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My subject of interest is Early Childhood Education. I will be certified
to teach/watch birth through third grade. My goal is to teach
kindergarten though. This is the best learning age because it will be
easier for them to take what I am giving them and use it potentially
for the rest of their life. Technologies I would like to explore is the
use of Extended Reality, or XR for short.


Again, my subject area of interest is Early Childhood Education and

being a kindergarten teacher. I chose this because I believe that I
can help mold their minds into something great and give them the
right tools to succeed.


The Artificial Intelligence technology I plan to explore is Artificial
Narrow Intelligence, such as the google home or alexa.

1. I think this technology will change the way people learn/do

things because artificial intelligence helps you get things done
quicker in a sense. As an example, the google home allows you
to ask the AI questions and they will answer it for you.
Additionally, you can get the AI to buy things for you, looking
things up for you and even go as far as playing music for you.
2. Some shortfalls of this technology are that because it is so
human like, people are worried it is the key to the government
listening in/controlling us. Also, as AI increases with the use of
robots and such, people are worried of a AI takeover. It is said
that it will eventually reach the point of AI being smarter than
humans, what will we do then?
3. This technology might be utilized in a good way as a way to
play music in my kindergarten class. I can easily say “Hey
Alexa Play ____”, and she will. I would not have to bring out
my phone or anything. It can also be utilized in a bad way. As I
mentioned earlier, it can get to the point where Artificial
Intelligence will take over. I also believe that it can make
humans lazier if we relay all our tasks on AI.


With the use of extended reality, I would like to explore virtual
reality specifically. I choose this technology because with
kindergarteners, getting them to understand and use technology
could be difficult. Virtual reality will allow them to actually see
something and go anywhere they want to go.

For each prompt – provide 1 – 2 paragraphs on your research

experience using each technology.

1. I think the use of this technology will change the way people
learn in my subject area because the students will have the
opportunity to actually experience their learning and be able to
visualize it with the use of VR. If I am doing a lesson on
counting, I can program a game that allows them to visualize
more fun ways of counting. Such as them catching apples, or

even numbers just showing in front of them in order with
bright and fun colors. This will encourage the young students
to learn more intensely and grasp the concepts because they
will be entertained.
2. Where this technology can fall short is that it could be
expensive for a school to provide for all the classrooms. They
could manufacture the product with cheaper materials that will
still allow it to work the same and then lower the price. This
technology can also fall short for the reason you are using it.
Say you want to use it for a certain lesson, but there is no
program that goes hand in hand with it. If we were to rely on
XR technology too much, we can be left empty.
3. This technology can be utilized for good by providing different
learning opportunities for children in school. If children are
exposed to different technology and ways of learning, they can
pick which one works best for them and use it more frequently
to help them navigate through school. I can see it being
utilized for bad things as kids get older and get to access it
themselves. They could download games that are not school
appropriate and do that instead of their lesson.


The Internet of Things technology I plan to explore is the use of it
telling me when I am running low on supplies at school.

For each prompt – provide 1 – 2 paragraphs on your research

experience using each technology.

1. I don’t believe the use of Internet of Things technology will

neccasirly change the way people learn in my subject area, but
it will show them the amazing things technology can do. If I
had a system that notified me when things got low in the

pencil boxes I provide on students desks, I could get more
supplies that night and restock it the next day. This way kids
are never deprived of utensils I need them to use in class all
while showing them the wonders of the world and how
technology helps.
2. Some shortfalls of this technology is that is just an idea in the
air as of now. There have been smart cities built that decrease
energy use and help cities be sufficient, but the use I am
looking for does not exist yet. Technology advancements need
to be done so the average person can use this technology in
their day to day lives.
3. This technology can be utilized for good because the
possibilities of what it can do it endless. It can start brewing
your coffee as your alarm clock goes off, it can also already
know where you are going when you get in your car and direct
you to the fast route. A downfall of this technology is I am
worried it will lead humans to become very lazy as it can
complete tasks that encourage movement and brain power.

My findings while researching different types of technology was
amazing. Through research I was able to categorize technology I
own and what type it was, which I did not know before. I think the
future of this technology is bright because with all the advancements
coming, it can improve how we teach students. I will be able to
provide more vivid learning experiences to my students which I
believe in end, will help them learn more efficiently. At the young
age of 5, kids are very hands on. With the use of all these
technology advancements, we will be able to give them better than
hands on.
This technology can also be bad for the subject area I have
chosen because like I have mentioned previously, it can encourage

people to get lazier and less resourceful. Sometimes it is important
for kids to just open a book, not everything needs to be a
spectacular life changing learning experience. I am worried that they
can become reliant of these learning opportunities and want it 24/7


I do not believe I got the complete learning experience unfortunately

because I was unable to go to the labs, but I do believe through my
research I have learned an abundance of things. I feel better about
these technologies because I believe it was impact humans in a
positive way in the future and help us navigate through life easier.
While researching, I was exposed to technologies I did not know of.
Such as IOT, I had no clue what this was. Now that I have learned
it, I know that the world in the future will be technology sufficient
and rely on it to help us.


I will have to go to the Ignited Labs in the future so I can truly

experience it, just unfortunately I could not find time in my schedule
this time around.

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