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Logan Welle

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 iCourse

The first goal that I have accomplished is to approach new computer-based tasks more easily and

with greater confidence. Before starting the class, I was fairly comfortable with some simple

applications such as google documents and creating spreadsheets, but this course has challenged

my understanding of what it means to be technology-literate. I was faced with many different

computer-based tasks such as coding, recording a screencast video, collaborating using a class-

wide google doc, using photo editing software to edit a picture, and many more. The most

challenging of the computer-based tasks for me was the module where we had to create an

infographic. Creating the infographic changed my perspective on how technology can be used as

a creative medium for teachers instead of using the same-old boring templates to make

presentations. I was able to customize an “All About Me” ice breaker with my own color scheme

and digital art. It is very empowering knowing that I can replicate the steps I took to create an

infographic on my own for when I have my own class of students instead of relying on pre-made

templates that I could find online.

The second goal that I felt was most relevant to my learning this semester was being able to

demonstrate an understanding of fundamental programming concepts using block programming.

As a former economics major and current elementary education major, I have very little to no

prior experience with coding. Programming seems like a large daunting task that only a select

group of individuals can do. However, the Emerging Technologies module opened my eyes to

basic coding literacy. Not only was the block programming simple and easy to use, it was

Logan Welle
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 iCourse

surprisingly enjoyable to work through. In our digital age, students should be encouraged to learn

about coding and understand the basics. This class helped me destigmatize coding as a daunting

and boring task and instead revealed how coding can be fun and engaging.

The third goal that challenged me was to create a web-based personal portfolio showcasing my

learning over the semester. I was able to create and update my very own website through the

Weebly portfolio. Through trial and error, I became more confident in my ability to make

changes to my website as I added each weekly assignment to the portfolio. I started off not

knowing how to create sub-pages but eventually I got the hang of it to create a portfolio that I

was proud of. By using Weebly, I am introduced to the basics of designing a webpage so that

going forward I am more comfortable creating webpages for class projects, personal enjoyment,

or even as a part of my lesson planning for my future students.

My “light-bulb” moment of this semester definitely came with my last screen casting project. I

was struggling to get my audio to work on the recording software and was getting very

frustrated. After an extensive amount of research and messing around with my computer settings,

I realized that I had muted my microphone in my settings. When I unmuted the microphone, I

was able to record my project and submit it with no issues. This “simple fix” was something that

I overlooked in the moment because it felt so effortless for me. Before this class, however, I

would not have been so confident in my ability to problem solve for this technology issue.

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