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236 Sex Transm Inf 2000;76:236–243

The significance of oral health in HIV disease

Review Iain L C Chapple, John Hamburger

The oral cavity is an important and frequently circulation, then the clinical condition of the oral
undervalued source of diagnostic and prognos- mucosa and periodontal tissues may potentially
tic information in patients with HIV disease. A provide valuable information, additional to viral
variety of conditions aVecting oral mucosal tis- load or CD4 counts, that may help in the man-
sues may arise either de novo or secondary to agement of HIV infected patients.
lesions elsewhere in the body and may provide With the basic biology of both the oral
the genitourinary physician with additional mucosa and periodontal tissues in mind, the
knowledge of individual patients’ biological importance of oral lesions in HIV infection can
responses to their HIV infection. The mouth be summarised as follows.
may also be a primary source of infection in any Oral lesions may:
individual, which may spread via the mucosal (1) Indicate HIV infection in previously undi-
associated lymphoid tissues or stimulate sys- agnosed cases3
temic inflammatory immune responses via (2) Predict HIV disease progression4
chronic low grade entry of bacterially derived (3) Represent early clinical features of clinical
antigenic/virulence factors into the gingival AIDS (for example, oral Kaposi’s
vasculature.1 2 Indeed, the gingival and peri- sarcoma)5
odontal tissues are unique in structure, since (4) Form traditional entry or exit determi-
they form the point at which internally linked nants for antiretroviral therapy6 7
hard tissues breach the epithelial surface rather (5) Be determinants of anti-opportunistic
like a compound bone fracture. This junction infection therapy8
of tooth and gingiva provides a potentially (6) Be used in disease staging and
weak barrier through which bacteria and their classification5
virulence factors (for example, lipopolysaccha- (7) Act as markers of other more subtle
ride) may enter the connective tissues and sys- mucosal immunodeficiency states often
temic circulation (see fig 1). In this respect, missed on clinical examination9
maintaining a low microbial load within the (8) Lead patients to seek treatment because of
mouth should be seen as an essential compo- pain/discomfort or aesthetic reasons7
nent of preventative treatment regimens in (9) Individually correlate with CD4 levels in
HIV positive patients. severely immunosuppressed patients10
When one considers that approximately 98% (10) Correlate with CD4 levels when grouped
of lymphocytes reside in the tissues rather than together (for CD4 counts <200 ×106/l)4
(11) Act as cofactors aVecting the rate of HIV
disease progression.
Gingival The oral lesions associated with HIV disease
of tooth crevice
were classified by the EC Clearinghouse on
Dental GCF
Oral Problems Related to HIV Infection in
plaque 199111 and also by the US Workshop on Oral
Manifestations in HIV Infection.12 This system
enamel GBV was revised in September 1992 by a joint
Gingivae working party from the former groups.13 Table
1 provides a classification of oral lesions with
the designated grouping from that working
party (I, II, or III) assigned as a superscript
Unit of Periodontology, number. At the time, this was the most appro-
School of Dentistry, Alveolar priate method of classification, but with
University of mucosa hindsight it seems to be somewhat subjective
Birmingham, St rather than being necessarily evidence based.
Chad’s, Queensway, Root The literature now contains many epidemio-
Birmingham B4 6NN cementum
dentine logical studies worldwide, and it would appear
I L C Chapple
that the time for a further revision of this
Unit of Oral Medicine, classification, based on the current evidence is
School of Dentistry Alveolar approaching. The remainder of this review will
J Hamburger bone deal briefly with some of the more common
oral lesions. The references used in this review
Correspondence to:
Iain L C Chapple, School of ligament were those in the possession of the authors and
Dentistry, University of the remainder were obtained using Medline.
Birmingham, St Chad’s, Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the tooth/gingival
Queensway, Birmingham junction, demonstrating the permeable junctional
B4 6NN epithelium, underlying connective tissues, and periodontal Oral hairy leucoplakia
tissues. JE = junctional epithelium; OE = oral epithelium;
Accepted for publication GCF = gingival crevicular fluid; GBV = gingival blood Oral hairy leucoplakia (OHL) was first de-
7 June 2000 vessels scribed in 1984 by the Greenspans some 3
The significance of oral health in HIV disease 237

Table 1 Oral lesions seen in HIV disease and their grouping according to the EC
Clearinghouse on Oral Problems Related to HIV Infection, revised classification22

Neoplastic conditions Viral infections

Kaposi’s sarcomaI Herpes simplex virus (HSV)II
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaI Primary herpes simplex I or II
Recurrent oral herpes
Bacterial infections Herpes labialis (recurrent)
Periodontal infections Herpes zoster virusII
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)I Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ulcersIII
Linear gingival erythema (LGE)I Hairy leucoplakiaI
Acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis (ANUP)I Human papilloma virus (HPV)II
Acute necrotising stomatitis (ANS)II Condyloma acuminatumII
Mycobacterium avium intracellulareII Focal epithelial hyperplasiaII
Mycobacterium tuberculosisII Verruca vulgarisII
Actinomyces israeliiIII Molluscum contageosumIII
Escherichia coliIII
Klebsiella pneumoniaeIII Autoimmune disorders Figure 2 Bilateral KS lesions overlying the greater
Recurrent aphthous ulcersIII palatine vessels.
Fungal infections HIV salivary gland diseaseII (DILS)
Oral candidosis Thrombocytopenic purpuraII
Pseudomembranous candidosis (thrush)I 22% of KS lesions being present intraorally,
Erythematous candidosisI Neurological disturbances
Chronic hyperplastic candidosis Trigeminal neuralgiaIII 45% of patients presenting with both skin and
Angular chelitis (C albicans and staphylococci) Facial palsy (idiopathic)III oral lesions18 and the oral cavity being the first
Cryptococcus neoformansIII Drug induced neuropathies
Geotrichum candidumIII
site of involvement in up to 60% of cases that
Histoplasma capsulatumIII Other conditions present with multiple sites.19 The most com-
MucoraceaIII Non-specific oral ulcerationII mon site for oral KS is the palate, followed by
Aspergillus flavusIII Melanotic hyperpigmentationII
Xerostomia (drug induced/other) the gingival tissues. Gingival involvement may
Epithelioid angiomatosisII lead to underlying bone destruction and tooth
Cat scratch diseaseIII mobility.3 Lesions may be macular or papulo-
I = group I “lesions strongly associated with HIV infection”. nodular, commonly light or dark red in colour
II = group II “lesions commonly associated with HIV infection”. though they may also have a blue colour and
III = group III “lesions associated with HIV infection”. some are unpigmented.20 They tend to be multi-
years after it first came to their attention.14 centric or symmetrical and the site of the lesion
Considerable research by this group and others may indicate its likelihood of being a primary
has provided a body of evidence that the or secondary lesion. Palatal KS is recognised as
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is the likely cause of being an important predictor of visceral
this lesion, which should probably now be lesions21 (fig 2). There is some evidence that
renamed according to its aetiology as “EBV oral KS lesions are associated with patients
leucoplakia”. While “presumptive” diagnosis who have lower CD4 counts than those with
of OHL can be made using clinical findings skin lesions alone.22 Clinical diagnosis should
only,11 it is desirable to identify EBV before be confirmed by histopathology since flat
assignation of such a diagnosis. Indeed, in one lesions can appear similar to erythroplakia,
study the false positive diagnostic rate for pre- erythematous candidosis, thermal trauma, or a
sumptive criteria alone, when diagnoses were haematoma and nodular lesions may mimic
confirmed using both polymerase chain reac- pyogenic granulomata (PG), haemangioma,
tion (PCR) and in situ hybridisation was 17% lymphoma, bacillary angiomatosis, or
for experienced oral physicians.15 The use of in melanoma. Histological diagnosis has tra-
situ PCR on EBV DNA enables diagnostic ditionally been diYcult, particularly for early
confirmation from individual cells, easily re- KS lesions, which may show none of the cellu-
moved from the putative lesions for cytological lar atypia associated with vascular tumours.3
examination. OHL was originally thought to be The discovery of the gamma herpes virus
limited in presentation to homosexual males HHV823 and the potential for its oncogenic role
with HIV infection, but it does occur, although in the aetiology of KS may lead to HHV8
less commonly, in women,16 and rarely in chil- serology playing an important part in the future
dren. for KS diagnosis.24
The incidence of OHL is reported to be 20% Treatment of oral KS is directed towards
in CDC II individuals, increasing as CD4 control of spread and palliation, for aesthetic
counts fall and patients’ clinical conditions reasons, pain, or functional impairment. Vari-
deteriorate10 17; it is thought to signal a more ous approaches have been employed including
rapid progression to clinical AIDS.17 The patho- regional therapy using external beam radio-
genesis of OHL is unclear and treatment is therapy or local therapy involving cytotoxic
rarely indicated for this benign lesion, unless drugs such as vinblastine. Severe oral mucosal
aesthetics are a concern. The lesion may tempo- reactions were noted in 22% of 27 patients
rarily disappear when patients commence receiving 15 cGy, moderate reactions in 15%,
antiretroviral therapy or indeed when they take and mild reactions in the remainder.25 Modi-
high doses of aciclovir or ganciclovir,7 but its fied schemes have thus been recommended
reappearance may indicate a decline in the with increasing numbers of fractions of 14–15
eVectiveness of HAART or may reflect a general cGy doses.26 Brachytherapy has also been used
worsening of a patient’s clinical condition. for more superficial lesions in an attempt to
reduce the severe mucositis associated with
external beam radiotherapy.27
Kaposi’s sarcoma Other local therapy may involve excision of
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is the most prevalent exophytic lesions or intralesional vinblastine.
oral neoplasm in HIV infected patients, with In 1993, Epstein reported 50% reduction in all
238 Chapple, Hamburger

patients, and 75–100% reduction in 52% of

patients in a trial using up to 3 ml of 0.2 mg/ml

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) is an un-
common feature of HIV disease. It is, however,
the second most common malignancy in this
condition, with 4% of AIDS patients develop-
ing NHL during the course of their disease.
NHL of the oral cavity accounts for 3% of all
malignant lymphomas in patients with HIV
disease29 and is an AIDS defining disease.
Unlike classic malignant lymphoma, HIV asso- Figure 3 Chronic hyperplastic candidosis of the left buccal
ciated tumours tend to occur extranodally.30 mucosa (this lesion is not removable by curettage).
Characteristically, oral tumours involve the
fauces and gingivae but atypically may involve presents at the anterior commissures as red,
other sites such as the tongue.31 The clinical cracked, and fissured lesions, unilaterally or
appearance varies but often presents as a bilaterally, while chronic hyperplastic candido-
rapidly enlarging mass with associated bony sis (fig 3) may also occur at this site although in
destruction. Occasionally, multifocal oral le- HIV disease, it tends to occur more buccally.
sions occur and widespread disease is common Classically, chronic hyperplastic candidosis
at presentation. Lymphoma may be misdiag- appears as a white or a red and white speckled
nosed as a Kaposi’s sarcoma, particularly when lesion that is adherent. It also has malignant
it develops as a slow growing mass mimicking a potential. Erythematous candidosis is normally
vascular tumour.32 Other lesions may mimic associated with the wearing of dentures, broad
dental sepsis or present as atypical oral spectrum antibiotics, or corticosteroid therapy
ulceration7 and thus biopsy of lesions is in the general population. In HIV infection, it
mandatory to ensure appropriate management. presents on the dorsum of the tongue and
Oral NHL appears not to be a feature of HIV palatal mucosa, as an area of erythema that
infected children.33 Histologically the tumours may also contain pseudomembranous candi-
vary in nature but Levine reported the dosis. Of the four variants described, acute
predominance of B cell lymphomas either of pseudomembranous and erythematous candi-
the immunoblastic or Burkitt’s-like variants.34 dosis are the most prevalent, occurring in
There is some evidence that large cell 20–25% of patients with HIV infection.40
lymphoma is more common in patients with The pathogenesis of HIV associated oral
advanced HIV disease. Recently a new cat- candidosis may involve increased adhesiveness,
egory of diVuse large B cell lymphoma, so the ability to invade mucosal surfaces encour-
called plasmablastic lymphoma, has been aged by hyphal formation, thigmotropism and
described in a series of 16 German patients, 15 protease secretion, acquisition of virulent
of whom were HIV positive.35 This entity strains, and phenotypic switching.41 Candida
predominantly arises within the oral cavity and albicans is the most common intraoral species
typically involves the gingivae and palate. but other species including C tropicalis, C
The pathogenesis of NHL remains obscure glabrata, and C krusei have also been isolated.40
but there has been much interest in the role of More recently a newly identified species,
the Epstein–Barr virus with 50% of AIDS phenotypically similar to C albicans, and known
related tumours demonstrating EBV genomes as C dubliniensis, has been described in HIV
and also in the possible aetiological role of associated oral candidosis, but its role in HIV
HHV8.36 Survival rates are low; Silverman infection remains obscure.
quotes a 2 year survival rate of only 20%.37 The management of oral candidosis includes
the use of topical polyenes and systemic imida-
Oral candidosis zoles and triazoles. The mainstay of therapy
Oral candidosis may be the first presenting sign has been fluconazole but its therapeutic value
of HIV disease and is an important marker of has been compromised by the emergence of
its progression.38 Samaranayake, in a meta- fungal resistance to the drug which is most
analysis, estimated the prevalence of oral commonly observed in association with low
candidosis in HIV disease as 33%–50%.39 CD4 counts7 and progression of HIV disease.
Other oral fungal infections such as histoplas-
mosis, cryptococcosis, geotrichosis, and as- Herpes simplex virus
pergillosis may also be seen in patients with Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 and 2 can arise
HIV infection, but much less frequently. in the mouth as primary infections or recurrent
Although oral candidosis is regarded as being lesions. HSV-1 is ubiquitous, most humans
associated with reducing CD4 counts,9 it may being exposed at an early age via parental
also occur very early in the course of the infec- saliva. The primary infection classically ap-
tion. There are several distinct variants of HIV pears as small vesicles, which may aVect any
associated oral candidosis. Pseudomembra- oral mucosal surface, but predominantly af-
nous candidosis (thrush), presents as white/ fects the keratinised tissues of the hard palate
cream plaques easily removed from the under- and gingivae. The vesicles are associated with
lying mucosa. It may occur at any intraoral site fever and cervical lymphadenopathy, and
including the oropharynx. Angular cheilitis rupture leads to the formation of small circular
The significance of oral health in HIV disease 239

ulcers, which are painful. The ulcers can palatal and gingival mucosa and appears as
coalesce to form larger serpiginous lesions and punched out ulceration lacking an erythema-
there may be an angry erythematous inflamma- tous halo (normally characteristic of aphthae).
tion of the gingivae. Primary HSV infection is Aphthous ulceration and NOS will be
relatively uncommon in HIV infected adoles- considered together as there is some debate as
cents and adults owing to the high prevalence to whether these entities are indeed truly
of antibody to HSV (seropositivity is 90–95% discrete. HIV associated aphthae tend to be
in homosexual men and injecting drug users). more severe in terms of their number, fre-
Clinical diagnosis may be confirmed with quency, pain, and duration than for the general
cytology and direct immunofluorescence, population. Serum B12 and folate deficiency
rather than viral culture.42 However, electron are predisposing factors for aphthae and while
microscopy and PCR now provide greater sen- such deficiencies are not uncommon in HIV
sitivity as diagnostic tools. Reactivation of HSV disease, HIV associated oral ulceration has
from latent virus residing in the trigeminal been proposed to be independent of these
(HSV-1) or sacral (HSV-2) ganglia can lead to factors.47 Severe major aphthae may suggest
regionalised lesions or more widespread CD4 counts less than 100 cells ×106/l and thus
chronic mucocutaneous disease. In recurrent may signal disease progression.33 Concurrent
oral herpes in HIV positive individuals the involvement of the oral and oesophageal
ulceration is again shallow and widespread mucosa may result in dysphagia.
aVecting the buccal mucosa, tongue, and lips Iatrogenic ulceration may result from the use
where there may be crusting and bleeding of a variety of drugs including foscarnet and
similar in appearance to erythema multiforme. interferon,48 while secondary eVects of drug
The incidence of HSV-1 and 2 oral ulceration therapy, such as zidovudine induced
is reported to be between 0.6–9% in HIV posi- agranulocytosis49 or as a consequence of the
tive patients and lesions can be more severe and use of cytotoxics, may also cause oral ulcera-
prolonged.43 There have been recent reports of tion. Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epi-
oral ulcers co-infected by HSV-1 and 2 and dermolysis have also been reported following
CMV,44 though the pathogenesis of such the administration of ketoconazole and
lesions remains unknown. Typical treatment sulphonamides.50 Non-ulcerative drug induced
regimens include oral aciclovir 400 mg, five problems will be discussed briefly later.
times daily for 5 days, or in more severe infec- Neoplastic ulceration is uncommon but may
tions (lesions that persist for more than 1 reflect NHL or squamous cell carcinoma.51
month) 5 mg/kg by intravenous infusion three Atypical KS may also present with ulceration.
times daily for a minimum of 5 days. In cases of It is still uncertain as to whether squamous cell
aciclovir resistance, foscarnet 40–60 mg/kg carcinoma is more prevalent in HIV disease;
three times daily is recommended. however, it does appear to target a younger
Recurrent oral varicella zoster virus (VZV) population in the absence of the usual risk
infections again arise from the trigeminal gan- factors.52
glion, are associated with a prodrome and Ulceration due to mycotic, bacterial, and
aVect one or more branches of the trigeminal protozoal causes is rare. Ficarra described
nerve. Infections seem to be more severe and ulceration in angular cheilitis,53 while ulcers
prolonged in HIV positive patients and are have also been described in oral
reported to have an incidence seven times cryptococcosis54 and histoplasmosis.55 Bacillary
greater than in the general population.45 Treat- epithelioid angiomatosis due to Rochalimaea
ment involves aciclovir 30 mg/kg daily although henselae is associated with oral ulceration. Oral
resistance has been reported.46 ulceration may also be a consequence of infec-
tion with syphilis or Mycobacterium avium
Oral ulceration Treatment for recurrent oral ulceration
Oral ulceration of varying aetiologies is com- varies from topical steroid agents to
mon within the general population, with 20% thalidomide.57
of individuals experiencing recurrent aphthae.
This is also a feature of HIV disease, often pro- The human periodontal diseases
ducing significant morbidity in these patients. The human periodontal diseases are those dis-
McPhail and Greenspan reported that 31% of eases aVecting the supporting structures of the
patients presenting with HIV associated oral teeth—that is, the gingivae, periodontal liga-
problems had oral ulceration.47 The aetiology ment, root cementum, and alveolar bone (see
of HIV associated oral ulceration is multifacto- fig 1). They have been poorly researched in
rial and can be classified as: infective (fungal, HIV disease until recently, with anecdotal
bacterial, viral, and protozoal); neoplastic reports fuelling speculation that they represent
(lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma); a far more significant problem in HIV patients
aphthous; ulceration not otherwise specified than current evidence now suggests. There are
(NOS, non-infective nor neoplastic ulcerations many conditions that aVect these tissues, the
which may have similar features to aphthae and majority being manifestations of systemic
have non-specific histology); iatrogenic. Of diseases, but five types are specifically associ-
these categories, viral and aphthous ulcers pre- ated with the HIV positive patient. They are:
dominate. + Linear gingival erythema (LGE)
Herpes simplex has previously been consid- + Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
ered. Oral ulceration as a result of CMV is rare, (ANUG) or necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
but when it occurs, it has a predilection for (NUG)
240 Chapple, Hamburger

+ Acute necrotising ulcerative periodontitis

(ANUP) or necrotising ulcerative periodon-
titis (NUP)
+ Acute necrotising stomatitis (ANS) or
necrotising ulcerative stomatitis (NUS)
+ Chronic adult periodontitis (CAP).
LGE is a clinical term that describes the
appearance of the gingival tissues, rather than
representing a true diagnosis. The condition is
poorly understood, and the clinical criteria
used to define it vary from one study to the
next. It is characterised by a broad 2–3 mm
fiery red band along the margin of the gingival
tissues and diVuse or petechial-like lesions Figure 4 Acute necrotising periodontitis; note the grey
from the attached gingivae and oral mucosa. slough at the gingival margin of the lower incisor teeth and
There is accumulating evidence for candidal the loss of attachment that has caused gingival recession.
involvement in the aetiology of a majority of
such lesions. One study of 77 seropositive and
44 seronegative homosexual males, along with
39 seronegative injecting drug users (IDUs),
demonstrated a significant relation between
LGE and oral candidosis and a trend towards
increasing LGE with decreasing CD4 counts.
Further analysis of drug histories demon-
strated that 85% of subjects who presented
with LGE either had oral candidosis or had
recently taken a course of antifungal therapy.58
The evidence to date would suggest that
“LGE” represents an unusual manifestation of,
or tissue response to, fungal agents in immuno- Figure 5 Acute necrotising stomatitis aVecting the upper
suppressed patients and that oral candidosis, left maxillary quadrant. The tissues beneath are necrotic.
neutropenia, herpes family viral infections, and This patient survived without diYculty in eating and with
no pain for 18 months before dying from PCP.
plaque induced erythema should all be sus-
pected as aetiological agents. ANS is believed to be a further progression
ANUG or NUG are essentially the same of ANUP to form an ulcerative lesion that
condition. In NUG the underlying immuno- extends more than 10 mm beyond the gingival
suppression is HIV induced, whereas in margin. Its behaviour is aggressive leading to
“traditional” ANUG the immunosuppression necrosis of underlying bone and loss of tooth
may be induced by stress or poor diet. Smoking vitality (see fig 5). There have been reports of
in subjects with poor oral hygiene also contrib- oro-nasal fistulae developing.61 If the patient is
utes to both. ANUG is a fusospirochaetal well enough to receive a general anaesthetic
infection involving Treponema vincentii and without anaesthetic complications, then broad
Fusobacterium nucleatum (which invade the gin- excision of the involved area of bone (usually
gival tissues), with reports of involvement by maxilla) back to healthy bleeding bone margins
Prevotella intermedia and Candida sp. It causes is recommended, followed by surgical packing
very painful, necrotic, and sloughing ulcers of of the defect to allow gradual healing by
the tips of interdental papillae, which spread secondary intention. If the patient is a poor
along the marginal gingivae to cause wide- anaesthetic or surgical risk, then conservative
spread necrosis of the soft tissues only. Since management is more appropriate.
gingival pain is very rare, its occurrence along- CAP aVects approximately 69% of all adults
side ulceration of the papillae tips is pathogno- (having early signs of disease) and only 5% are
monic of ANUG. One recent study of gingival completely free from clinical signs of
ulceration indicated an incidence of 6.8% in inflammation.62 Significant attachment loss is
1308 patients presenting with gingival ulcera- reported in around 5–10% of most popula-
tion consistent with ANUG.59 Treatment tions. There are conflicting reports as to
involves local debridement supplemented with whether or not the incidence and rates of pro-
metronidazole 200–400 mg three times daily gression in this complex disease are the same or
for 3 days. higher in HIV positive individuals compared
ANUP or NUP (fig 4, formerly HIV with HIV negative subjects. It has long been
periodontitis) is believed to represent a deeper recognised that the destruction measured at
seated and more chronic form of ANUG, presentation can often be historical disease that
spreading to cause destruction of periodontal is no longer active, and may have occurred
ligament and loss of adjacent alveolar bone. It before HIV infection. Cross sectional studies
is a more serious condition than ANUG and are thus of limited value in answering these
indicates greater immunosuppression. The questions. Smith et al,63 64 assessed disease pro-
prevalence of ANUP has been reported as gression and microbiological and immunologi-
6.3%.60 Specialist treatment is necessary and cal markers. They found no diVerence in base-
involves the use of metronidazole in conjunc- line attachment loss between HIV positive and
tion with root surface debridement under a negative individuals, and disease progressed at
local anaesthetic. only 1% of sites over the monitoring period.
The significance of oral health in HIV disease 241

ated extraglandular comorbidity including

lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis, gastritis,
and hepatitis.68
HIV associated salivary gland disease is seen
most commonly in children, up to 58% of them
developing salivary gland enlargement70 and is
uncommon in HIV infected adults. The patho-
genesis of HIV associated salivary gland disease
remains obscure.
As a result of the varied pathology of HIV
associated salivary gland disease, but similar
presenting features, careful investigation is
mandatory to ensure accurate diagnosis. Plain
radiography, computed tomography, and mag-
netic resonance imaging as well as open biopsy
all have a part to play.

Drug induced oral lesions in HIV disease

As well as drug induced oral ulceration
discussed previously, other oral conditions may
Figure 6 Magnetic resonance imaging scan showing also be provoked by the diverse medication
enlarged parotid glands in a female with HIV salivary
gland disease. Radioisotopic scans revealed negligible used in the management of patients with HIV
glandular function. disease. These include lichenoid reactions,
xerostomia (didanosine, indinavir), mucosal
Their microbiological findings showed very pigmentation (zidovudine), and taste distur-
similar subgingival flora in test and control bances (indinavir).71 A more detailed review of
groups. However, their HIV positive group was drug induced lesions is provided by Porter and
small (n=29). Mild CAP in HIV positive Scully.72
patients can be easily managed in general den-
tal practice, but more advanced disease may The impact of HAART on oral lesions
require specialist referral. The introduction of highly active antiretroviral
therapy (HAART) appears to have reduced the
incidence of HIV associated oral lesions. How-
HIV associated salivary gland disease ever, there is currently little objective prospec-
HIV associated salivary gland disease covers a tive data to support this clinical impression,
variety of pathologies that can aVect the with the exception of oral candidosis, which
salivary glands in HIV disease but the usual was found to be virtually eliminated in one
manifestations are diVuse enlargement of the study of HAART medicated subjects.73
major salivary glands (fig 6) or xerostomia,
which may occur concurrently. Although the The protective role of the mouth
salivary gland swelling is usually non- The protective role of the mouth against HIV
neoplastic, KS65 and lymphoma66 have been transmission was initially investigated owing to
reported involving the parotid glands. Of the the rarity of HIV infection via the oral route,74
non-neoplastic lesions, these essentially com- and is thought to be due to a variety of endog-
prise cystic changes, Sjogren’s-like disease, and enous inhibitors present within saliva. In addi-
lymphoid infiltration. Many entities have been tion, the oral mucosa is generally much thicker
described but it is likely that a number of these than vaginal or rectal mucosa, and Langerhans
overlap and are not truly separate pathologies. cells are generally deep within the epithelium.
However, cystic lesions in parotid salivary Nevertheless, the oral barrier is broken when
glands were regarded as a rare finding before ulcers form, during gingival/periodontal dis-
the advent of HIV disease and are thought to eases or with trauma, providing open lesions
represent a new phenomenon.67 The lymphoid through which virus may pass. Shugars et al74
infiltration that occurs in some patients is reviewed endogenous salivary mechanisms and
known as “diVuse infiltrative lymphocytosis tabulated 14, including high molecular weight
syndrome” (DILS). It shares a number of mucins which may bind the HIV-1 virus mak-
clinical features with Sjogren’s syndrome.68 ing it insoluble,75 and HIV specific antibodies
However, it diVers in that the predominant which may inactivate the virus. Perhaps the
infiltrating cells are CD8 positive T cells and most interesting is secretory leucocyte protease
not CD4 as in “true” Sjogren’s syndrome. Fur- inhibitor (SLPI) defined in 198676 as a protein
thermore, the typical autoantibody profile seen active against neutrophil proteases and se-
in Sjogren’s syndrome is not a feature of creted by non-ciliated epithelial cells of mu-
DILS.69 DILS may be a favourable prognostic cosal surfaces. Recently, the inhibitory activity
marker in HIV disease, such patients experi- of SLPI against HIV-1 infection of monocytes
encing a slower rate of disease progression,70 has been demonstrated in a number of reports77
possibly as a result of the infiltrating cells being and appears to be eVective only during viral
cytotoxic to the HIV virion. infection of such target monocytes. It does not
The onset of salivary gland involvement block initial interaction of the virus and CD4
appears to be independent of the stage of the receptors, or aVect reverse transcription, virus
HIV infection and the degree of immuno- assembly, or budding77 and seems to function
deficiency. However, patients may have associ- between CD4 binding and reverse transcrip-
242 Chapple, Hamburger

tion. The activity of SLPI and other endog- 9 Nielson H, Bensten KD, Hojtved L, et al. Oral candidosis
and immune status of HIV-infected patients. J Oral Pathol
enous salivary inhibitors of HIV appear to Med 1994;23:140–3.
aVord protection against infection, despite 10 Glick M, Muzyka BC, Lurie D, et al. Oral manifestations
associated with HIV-related disease as markers for immune
reports of recovery of viral RNA and proviral suppression and AIDS. Oral Surg, Oral Med, Oral Pathol
DNA from saliva.74 1994;77:344–9.
11 EC Clearinghouse on Oral Problems Related to HIV Infec-
The mouth can be easily examined by clini- tion and WHO Collaborating Centre on Oral manifesta-
cians and the simplicity of diagnosing some tions of the Immunodeficiency Virus. An update of the
classification and diagnostic criteria of oral lesions in HIV
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