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How long after sexual intercourse can spermatozoa be found in the vaginal canal?

Authorities differ in their opinions in this respect:

1. ". . . but, there is every reason to believe that the life of the effective sperm in the maternal passage is very short,
probably less than thirty hours" (Taylor's Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence by K. Simpson, 12th ed.. Vol 2,
p. 32).

2. "There has been a great number of observations this latter point, and the evidence points to a comparatively short life
of the sperm in the female tract and the period appears shorter with the number of observations. It is a present belief
that the life of the sperm in the vagina is a matter of hours and its total life in the female tract is a matter of two or three
days at most" (Forensic Medicine by S. Smith, 10th ed., p. 311).

3. ". . . that spermatozoa may survive less than two hours in the vagina, but tfiey live as long as forty-three hours both in
the cervix and uterus where the secretion are more favorable" (Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology by J. Glaister, 12th
ed., p. 325).

4. "Spermatozoa may remain motile in the vagina up to 17 days" (A Synopsis of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology by C.
Thomas, 2nd ed., p. 97).

5. "Fertilization of the ovum does not necessarily occur immediately after coitus, as it is known that spermatozoa can
remain alive in the upper recesses of the vagina for more than two weeks" (Coy\ p. 246).

6. "Some observers have reported finding spermatozoa in the vagina after seven hours while others have reported
finding them as long as 48 hours after intercourse" (Homicide Investigation by L. Snyder, 1st ed., p. 327).

Can a woman be raped while she is on her natural sleep?

Occasionally, it may happen, but highly improbable. To a normal virgin it is hard to conceive that such act could ever be
committed without her knowledge, inasmuch as she has never experienced it. But, such act may be possible to a woman
who has had several sexual intercourses and to those who have given birth.

Can a woman commit the crime of rape on a man?

In the definition of the crime of rape, it is "committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman." The law specifically
states that it can only be committed on a woirian and not on a man (inclusion unius et exclusion alterios). She
committed acts of lasciviousness.

Can rape cause death?

Although it may not be usual, the introduction of a matured male sex organ into the vagina of a young girl may produce
local injury sufficient to produce death. The death may be due to hemorrhage brought about by the laceration of the
vaginal canal, shock, subsequent infection such as gangrene or peritonitis. Laceration of the vagina with accompanying
hemorrhage can also occur even in adult women if the man's sex organ is exceptionally big, especially when the sexual
act was done roughly.

Can the husband commits the crime of rape on his wife?

The husband cannot be guilty of rape committed on his wife. Marriage is a license of the husband to have sexual
intercourse with his wife. The purpose of marriage is procreation and there can be no procreation if there is no sexual
intercourse. However, if there is a decree of legal separation by the court, the husband may be guilty of rape on his wife.
Legal separation does not dissolve the matrimonial tie between the husband and wife, but merely separation in bed.

The husband may be guilty also of rape on his wife if he is a principal by cooperation or by inducement for the act
committed by another man.

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