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Interpersonal communication

I have watched some interview on YouTube and the type of the question is Personal Interview
Questions Interview is the widely used (election method. It is a face-to-face interaction between
interviewee and interviewer. If handled carefully, it can be a powerful technique in having
accurate information of the interviewee otherwise unavailable. At the same time, if the interview
is not handled carefully, it can be a source of bias, restricting or distorting the flow of
Different scholars have defined ‘interview’ differently. According to Scott and others, “an
interview is a purposeful exchange of ideas, the answering of questions and communication
between two or more persons”. Bingham and others define an interview as a ‘conversation with a
purpose”. Thus, interview can be defined as an attempt to secure maximum amount of
information from the candidate concerning his/her suitability for the job under consideration.
Objectives of Interview:

In the selection process, interview serves the following objectives:

1. Verifies the information obtained through application form and tests.

2. Helps obtain additional information from the applicant otherwise not available.

3. Gives the candidate necessary facts and information about the job and the organization.

4. Helps establish mutual understanding between the company and the candidate and build the

company’s image.

According to Richard Calhoon, employment interview serves the following three

First, it is the only way to see an applicant in action – how he looks, his manner, his bearing.

Second, it is the only way to witness how he interacts and how he responds, his way of thinking,
the effect of his personality on others.

Types of Interview is Depth Interview: Depth interviews are one-to-one encounters in which
the interviewer makes use of an unstructured or semi-structured set of issues/topics to guide the
discussion. The object of the exercises is to explore and uncover deep-seated emotions,
motivations and attitudes. They are most often employed when dealing with sensitive matters
and respondents are likely to give evasive or even misleading answers when directly questioned.
Most of the techniques used in the conduct of depth interviews have been borrowed from the
field of psychoanalysis. Depth interview are usually only successful when conducted by a well
trained and highly skilled interviewer.
As the term itself implies, depth interview tries to portray the interviewee in depth and detail. It,
accordingly, covers the life history of the applicant along with his/her work experience,
academic qualifications, health, attitude, interest, and hobbies. This method is particularly
suitable for executive selection. Expectedly, depth interview involves more time and money in
conducting it.

Group discussion
Well I have involved in many group in my class or in church and some other places most of the
time I like to listen more at first I don’t want to say anything I like hearing peoples opinion first
before saying anything I like reading peoples mind and their thought about the thing that we are
talking about, after I heard their opinion then I well talk most of the time my role is to finalize
the thing that we discuss. I believe that purpose of a group discussion is not to win an argument
or to amuse your classmates. The purpose of a discussion is to help each group member explore
and discover personal meanings of a text through interaction with other people. Much of our
everyday talk is made up of descriptions in which we seek in one way or another to convey ideas
to other people. These ideas are usually concerned with what we know. A learning group
discussion is far more tentative, even halting, in its progress, for it deals not with certainty but
with search. Listening to a group discussion, one is likely to hear such expressions as “it seems
to me”, “I think, “I believe”. Group discussion should not seek to convince; rather, it should deal
with matters unresolved and seek to help each member find meanings that did not exist before.

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