discovery
Learning as stated in the Permendikbud in attachment III is a learning model Discovery
Learning directs students to understand concepts, meanings, and relationships, through an
intuitive process to finally arrive at a conclusion.

This happens when students are involved, especially in the use of the learning process
mentally to discover some concepts and principles. Discovery is done through observation,
classification, measurement, prediction, determination and inferring. The process is called
cognitive process while discovery itself is a mental process of assimilating concepts and
principles in mind (Kemendikbud, 2014). Based on the results of research by (Yuliani et al.,
2017) that learning science using the Discovery. Model Learning is able to encourage
students to be active in making hypotheses, conducting experiments, analyze data and make
conclusions so that the enthusiasm of students in the learning process becomes more
improved and can improve cognitive learning outcomes. The success of a learning process is
strongly influenced by the student's factors itself because it is an important component in the
learning system in schools so that It can be said that students are the subject of processes and
activities learning.

Learning should be a student-focused activity (learning centered), therefore an

effective and efficient learning system consider the components of the characteristics of
students (Nuraini, 2011) Research results others state that Discovery Learning is one way that
provides opportunities for students to find information and are proven to improve quality
learning compared to conventional methods because students can improve their knowledge
during the learning process. (In'am & Hajar, 2017).

According to Durajad (2008) the Discovery learning model is a learning theory that
defined as a learning process that occurs when students are not presented with lessons in their
final form, but are expected to organize themselves. Whereas according to Effendi (2012)
Discovery learning is a learning that involves students in problem solving for the
development of knowledge and Skills. From the theory above, the researcher concludes that
discovery learning is a learning process that is not given as a whole but involves students
toorganize, develop knowledge and skills for problem solving. So that with the application of
the discovery learning model can improve the ability individual discoveries in addition so
that initially passive learning conditions become more active and creative. So that teachers
can change learning that was originally teacher oriented to student oriented.

According to Sinambela (2017) the steps for implementing Discovery Learning

learning, namely: First, Stimulation (providing stimulation). Students are given problems at
the beginning so confused which later gave rise to the desire to investigate things the. At that
time, the teacher acts as a facilitator by providing questions, directions reading texts, and
learning activities related to discovery.

Second, the problem statement (statement / problem identification). The second stage
of In this learning, the teacher gives students the opportunity to identify as many occurrences
of the problem as are relevant to the subject matter, then one of them is selected and
formulated in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answer) on problem questions.

Third, data collection (Data Collection), serves to prove related statements so that
students have the opportunity to collect various appropriate, reading appropriate learning
resources, observing problem-related objects, interviewing with resource persons related to
problems, conducting independent trials.

Fourth, data processing (Data Processing), is an activity to process data and

information previously obtained by students. All information obtainedeverything is processed
at a certain level of confidence. Fifth, verification, which is an activity to prove true or
whether or not a pre-existing statement. already known, and connected with the existing
data. Sixth, generalization (draw conclusions/generalization). This stage is interesting
conclusion where the process draws a conclusion that will be used as a principle common to
all the same problems. Based on the results, the principles are formulated the basis for

In research that researchers do by taking data from several sources previous research
that has been done. From this data, the researcher will make conclusions based on research
results. The conclusion will show Does the use of the discovery learning model have an
impact? good in improving student learning outcomes from the learning process.

The advantages of the discovery learning model can be concluded as follows: a)

Helping students to improve and enhance their skills and cognitive processes, b) This model
allows students to develop quickly and according to their own pace, c) Increase the level of
appreciation in students, because of the discussion element, d) Able to cause feelings of
pleasure and happiness because students successful in conducting research, and e) Helping
students eliminate skepticism (doubt) because it leads to a final and certain or definite truth.

Meanwhile, the shortcomings according to the Ministry of Education and Culture

(2013) are (1) this model raises the assumption that there is a readiness of mind to learn. For
students who lack have low cognitive abilities will have difficulty in abstract thinking or
which expresses the relationship between concepts, written or spoken, so that in turn will lead
to frustration. (2) This model is not efficient enough for used in teaching to a large number of
students this is because the time it takes a long time for activities to find a solution to the
problem. (3) Expectations in this model can be disrupted if students and teachers are used to
the old way. and (4) This discovery teaching model will be more suitable in developing
understanding, however other aspects have received less attention.


This research is a descriptive study that describes the role of Discovery Learning
learning model in increasing activity, motivation and results learn students. This study also
uses the meta-analysis method, namely the summarizes several research results related to the
results and use of the model Doscovery Learning learning published on national journal sites.
Data in This research was collected through a literature review. Literature study is the
method used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. Literature studies
can be obtained from various sources, journals, books and documentation. The focus of this
research is the role of the Discovery Learning Model in increase the activity, motivation and
learning outcomes of students.


This research is a descriptive study that describes the role of Discovery Learning
learning model in increasing activity, motivation and results learn students. This study also
uses the meta-analysis method, namely the summarizes several research results related to the
results and use of the model Doscovery Learning learning published on national journal sites.
Data in This research was collected through a literature review. Literature study is the
method used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. Literature studies
can be obtained from various sources, journals, books and documentation. The focus of this
research is the role of the Discovery Learning Model in increase the activity, motivation and
learning outcomes of students.


Based on the literature review used by researchers to find out the results Application
of Discovery Learning Learning Model (Discovery Learning) in Improving Student Activity
And Learning Outcomes. Then the author took 7 related journals to be used as a sample to
find out whether the Discovery Learning learning model is can improve student learning
outcomes or not. So from the five journals, the data generated are as follows:

First, the journal Application of the Discovery Learning Learning Model for Improve
Critical Thinking Skills And Chemistry Learning Outcomes. Written by Amallia Nugrahaeni,
I Wayan Redhana, and Made Arya Kartawan. In his journal stated that this study aims to
improve critical thinking skills and chemistry learning outcomes through the Discovery
Learning learning model on the reaction rate material.

This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja in class XI MIA 2 odd
semester of the year the 2016-2017 school subjects totaled 29 students. This type of research
is classroom action research which consists of planning, implementing actions, observing and
reflecting with using the Discovery Learning learning model. Tests are used to measure
results learn students' initial abilities and learning outcomes, and observation sheets are used
to measure students' critical thinking skills. Learning by using models Discovery Learning is
proven to be effective in improving student learning outcomes and skills students' critical
thinking. Successful implementation in improving student learning outcomes indicated by a
change in the process of the first cycle of the increase in the average value of the class after
the action, from the initial pretest of 85.70%, it rose to 89.70% at the time of posttest. The
increase in the number of students who achieved the KKM score was 17.24%. On cycle II
success is shown by the increase in the average grade after the the action from the pretest at
62.1% increased to 79.3% at the posttest.

The increase in the number of students who achieved the KKM score was 6.8%.
Achieved value still categorized in the Very Good criteria. Based on thinking skills analysis
students' critical thinking, successful implementation in improving students' critical thinking
skills shown by the percentage of critical thinking students who are in the critical criteria of
80.57% at the second meeting of the first cycle, it increased from very critical criteria to
criteria 88.5% at the second meeting of cycle II. The conclusion of this research is the
application of learning using the Discovery Learning model has proven to be effective in
improve student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills of SMA Negeri 2 students
Singaraja in class XI MIA 2 odd semester 2016-2017 academic year.

Second, the Journal of Improving Learning Outcomes in the Discovery Method of

Class Science Learning IV SDN 03 Sungai Ambawang Kubu Raya by Agus Supriyadi
conducted in class IV SDN 03 Sungai Ambawang Kubu Raya with 27 students. Method used
is classroom action research (CAR) which is carried out in two cycles. From the research, the
results showed that it was known that the teacher was quite good in carry out learning that is
with a value of 75, from the description that the teacher has quite good in applying learning
according to the lesson plans that have been determined in learning that is carried out
especially in learning the shape of the leaf and its function through the discovery method.
Based on the data above, it is known that overall learning activities have been carried out by
the teacher in science learning material leaf shape and function through the discovery method
(discovery) that is equal to 100%. Based on these data it is known that most of the activities
have been carried out by the teacher in their learning activities, namely in the form of learnin
leaves and their functions with the discovery learning method that is equal to 97.76%.

From the second cycle of data, it is known that the teacher is very good after the
second cycle in learning implementing learning, which is indicated by a value of 95 from the
description known that the teacher always applies learning in accordance with the RPP that
has been set in the learning that will be carried out, especially in learning the shape of leaves
and leaves functions with the discovery learning method, both in pre-learning to closing

Third, the Journal of the Influence of the Discovery Learning Model on Concept
Understanding Science and Scientific Attitude of Junior High School Students by
Widiadnyana, Sadia, and Suastra conducted in class VII SMP Negeri 3. The method used is
experimental research that carried out in three hypothesis tests. From the research, the results
obtained are in the test analysis the first hypothesis, there are differences in understanding of
science concepts and students' scientific attitudes simultaneously between students who
follow the discovery learning model with students who follow the direct teaching model.
This is because the stages of the model discovery learning can develop a scientific attitude
and understanding of concepts. On analysis of the second hypothesis, that the discovery
learning model has an effect on understanding IPA concept and significantly higher average
than the model direct teaching.

This is because discovery learning is based on constructivist theory, Students must

build their own knowledge in their minds. In the third hypothesis test It was found that there
were significant differences in scientific attitudes between students who following the
discovery learning model with a direct teaching model. On models discovery learning,
curiosity can appear in every syntax of this learning model. Starting from scratch on the
stimulation syntax, by dealing with problems on the topic to be studied, students are already
aroused to want to know more. Then on problem statement syntax, students will feel curious
about the truth of the hypothesis formulated. Furthermore, in the syntax of data collection,
students are enthusiastic to know very well related to what happens from the experimental
activities carried out. So ason the syntax of data processing, verification, and generalization.
These syntaxes arouse students' curiosity because through these syntax students will be able
to know the results of the scientific process that has been carried out.

fourth, Journal of Application of the Discovery Learning Learning Model for

Improving Creative Thinking Ability and Student Learning Outcomes by Nichen Irma Cintia,
Firosalia Kristin and Indri Anugraheni This study aims to identify and describe the Discovery
Learning model in improving thinking skills. creative and learning outcomes of 5th graders at
SDN Sidorejo Kidul 02 Tingkir. This research held at SD Negeri Sidorejo Kidul 02 Tingkir
District on March 9-21 2018. This type of Classroom Action Research (CAR) takes place in 2
cycles. One cycle consists of of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and
reflection. Student research subjects fifth grade elementary school totaled 39 students.
Collecting data using tests and non-tests. Analysis quantitative and qualitative descriptive
data. Initial condition percentage of creative thinking ability 33.2% average score of 13.3.
Completeness of learning outcomes 38% an average of 60 the highest score is 72.5 and the
lowest is 45. Cycle I, students' creative thinking ability is 73%, the average score is 29.2.
Percentage learning outcomes 71.8%, average 69.48, highest score 82.5 and lowest 50. Cycle
II, percentage creative thinking ability 81.2% , average 32.2. Learning outcomes 84.6%,
average 74.2, value the highest is 87.5 and the lowest is 55. It can be concluded that the
application of the Discovery model Learning can improve creative thinking skills and
learning outcomes thematic for the fifth grade students of SDN Sidorejo Kidul 02 Tingkir.
Fifth, Journal of the Effect of Discovery Learning Methods to Improve Mathematical
Representation and Student Confidence by Nurdin Muhamad conducted in class VII SMPIT
Wasilah Intelligence Garut. The method used is mixed research methods. From the research,
it was found that the average value of the pretest class that got learning with the discovery
learning method is at an average value of 30.76, the average value the first cycle average
increased to 67.50, in the second cycle the average value increased with a value of 79.50, in
the third cycle also increased with a value of 86.33 while the posttest decreased by 4.06 to
82.27. Decrease in the average value that occurson the posttest is not due to the decreased
representation ability and self-confidence of students, but more because the questions given
are different because they cover questions from all three cycle and involves the calculation
and accuracy of the concept so that the pretest and posttest questions quite difficult and
complex. Thus it can be seen that the discovery learning method can improve students'
mathematical representation skills and self-confidence, this can be seen from the average
value of the material for lines and angles, triangles in the research problem is more small
compared to the posttest results, namely from the value of 66 to 82.

Sixth, the Journal of the Application of the Discovery learning Learning Model for
Improving Student PKN Learning Outcomes by Ni Luh Rismayani, Sukadi, and I Nyoman
Pursika conducted in class X SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada with 24 students. The method used is
classroom action research (CAR) which is carried out in two ways cycle. From the research,
it was found that the first cycle was carried out in three meetings, namely the first and second
meetings, providing material for the three final cycle tests. Results the first cycle evaluation
obtained from the first cycle of the learning outcomes test is the average result learning 78.3,
separability 78.3% while the classical completeness of 66.6% shows that completeness of
student learning outcomes is still low. Therefore, there is a need for improvement carried out
in cycle II. The implementation of research in cycle II was carried out almost the same as
Cycle I which consists of the stages of planning, implementing, evaluating and reflecting on
the implementation Cycle II is carried out more optimally than cycle I to make improvements
from the implementation of the first cycle. In the second cycle, two meetings were held,
namely the the first is giving the material and the second meeting is the end of the cycle test.
Based on the results of reflection improvement from the first cycle, in the second cycle the
average student learning outcomes are 87, 5 sera 87, 5 and the completeness of student
learning outcomes has reached 100%. It shows research can be said to be successful because
the learning outcomes obtained in cycle II have reached 100% completeness and the average
student learning outcomes are above the KKM. Of the nine data from the research, it is
related to how it can be concluded that the discovery learning model is good for use in
elementary schools, especially when improve student learning outcomes. So with the
implementation of the discovery learning model This in the lesson plans made by the teacher
can have an impact on improving student learning outcomes from the ongoing learning

seventh, Journal of the Application of Guided Discovery Models in Physics Learning

To Improve Creative Thinking Ability by Fathur. Rohim, Hadi Susanto and Ellianawati This
study aims to determine the application of the learning model guided discovery on heat
material to increase creative thinking skills MTs Matholi'ul Huda Troso students. This
experimental research uses Design Control Group Pre-test – Post-test. The population in this
study were students of class VII MTs Matholi'iul Huda Troso for the 2010/2011 school year.
Sampling through a simple technique random sampling by taking two classes at random from
the population as a class control and experimental class. Normalized gain test analysis gives
an increase result low for students who are taught using guided discovery models and small
for students who are taught using the discussion method. The results of the study can be
concluded that the application of guided discovery learning models can improve abilities
students' creative thinking.


Based on research from several sources above, it can be concluded that The Discovery
Learning learning model consists of several stages of implementation which are: plays a very
important role in increasing motivation, learning activities and student learning outcomes.
The application of the discovery learning model is very helpful in teacher efforts to improve
results student learning. Not only that, this model also helps in increasing teacher activity
and students, student self-confidence, and the ability to work independently in solving
problem. In addition, this model can be applied at various school levels such as: Senior High
School (SMA) but also at lower levels of education School Junior High School (SMP) and
Elementary School (SD) and can be applied to almost all subjects.

The author's gratitude goes to all those who have participated in the fair writing this
research article. The researcher hopes that this work can be accepted and useful for readers.
The researcher realizes that in this work there are still many shortcomings so that researchers
expect input that can be an improvement in the future. The hope of future researchers is that
this discovery learning model is increasingly widely applied considering the many
advantages obtained from the application of this model in teaching and learning activities.


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