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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Chapter Overview

In this chapter the major writings related to the concept will be discussed. The chapter will

discuss different aspects of the topic according to the sources that have helped in research and in

transforming the concept also has aided in accomplishing the research objectives.

2.2 Concept

Water is such a substance that is used and consumed day to day in one or the other way but most

of the times have not been paid attention towards the phenomenal beauty of its forms and flow.

The inspiration for the study comes from its sense of freeness, flexibility, its freedom of flow and

how remarkably waters molds and transforms itself into awe-inspiring forms. Water splashes,

ripples and droplets will be taken for visuals and will be observed keenly. Elements and forms

will be taken from the water forms and will be incorporated in the products depicting the water

characteristics like its flexibility, fluidity, transparency and flow.

2.3 Water

As we all know water is a flexuous liquid that is colorless, tasteless and odorless in its purest

form. At its most basic, water is a chemical substance that is composed of one oxygen atom and

two hydrogen atoms bonded together. Water can occur in three states as solid, liquid and gas. It

covers up 70% of earth surface and up to 60% of human body is also water. It can be classified

into various bodies of water but majorly there are 5 types of water bodies. They are present in
different sizes and different forms which are oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, gulfs, bays, lagoons and

waterfalls. Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive .We all are well

known by the importance and uses of water in daily life. It is not just beneficial for human health

but it is vital for the entire system of life and nature to work. Life can never be possible without


2.4 Water symbolism in literature

In general water represents purity, cleansing, life and freedom. Water in a story or novel is just as

important as the fact that water is used as a symbol. Rivers represents flow of life and fertility

and are oftenly used by authors because of its flow and moving nature giving a sign of hope and

life. Whereas oceans on the other hand represents obstacles on the way to some journey.

Symbolically oceans are thought to be a mysterious place that symbolizes overcoming obstacles

or being dragged down into deep depths by it. Lakes symbolizes great decisions and

introspections in a novel or tales. Water is a symbol of power in stories and it is an important

character in handling the life scenarios in the stories. However generally water represents


2.5 Water symbolism is different cultures

Water is significant for human life and we all know its importance and uses but different cultures

symbolizes in different ways and it plays a vital in religious rituals and practices. Mentions of

water in some are found in some religions such as: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and

Animism. In Animism the perception of water is that it is natural body that connects people with

each other and creates relationship. For Hindus water is an important source of physical and

spiritual wellbeing by achieving purity. Water holds a sacred place in Hinduism because it is
believed that water has purifying and cleansing powers. They swim in sacred water and pray

there. In Buddhism water symbolizes calmness and serenity and they practice water offerings at

their shrines. A Buddhist’s path to enlightenment includes a diligent cleansing of body, mind and

spirit. Water in Christianity is primarily linked to the ritual of Baptism, where a person professes

faith by bathing in holy water. This symbolizes rebirth and purity. In Islam water holds a great

value and importance. Water symbolizes wisdom in Islam and it recognizes that water is a part of

life and that we are made up of water, we consume water to live a healthy life and we breathe

water. In Islam water also symbolizes cleansing and purity. Before offering prayers five times a

day water is used to cleanse to get pure and clean for the prayers. In many others cultures water

holds an important place and plays a leading role in cleansing, purity, wisdom and freedom.

2.6 Jewelry artists work on water

Several jewelry artists have worked on water and each of them has a different approach to deal

with the topic. Beau Han Xu is a notable jewelry artist who works in glass has made up an entire

collection on water splashes and has used glass and diamonds to portray its beauty at its best and

to show it in a more natural manner. Beau has the desire to freeze frame inspirational moments in

time in his creations hence his collection is called Splash! A droplet splash frozen in time. The

traditional techniques of glass blowing is used with stones all giving an idea of movement and

reflects light at every movement. Another jewelry designer Maria Canale has worked on water

but her collection has more of a charitable component. She has made water waves and drops in

order to raise awareness on the importance of water. She launched her collection “Every Drop

Counts” on March 22, 2019, World Water Day, which is an annual UN observance day. The

initiative will donate 10% of the proceeds from her collections to, an organization that

helps provide people with safe and sanitary water. The collection is the perfect for everyday with
a splash of sapphires for color and sparkle. The starting price is around $1,100. The necklaces,

bracelets, earrings and rings in waves are made in a bit more formal manner. Jewels are set with

various shades and sizes of blue sapphires in fluid patterns. “Pure, clean water is the most basic

of elements of life, and needs to be available to every human on the planet,” says Maria. “I

commend for undertaking the lofty goal of seeing this become reality,’ and am

honored to be supporting their important work this year.”-9-+63.

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