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1st, 2019
GT: 20 minutes
ST: 10:50am
ET: 11:09am
Reading Log #4

Title: “ They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us”

Chapter: ​The Night Prince Walked on Water
● The author has used a lot of biblical references in the book and this is another one I'm
● I believe the chapter will discuss an event or Prince shock the world.

External Distractions: My Phone

Internal Distractions: Time and my Schedule

Authors motivation:
Prince could be the man that the author appreciate the most so far. more so that he respects. The
way Prince performs was enough to burn the concert in Adair up Gibbs memory. He describes
Prince as somewhat of a religious figure. With him seeming almost god-like or magical. I believe
his motivation is meant to put Prince once again in the spotlight. With him back he can once
again live through the author's writing. Working has a concerts in literature. having it be a
concert within concert and a song within a song.
Rhetorical Strategies:
The author uses many ways to describe Prince. I was somewhat given the idea that the author
was comparing him to Jesus in a way. The author reinforces events like walking on water or
reanimating to support this idea. He writes them in such a graceful way that it almost makes him
unearthly. The author compares him to other artists who performed previous Super Bowl
halftime shows. Words like Mastery and confidence are used to create a strong feeling of bias
towards Prince. Ending on the song Purple Rain during a storm is a great visual.
Compelling qualities
starting off the quotes from a broadcaster set the scene in just the right way. Showing how
Prince was more excited about the rain then worried made it feel as though nothing can affect
him. Comparing him to other artists made him feel extremely unique. The visuals of him walking
on water on the stage is a comparison to Jesus. Jesus's stage was the Sea of Galilee where he had
a great audience in astonishment. Prince was also compared did Jesus a second time. Prince
making reappearances constantly makes for a fair comparison of Jesus where he famously
returned from death. The author is purposely doing this to mold him as a holy figure to pop
Counter arguments:
the author constantly characterizes Prince as being a master and what he does. His comparison
with other artists try to classify him as being more unique, but was you really any different?
Prince was a great artist but the only thing that seemed to set him apart from the rest was that he
performed in the rain. Not much else happened out of the ordinary other than that. If anything's
performing during a storm is more dangerous and irresponsible then good Showmanship as it
puts crew members in equipment in danger.

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